Getting 'Invalid Argument' error in PL/SQL block - plsql

The following PL/SQL will not execute and simply returns 'Invalid Argument' as an error. I've gone as far as commenting out eavery line one by one and I can vary the error I receive but I cannot get the proc to run as I cannot identify where the error lies and it may well lie in permissions or the executing user but any help will be received gratefully. Here's the proc
ind NUMBER; -- Loop index
h1 NUMBER; -- Data Pump job handle
percent_done NUMBER; -- Percentage of job complete
job_state VARCHAR2(30); -- To keep track of job state
le ku$_LogEntry; -- For WIP and error messages
js ku$_JobStatus; -- The job status from get_status
jd ku$_JobDesc; -- The job description from get_status
sts ku$_Status; -- The status object returned by get_status
percent_done := 0;
job_state := 'UNDEFINED';
while (job_state != 'COMPLETED') and (job_state != 'STOPPED') loop
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_error +
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_status +
js := sts.job_status;
if js.percent_done != percent_done then
percent_done := js.percent_done;
end if;
if (bitand(sts.mask,dbms_datapump.ku$_status_wip) != 0) then
le := sts.wip;
if (bitand(sts.mask,dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_error) != 0) then
le := sts.error;
le := null;
end if;
end if;
if le is not null then
ind := le.FIRST;
while ind is not null loop
ind := le.NEXT(ind);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;

I found something:
See here:
You get an invalid argument error error when the dump file already exists.

You can download SQL Developer and use its debugger (it is free).
See here:

Thanks there chap. I have continued debugging and have nailed it down to one line..
This is the one. Comment it out and all is swell. The error is indicating one of these values is not valid and I would hazard a guess it's the odd looking '''speccs_web_test''' but searches seem to indicate this is correct, this is because that parameter is a list and haven can be '(''name'', ''name''); which translates to ('name', 'name') a valid format for an IN list.
I'll probably sort it in a minute or two but you think i'd of nailed it hours ago :)

For this particular problem it is because the schema_name speccs_web_test is not in upper case. SPECCS_WEB_TEST is fine and the proc is now running ;)


PL/SQL if then else statements not running

I have written following code in oracle pl/sql
create or replace procedure sorting_criteria(criteria in varchar)
if(criteria='lowest price')
p_name product.p_name%type;
cursor ptr is select p_name from product order by amount ASC;
open ptr;
fetch ptr into p_name;
exit when ptr%notfound;
end loop;
close ptr;
else if(criteria='highest price')
p_name product.p_name%type;
cursor ptr is select p_name from product order by amount DESC;
open ptr;
fetch ptr into p_name;
exit when ptr%notfound;
end loop;
close ptr;
dbms_output.put_line('Enter valid criteria!');
end if;
But it is giving following error: Error at line 35: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: Please help
The ELSE-IF statement in PL/SQL has to be written as ELSIF. Otherwise, you should close the second IF with an other END IF; statement.
You can solve the issue by changing the ELSE IF at line 17 to an ELSIF
The answer by #GregorioPalamà correctly addresses your issues. But you can drastically reduce the workload by changing your thinking away from "If...then...else" to the "set of" and letting SQL do the work. In this case the only difference is sorting either ascending or descending on amount. The same effect can be achieved by sorting ascending on amount or minus amount; and SQL can make that decision. So you can reduce the procedure to validating the parameter and a single cursor for loop:
create or replace procedure sorting_criteria(criteria in varchar2)
cursor ptr(c_sort_criteria varchar2) is
select p_name
from product
order by case when c_sort_criteria = 'lowest price'
then amount
else -amount
end ;
if criteria in ('lowest price', 'highest price')
for rec in ptr(criteria)
dbms_output.put_line('Product: ' || rec.p_name );
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('Enter valid criteria!');
end if;
end sorting_criteria;
See demo here. For demonstration purposed I added the amount to the dbms_output.
A couple notes:
While it is not incorrect using p_... as a column name, it is also
not a good idea. A very common convention (perhaps almost a
standard) to use p_... to indicate parameters. This easily leads to
confusion; confusion amongst developers is a bad thing.
IMHO it is a bug to name a local variable the same as a table
column name. While the compiler has scoping rules which one to use
it again leads to confusion. The statement "where = name"
is always true, except when at least one of them is null, which possible could lead to updating/deleting every row in your table. In this
case p_name is both a column and a local variable.

Oracle APEX: Execute immediate on collection

I have the following code:
y pls_integer := 0;
v_msg varchar2(4000);
plsql varchar(4000);
if not apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name=>'P16_COLLECTION') then
wwv_flow.debug('No Apex collection found!');
for x in (select * from apex_collections where collection_name = 'P16_COLLECTION' and seq_id > 1 order by seq_id)
y := y+1;
FOR i IN 1..25
plsql := 'begin apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> ''P16_COLLECTION'', p_seq=>' || TO_CHAR(x.seq_id) || ',p_attr_number =>' || TO_CHAR(i) || ',p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f' || TO_CHAR(i, 'FM00') || '(' || TO_CHAR(y) || ')); end;';
end loop;
end if;
exception when others then
v_msg := ''||sqlerrm;
wwv_flow.debug('ERR: '||v_msg);
This code is very similar to the one proposed here, but I loop through 25 columns. The issue with Oracle Apex is the max number of chars PL/SQL is allowed to have, so I am unable to just write 25 update_member_attribute - calls.
But instead of a it excecuting I get an error no data found.
I triple checked that the collection P16_COLLECTION exists.
The issue with Oracle Apex is the max number of chars PL/SQL is allowed to have
I'm not sure I understood this statement. It is PL/SQL you use. You declared a local PLSQL variable as VARCHAR2(4000). Why didn't you specify its max allowed size, 32767? Would that help?
Furthermore, saying that you got NO-DATA-FOUND exception: are you sure that this piece of code raised it? Because, there's no SELECT statement in there ... the one you used in a cursor FOR loop can't raise NO-DATA-FOUND; UPDATE either. Therefore, it must be something else, I presume.
Enable DEBUG, run the page and - when you get the error - view debug results and locate the culprit.

Unable to get user input in PL in sqldeveloper

I'm trying to get user input in SQLDeveloper in a procedure. But however , I'm getting some error like "missing defines". Please help me to solve this. Thanks in advance.
a NUMBER(5);
a := :a;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('We took the number as ' || a);
The error looks like this.
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
a NUMBER(5);
a := :a;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('We took the number as ' || a);
Error report -
Missing defines
We took the number as 15
Although I'm getting the correct answer at bottom, still why this errors?
Please execute the below statement:
a NUMBER(5):=15;
a := a;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('We took the number as ' || a);
In order to get user input in PLSQL Block, we use &, &givenumber will get the user input at run time.
a NUMBER(5);
a := &givenumber;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('We took the number as ' || a);

Return ref_cursor from for loop of cursor object

I am trying to get a ref_cursor to be assigned to a variable inside a for loop then returned at the end of a function. The loop in going through a local cursor if it gets more than 1 result.
I have noted where the error occurs in the code. I am not sure how to create a loop where i can get a ref_cursor for the current point in the loop, assign it to a variable and then return it to the function. Could someone someone help me figure out how to do that? Below is my i-th attempt at logic based of reading around the google searches.
The error is "PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type" and i know that i obviously am not assigning the correct variably type based on this error but the code below with the error is an illustration of what I want to do and what I need help accomplishing.
FUNCTION GET_PARCEL(p_lat in number, p_long in number) return sys_refcursor
v_distance number(10) := 100000000;
v_shortest_dist number(10) := v_distance;
v_centroid SDO_GEOMETRY;
v_rc_ref_cursor sys_refcursor;
v_ref_geom SDO_GEOMETRY := mdsys.SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 8311, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(120.3214, -10.7088));
cursor query_cursor is select * from PARCEL_TABLE where code = 20134;
for query_row in query_cursor loop
v_centroid := SDO_GEOM.SDO_CENTROID(query_row.geometry, 0.05);
IF (v_centroid is not null) then
v_distance := SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(v_centroid, v_ref_geom, 0.05);
IF v_distance < v_shortest_dist THEN
v_shortest_dist := v_distance;
v_rc_ref_cursor := query_row; -- Error on this line
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Centroid is not initialised for some reason.');
end loop;
return v_rc_ref_cursor;
As far as I know, you cannot build up a cursor. Cursors are created and maintained by the database with connections to their source data, transaction and session context, and the like.
I would suggest you declare a type, instantiate it, build up the values in the type.
When you are done, create a cursor by selecting * from table (cast (variable as your_type)).
Munge the cursor into a ref_cursor and return that.
Pro tip is to remember you have data in your table and you can use it for logic. Turns out if I use the IDENTIFIER or ROWID of the row/s which i want then i can do a where clause into a ref cursor that looks up by IDENTIFIER or ROWID.
open v_rc_ref_cursor for select * from PARCEL_TABLE n where n.identifier = query_row.identifier;
super simple stuff :)

Check a record IS NOT NULL in plsql

I have a function which would return a record with type my_table%ROWTYPE, and in the caller, I could check if the returned record is null, but PL/SQL complains the if-statement that
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'IS NOT NULL'
Here is my code:
v_record my_table%ROWTYPE;
v_row_id my_table.row_id%TYPE := 123456;
v_record := myfunction(v_row_id)
if (v_record is not null) then
-- do something
end if;
function myfunction(p_row_id in my_table.row_id%TYPE) return my_table%ROWTYPE is
v_record_out my_table%ROWTYPE := null;
select * into v_record_out from my_table
where row_id = p_row_id;
return v_record_out;
end myfunction;
As far as I know, it's not possible. Checking the PRIMARY KEY or a NOT NULL column should be sufficient though.
You can check for v_record.row_id IS NULL.
Your function would throw a NO_DATA_FOUND exception though, when no record is found.
You can't test for the non-existence of this variable so there are two ways to go about it. Check for the existence of a single element. I don't like this as it means if anything changes your code no longer works. Instead why not just raise an exception when there's no data there:
I realise that the others in the exception is highly naughty but it'll only really catch my table disappearing when it shouldn't and nothing else.
v_record my_table%ROWTYPE;
v_row_id my_table.row_id%TYPE := 123456;
v_record := myfunction(v_row_id)
exception when others then
-- do something
function myfunction(p_row_id in my_table.row_id%TYPE) return my_table%ROWTYPE is
v_record_out my_table%ROWTYPE := null;
cursor c_record_out(c_row_id char) is
select *
from my_table
where row_id = p_row_id;
open c_record_out(p_row_id);
fetch c_record_out into v_record_out;
if c_record_out%NOTFOUND then
raise_application_error(-20001,'no data);
end if;
close c_record_out;
return v_record_out;
end myfunction;
