What is the best way to tie a Flex Tree control to a tree stored in a database? - apache-flex

I have a local SQLite database that contains a tree (as Nested Sets). In an AIR application, I want to display that tree in a tree control and provide means to change the nodes' names and copy, move, add or delete nodes.
Now, I'm hiccupping a little on where to put which code. Obviously, I have a class which will perform operations like load / update / insert / delete against the database. This would load the whole tree into some storage variable and save changes made by the user back to the db.
Should this class be the dataProvider, the dataDescriptor or an extension of the Tree control itself? And when the user requests an operation like adding a node, should that update the dataProvider and let the database handler react on an event, or should it call the database handler's method and then update the dataProvider? I'd say that the latter is better, because it's easier to not update the Tree's data if something goes wrong with the db query.
There's methods to add and remove nodes in the DefaultDataDescriptor and in the Tree class (protected methods in the latter), should I use / extend those or ignore them?
The reason I'm confused about this is that, according to the docs, a Tree control uses the object stored in its 'dataDescriptor' property to parse and manipulate the actual data which is stored inside its 'dataProvider' property.
This seems to make sense, until you realize that unless you subclass it, it's never the Tree control that manipulates data (with the exception of drag&drop, if that's enabled), and it's not the dataDescriptor, either. Rather, in all examples, manipulating data happens directly via the dataProvider object and that triggers event handlers in the Tree control.
What is it I don't get here?

Take a look at mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalCollectionView. It is not part of the public API, but its full source is available as part of Flex. The Tree controller uses this class internally to handle various data sources.


How do you manage adding new attributes on existing objects when using firebase?

I have an app using React + Redux and coupled with Firebase for the backend.
Often times, I will want to add some new attributes to existing objects.
When doing so, existing objects won't get the attribute until they're modified with the new version of the app that handles those new attributes.
For example, let's say I have a /categories/ node, in there I've got objects such as this :
name: "Medical"
Now let's say I want to add an icon field with a default of "
Is it possible to update all categories at once so that field always exists with the default value?
Or do you handle this in the client code?
Right now I'm always testing the values to see if they're here or not, but it doesn't seem like a very good way to go about it. I'd like to have one place to define defaults.
It seems like having classes for each object type would be interesting but I'm not sure how to go about this in Redux.
Do you just use the reducer to turn all categories into class instances when you fetch them for example? I'm worried this would be heavy performance wise.
Any write operation to the Firebase Database requires that you know the exact path to the node that you're writing.
There is no built-in operation to bulk update nodes with a path that is only partially known.
You can either keep your client-side code robust enough to handle the missing properties, or you can indeed run a migration script to add the new property to each relevant node. But since that script will have to know the exact path of each node to write, it will likely first have to read/query the database to determine those paths. Depending on the number of items to update, it could possibly use multi-location updates after that to update multiple nodes in one call. E.g.
"idOfMedicalCategory/icon": "newIconForMedical",
"idOfCommercialCategory/icon": "newIconForCommercial"
"idOfTechCategory/icon": "newIconForTech"

Pattern for updating Objects/Documents with Spring-Data MongoDB and Spring MVC

I'm trying to come up with a reusable pattern for updating MongoDB Documents when using Spring Data in conjunction with Spring MVC.
The use case can generally be summarized by:
A document is created in Mongo using repository.save()
Parts of that document are then presented in a Spring MVC editable form.
A user submits updated parts of that document which are then saved.
If I use the repository.save() method in step 3, I will lose any data in the document that was not bound to the form. Making the form responsible for the entire document is fragile so this is where it seems the findAndModify() method of the MongoTemplate comes in handy.
To use the findAndModify() method, I've created Form objects that support a toMap() method which takes the Form object's properties as a Map and removes some of the fields (e.g. class and id). This gets me a Map that contains only the fields that I care about from the Form object. Passing the object ID and this map to an update() method on my customized repository, I build Query and Update objects that I can pass to the findAndModify() method.
Using this approach, I'm able to add fields to my objects easily and only worry about instances when there are fields I don't want to update from a form posting. Document fields not manipulated by the Form should be retained. It still seems slightly convoluted to be using both the Repository and MongoTemplate so I'm wondering if there are better examples for how to handle this. It seems like this should be a consistent pattern when working with Mongo and Spring MVC (at the least).
I've created a sample project showing how I achieve this model on GitHub. The Spock Tests show how "updating" a Document using save() will blow away fields as expected and my update() method.
What are other people doing when dealing with partial updates to Documents using Spring MVC and Spring Data?
If you are taking whatever the user supplies and just shoving that in the database you are running the risk of doing something dangerous like updating or creating data that they shouldn't be able to. Instead, you should first query Mongo to get the most recent version of the document, change any fields (it looks like you are using Groovy so you could loop through all the properties and set them on the new document), and then save the new, complete document.
If you are making small, consistent updates (like increasing the number of votes, or something like that), you could create a custom MongoDB query using the MongoTemplate to do an update to a few fields. Check out the spring-data-mongodb docs for more. You can also add custom methods to the MongoRepository that use the MongoTemplate.

Easy way to tell if data is dirty

I am currently using databinding on a group of spark form elements and want to know if the data class I am bound to is dirty.
It might be nice if spark "Form" elements would trigger a change event that bubbled up to and was caught by a spark "Form". Then I could just add an event listener to the form. But I don't see something like that.
So besides comparing a copy of the original data class to the bound data class OR adding a change event to each form element and capturing that event, what's an easy way of knowing a class object has changed?
Make an extension of TextInput or whatever other input elements you'll have in your form then in your components creation complete register a listener for the change event, in the handler dispatch a bubbling event, then in your document that contains the form use your custom elements and add a listener via AS3 to the Form for the event you dispatched and stop it's propagation at that point.
Otherwise I think your second solution of change handler on each wouldn't be too bad. If you have a lot of elements in the form or it's dynamic you could write a function that steps through the form items of the form and checks their children then you just have to write a switch that deals with each class type (you can use http://www.actionscriptdeveloper.co.uk/getting-the-class-of-an-object-in-as3/on each of the child elements to determine what type it is, then if it's a TextInput or whatever register the appropriate event to call your commonly used function, just be sure it has a generic Event as it's parameter since all other Events will be sub-classes thereof).
So far as I know there is no easy way to listen for changes to the underlying data from the ArrayCollection or other wrapper ListCollectionView data structures. Part of the problem is the elements added a collection aren't required to implement any sort of interface to allow for listeners to be registered. That is, the data elements aren't necessarily event dispatchers, the only other way for this information to be communicated to the List would be if the data elements had a handle on all lists that contain that element and they mark something on the lists to indicate "dirty" when any property is set. These are all achievable within the constraints of the language but aren't provided out of the box as the usage for them is probably limited and could potentially unnecessarily bloat the cpu usage of the ListCollectionView in other cases.

Data binding support in O/RM tools, how to detect

I want to verify that a generated class (single entity or collection) from an O/RM tool is data binding compatible.
I read that supported data binding types in WCF are: one time, one way, two way, one way from source in WCF. But how about "old school" .NET 1.1 data binding ?
It looks kind of difficult to check in code what kind of data binding support there is. You also have difference in runtime and design time data binding support. When reading some webpages I read different kind of implementations: implement IList, IComponent, INotifyPropertyChanged, IBindingList.... pffffff I don't know exactly where to look for...
You can databind to virtually any class. Let's imagine you create a very simple class, with a few properties, say for instance, Person with a Name and Age. I am talking about a plain simple class with absolutely nothing fancy about it.
If you create an instance of Person, you can do several things with it, and I will assume you are working with Windows Forms, but this mostly applies to other frameworks:
- You can bind its properties to properties of controls.
- You can bind it to datagrids, lists, etc. In the former case you can set mappings of which properties bind to which columns. In the latter, which property is displayed in the list, which property is the value selected by the user.
- Even better, you can bind it to a bindingSource.
Binding a single instance to a grid or a list isn't that useful, so what usually is done is that you create a list of instances and bind those to the grid. Even more correct is to bind the list to a bindingsource and the grid to the bindingsource also.
You can see a good article here about how to do all this.
Now, about all the interfaces you mention, they all only add more value to the databinding experience. Let's talk about a few of them.
INotifyPropertyChanged. Person is not less "databindable" than any other object if it does not implement this interface. What instances of Person are not able to do, however, is notify the controls their properties are bound to that the latter have changed. Try this: Bind the Name property of a Person instance to the Text property of a TextBox. Create a button that when clicked changes the value of that instance's Name. You will see the TextBox does not update after clicking the button. If, on the other hand, you implement INotifyPropertyChanged and have the setter of the Name property raise the PropertyChangedEvent that is defined by the interface, after repeating the experience, you will see that the textbox is updated automatically.
IEnumerable. If instead of a single Person, you want to databind not to a set of people, you can create a list of people and databind to that list. Let's take for instance, List lst = new List(); How do the databinding controls like datagrid, bindingSource, etc., know you want to bind to a set of Person(s) and not to the properties of lst itself? It is because List implements IEnumerable. So, whenever you bind these controls to an instance of anything that implements IEnumerable, the controls know that you intend to bind not to the properties of the list, but to the instances the list refers to. How do they know the type of objects the list contains? To be more generic and support any type of IEnumerable implementation, they just check the type of the first element in the list and assume all others are equal.
IBindingList: Even if Person implements IPropertyChanged, if you group instances of Person into a List bind that list to a control and, by code, change the value of a property of one of the instances, you will see nothing happen in the screen. This happens because Person is notifying, not the binding source, but the list. But the list wasn't made for databinding, so it is not listening, nor propagating the event to the control. Lists that implement IBindingList, like BindingList, offer a better databinding support precisely by listening to the PropertyChangedEvent events of their contents and propagating them up to the databound control.
I am affraid I have given you no way of determining if an object is databoundable, because virtually all them are, but I hope I've given you a way of determining different levels of databinding support (INotifyPropertyChanged and IBindingList). I am assuming you know how to check for these via reflection.
Any instance of a class with properties is data bindable. (in fact instances of any class with fields or properties at all are data bindable)
Using reflection in .NET makes it very easy to discover/use data in an object. (at a small performance cost)
In order to answer this question you'd need to provide the specific usage scenarios you'll be encountering.
Rui gives some good explanation of different common data binding patterns, but each of them is for solving specific problems.
The right answer is always dependent on the context.

Handling client-side domain object state in a presentation model

I'm currently building the client side of a Flex/PHP project using the Presentation Model pattern.
What I'm trying to achieve:
I currently have a view displaying non-editable information about a domain object called Node. Depending on if the Node is editable and the user has the right privileges, an additional view becomes available where it's possible to make changes to this object. Any changes made are only committed to the server once the user decides to "Save Changes". If changes are made to a NodeA and the user navigates away to a different NodeB without saving them, NodeA is reverted to its original state.
I have a PM for the info view holding a reference to the current Node. The PM for the edit view is extended from this info PM, adding methods to make changes to the wrapped Node object. Both PMs has the same Node reference injected into them and all fields in the info/edit views are bound to the Node via their PMs.
The problem:
When the user makes changes to NodeA but doesn't commit them, I can't seem to think of an elegant solution to revert back to the original state. Basically, what I've thought of so far is to hold separate value copies on the edit PM, either clone-creating a new Node reference or through an identical set of Node properties. Of these two the former seems like the better idea because the Node already houses domain logic, but I wonder whether creating clones of unique domain objects is a bad practice, even if it's used in a limited scope.
I handle similar cases by storing the original data in an XML property of the Value Object ("VO"), and reset all of the other property values when the VO is needed.
So, when it is first needed to be viewed, I go get the XML:
When I retrieve the XML, in my result handler, the first thing I do is create an instance of my VO, and set the XML property, and then call a public function in a separate class to set the VO's properties:
private function getNodeResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
var myNode:Node = new Node();
myNode.xmlData = new XML(event.result);
public class nodeUtils
public function setNodeProperties(node:Node):void
var nodeXmlData:XML = node.xmlData;
myNode.prop1 = nodeXmlData.prop1;
myNode.prop2 = nodeXmlData.prop2;
myNode.prop3 = nodeXmlData.prop3;
myNode.prop4 = nodeXmlData.prop4;
Then, any time you switch your view to edit mode, you call that same function to reset the properties to the values stored in the XML.
The only other thing you need to do is reset that XML any time the user commits changes to the VO. I usually handle this by passing back the VO's data in the same format on a Save and Get, and then saving the XML just as above.
I usually do this in a Cairngorm MVC application, so I have event/command chains to handle all of this, but you can put this functionality in any number of classes, or in the VO class itself, whichever is easiest for you to maintain.
Each view should have it's own instance of your Presentation Model class. Just maintain it in memory if the user has not saved it when moving to another view. Cloning accomplishes basically the same thing through a more convoluted process.
