Threaded RadioButtonList -

What is the best way to build a dynamic Threaded radio button list? I am not that familiar with RadioButtonLists and it is my understanding that doesn't like the application of individual styling of ListItems.

Well, why not use the RadioButtonList control, with a ReapeatDirection="Horizontal"?

Threaded like hierarchical and in a tabbed format? You are going to have to build a custom control if you are looking for this kind of functionality; it isn't available really easily out of the box. The list controls aren't the greatest for extending out of the box unfortunately.


ASP.NET drag and drop between 2 listboxes

I have two listboxes on my webpage each containing values of a database.
I want to drag one item from listbox1 to listbox2, and then the program should save the new values of listbox2 in the database.
I have no idea how to do that... any help is welcome!
How should I start? I'd like to do it using jQuery...
maybe with using the jQuery UI Droppable plugin?
Has anybody a decent tutorial is how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
You could use Telerik's controls for ASP.NET MVC.
They have a treeview control with built-in support for drag and drop. If you want a flat list, don't introduce any children for the treeview. A demo can be found here:
They use jQuery behind the scenes.
If you want to create it yourself, please check out the following video by Chris Pels:
He explains how to build drag & drop functionality using the jQuery and jQueryUI libraries. This should get you started.

Master Detail Nested Way

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and need to design a master detail form like the following.
Any suggestions/free components or solutions which I can use to develop the similar interface?
You can accomplish the same effect by loading the controls into multiple UpdatePanel controls that are initially empty in each row of your table.
You would add the controls you need on-demand when the update panel is refreshing.
The DevExpress control is great though, try use this if you have the resources.

thoughts on grid controls

All, I am creating a web application and I need to give users the ability to add/edit/delete records in a grid type control. I can't use 3rd party controls so I am restricted to just whats in the box for (datagrid or gridview) or creating my own. Any thoughts on the best direction to go in. I'd like to keep the complexity level at a dull roar :)
thanks in advance
You should definitely use edit and insert templates. All you have to do is give the button/link the command name such as insert/delete/update and you can allow the Grid to do most of all the work.
Check out this link
I think you'll learn to love the gridviews because they are pretty powerful.
Gridviews have different item templates that you can use for editing and inserting data. That'd be an easy way to go about it.
As long as you set your datakeyid property to the primary key in the database, you should be able to make template fields based off of whether or not you're editing or inserting data. The command name of the button you use to fire the event will handle the statements required for updating/inserting data.
This is a good site for some examples.
the out of the box grid is not too bad.
Here are a few links on master detail records in this should get you started on the CRUD opperations.
this is the best site for what you are after
Data Access Tutorials controls
Master/Detail Using a Selectable
Master GridView with a Details
Using TemplateFields in the GridView
Beginners Guide to the GridView
The GridView Control
IN-DEPTH LOOK AT THE GRIDVIEW CONTROL User Control with underlying control editor functionality

ASP.Net 3.5
I want to create a user control that contains the ListView and DataPager controls along with some custom code in the ItemDataBound that is generic and deals with UI styling.
Ideally, when the developer uses this control, I would like to retain editor support so they can select a datasource, add/remove columns, etc...
Is this easy? If so, any references on how to do this?
If it is not possible, what alternatives are there?
The reason I am trying to create the user control is to make it easier on the developers to retain the ui look and feel and to encapsulate common UI styling code.
You'll need to use the Facade pattern to delegate the exposed designer properties to the composed inner controls.
In my opinion it's honestly not worth the effort it would take to wire up nicely.

ASP.Net Custom Button List Compound control for touch screen interface

I am developing an ASP.Net web app that needs to run in a Kiosk/Touch screen environment.
The existing ASP.Net web controls are not too touch-screen friendly as they seem better suited for a mouse/touchpad.
The hot potato dropped in my lap when the powers-that-be decided we need some sort of composite control similar to the ASP.Net Radio Button List, but instead of radio buttons I want the items to be displayed as large rubber buttons. The selected item's button needs to be indented for example or depict this graphically somehow.
I still need to have access to a selecteditem/ selectedvalue type property to determine what was selected...
What would be the best approach in achieving this? Creating a custom server control that overrides the radiobutton control or using a .Net control 'skin' file somehow that allows me to graphically alter a standard radio button list via CSS?
Your input is appreciated.
You can do this with the existing control- see here for an example. See if that does what you require before considering extending an existing control or writing a custom one.
