Visual Studio Play or Build to compile -

I recently had a problem with the Issue Tracker starter kit that seemed to be resolved by using the "build" option. Previously, I would typically use the "play" button to debug my app, then just stage the files when everything was working, assuming that the last time I hit the "play" button, it had fully compiled the app.
Anyhow, I'm wondering if there's a difference between the "play" button and the "build" menu option? if so, what are the differences?

The "build" button compiles your website while the "play" button builds and fires up a browser with the default page as an argument.
The "play" button is designed to execute a assembly that is designated in your solution as a starting point. Since an ASP.NET website has no true "entry point" (like static void Main() in a console application) the "play" button simulates a similar action by opening the browser to your projects "start page".

Play button (F5) executes your application in debug mode.
Build menu is only compiles and produces your assemblies.
And one another option, CTRL + F5, it runs your application but not in debug mode.

The downside of "play" with a WebSite project is that you might miss a compiler error if the offending code is outside of the App_Code directory and you don't ever load the code that contains the error. I think doing a "build" does catch those kinds of errors.
Another gotcha to watch out for--if there are additional projects (such as class libraries) within the solution, make sure that the dependencies are set up correctly in the Configuration Manager so that those projects are built before "playing" the site. Otherwise you could make a change in the class library and then "play" the site but not see the change.


Webforms rebuild and use previous browser instance

VS2013 Upd1, .NET 4.5, Webforms
In the past I have been able to RUN (F5 or run button) my project and do some testing. I have then been able to stop the project (Shift-F5 or stop button). Make some code changes and BUILD the project (F6) and press reload in the browser and see what the changes are. Yes no debugging but I did not have to re RUN the project.
However the above behaviour has changed in that I have to always RUN my project after stopping it instead of reload in the browser. I am sure I have changed a setting somewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
It will be the "Edit and Continue" setting.
Please see the answer to this this similar question

QtCreator Designer signal/slot connections inconsistent with generated code

I'm working on a Qt project in QtCreator. The project has a dialog box with several UI elements, some of which have to be enabled/disabled according to what the user does. (i.e. If the user selects a radio button, then the form field has to be enabled.)
When I add a new signal/slot connection or delete an existing through the Qt Designer tool, the change shows up just fine in the preview. When I compile the application, though, the window still behaves exactly as it did before.
I investigated this by checking out the ui_WindowName.h file that the Qt Designer creates. Near the end of the setupUi function is a set of connect() calls. These connect() calls are consistent with the slot and signals that existed earlier today, but they do not reflect the changes I have made through Qt Designer since.
If I manually change the ui_WindowName.h file, then the UI works. But, of course, my changes get overridden if I ever try to chance anything from Qt Designer.
Even when I quit QtCreator and open it again, the Designer still shows the changed slot/signal connections while the auto-generated code does not reflect the changes.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there some way to delete whatever cache the Designer is storing or something to get things back in sync?
(One other thing: I'm using the stand-alone Qt Creator, not trying to develop in Visual Studio. The only other similar problem I could find on the web was from someone developing in Visual Studio, which doesn't support the automated signal/slot stuff.)
As usual, the answer is obvious once you realize it.
I moved the project in the course of working on it. There's a .pro.user file that keeps track of where the project is located. Without realizing that, I moved it along with the rest of the files.
As a result, I was editing one copy of the project and running the other.
The moral of the story: If you move a Qt project, remember to update your .pro.user file.
(Or you can just delete it. Qt Creator will prompt you to re-create it when you open the project.)

Flex 4.5 - to long build process

We are developing an app using flex 4.5. The app runs just fine (no performance issues at all) but it takes us forever to compile and build it. A minor change, like just add a comment or press enter in an mxml file and rebuild takes about 3 minutes. You just cant work that way.
It is a large project with about 1300 files. We also use Parsley as IOC container and a beat of cairngorm navigation. We also use Maven (Flex mojos) but I am talking about a normal eclipse build (Ctrl + B).
We separated some of the code to a different SWC and all of our graphics are stored in a different resource SWF.
Please, Do you have any suggestions?
Regards, Ido
Turn off auto-build
Close unrelated projects
Remap Ctrl+B
Encapsulate application domains
Turn off auto-build
First thing to do when you install FlashBuilder is turning off the automatic building "feature". The Flex compiler is waaay to slow to constantly build in the background unless you work on very small projects. It's in menu > Project > Build Automatically.
Close unrelated projects
Any open project eats away memory. Close as many as you can.
Remap Ctrl+B
Since you use the Ctrl+B keybinding to launch the build process, you should know that this will actually build your entire workspace. Every single project that is open will be built. When you have a lot of dependencies that's gonna take a whole lot of time.
That's why I remap the Ctrl+B combo to just build the project that I'm currently working on. A small donwside is that sometimes you have to go 'manually' build a few projects, but that's largely outweighed by the time gain.
Go to menu > Window > Preferences. Type "key" in the search box. Click the topic "keys" under "general". Now type "build" in the searchbox on the right. Select "Build Automatically" and click the "Unbind Command" button. The ctrl+B binding should disappear. Now select "Build Project", then select the "Binding" input field (lower left) and hit Ctrl+B. Save and you're done.
Encapsulate application domains
I don't have a single project that is bigger than 200 files (usually even less than 100). Since your project consists of 1300 files I assume that it is does not have one monolithic function. So you should be able to slice it up into separate libraries; preferably one for each application domain. This will allow you to compile sizeable bits of the application and has the added benefit of clearly separating some concerns within your application.
How to fix slow build time when trying to use the debugger on Flash Builder 4.6 Mobile Apps
I ran into the same problem. Here is how you fix it.
It seem when you build a mobile app with a Server Connection like PHP it writes all of the
files on the server Directory..
When it come time to compile the app to debug it packages all of the sitting in the server directory. To fix this issue do the following.
Properties of the project.
Flex Build Packaging
for this example Pick Google Android.
Package Contents.
UnSelect anything that does not belong in your project..
After doing this build time when from 30 minutes to under 10 seconds..
Ok, This is how we fixed it:
We deleted all the dependencies. Then, we added only the necessary ones. You won't believe how many SWC files were just there and never used.
We went through almost every action-script and mxml file, and deleted unnecessary imports (using CTRL+ O on eclipse). This is a lot of work.
We changed the buiders on the project configurations so that only Flex builder remains. There were more builders including Maven. Every builder makes everything slower.
That is it.

The Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit. No Symbols Have Been Loaded For This Document

I've Googled this particular problem, but cannot seem to find a working solution.
Symptoms: After adding a breakpoint in the codebehind for an aspx page in a web application project, the breakpoint displays in the margin as a hollowed out red circle with an exclamation point enclosed in a yellow triangle in the bottom right of the circle. When mousing over the breakpoint, the message "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."
Note: I'm trying to hit the breakpoints by "attaching to [a] process", namely w3wp.exe, located on a remote computer.
Things I have tried.
Recompiling other projects in the solution.
Checking to make sure that the configuration for each of the projects and the website in the solution is set to "Debug" on "any pc".
Closing the solution and restarting Visual Studio.
Restarting IIS.
Reattaching to the process (w3wp.exe).
I've been trying to hit the breakpoints using Internet Explorer version 9 and Mozilla FireFox version 4. In each case, the breakpoints are never hit.
Any ideas are welcome! Thanks!
If you have more than one solution in your project.
Right click on your solution --> Properties
Set as --> Startup Project
Are you deploying your assemblies to the GAC? If not, copy the .pdb file along with the .dll file, placing both in the same bin directory. The debugger should pick up the symbols automatically.
I run into the same problem and guess what? Just do it: At solution explorer, right click on Project -> Package/Publish Settings UNCHECK "Exclude generated debug symbols"...
Maybe it can't solve your specific problem but certainly it will save another people from suffering.
I can't post a screenshot because I don't have 10 of reputation... :(
Like you guys I lost all day searching on google and stackoverflow and the problem was just that. I realized that when I saw the PDB file in the bin folder ready to be published becoming 0 bytes size when I clicked "publish"...
In my case I was trying to debug an ASP.NET Core app hosted in IIS. I noticed that when I published the app (dotnet publish) the generated web.config had this line:
<aspNetCore processPath=".\MyService.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
I had to attach to MyService.exe rather than w3wp.exe to debug the app even though it was running in IIS.
This error produce by many reason, one solution is : its due to different framework version when you try to attach process. For more details, please visit:
I realize that this is an old thread, but the one thing that nobody mentioned was to make sure that debugging is enabled in the web.config file.
I had the same problem, fixed it by switching the debugging method. I was clicking F5 with web project set to startup project (and the "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external applicaton" selected in project settings).
When I attached VS debugger manually to the w3wp.exe process using the debug menu it worked.

Flex - changes to mxml not reflected in browser

I have a Flex project and am using a trial version of Adobe Flex Builder 3 to build it.
I do the following:
1. Change an mxml file in the project (for simplicity, assume I changed the text in a label).
2. Right click on the project, Export, Release Build
3. Right click on the main mxml file, Run As -> Flex Application
A browser window opens, everything runs fine, but I cannot see the change I made in step 1.
I thought the browser (tried with IE, Chrome) might be caching stuff, so I tried after deleting all temporary internet files, but I see the same behavior.
Am I being dumb and missing something or is there something going on here?
Check the timestamp on your .swf in your release folder. You might be running from a different folder.
Check the URL of the flex app in your browser to see if its running the debug version or the release version.
When you run a flex app, flex builder normally runs the debug version. Exporting the release build is done when the project is completed - release build won't have any debug information in it and hence will be compact. If you have selected Build Automatically in the Project menu, the debug version will be recompiled automatically when you save a file. You can just hit F11 to run it.
