Flex and AIR passing data between each other - apache-flex

I’m looking for some samples/tutorials/general pointers in doing either of the following.
1) Create an AIR app that can load a live flex app and use that for testing. So we have a app which is live and if I could load that into a AIR app which can edit a config file and then test that config file using the live swf but inside the AIR app to make sure that if doesn’t break the flex app before uploading new config for the live app.
2) Or I’ve heard of being able to drag data from an AIR app into a flex app. If so then the AIR app could pass the test data across to the flex app and it would refresh and we could see whether it works or not.
I've looked into this a bit now and it looks like using the clipboard and some javascript seems like the way forward. Save data in clipboard from AIR app then read clipboard using javascript and send to flex app. Has anyone any other ways of transferring data between AIR & flex.
Also 'You cannot access shared objects across sandbox boundaries.' is from Adobe docs which I'm presumming means that an AIR app can't share the same 'flash cookie' as a flex app. Is this correct?

Has anyone any other ways of
transferring data between AIR & flex.
flash.net.LocalConnection is the standard method of doing this, and although it has its quirks, it works quite well. This is what I use to transfer data from a Flex app (that's running in a browser, although it shouldn't matter whether it's running in the browser plugin or the stand-alone Flash Player) to an AIR app.


Distributable extensions (modules) for mobile app in Adobe Flex/AIR

I am creating an mobile app in flex 4.6 which will have some default embedded content.
I need to be able to extend this app with modules (additional content libraries) let's say up to 35MB each, the client wants these modules as separate positions(packages) on the app store. How to approach such project in Flex? Is it possible to create mobile Flex app with separately purchasable extensions?
Yes, its possible. Copy over your assets from your Application directory to user directory or application storage directory(if you want to update them). Now use you can write a module or a native app to go and update/copy these files that your app will use.
Keep in mind your Application Directory is write only and protected well. You will not be able to go edit/delete files at least for flex. From what I understand you cannot do this with IOS on the application storage directory, Apple don't like that-
You should be able to detect these files and automate whatever you need. With the user directory there is a chance that your sensitive material may be accessible to the technically savvy.

Is it possible to start an Adobe Flex app on OS X with just the AIR runtime and the .swf

I know it is possible to run an Adobe Flex compiled .swf from the command-line using the adl command-line tool.
Is there an equivalent way to run a Flex .swf from the command-line using the system installed AIR runtime?
My question applies to OS X, but I'd interested to know about other platforms also.
UPDATE: This question is now somewhat obsolete. As of AIR 3, there is now an 'officially supported' way to bundle the AIR runtime with an application, using the 'captive runtime' deployment option.
I just tested to run an AIR app without the need to install the application.
Copy the following folders from your Flex SDK
as well as all files from your "release" (bin-debug) folder of your project.(Don't build a release build!).
now you can run the application with "adl app.xml".
Though there was AIR runtime installed on the PC I think it should be possible without it too.
The original question was a bit different though, maybe it's helpful anyway.
I say No! A SWF is not the same as an AIR application. If you take that SWF's code and compile it into an AIR application; then you should be able to install and run it independent of the browser or any development tools.
I suppose in theory you could create an AIR application where you give it the location of a SWF and use SWFLoader to load the actual SWF. I don't think that is quite what you're after.
There is a stand alone Flash Player which is different from AIR and different from the browser plugin. You can get it here. You can use that to run the SWF as if it were a local app. I wouldn't count on your users having that, though.
You can also load a local SWF in the browser and let the flash player plugin handle it.

Convert Multiple SWF files to Single EXE

Hi I have an application in flash, I build in ActionScript 3.0 Flash IDE, my application loads some external swfs which mentioned via XML file. Its working fine at the moment. But I need to compile all these external SWFs and xml file into single exe file. How can I compile like this. or how can I code like this?
from here : http://page-flip.com/products/pdf-publisher/
You can see an example, the application is build in .net and it import pdf and publish it as flash projector or web based(swf). How is it compiling all the external SWF files.
If you have Flash CS4 you can make use of the mxmlc compiler which has some additional tricks up it's sleeve.
Using the embed tag like this will allow you to embed an entire swf "inside" your swf:
[Embed(source = '../assets/items/9.swf')] public static const ITEM_9:Class;
Then, to instantiate it you simply go:
var mySprite:Sprite = new ITEM_9() as Sprite;
Using this and some clever overloading of your current classes for external loading should allow you to get a single swf (xml files can be embedded in a similar fashion).
Then it's just a matter of using the Publish settings to make Flash spit out an .exe
On an unrelated note, please go back and accept some answers to your questions. It's not very nice not to.
You can try mdm Zinc.
Zinc is really powerful. It lets you package your Flash or Flex in different ways, with lots of native platform hooks.
you can build an AIR application. if you don`t want it to be cross platform, you can build an AIR application with a windows native installer.
Flash > File > Project settings > Windows Projector.
For MAC, choose a MAC projector.
If you are burning to a disc and you need both platforms to work...a good option is to use Toast (if you are on a MAC)...it will hide the files you don't need the user to see, and also hide windows files from MACs and vice versa.
There is an application for Windows called SWFKit, which allows you to package your SWF and external files into one exe file. I had the same problem as you, and this worked a treat for me. Unfortunately you do need to pay for it :( http://www.swfkit.com
Hope this helps,
I would go about it with these steps
create a flex application
embed all of the SWF's and the XML into that application
create a release of the application you just created
open the SWF application with the stand-alone flash player and not with the browser
from the file menu select the option create projector
All of this will result a single EXE file that contains all of the SWF's and the XML file.
You can use a projector or make an windows only AIR project.
Use flajector and forget about your problems

converting Adobe AIR to Flex application

We have a Adobe AIR desktop client which talks to a WAMP server. How can i convert this AIR app to a Flex app to be used in the browser.
Please let me know.
I would create a new empty Flex application and copy your files into that project. Then move any code in your main app component (which is derived from WindowedApplication) into the main app component in your new project (which is derived from Application). You'll also have to go through your app and determine which components are used that are specific to AIR and rework them to use other Flex components (the compiler will complain if you don't). This should give you a good start.
I would move everything into a Flex library project. Then have an AIR project as well as a Flex app project which accesses the common code in the Flex Library project. This way you don't have to maintain two different codebases for common code and you can also have code which is specific to each version.

Possible: use Flex/Air to build a chromeless CD autorun app

We'd like to have an app autorun when our clients put in our info CD.
Is it possible to do this using Adobe AIR... We were thinking of using the Flash Projector cause it compiles to an .exe which is easily launched, but there's no way to get rid of the ugly window chrome is there?
AIR Apps have to be installed right?
It isn't going to work with AIR, but there are numerous Flash projectors that would work. AIR needs the runtime and has to be installed.
I had the same requirements and ended up using zinc. You can't get an AIR app to launch without installing it (much assuming that the user has the runtime in the first place) but zinc allows you to do so AND deploy to multiple environments like AIR with custom chrome if need be...Good Luck!
You can't do it with AIR. In fact that was one of the key design points of AIR, that you couldn't do automatic execution.
You can theoretically do it with a .EXE projector file, but it requires some fancy footwork, and I don't think you can output Flex to Projector.
