Drupal Views2 Exposed Form how to change - drupal

I have a View with an exposed form . I am trying to a few things on it. Ideally I would like to have a dropdown that fires the form with no button. If that is not possible then I would like to have the button text something different than apply.
I hacked it for now and change views_form in views.module but that does not seem like the right way to do it. I only have one exposed form right now, but what if I add more?
Please see http://www.wiredvillage.ca/News for my example.
I am poking around drupal.org and seeing others with the same problem but no solutions so far. Not sure where the best place to get Drupal help is.
Here is the change I made so far:
function views_exposed_form(&$form_state) {
// Make sure that we validate because this form might be submitted
// multiple times per page.
$form_state['must_validate'] = TRUE;
$view = &$form_state['view'];
$display = &$form_state['display'];
$form_state['input'] = $view->get_exposed_input();
// Let form plugins know this is for exposed widgets.
$form_state['exposed'] = TRUE;
$form['#info'] = array();
if (!variable_get('clean_url', FALSE)) {
$form['q'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $view->get_url(),
// Go through each filter and let it generate its info.
foreach ($view->filter as $id => $filter) {
$view->filter[$id]->exposed_form($form, $form_state);
if ($info = $view->filter[$id]->exposed_info()) {
$form['#info']['filter-' . $id] = $info;
$form['submit'] = array(
'#name' => '', // prevent from showing up in $_GET.
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('go'),
$form['#action'] = url($view->get_url());
$form['#theme'] = views_theme_functions('views_exposed_form', $view, $display);
$form['#id'] = views_css_safe('views_exposed_form-' . check_plain($view->name) . '-' . check_plain($display->id));
// $form['#attributes']['class'] = array('views-exposed-form');
// If using AJAX, we need the form plugin.
if ($view->use_ajax) {
return $form;

Or, you could use a preprocess function to alter the form even before it is build. I wanted to change the text on the button, so I did this:
function MYTHEME_preprocess_views_exposed_form(&$vars, $hook) {
// only alter the jobs search exposed filter form
if ($vars['form']['#id'] == 'views-exposed-form-jobs-search-page-1') {
// Change the text on the submit button
$vars['form']['submit']['#value'] = t('Search');
// Rebuild the rendered version (submit button, rest remains unchanged)
$vars['button'] = drupal_render($vars['form']['submit']);

If you want the drop-down to fire, I'd use JavaScript instead of hacking the module as Eaton suggests.
Basically, you can modify the text with hook_form_alter as Eaton suggests, then use in the same hook_form_alter, add a call to drupal_add_js with your custom JS which hides the button and submits the form on the onChange handler of the select drop-down. You want that submit button there for those 10% of users for whom the JS fails.

Both of the above are fine but I found out that altering the form might not always lead to desirable results, mainly because exposed filters are themed using a specifc theme template. The proper way of changing the theme would be to override the views-exposed-form.tpl file in your theme's folder. Bear in mind that this will apply to all exposed filter forms, to theme a specific one, you will need to use a different name for that filename, like:
and some others, you can check the Theme: Information section of your views for template naming conventions.

This module provides an auto-submit among other things http://drupal.org/project/views_hacks
This module is great to improving exposed filters http://drupal.org/project/better_exposed_filters

You should be able to use hook_form_alter() (http://api.drupal.org/api/function/hook_form_alter) to change the form as it's built, modifying the fields in question when that particular view is being displayed. You can nuke the submit button, add a #theme function that calls the drupal_add_js() function, and so on.
As long as the GET params come in the way views expect them, everything will work fine -- it was designed that way to allow bookmarking of pages with exposed filter settings, etc. The important part is to make sure you're doing the form mangling in your own module's hook_form_alter() function, so that it won't make other views driven stuff choke.


How can I add a paragraph (as default) in the node form by using hook_form_alter in Drupal 8?

I am trying to add a bunch of different empty paragraphs of different types, to a entity reference revisions field, everytime a node of a certain content type is created.
I DON'T want to use the contrib module "default paragraphs" for this, because I need to use a certain form widget here, and default paragraphs is also achieved by a widget.
What I tried so far:
function myModule_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id){
$paragraph = \Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph::create([
'type' => 'tab_features'
return $form;
$field_tabs is my entity reference revisions field.
'tab_features' is the paragraphs type I want to add.
I guess there should be a method that can be used in the form or form widget to add a paragraph to the form, like someone already clicked the button to add it. I want to avoid to actually trigger this via Javascript if possible. Anybody knows how to do this in form_alter?
In a project I'm working on, we have done something like this:
//get the body field
$field = $entity->get('field_em_p_body');
$paragraph = Paragraph::create([
'type' => 'em_section', // Paragraph type.
$paragraph->set('YOUR_FIELD', 'SOMETHING');

WP / Elementor Intercept Form and Redirect with Data

I have a form built in Elementor that I am looking to intercep, process the data and forward onto a third party then subsequently show the data on a "confirm" card.
I am able to build this whole process as a single page, setting each as display none with CSS then showing / hiding with JS as I receive AJAX responses. This isn't ideal as it breaks with JS turned off.
I haven't been able to find the right Elementor hook and way to populate a new page with PHP, has anyone had experience with this?
There are a few methods to POST data to another url from an Elementor web form.
One is using many of the API integrations such as Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, Zapier etc. (see https://docs.elementor.com/article/281-form-faq) and (https://docs.elementor.com/category/405-integrations)
Another (very limited method) is by using the form's Action after Submit and choosing "redirect" and then using each field's short code as individual data strings in the url such as:
mysite.com/thank-you?fname=[field id="fname"]&lname=[field id="lname"]
You can even build your /thank-you/ page in Elementor to GET that data and populate Elementor elements such as text, title, links etc with the form field data. For example, I could drop a text element on the /thank-you/ page and choose dynamic instead of typing in the text area and from the dynamic drop down, choose "request parameter" and for the "type" choose GET and for the param name use your unique url keys such as fname, lname etc. You can even set prefix, suffix and even fallback text along with it.
Lastly, here is a write up on how to back end code passing data externally (https://developers.elementor.com/forms-api/#Form_New_Record_Action).
// A send custom WebHook
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', function( $record, $handler ) {
//make sure its our form
$form_name = $record->get_form_settings( 'form_name' );
// Replace MY_FORM_NAME with the name you gave your form
if ( 'MY_FORM_NAME' !== $form_name ) {
$raw_fields = $record->get( 'fields' );
$fields = [];
foreach ( $raw_fields as $id => $field ) {
$fields[ $id ] = $field['value'];
// Replace HTTP://YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL with the actuall URL you want to post the form to
wp_remote_post( 'HTTP://YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL', [
'body' => $fields,
}, 10, 2 );
And a thread with many more examples integrating with different APIs using that template as a primer (https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/2397)

Conditionally disable validation for embedded form

I have an embedded form (for Address) which has its own validations for various properties. I embed this form in a parent form (for Person), and I have a checkbox on the parent form that says something like "Person has an address?"
When the checkbox is left unchecked, I want to disable all the validation for the embedded Address form. Or, better yet, if I can just remove the embedded form from being submitted completely that would be OK too.
I looked at using validation groups, but the use case doesn't match my own.
OK, figured this out. When adding the AddressType embedded form in my form builder, I just pass in the option for validation groups like so:
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
$form->add('address', new AddressType(), array(
'label' => 'Address',
'validation_groups' => function (FormInterface $form) {
if ($form->getParent()->get('toggleAddress')->getData() === false) {
return array();
return array('Default');
Within the validation group function, a check is made to see if the toggle to enable Address is off. If so, return a blank array, with removes all validation groups, including the "Default" one.
You try to fix your issue with validation group which will not cover your use case (it can but it will be tricky because en empty Address object will be linked to your Person object).
Basically, you embed your Address form everytime whereas it should only be embed when the checkbox is checked. IMHO, you should rely on dynamic form as explained here.
With this solution, you will need extra JS code in order to update you form when you click the checkbox in order to update the whole form accordingly. Then, there will be no issue about validation because the Address object will only be created when the form is embed.
Additionally (just for information), you can add/edit validation groups according to the submitted data as explained here.
Hope my answer is helpfull!

Drupal, template.php where do the $form names come from?

I want to customize my Drupal back-end forms.
I'm using template.php file.. i.e.
$form['menu']['#collapsed'] = true;
$form['author']['#collapsed'] = true;
$form['buttons']['#weight'] = 100;
But I was wondering from where the section names (menu, author, buttons), come from. (They are not id or classes in html code, so I guess there is an index with all names stored somewhere.
Where can I get the complete list of section names ?
For example, what are the names for revision and publishing sections ? 'revision', 'publish', 'publishing' don't work.
If I am not mistaken, you want to see structure of some forms. Each form in drupal has an Id. First, you need to know the form_id. You can do this with a custom module and implementation of hook_form_alter:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
When you have found the Id, alter the snippet to prints out the form structure:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'a_form_id') {
drupal_set_message(print_r('<pre>'. $form .'</pre>', true));
// If you have installed Devel module, following line is much more readable:
// dpm($form);
Now when you go to the page containing the form, you see it's structure.Each form element is represented as an array, for example, a text field can be like this:
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Username')
Look for Form API in Drupal website for more info.
I don't think there actually is a naming system with forms like that. The names is most likely the same used when defining the form, which could be anything really. Drupal core might be consistent, but if you want to add contrib modules, you can't be sure of anything.

Hide link to a Views' view if the view is empty

I have a Drupal 6.14 site with Views module. I have a view and on the primary links I put a link to the view.
There is a way to hide the link in the primary menu only if the view is empty?
You could probably do this either via a theme or module implementation of preprocess_page (THEMENAME_preprocess_page(&$vars) or MODULENAME_preprocess_page(&$vars)), but mac above is correct in that views are not known to be empty or not until they are run, so there will be a performance hit.
Within the function, you should have access to the structured primary links array, so you can run the view:
$view = views_get_view('view_name');
// Swap out 'default' for a different display as needed. Also, $args are arguments, and can be left out if not applicable.
$output = $view->preview('default', $args);
if (empty($view->result)) {
// The view has no results, alter the primary links here to remove the link in question.
I am ready to be contradicted any moment as I never implemented anything like that, however I am under the impression that since views are essentially queries against the DB, you can't actually know if a view is empty until you actually invoke it.
Consider that - given you are speaking about primary links (shown on nearly every page of your site) this might be a serious performance hit, depending on the complexity of the view and on its "cacheability".
You should also consider whether the content of that view can be changed by other users browsing the site at the same time that "our" user: should the view become populated after "our" user has loaded the page, "our" user won't ever know.
As on how to achieve what you want, please see the accepted answer.
I override views_embed_view() to only provide output if there is content, and then call my override from the theme layer:
function mymodule_embed_view($name, $display_id = 'default') {
// handle any add'l args (this hook supports optional params)
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args)) {
$view = views_get_view($name);
$output = $view->preview($display,$args);
if ($view->result) {
return $output;
Then in the template file:
$view = mymodule_embed_view('view_name');
if (strlen($view) > 0) {
print $view;
