ASP.NET GUID as Unique Identifier - URL Rewrite -

can you help? i have a DB, the unique identifiers are GUIDS - we need to implement URL rewriting however the page names look terrible for example:
title of page / unique identifier
my DB's that i setup i use Ints as unique identifiers so i never had this problem:
title of page / unique identifier (int)
what do you suggest ?

Ceate a mapping table with GUIDS to a shorter name or a column in your table with a shorter name. Guids are guaranteed to be unique, but that doesn't mean they make for the best unique identifier.

Your public facing URLs should always be clean and legible. (Use "slugs", as above) This ensures that each of your pages generates consistent content for the user (i.e., it is not session based) and is visible to the search engines in a way that they can understand it.
On the database side, just track the extra "url" column and write your queries to utilize it instead of the GUID for "views", but use the GUID internally for UPDATE queries. :)

What I've seen a lot of is instead of exposing the actual guid, base64 encode it and change some of the characters:
public String ConvertBase64( Guid input ) {
String sResult = Convert.ToBase64String(input.ToByteArray(), Base64FormattingOptions.None);
sResult = sResult.Replace("/", "_").Replace("+", "-");
sResult = sResult.Substring(0, 22);
return sResult;
} // method::ConvertBase64(guid)
When converting it back you do the opposite.
public String Base64ToGuid( String input) {
input = input.Replace("_", "/").Replace("-", "+");
result = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(input + "=="));


Accessing the query string value using ASP.NET

I have been trying to find the question to my answer but I'm unable to and finally I'm here. What I want to do is access the value passed to a webpage (GET, POST request) using To be more clear, for example:
Using I want to get the sr value i.e 34.
I'm from the background of C# and new to ASP.NET and don't know much about ASP.NET.
Can you refer to this QueryString
Here he says how to access the query string using:
That is not called a Header, but the Query String.
the object will contain that and the javascript to get any query string value based on the key would be something like:
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
code from other question:

change query string values without redirect in c#

I have a query string that looks something like this:
but I want the query string to be something like the query string below and replace the whole query string with the updated one is there any way to do that without redirection?
basically need to remove:
"QueryString=" with empty string
"%3d" with "&"
"%26" with "="
So far I've done is:
string strQueryString = Request.QueryString.ToString();
if (strQueryString.Contains("QueryString="))
strQueryString = strQueryString.Replace("QueryString=", "");
if (strQueryString.Contains("%26")) strQueryString = strQueryString.Replace("%26", "&");
if (strQueryString.Contains("%3d")) strQueryString = strQueryString.Replace("%3d", "=");
string x = strQueryString;
// reflect to readonly property
PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// make collection editable
isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);
if (this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Contains("QueryString="))
this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Replace("QueryString=", "");
if (this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Contains("%26")) this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Replace("%26", "&");
if (this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Contains("%3d")) this.Request.QueryString.ToString().Replace("%3d", "=");
string x = this.Request.QueryString.ToString();
// make collection readonly again
isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null);
The second part of the code is not replacing the characters and I don't know how after removing all character or replacing them change the query string to new query string.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Changing the query string of the current request is not supported. Using private Reflection to edit some in-memory state will most likely break ASP.NET because it assumes that the query string is immutable. The only way to change the query string is to issue a new request, either by doing a redirect, or by doing a sort of sub-request, such as by making a new HTTP request to the same page but with a different query string.
May I suggest a not very well known built in key/value dictionary, Context.Items.
With this you very like get a better performance than toggle the readonly QueryString object, and it also last throughout a request so you can share it between module, handlers, etc.
string strQueryString = Request.QueryString.ToString();
if (strQueryString.Contains("QueryString="))
HttpContext.Current.Items("qs") = strQueryString.Replace("QueryString=", "").Replace("%26", "&").Replace("%3d", "=");
string x = HttpContext.Current.Items("qs_d").ToString();
Side note: I shortened you code some, as there is no need to first check if anything contains and if so, replace, just run replace, it will be faster alternative to select case when dealing with object values

Hey all, I was able to do this via a SELECT CASE statement, however I'm always trying to improve my code writing and was wondering if there was a better approach. Here's the scenario:
Each document has x custom fields on it.
There's y number of documents
However there's only 21 distinct custom fields, but they can obviously have n different combinations of them depending on the form.
So here's what I did, I created an object called CustomFields like so:
Private Class CustomFields
Public agentaddress As String
Public agentattorney As String
Public agentcity As String
Public agentname As String
Public agentnumber As String
Public agentstate As String
Public agentzip As String
... more fields here ....
End Class`
Then I went ahead and assigned the values I get from the user to each of those fields like so:
Set All of Our Custom Fields Accordingly
Dim pcc As New CustomFields()
pcc.agentaddress = agent.address1
pcc.agentattorney = cplinfo.attorneyname
pcc.agentcity =
pcc.agentname = agent.agencyName
pcc.agentnumber = agent.agentNumber
pcc.agentstate = agent.state
pcc.agentzip = ....other values set to fields etc.
Now the idea is based upon what combo of fields come back based upon the document, we need to assign the value which matches up with that custom field's value. So if the form only needed agentaddress and agentcity:
'Now Let's Loop Through the Custom Fields for This Document
For Each cf As vCustomField In cc
Dim customs As New tblCustomValue()
Select Case cf.fieldname
Case "agentaddress"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
Case "agentcity"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
End Select
This works, however we may end up having 100's of fields in the future so there a way to somehow "EVAL" (yes I know that doesn't exist in the cf.fieldname and find it's corresponding value in the CustomFields object?
Just trying to write more efficient code and looking for some brainstorming here. Hopefully my code and description makes sense. If it doesn't let me know and I'll go hit my head up against the wall and try writing it again.
If I am reading your question correctly, you are trying to avoid setting the value of fields, when the field isn't used. If so, I would recommend you just go ahead and set the field to nothing in that case.

How to protect from tampering of query string?

I have a query string like "http://project/page1.aspx?userID=5". The operation won't be performed, if the 'userID' parameter changed manually. How it is possible?
Hii all, thank you for your assistance... and i got some difference sort of solution from some other sites. i don't know that the best solution. that is to encode the value using an encryption and decryption algorithm... The sample code has been written like this...
<a href='Page1.aspx?UserID=<%= HttpUtility.UrlEncode(TamperProofStringEncode("5","F44fggjj")) %>'>
Click Here</a> <!--Created one anchor tag and call the function for TamperProofStringEncode-->
private string TamperProofStringEncode(string value, string key)
System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES mac3des = new System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES();
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
mac3des.Key = md5.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
return Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)) + "-" + Convert.ToBase64String(mac3des.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)));
In the page load of 'Page1' call the decode algorithm to decode the query string
string DataString = TamperProofStringDecode(Request.QueryString["UserID"], "F44fggjj");
catch (Exception ex)
private string TamperProofStringDecode(string value, string key)
string dataValue = "";
string calcHash = "";
string storedHash = "";
System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES mac3des = new System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES();
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
mac3des.Key = md5.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
dataValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(value.Split('-')[0]));
storedHash = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(value.Split('-')[1]));
calcHash = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mac3des.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataValue)));
if (storedHash != calcHash)
//'Data was corrupted
throw new ArgumentException("Hash value does not match");
// 'This error is immediately caught below
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TamperProofString");
return dataValue;
It sounds like a strange requirement. Are you trying to implement some sort of home-grown security? If it's so, you really shouldn't.
Anyway, one way you could do it would be to take the entire url http://project/page1.aspx?userID=5 and calculate its md5 sum. Then you append the md5 sum to the final url, such as http://project/page1.aspx?userID=5&checksum=YOURCALCULATEDMD5SUM. Then in page1.aspx you will have to validate that the checksum parameter is correct.
However, this approach is quite naïve and it would not necesarily take very long for anyone to figure out the algorithm you have used. If they did they could "easily" change the userid and calculate an md5 sum themselves. A more robust approach would be one where the checksum was encrypted by a key that only you had access to. But again I have to question your motive for wanting to do this, because other security solutions exist that are much better.
Here is another option that I found incredibly useful for my requirements:
4 Guys From Rolla - Passing Tamper-Proof QueryString Parameters
You can't.
Anything in the HTTP request (including URL, query string, cookies, ...) is under the control of the client and is easy to fake.
This is why it is important to whitelist valid content, because the client can arbitrarily add anything it likes in addition to what you you prompt to receive.
My favourite is the following. It uses a HTTPmodule to transparently encode and decode the Querystring with the explicit purpose of preventing tamperring of the querystring.
It is perfect when Session is not an option!
You can't tell whether it has been changed manually. If you use query strings then you hyave to make sure that it doesn't matter if it is changed. e.g. if you are using it to show a user their account details, you need to check wether the selected user, is the current user and show an error message instead of user data if it is not.
If the user is allowed to change record 5, but not record 7 for example, this has to be enforced server-side. To do this you need to be able to identify the user, by requiring a login, and giving them a unique session key that is stored in their browser cookie, or as another parameter in the url query string.
There are abundant packages/modules/libraries in man languages for dealing with authentication and sessions in a sensible way - roll you own at your own peril :)
Well - it depends :)
One possibility is to put the userID into a session variable. So the user cannot see or edit the value.
If you have other means to detect if the value is invalid (i.e. does not exist or cannot be for that user (who you can identify through some other way) or the like) you might get away with validating the input yourself in code behind.
But as you probably know you cannot prevent the user changing the query string.

MultiValue Parameter

I'm working on a web application that renders a reporting services report as a PDF and one of my requirements is to allow for multiple locations to be included on the same report. To handle this, I have created a multi-value report parameter which seems to do the trick when using the RS UI, etc. But, I am using the webservice for reporting services and cannot for the life of me figure out how to set the value of the parameter to be identified as having multiple values.
I've tried simply setting it as "LOC1,LOC2", but that is being picked up as a single value. I have also tried "LOC1" + System.Environment.NewLine + "Loc2".
You can send it through as a comma-delimited string if you're willing to parse it on the other end. A lot of languages have a String.Split(",") style method you can use for that.
Either that, or you can construct an array (or list, or collection) and pass that through as the parameter, though this would involve changing the contract on the webservice method.
Figured it out, you have to each value separately under the same name, snippet:
//Register parameters
ArrayList<ParameterValue> parmValues;
for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry:reportParams.entrySet()) {
//is it multi-value?
if(entry.getValue().contains(",")) {
//yes, add multiple ParameterValues under the same name
// with each different value
for(String mval:entry.getValue().split(",")) {
ParameterValue pv = new ParameterValue();
} else {
//no, just a single value
ParameterValue pv = new ParameterValue();
