SubSonic build errors -

I'm trying to use SubSonic for a new project with an existing database but when I try to build the project after generating the SubSonic files I'm getting these same two exceptions on different classes:
Partial declarations of 'MyData.UserCollection' must not specify different base classes
Type 'MyData.UserCollection' already defines a member called 'UserCollection' with the same parameter types
I'm able to successfully build a new project using the Northwind DB so I believe the error has something to do with the way the tables are setup but I'm not sure where to go from there. Any help is appreciated.

Search for UserCollection in your project. SubSonic generated a partial class for this in the User.cs generated file. You either have a UserCollection of your own in which case you should probably rename it or put it in another namespace. Either that, or you tried to add functionality to the UserCollection and you derive it from another type.
Last possibility is that you have a User table and a Users table. SubSonic will change Users to User. I'm not sure, but it might cause generation errors. I haven't tried it though.

Thanks for the help. You got me going on the right track. Apparently, the generator doesn't like tables with the word "Collection" in the name. I see now that the error was with:
public partial class UserCollectionCollection : ActiveList<UserCollection, UserCollectionCollection>
public partial class UserCollection : ActiveList<User, UserCollection>
By adding:
to the provider in my web.config file I was able to build successfully.


Identity 2.0: ApplicationUser extension using a database first approach

From a couple of articles I have found online
I have seen it is very simple to extend the ApplicationUser class in MVC 5/Identity 2.0. It basically requires adding of property to that class and all dependent views/viewmodels etc to implement the new functionality. The only question I have remaining is due to the fact that these articles all give you examples in regards to a code first perspective. How would extending the Applicationser class work with a database first perspective?
Here is what I imagine.
1.) Change the connection string to your production database. (In my case SQL Azure)
2.) Create the tables that are normally automatically created by identity 2.0 in SQL Azure.
3.) Fill those tables with the default properties and types.
4.) Add custom properties to the AspNetUsers table. (E.G. City, Zip, etc)
5.) Add those properties to the actual ApplicationUser class
6.) Update dependent views, controllers, viewmodels etc.
Is there a more simple way in doing this?
No, there is no other way to extend ApplicationUser. Code-First is pretty much the same, only adding properties first, create migration, run migration, update your controllers/views.

MVC 4 SimpleMembership - Doing it right the first time

I just started to design a new web project. From VS2012, I generated a new Internet website project. It comes with a database that is already laid out with a few tables. This is fine.
Now, I need to extend the database with a few new tables and update UserProfile with few new fields. However, as this is going to be a new database, I don't want to enable migration steps and add code-bloat that is not really needed.
Here is the workaround I found:
Extend UserProfile with new fields as you would want to.
Add new tables in AccountModels.cs. For example,
public class Items {
For each new table, add a DbSet field to UsersContexts class in AccountModels.cs.
public class UserContext : DbContext {
public DbSet<Items> Items {get; set; }
Delete the original database file, create a new database file with the same name, and run the application.
Voila. The new database gets filled with all the tables.
Is this the right way to do it?
Although it works, I am not really sure about step 3. I figured somehow the framework needs to know that a new table needs to be created and essentially adding a new field to UserContext triggers the creation of the new table. Is this the approach right?
Thank you in advance for your help.
By not using code first migrations, deleting the database manually is the best thing you can do. There is also the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges initializer but be careful to never use it in a release version of your app.
I would also recommend to write the DbContext in a seperate cs file. When you use the fluent api to configure the EF relations (what i would do), it can get really big. Think about putting the DAL and your models in seperate projects when your solution gets bigger. Using multiple contexts for one db can also cause problems, so naming it SomeAppContext would be better.

ASP.NET MVC4 - Error When Customize Default Accounts Models & Controller

I am in the begining of making a simple website using ASP.NET MVC4 CodeFirst Approach. The web site is built around users who are able to register, make posts etc. The existing UserProfile class was modified for the accommodation other fields (ex: FirstName, LastName etc).
When I ran the website I got a similar error:
Invalid column name 'FirstName'.
Invalid column name 'LastName'.
Invalid column name 'Phone'.
I red that this is because the Database is not updated as the model is updated. So I set the following on the Application_Start() in Global.asax with the intention of droppnng the database always (at least until I get the hang of it).
protected void Application_Start()
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<UsersContext>());
//Other default generated stuff below...
I also tryed the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges, but both methods didn't drop the database.
Isn't this possible? Why is it? Am I doing some thing wrong?
I believe it would be possible to store the info in a different table and link it to this, but I prefer to keep it in one table.
Also is it a bad idea to add UserProfiles to the websites context (lets say: DatabaseContext (which has other entities like Posts, Comments etc) and change the AccountsController to use DatabaseContext instead of UsersContext?
Thanks in advance.
Have you run Enable-Migrations in the Package Manager Console? You should see a migration folder in your project, with a configuration.cs file, ensure you have enabled automatic migrations.
public Configuration(){
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
//if you drop columns - consider this carefully...
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;

How to override record table naming to access existing data in Orchard CMS

I need to access data from pre-existing tables. I've started working my way through creating a module to display the data etc. However, Orchard is prefixing the table commands with the 'Table_Prefix' and 'Module Name'.
Is there any way I can specify what table to bind the model, so that I can use the existing IRepository
I'm trying to steer clear of modifying the core code, or implement my own IRepository ( which I've got a feeling is what I'm going to have to do.)
Thanks in advance.
You can create custom table naming convention (so that it would fit your current naming) by altering the core code, in three ways:
Record name mapping is created in BuildRecord method of
CompositionStrategy class
(Orchard.Framework/Environment/ShellBuilders/CompositionStrategy), so you can simply modify the code here.
By altering the Apply method of Orchard.Data.Conventions.RecordTableNameConvention class. This is where the record table name mappings (built in point 1.) get pushed to NHibernate.
Create your own implementation of FluentNHibernate.Conventions.IClassConvention (similar to RecordTableNameConvention mentioned above and replace the default one used by AutoMap in Orchard.Data.Providers.AbstractDataServicesProvider's CreatePersistenceModel(...) method with it.
You could also create your own IDataServicesProvider implementation, but that would surely be an overkill if you only need to change the table naming convention.
I was modifying CompositionStrategy and discovered that you have to modify the following
1. SetupService.cs (Modules\Orchard.Setup\Services):
Tables hardcoded in the Setup method are
"Orchard_Framework_DataMigrationRecord" and
2. InfosetController.cs (Modules\Upgrade\Controllers):
Multiple tables were hardcoded in this class which need to be updated.
3. DataMigrationManager.cs (Data\Migration):
Replace the SchemaBuilder parameters to the contructor.

How do I exclude the Scheme name from SqlMetal generated Objects?

SqlMetal is creating object names such as...
The View:
is created as:
Ideally SqlMetal would create the ProductDescription class under a namespace .Sales. but thats probably too much to ask for. So is there anyways to get it to create the class without the sheme prefix such as "ProductDescription".
This would involve some modifications to the DBML file after it's been generated. However, in terms of maintainability that might restrict your ability to quickly regenerate when the schema changes.
If you have a volatile schema you could check out this collection of powershell scripts I wrote some time ago that will handle such changes to the DBML. It takes an XML file as input. Warning: the sample in the code repository may be out of date, but the scripts certainly work - I still use them.
SqlMetal has an optional parameter to include a namespace. The default value is no namespace. Check out this link on MSDN.
