Why is this code stopping? VB ASP.NET - asp.net

Hey I am coding using Visual Studio 2003. My program worked fine until I introduced a dll I made using CreateObject.
Set docs2 = server.CreateObject("DocGetter.Form1")
docs2.GetDocument oXMLDom,numID
It appears to be getting stuck at this code. I've already used regasm to register the dll.
What else could be wrong?

Add a reference to the dll in your project and instantiate the object like this:
Dim docs2 As New DocGetter.Form1()
If that doesn't make sense, then fix it so it does. There's no good reason to use CreateObject in .Net code. (Okay, that's hyperbole. But the principal is sound).

Can you clarify - is this a web app or a client (winform) app? Form1 sounds like a winform. ASP.NET runs at the server, so showing a form would be inappropriate - it would happen at the server, not the client. In short, don't do this!
I also can't see where "stored procedures" figures in this, so I've removed the tag.
What are you trying to do? Options for showing something more complex at the client include:
clickonce [requires windows client]
ocx [not recommended]

I'd bet money that this function isn't defined with this name and/or parameters.
docs2.GetDocument oXMLDom,numID
But because of the way you're instantiating the object, the compiler has no way of knowing this... I think.


COM visible .NET class cannot get System.Web.HttpContext.Current when used in classic asp

My company would like to update legacy visual basic 6/classic asp code. We do not have access to a visual basic 6 compiler, so it seemed like a good idea to use Visual Studio 10 and recompile the visual basic 6 code as a VB.NET class. With some minor modifications everything compiled and we registered it as a com object to be called from classic asp.
Now we are trying to access global variables from the asp server. After an extensive search on Google, the only way mentioned was to use System.Web.HttpContext.Current or System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application . However, this doesn't appear to work.
Here is the code leading up to error. We have imported System and System.Web.
Public Function DoSomethingUseful() As String
Dim objCurrent As System.Web.HttpContext
DoSomethingUseful = Nothing
objCurrent = System.Web.HttpContext.Current
If objCurrent Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("No Context.") '<--- THIS EXCEPTION IS THROWN
End If
The problem is we can't get a current instance of the http context and the exception is thrown. Every example I've seem shows that the line objCurrent = System.Web.HttpContext.Current should work but it doesn't. Perhaps it's because we are not using ASP.NET? If not then why isn't it working?
Yes, it is because you're not using ASP.NET.
Despite the similar sounding names, and to a certain degree similar design choices, there is no relationship whatsoever between ASP.NET anything and "Classic" ASP anything. They are completely independent environments.
To access directly the ASP context objects (not the similarly-named ASP.NET context objects which in your application don't even exist), your object must be a registered COM+ object, so:
Your class must inherit from System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent *
On Windows 7/2008 and up, you must enable the "Allow IIS Intrinsic properties" from Component Services, just like you would have to in VB6 (open \Component Services\My Computer\COM+ Applications\YourComPlusApp\Components; select all the objects that need the ASP objects; right-click; click on Properties; go to the Advanced tab).
You can then retrieve the ASP objects (Application, Server, Request, Response, Session) from the COM+ ObjectContext.
Your code would look something like this:
objCurrent = System.EnterpriseServices.ContextUtil.GetNamedProperty("Application")
There are also attributes that you can add to your class to simplify the deployment of the code, but that's a bit outside the scope of this question.
For your reference:
ASP Built-in Objects
ContextUtil.GetNamedProperty Method
* I don't remember 100% if this is a hard requirement. It might actually depend on what the object is actually doing with COM+.

Debug SimpleMembershipProvider source

I went through this article (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc667410.aspx) which shows how one can debug asp.net source code.
Now, I'm having some serious trouble using the new SimpleMembershipProvider in WebMatrix.WebData namespace, and I want to debug it, but I'm not able to. When I try to step into the WebSecurity.CreateAccount method, it just steps over the method call.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate. What am I missing?
Is WebMatrix.WebData a third party dll? If so, you might need to decompile it, get the source and then add the source to your solution. Otherwise I don't think you'll be able to set into it.

MessageBox.Show() not working in ASP.NET

I am trying to display some text using MessageBox.Show as shown below in a page_load event in ASP.NET. Before anyone jumps on the case why I am using it in ASP.NET, the use is for debugging only on my own dev box for a special need. There's a reference to System.Windows.Forms in the app.
I used it a few years ago so I know WinForm's MessageBox works. I am using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010. I don't think anything related to this function has changed.
MessageBox.Show("Message", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); //used also ServiceNotification option
Any ideas why the message box doesn't display? I have only that line in the code.
I am VERY AWARE of the message box thing implications. It's a temporary thing for debugging only. The line won't go into production. I have no access to javascript. Please put your thought into why it doesn't work instead of why I shouldn't be using it. I have used it before in 2.0 and it does work. I want to know if the newer .NET changed anything or I misused the option.
Direct Answer: it works in Visual Studio's web server , not in IIS.
The web application is hosted in a process that does not have a desktop, so you cant see any messageboxes.
#Tony, if you add System.Winform.dll to your rference, then you will be able to call message box.show at you development machine. But when you deploy it to some live server it will not work. So alternatively, you need to use javascript alerts. For this you can use this
private void ShowMessage(string message)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(control, GetType(),"key","string.format("alert('{0}');",message),true);
Back in .Net 2.0 days, you could do this by including system.windows (I think) in your using statement.
Then, in the method, it would be system.windows.forms.Messagebox.show("foo");
I won't presume to tell you "yer doin it wrong"...
Just be aware that this will only show up on the server box, and could cause issues in a production environment.
The alert() is better, and console.log() is even better.

GetObjectContext returns nothing in VB6 COM dll, called from classic ASP

I am debugging this Active X dll using the VB6 IDE. I can see the execution get as far as an attempt to GetObjectContext. This method always returns NOTHING.
This is happening on Windows 7 32 bit, IIS 7. (The application is working in other locations, one of which is Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7)
I have Googled extensively and found many references to this relating to COM+, but there is NO COM+ involved in my scenario. Just plain old Server.CreateObject from a registered dll.
I have ASP code as follows
SET objCalendar = Server.CreateObject("SSYSDEV.Calendar")
SET objCalendar = Nothing
The problem lines of the requested function in the dll are:
Dim objHttpRequest As ASPTypeLibrary.Request
Set objHttpRequest = GetObjectContext.Item("Request")
Any help or suggestions, as always, will be greatly appreciated.
I'm still getting over the shock of having to work with VB6 - I never thought it would happen! It's like being dragged back to the dark ages, in a very rough fashion that's causing blisters!
P.S. I have also set up a COM+ component and had the ASP get the object that way, GetObjectContext returns an empty object in this case, which has no ASP objects in it. So this is no help :-(
I know this is a little late, but I had a similar problem and this solved it for me:
Thread: Problem accessing Request object via COM+
Summary: turn on 'Allow IIS Intrinsic Properties' in the COM+ component.
I've found that the COM+ approach to using VB6 components in IIS to be a bit flaky. I add this to a VB6 class that I want to instance in ASP::-
Private moScriptCtx As ScriptingContext
Public Sub OnStartPage(SC As ScriptingContext)
Set moScriptCtx = SC
End Sub
You can now access Request,Response,Server etc as properties of the moScriptCtx object.
You might be wondering how you call OnStartPage in the first place. You don't ASP automagically does that for you during the CreateObject execution.

Localizing Classic ASP

HOw to localize classic asp?
I got something from below link
but when i do that, i am getting error.
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: 'xmlResx'
/MySite/default.asp, line 14
Make sure you code has access to the Msxml.dll file that is used when calling this line
Set xmlResx=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
It appears you don't have the dll installed XMLDOM, thats why it says object required. Did you register the dll on the server? Are you sure there is XMLDOM available? You were considering to upgrade to .net? If you are going to switch languages switch to PHP... trust me i was a long time Classic ASP guru, and I didn't like php at first, but its a dream come true... everything is free most host include everything... with asp you have to buy a 100+ $ program just to thumbnail images! And xml is built in also...
