asmx wsdl loading forever -

I have a web service application which has suddenly stopped working. I have enabled directory browsing in IIS, and can view the application directory. I can view the xml files within the application directory, but I cannot view the .config files, nor can I view the wsdls of any of the web services. When I try to browse to http://server/app/service.asmx?wsdl, the browser stays in the "loading" state forever.
Any ideas what might have gone wrong here?

Have you looked in the server's event log? Many ASP.NET errors will end up there, this sounds like it might qualify

Regarding the first question about loading, are you able to browse to the site on the server?
IIS protects Web.config files by default and will typically return a "This type of page is not served" error message. This is a good thing which will keep your connection strings and what not from being casually viewed. There is more information about allowing exceptions for this here.


How do I find where a redirect is occurring on my website

We're moving an instance of a third party, .NET-based website to a Win2016 server, IIS 8, from an external hosting service. Under the site, there's a WCF web service in a subfolder. There are no virtual directories or apps.
When I browse to pull the wsdl (https://MySite.../Order/v4/Service.svc?wsdl ), it is redirecting to Login.aspx (https://MySite.../Order/v4/Login.aspx).
Browsing to https://MySite/Order/v4/Service.svc?wsdl redirects to https://MySite/Order/v4/Login.aspx .
IIS has no default document set / web.config's defaultDocument is commented out.
Vendor indicates
That would be a redirect that was setup either on IIS or another
appliance that is doing that.
Same behavior occurs running on the server itself (localhost) and sys eng confirms it shouldn't be leaving the network to hit any firewall.
There are no other .config files on the server with any reference to "Login.aspx".
This still feels like it is some piece of configuration but even doing things I shouldn't need to do like restarting the server just to make sure no caching of settings is hanging around isn't affecting it.
Any guesses on what might be attempting to redirect?
Following Rich-Lang's suggestion in comments provided the information to identify that the global.asax file was handling an error in the web.config. Since the code in this case was in codebehind in a dll, and the vendor indicated their code does not redirect, I had not seen that culprit before. Removing the global.asax and turning off customErrors allowed me to see the underlying issue.

ASP.NET: Errors not viewable despite proper configuration

I'm having the classic (dare I say typical?) error on the ASP.NET production server, which tells me that I can't view errors. Below the error displayed below, are things I've already tried.
In IIS Manager (6.0), the application is located under one of the web sites in "Web Sites". It is indeed a web application, as opposed to a virtual directory (it has that gear icon).
When trying to view the error from the localhost (i.e. the server itself), it doesn't find the application on its path, even though the root web site works just fine from localhost. It is clearly not a firewall issue because first of all, the firewall is turned off, and second because the root web site works fine from localhost. Heck, I even tried connecting through telnet and that worked fine and dandy too, so it is most certainly and very clearly not a firewall issue.
Basically, I just need to view the error at all. I won't have to fix this problem if I can just see the error and fix it, because obviously there is something wrong in the code itself... I just don't know what, because IIS/.NET won't tell me.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
So what I've already tried is what the error message itself suggests by setting the customErrors thing to "Off". In fact, it always was on "Off" so I didn't have to change anything. I've made sure that the web.config XML is valid.
Another common reason for this error is that the .NET run-time is set to version 1.1, not 2.0. I've also made sure that this is correctly configured to 2.0.
I'm running it in an independent application pool, meaning that there are no other applications at all, much less 1.1 applications, on the same application pool.
I've made sure that EVERYONE can do ANYTHING to the files and directories in the application itself. I understand the security ramifications here, I'm just trying to get it working at all, and then I'll constrain the access rights afterward, one step at a time. But in any case, everyone can read those files.
Any help deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The error is a .NET framework error so it finds the app, but there is a configuration error. What you could do is add some event logging code in APplication_Error handler in global.asax to trap these errors, or turn on health monitoring (<healthMonitoring enabled="true" />), which by default will log ASP.NET framework errors to the event log.
Never got this working until I changed the application from a "sub-application" (I don't know the proper terminology) to an independent website with its own hostname. ASP.NET works in mysterious ways.

IIS logging feature

I have ASP.NET pages deployed and I was told that it appears to be logging quite a bit on the server (Ex. post and get). I am sure this is a feature on the IIS not with the pages.
The site interacts with other systems and use by a lot of users.
My questions are:
1. What does this mean?
2. Can I turn off this feature on the server?
1) Logging is a feature which you use to configure how IIS logs requests on the Web server.
2) Yes you can Disable logging from IIS by selecting Logging icon and disable from context menu.
I think it's frustrating that logging is turned on in IIS by default. If you don't know it's there, it's just filling up your web server with useless information.
However, the information in the log file is not useless if you know it is there.
If you have access to the web server, there are a couple of places that the log files might be saved in:
You can view the file contents in Notepad.
To get the exact log file name in IIS, right-click on the website, go to the Web Site tab, click on the Properties button, and go to the bottom of the pane. The filename is there.
There are choices of what kinds of data get logged. You may not need a lot of it. For example, the default log items like Date, Time and Client IP Address might be useful. Not so much Bytes Sent, Time Taken or Referrer, unless you are troubleshooting.

ASP.NET gone FUBAR on a production machine

Today we tried to put an ASP.NET application I helped to develop on yet another production machine. But this time we got a very weird error.
First of all, from all the ASP.NET pages, only Login.aspx was working. The rest just show a blank screen when they should have redirected to Login.aspx. The HTTP response is 200, but no content.
Even worse - when I try to enter the address of some inexistent ASPX page, I also get HTTP 200! Or, when I enter gibberish in some existing ASPX page code (which should have been accessible without login) I also get HTTP 200.
If I enter the name of some inexistent resource (like asdasd.jpg), I get the expected 404.
The redirect to login page is written manually in Global.asax. That's because the application has to use some alternate methods of authentication as well, so I can't just use Forms Authentication. I would suspect that Global.asax is failing, if not for the working Login page.
Noteworthy facts are also that this machine is both a Domain Controller and has SharePoint installed on it. Although the website in question is listed in SharePoint's exception list.
I would check the following:
Is the application within a virtual application or its own site and not just a virtual directory?
Does the application have it's own App Pool? If it does not then is the app pool shared by apps in a different .net version.
Is the .net version of the application the correct one? 1.1 or 2.0?
Do the files in the file system have the correct permissions to be accessed via IIS?
Have you performed an IIS Reset?
Create a stand alone test.aspx page within your folder that just displays the date/time and check it works.
Make this single test.aspx page perform an exception (eg. divide by zero) and see what the outcome is.
More information required.
What Op Sys?
What mode IIS running under?
What version of .Net?
What version of SharePoint?
(Why are you using your DC as a web host?)
Does it work on the other production machines you've deployed to?
If so what is different between this machine and the working ones?
Did you deploy the same way?
Are you sure your hitting the right machine?
Are you sure your hitting the right web site?
What ISAPI components are installed globally and for the web site?
Is .aspx mapped to the ASP.Net ISAPI filter?
Do you have any HTTP Modules or HTTP Handlers configured?
Can you change the global aspx to write out some messages so you can be sure the piece of code you interested in is reaching?
Anything coming up on the IIS log or the event logs?
What version of .Net?
By the sounds of it the .jpg request is being dealt with by IIS directly which is why you get the 404, but the .aspx request is being dealt with by something else which except for you login page, is always returning 200.
Assuming .aspx is wired correctly to .Net the the order of processing is based on ISAPI filters (high to low then global before site), then the ASP.Net ISAPI Extension (sorry I said this was a filter earlier but it's actually an extension). Then we get into the ASP.Net pipeline based on your .Net configs, and calls the HTTP Application (which includes your global.asax code), any HTTP Modules followed finally by a HTTP Handler. Your ASP.Net web forms are just fancy HTTP Handlers.
However, the request can be responded to and terminated from any point.
Since your code works on other machines though, I'm tempted to point a finger at SharePoint if it isn't installed on the working machines. Is this SharePoint 2007? That is also an ASP.Net application (I don't think 2003 was).

ASP.NET/IIS: 404 for all file types

I set up 404 handler page in web.config, but it works ONLY when extension of URL is .aspx (or other which is handled by ASP.NET).
I know I can setup static HTML page in website options, but I want to have a page.
Is there any options to assign ASPX handler page for all request extensions in IIS?
The direct question was whether or not there are options to assign the ASPX handler to all request extensions: Yes, there is. I'll discuss how to do that shortly.
First, I think the "hidden" question -- the answer you really want -- is whether or not there's a way to redirect all 404 errors for pages other than ASPX, ASMX, etc. Yes, there is, and this is the better choice if it'll solve the issue you're having.
To redirect all 404s in IIS 6, right click your web application root (whether it be its own site or a virtual directory in the main site), and choose "Properties." From there, choose the "Custom Errors" tab. Find 404 in the list and change it to the redirect you want.
Now, if that won't suffice -- and I really hope it does -- yes, you can run every page through the ASPX handler. However, doing so comes at a fairly high cost in terms of efficiency -- raw HTML/image serving is considerably faster than anything dynamic.
To do this, right click your web application root and choose "Properties." Choose the "Home Directory" tab. Click "Configuration;" a new window will pop up. Copy the path from one of the ASP.NET page serves, and then use it for a wildcard application map.
Bear in mind, again, this is the wrong answer most of the time. It will negatively impact your performance, and is the equivalent of using a chainsaw to carve a turkey. I highly recommend the first option over this one, if it will work out for you.
For information:
This is one of the several nice things that IIS7 brings - all pages are routed through the handler such that you can do custom 404s and - usefully - directory and file level security for any file (based on the same web.config stuff as for files prior to IIS7).
So notionally "use II7" is an answer (will be "the" answer in time) - but of course its not a terribly practical one if you're not hosting/being hosted on W2k8 (or higher).
The web.config can only set up errors pages for pages controlled by it's web site. If you have any other pages outside the purview of the ASP.Net application, then you set up handling for them in IIS. There's an option in there for configuring the 404 page where you can point it to your custom page.
Only other thing i can think of is passing ALL extensions to
This way all types of files get processed by and your custom error page will work.
In the IIS application configuration, you can set a wildcard mapping (".*") to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
You can setup wild card mapping in IIS (Application configuration/Mappings/Wildcard mappings/ - just set aspnet_isapi.dll as executable and uncheck the Verify that file exists box) that will route all incoming requests to your app - so you can control the behavior directly from it.
You don't have to setup static page in your IIS application settings. Imho, you should be able to setup valid url (e.g. /error_handler.aspx) from your app that will be used as landing page in case of specific server error.
In IIS you can set a Custom Error for 404 errors and direct it to a URL in the site properties.
It shows a static html by default
You can change it to a relative url on your site.
