SharePoint Default Styles - css

I'm building a custom web part for SharePoint and I'm trying to use the default styles so when people theme the site, it will theme with it.
I've found a couple of decent sites that show the different styles like:
but I'm looking for something that has better examples. Specifically, I'm looking for a good table style that I can add.
Does anyone know of a site that shows the different SharePoint CSS styles with examples?

Heather Solomon's blog is the multimate reference for Sharepoint 2007 CSS (the link you posted is for SharePoint 2003). You can also use developer toolbar to find the CSS class you are looking for.

If you are doing a custom webpart, consider SPGridView for your tables, I believe it will use the standard sharepoint List table styles:


How to find Sharepoint 2013 CSS Classes?

I'm currently getting familiar with CSS to redesign some SharePoint sites.
My question now is: How can I find the classes I need for that ?
Litte examples that I found on the internet and used:
"ms-rtestate-field" for styling a SharePoint list
".ms-promlink-header" for enabling multiple rows for the promoted links webpart
I wasn't able to find these classes in the Source before adding the CSS.
So where did the creators find those classes ?
The SharePoint documentation didnt help me, but this could be due to my lack of my knowledge and understanding of css.
Thanks in advance
If you just want to customize the display of SharePoint, redefine CSS class, in SharePoint 2013, there is Color Palette.
Microsoft have created a tools to manage color palette : SharePoint Color Palette Tool
With this you can customize the color of you sharepoint site easily.
And you can find a lot of documentation about this tools ;-)
Turns out that it was indeed my fault that I wasn't able to find any classes using the F12 Dev Toolbar. It works fine now with the pointing tool and I can find classes easy.

SharePoint 2013 customize Discussion board View Layout and style

I have been searching for a while now on how can i modify the Discussion board look'n feel. E.g. Styles Css Html in views etc...
My client wants to have the discussion functionnalities on his site, but he wants to change significantly the look'n feel of the Discussion, obviously the layouts and style of the view ...
I was wondering if there is any way to do this since i am using a list based on discussion board template created from Visual studio...
Any help will be appreciated ...
Your solution can be using JsLink (new in SharePoint 2k13) it is an alternative to xsl you can have your board list and customize your display template as far as you want to...
Hope this helps

Does anyone know where ASP themes are?

Does anyone know where I can go to get some ASP themes for Visual Studio? I've Googled it, but it doesn't seem that there are many out there. I was hoping someone here knew something that I don't. Thanks
Visual Studio has nothing to do with it. The CSS for a custom theme will have rules that are applied to the HTML elements rendered to the page. The structure of your HTML can vary greatly; every developer/designer have their own preferences about whether to place certain parts of the page on a form or on a master page. There is no standard way of doing this and each project will have its own set of requirements in this regard.
There really is nothing to learning how to create an ASPNET theme. If it's the CSS part that is causing you difficulty then your best bet is to install the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox and view some CSS galleries. This tool will then allow you to investigate how some really professional sites are put together.
i think you must have to create your own CSS.

Templates or css skins for the membership login control?

I want to style the membership login control and I am too lazy to handcraft a professional looking one.
I couldn't find ready made css styles for the login control. Are there any available on the web?
The easiest thing to do would be extend the look of your current style sheet. More than likely any style sheet found on the web would look out of place in the context of your site.
That being said if you want a clean looking starting point with a lot of good built in styles take a look at Google Blueprint specifically their form demo page.

How can I provide dynamic CSS styles or custom theme for web site?

There are plenty of ways to provide a dynamic style/theme for a web site, but I am looking for some help on some best practices or techniques that have worked well for others.
I am creating a web site that needs to provide the ability for customers to create or specify their own colors, style, theme, or layout. I'm not convinced how much flexibility I need yet, but basically I need to provide Branding capabilities.
I will be using ASP.NET, and am open to any ideas that will fit within the ASP.NET framework.
Using Themes for ASP.NET 2 and greater will provide you everything you need for this.
Best way to handle it would be to make a nice CSS document that will specify all the areas that you would like to offer customization, such as header background image, background and text colors, etc. Then build application code to allow specification of which theme to load, and bring up that CSS file.
I'd personally go for a CSS-based solution.
You could define the elements' IDs and CSS classes for each page in the web application, so that customers can provide their own set of CSS files.
This approach is platform-agnostic, so that the developer who creates the custom themes is not forced to fit into the ASP.NET themes model - she might as well be a web designer with no programming knowledge.
Themes might be a good solution but having re-read your question I think you might be asking for a method for allowing customers to submit their own branding dynamically, i.e. without you having to modify any files, a hands-off approach? How about having an admin interface consisting of web forms where the customer can upload images and CSS themselves? You could then retrieve that content using a HttpHandler or similar.
