Convert unix timestamp to julian - datetime
How can I convert from a unix timestamp (say 1232559922) to a fractional julian date (2454853.03150).
I found a website ( ) that performs a similar calculation but I need to do it programatically.
Solutions can be in C/C++, python, perl, bash, etc...
The Unix epoch (zero-point) is January 1, 1970 GMT. That corresponds to the Julian day of 2440587.5
So, in pseudo-code:
function float getJulianFromUnix( int unixSecs )
return ( unixSecs / 86400.0 ) + 2440587.5;
I know that this is an old post, but I'll just say ...
The answer given by Jason Cohen is a good approximation of the conversion.
There is a problem though that relates to the number of seconds in one day. A day is not -exactly- 86400 seconds long, and periodically seconds are added to days in order to keep time synchronized with the various observable standards. These are called Leap Seconds ( Leap seconds are added to UTC in order to keep it within 1 second of UT1.
It stands to reason that as more and more time has elapsed since Jan 1, 1970, the simple conversion above will accrue more and more error from "actual observable time." Between 1972 and 2013 there were added 25 leap seconds.
Part of the beauty and the simplicity of Julian Day numbers is that they don't represent date strings at all. They are just a count of elapsed time since the start of the Julian Epoch, much like POSIX time is a continuous count of milliseconds since the POSIX Epoch. The only problem that exists, then, is when you try to map a Julian Day number to a localized date string.
If you need a date string that is accurate to within a minute (in 2013), then you'll need an algorithm that can account for leap seconds.
Here is my JavaScript code to convert Unix timestamp to Julian. Originally is showing the current date and time, but with a little mod is answer to your question:
function computeJulianDate(DD,MM,YY,HR,MN,SC) {
with (Math) {
HR = HR + (MN / 60) + (SC/3600);
GGG = 1;
if (YY <= 1585) GGG = 0;
JD = -1 * floor(7 * (floor((MM + 9) / 12) + YY) / 4);
S = 1;
if ((MM - 9)<0) S=-1;
A = abs(MM - 9);
J1 = floor(YY + S * floor(A / 7));
J1 = -1 * floor((floor(J1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4);
JD = JD + floor(275 * MM / 9) + DD + (GGG * J1);
JD = JD + 1721027 + 2 * GGG + 367 * YY - 0.5;
JD = JD + (HR / 24);
return JD;
function getUTCDateTimeOrJD(now,jd=0) {
var hours = now.getUTCHours();
var minutes = now.getUTCMinutes();
var seconds = now.getUTCSeconds()
var month = now.getUTCMonth() + 1;
var day = now.getUTCDate();
var year = now.getUTCFullYear();
if (jd==1)
return computeJulianDate(month, day, year, hours, minutes, seconds);
return day+". "+month+". "+year+". "+hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds;
var unixTime = 1473294606;
getUTCDateTimeOrJD(new Date(unixTime*1000));
getUTCDateTimeOrJD(new Date(unixTime*1000),1);
Working JSFiddle example here
This question was asked over 13 years ago as of writing. That's pretty wild. Thanks to eapo's JS formula I converted it to PineScript v5 and in testing its at least really close. I don't think perfect accuracy would even be relevant for most (if any) TradingView applications. So, I didn't go as far as to ensure perfect accuracy. But it works. Thanks eapo, you saved me a bunch of time.
EDIT: TradingView displays times in the stock/currency exchange time zone. So, it became necessary to create additional arguments to provide for the UTC offsets that exchanges utilize.
[IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that exchanges that utilize daylight savings time will shift from UTC - n to UTC - n - 1 depending on the DST state. You must update your UTC offset argument accordingly.]
// Julian Date & Partial Day in CST
computeJulianDate(dd, mm, yy, hr, mn, sc, offset=0, live=false) =>
HR = hr
HR := hr + (mn / 60) + (sc / 3600)
GGG = 1
if year <= 1585
GGG := 0
float JD = -1 * math.floor(7 * (math.floor((mm + 9) / 12) + yy) / 4)
S = 1
if ((mm - 9)<0)
S :=-1
A = math.abs(mm - 9)
J1 = math.floor(yy + S * math.floor(A / 7))
J1 := -1 * math.floor((math.floor(J1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4)
JD := JD + math.floor(275 * mm / 9) + dd + (GGG * J1)
JD := JD + 1721027 + 2 * GGG + 367 * yy
JD := JD + (HR / 24)
barsInSession = timeframe.isintraday ? ((24 * 60) / timeframe.multiplier) : timeframe.multiplier
barsInSession := math.floor(barsInSession) == barsInSession and timeframe.isintraday ? barsInSession - 1 : math.floor(barsInSession)
offsetInc = 1 / barsInSession
offsetCt = (offset * ((barsInSession / 24) * offsetInc))
JD := live ? JD + offsetCt : math.floor(JD - offsetCt) - 0.5
Getting Time Remaining
Say something happens at a rate of 5000 per hour and there's some amount remaining (let's say 2500 for example's sake). How would I get the hours, minutes, and seconds remaining? I would think it'd be something along the lines of: hour = floor(remaining / perHour) mins = floor(remaining % perHour / 60) secs = floor(remaining % perHour % 60) However calculating that back up using the below returns the incorrect amount. time = hour + (mins / 60) + (secs / 60 / 60) time * perHour // 3472.2 - not 2500 The time should be shorter so I'm obviously calculating this wrong. I would appreciate it if someone were to explain where I went wrong. EDIT: I'm aware this isn't the Maths SE but the Maths SE is supposed to be for high level maths, and this is the next best fit. Figured out a method, but it may not be the best so I'll leave this question up for a while longer. hour = floor(remaining / perHour) mins = floor(remaining / perHour * 60) - hour * 60 secs = floor(remaining / perHour * 3600) - mins * 60 - hour * 3600
Our question is how much time remains, and we know the rate of the process. No sweat, we establish a rate ( Items/minute, Items/sec) and divide the number of remaining elements by the rate. We could use any unit of time we want as long as we keep it consistent -- personally, I like rates in per-second because Hz. A Demo function getRemainingTime(remainingItems) { const processRatePerHour = 5000; const processRate = (processRatePerHour / 60 / 60); // 1.3888 per second remainingSeconds = remainingItems / processRate; return { hours: (remainingSeconds / 3600), minutes: (remainingSeconds / 60), seconds: remainingSeconds }; } function showProgress(remainingItems) { var time = getRemainingTime(remainingItems); var list = document.createElement('ul'); var processEnd = moment().add(time.seconds, 's'); list.innerHTML = ` <ul> <h3> With ${remainingItems} remaining, we will be finished ${processEnd.fromNow()}. </h3> <li> Hours Remaining: ${time.hours} </li> <li> Minutes Remaining: ${time.minutes} </li> <li> Seconds Remaining: ${time.seconds} </li> </ul>`; document.body.appendChild(list); } // Let's try it out! showProgress(4999); showProgress(2500); showProgress(100); body { font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif; } <script src=""></script> <h2> Please Accept My Answer v.0.2. </h2>
Overriding < in Pharo
I am trying to override the '<' operator in pharo, because i want to have a SortedCollection of a class i have implemented (TimeCal). TimeCal has the following variables: year month day hour minute. My idea was to convert all the variables to minutes, and then compare those with the comparand that the < operator receives. I do, however, get an error "BlockClosure(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #>" And here is my code: < comparand | thisInMins comparandInMins | thisInMins := [(year * 525600) + (month * 43829) + (day * 1440) + (hour * 60) + minute]. comparandInMins := [(comparand year * 525600) + (comparand month * 43829) + (comparand day * 1440) + (comparand hour * 60) + comparand minute]. (thisInMins > comparandInMins) ifTrue: [true] ifFalse: [false] And the code i use to test it: time1 := TimeCal new. time1 hour: 12. time1 day: 12. time1 month: 11. time2 := TimeCal new. time2 hour: 12. time2 day: 12. time2 month: 8. testing := time1 < time2. I am not sure if what I am doing is correct. I could not find any proper guide on how to do it.
What about this < other year = other year ifFalse: [^year < other year]. month = other month ifFalse: [^month < other month]. day = other day ifFalse: [^day < other day]. hour = other hour ifFalse: [^hour < other hour]. ^minute < other minute
If you have properly initialized your variables, this should work: < comparand | thisInMins comparandInMins | thisInMins := (year * 525600) + (month * 43829) + (day * 1440) + (hour * 60) + minute. comparandInMins := (comparand year * 525600) + (comparand month * 43829) + (comparand day * 1440) + (comparand hour * 60) + comparand minute. ^ thisInMins < comparandInMins Why did you put square brackets around your minutes calculations? Also have a look at this: ifTrue: [true] ifFalse: [false]. Returning true if something is true and false if something is false seems an unnecessary step. You can return the result of your comparison of minutes directly.
Need help wit heartrate calculation for watch
So I'm trying to animate a fake heartbeat for my Android wear watchface. I have an API that grabs the heartrate in BPM and the current millisecond now I'm trying to use an equation to make an image "beat" to the BPM. Here's the psuedocode: IF (Millis / HeartRate) % (1000 / HeartRate) <= 1) Opacity = 100; ELSE Opacity = 75; ENDIF I'm really not sure if I calculated it properly. I don't think the image is properly flashing at the correct rate. Any help with the math would be appreciatred!
A value in BPM is a frequency, rather than a period of time: b BPM = b / 60s = b/60 * s^-1 The period of the oscillation is T = 1/f = 60s / b = 60/b s If we have a time in milliseconds, then we can work out the modulo vs the period: remainderInSeconds = CurrentTimeInSeconds % T = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3) % T = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3) % (60/BeatsPerMinute) fraction = remainderInSeconds / Period = [(CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3) % T] / T = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3 / T) % 1 = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3 / (60/BeatsPerMinute)) % 1 = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * 1e-3 * BeatsPerMinute / 60)) % 1 = (CurrentTimeInMilliseconds * BeatsPerMinute / 60e3)) % 1 Then you can check whether the fraction is below your threshold; if you want the pulse to last a 20th of the period, then check if fraction < 1/20. Alternatively just calculate the remainder in seconds, if you want the pulse to last a specific amount of time rather than a portion of the period.
I managed to compile a new code using a different variable from the watch API. This other variable is essentially a number between 0 and 359 which steps up at mere decimals per frame. (The variable is normally used for a smooth motion second hand). I also decided to use a sine wave and RGB shaders instead of opacity. Here is the new code Green = 0 Blue = 0 Red = 100 * math.sin(HeartRate * SecondsRotationSmooth / 60) Using this particular variable isn't ideal, but it at least gives me a better looking code. If anyone wants to give a better answer please do!
Vectorize simple loop-based trading system in R?
After studying the vectorization methods used in the two links below, I've attempted to create a simple trading strategy template (code shown below) that can be vectorized in R for better speed vs a loop-based structure. I'm having difficulty vectorizing because variable state must be maintained and built upon such as: 1) The signals I'm using are not mutually exclusive for long and short (as in a simplistic MA crossover system). 2) Once triggered, the signal can wander until it gets an opposing indication (such as an RSI go short above 80, go long below 20 type system). 3) Positions are held for multiple periods so it isn't a case of enter on every signal or exit after a signal is false (I wish to be able to only enter once as in a Stop and Reverse or SAR system). I consider this to be a simple example system but it is a bit more complex than the examples listed here: Cumulative Return in Trading Strategy Test System logic summary: The system starts flat then goes long (short) at the ask (bid) price when zscore is below (above) -2 (2). The system keeps track of performance statistics such as 'trades', 'wins', closed P&L (others omitted for simplicity). The system also keeps a running 'equity' for plotting after a system run. # assume vectors bid, ask, and zscore containing those price series respectively # pos = current position where 1 == long, -1 == short, 0 == flat # entryP = entry price, pnl = open pnl, cpnl = closed pnl pos = 0; entryP = 0.0; pnl = 0; cpnl = 0; trades = 0; wins = 0 ub = length(bid) equity = rep(0, ub) for (i in 10000:ub) { pnl = 0 if (pos > 0) pnl = bid[i] - entryP if (pos < 0) pnl = entryP - ask[i] if (zscore[i] > 2.0 && pos != -1) { # go short if (pos > 0) { # exit long and record pnl cpnl = cpnl + pnl if (pnl > 0) wins = wins + 1 trades = trades + 1 pnl = 0 } pos = -1 entryP = bid[i] } else if (zscore[i] < -2.0 && pos != 1) { # go long if (pos < 0) { # exit short and record pnl cpnl = cpnl + pnl if (pnl > 0) wins = wins + 1 trades = trades + 1 pnl = 0 } pos = 1 entryP = ask[i] } equity[i] = cpnl + pnl } # assume close-out of final position cpnl = cpnl + pnl if (pnl > 0) wins = wins + 1 if (pos != 0) trades = trades + 1 # plot equity chart and report performance stats plot(equity, t='l', lwd=3) cpnl;trades; cpnl / trades; wins/trades Is it possible to vectorize this simple loop-based mean reversion trading system in R?
" I'm having difficulty vectorizing because variable state must be maintained " That sums it all. You can't avoid loops if your result in any iteration depends on previous iterations.
Function to return date of Easter for the given year
So, here's a funny little programming challenge. I was writing a quick method to determine all the market holidays for a particular year, and then I started reading about Easter and discovered just how crazy* the logic is for determining its date--the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon following the spring equinox! Does anybody know of an existing function to calculate the date of Easter for a given year? Granted, it's probably not all that hard to do; I just figured I'd ask in case somebody's already done this. (And that seems very likely.) UPDATE: Actually, I'm really looking for the date of Good Friday (the Friday before Easter)... I just figured Easter would get me there. And since I'm in the U.S., I assume I'm looking for the Catholic Easter? But perhaps someone can correct me on that if I'm wrong. *By "crazy" I meant, like, involved. Not anything offensive...
Python: using dateutil's easter() function. >>> from dateutil.easter import * >>> print easter(2010) 2010-04-04 >>> print easter(2011) 2011-04-24 The functions gets, as an argument, the type of calculation you like: EASTER_JULIAN = 1 EASTER_ORTHODOX = 2 EASTER_WESTERN = 3 You can pick the one relevant to the US. Reducing two days from the result would give you Good Friday: >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> d = timedelta(days=-2) >>> easter(2011), 4, 24) >>> easter(2011)+d, 4, 22) Oddly enough, someone was iterating this, and published the results in Wikipedia's article about the algorithm:
in SQL Server Easter Sunday would look like this, scroll down for Good Friday CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEasterSunday ( #Y INT ) RETURNS SMALLDATETIME AS BEGIN DECLARE #EpactCalc INT, #PaschalDaysCalc INT, #NumOfDaysToSunday INT, #EasterMonth INT, #EasterDay INT SET #EpactCalc = (24 + 19 * (#Y % 19)) % 30 SET #PaschalDaysCalc = #EpactCalc - (#EpactCalc / 28) SET #NumOfDaysToSunday = #PaschalDaysCalc - ( (#Y + #Y / 4 + #PaschalDaysCalc - 13) % 7 ) SET #EasterMonth = 3 + (#NumOfDaysToSunday + 40) / 44 SET #EasterDay = #NumOfDaysToSunday + 28 - ( 31 * (#EasterMonth / 4) ) RETURN ( SELECT CONVERT ( SMALLDATETIME, RTRIM(#Y) + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM(#EasterMonth), 2) + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM(#EasterDay), 2) ) ) END GO Good Friday is like this and it uses the Easter function above CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetGoodFriday ( #Y INT ) RETURNS SMALLDATETIME AS BEGIN RETURN (SELECT dbo.GetEasterSunday(#Y) - 2) END GO From here:
When it came for me to write this (traffic prediction based on day of week and holiday), I gave up on trying to write it by myself. I found it somewhere on the net. The code was public domain, but... sigh see for yourself. void dateOfEaster(struct tm* p) { int Y = p->tm_year; int a = Y % 19; int b = Y / 100; int c = Y % 100; int d = b / 4; int e = b % 4; int f = (b + 8) / 25; int g = (b - f + 1) / 3; int h = (19 * a + b - d - g + 15) % 30; int i = c / 4; int k = c % 4; int L = (32 + 2 * e + 2 * i - h - k) % 7; int m = (a + 11 * h + 22 * L) / 451; p->tm_mon = ((h + L - 7 * m + 114) / 31 ) - 1; p->tm_mday = ((h + L - 7 * m + 114) % 31) + 1; p->tm_hour = 12; const time_t tmp = mktime(p); *p = *localtime(&tmp); //recover yday from mon+mday } Some questions are better left unasked. I feel lucky that all moving holidays in my country are a fixed offset from the date of Easter.
The SQL Server function below is more general than the accepted answer The accepted answer is only correct for the range (inclusive) : 1900-04-15 to 2099-04-12 It uses the algorithm provided by The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEasterSunday (#Y INT) RETURNS DATETIME AS BEGIN -- Source of algorithm : DECLARE #c INT = #Y / 100 DECLARE #n INT = #Y - 19 * (#Y / 19) DECLARE #k INT = (#c - 17) / 25 DECLARE #i INT = #c - #c / 4 - (#c - #k) / 3 + 19 * #n + 15 SET #i = #i - 30 * (#i / 30) SET #i = #i - (#i / 28) * (1 - (#i / 28) * (29 / (#i + 1)) * ((21 - #n) / 11)) DECLARE #j INT = #Y + #Y / 4 + #i + 2 - #c + #c / 4 SET #j = #j - 7 * (#j / 7) DECLARE #l INT = #i - #j DECLARE #m INT = 3 + (#l + 40) / 44 DECLARE #d INT = #l + 28 - 31 * (#m / 4) RETURN ( SELECT CONVERT ( DATETIME, RTRIM(#Y) + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM(#m), 2) + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM(#d), 2) ) ) END GO
VB .NET Functions for Greek Orthodox and Catholic Easter: Public Shared Function OrthodoxEaster(ByVal Year As Integer) As Date Dim a = Year Mod 19 Dim b = Year Mod 7 Dim c = Year Mod 4 Dim d = (19 * a + 16) Mod 30 Dim e = (2 * c + 4 * b + 6 * d) Mod 7 Dim f = (19 * a + 16) Mod 30 Dim key = f + e + 3 Dim month = If((key > 30), 5, 4) Dim day = If((key > 30), key - 30, key) Return New DateTime(Year, month, day) End Function Public Shared Function CatholicEaster(ByVal Year As Integer) As DateTime Dim month = 3 Dim a = Year Mod 19 + 1 Dim b = Year / 100 + 1 Dim c = (3 * b) / 4 - 12 Dim d = (8 * b + 5) / 25 - 5 Dim e = (5 * Year) / 4 - c - 10 Dim f = (11 * a + 20 + d - c) Mod 30 If f = 24 Then f += 1 If (f = 25) AndAlso (a > 11) Then f += 1 Dim g = 44 - f If g < 21 Then g = g + 30 Dim day = (g + 7) - ((e + g) Mod 7) If day > 31 Then day = day - 31 month = 4 End If Return New DateTime(Year, month, day) End Function
The below code determines Easter through powershell: function Get-DateOfEaster { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $theYear=(Get-Date).Year ) if($theYear -lt 1583) { return $null } else { # Step 1: Divide the theYear by 19 and store the # remainder in variable A. Example: If the theYear # is 2000, then A is initialized to 5. $a = $theYear % 19 # Step 2: Divide the theYear by 100. Store the integer # result in B and the remainder in C. $c = $theYear % 100 $b = ($theYear -$c) / 100 # Step 3: Divide B (calculated above). Store the # integer result in D and the remainder in E. $e = $b % 4 $d = ($b - $e) / 4 # Step 4: Divide (b+8)/25 and store the integer # portion of the result in F. $f = [math]::floor(($b + 8) / 25) # Step 5: Divide (b-f+1)/3 and store the integer # portion of the result in G. $g = [math]::floor(($b - $f + 1) / 3) # Step 6: Divide (19a+b-d-g+15)/30 and store the # remainder of the result in H. $h = (19 * $a + $b - $d - $g + 15) % 30 # Step 7: Divide C by 4. Store the integer result # in I and the remainder in K. $k = $c % 4 $i = ($c - $k) / 4 # Step 8: Divide (32+2e+2i-h-k) by 7. Store the # remainder of the result in L. $l = (32 + 2 * $e + 2 * $i - $h - $k) % 7 # Step 9: Divide (a + 11h + 22l) by 451 and # store the integer portion of the result in M. $m = [math]::floor(($a + 11 * $h + 22 * $l) / 451) # Step 10: Divide (h + l - 7m + 114) by 31. Store # the integer portion of the result in N and the # remainder in P. $p = ($h + $l - 7 * $m + 114) % 31 $n = (($h + $l - 7 * $m + 114) - $p) / 31 # At this point p+1 is the day on which Easter falls. # n is 3 for March and 4 for April. $DateTime = New-Object DateTime $theyear, $n, ($p+1), 0, 0, 0, ([DateTimeKind]::Utc) return $DateTime } } $eastersunday=Get-DateOfEaster 2015 Write-Host $eastersunday
Found this Excel formula somewhere Assuming cell A1 contains year e.g. 2020 ROUND(DATE(A1;4;1)/7+MOD(19*MOD(A1;19)-7;30)*0,14;0)*7-6 Converted to T-SQL lead me to this: DECLARE #yr INT=2020 SELECT DATEADD(dd, ROUND(DATEDIFF(dd, '1899-12-30', DATEFROMPARTS(#yr, 4, 1)) / 7.0 + ((19.0 * (#yr % 19) - 7) % 30) * 0.14, 0) * 7.0 - 6, -2)
In JS, taken from here. var epoch=2444238.5,elonge=278.83354,elongp=282.596403,eccent=.016718,sunsmax=149598500,sunangsiz=.533128,mmlong=64.975464,mmlongp=349.383063,mlnode=151.950429,minc=5.145396,mecc=.0549,mangsiz=.5181,msmax=384401,mparallax=.9507,synmonth=29.53058868,lunatbase=2423436,earthrad=6378.16,PI=3.141592653589793,epsilon=1e-6;function sgn(x){return x<0?-1:x>0?1:0}function abs(x){return x<0?-x:x}function fixAngle(a){return a-360*Math.floor(a/360)}function toRad(d){return d*(PI/180)}function toDeg(d){return d*(180/PI)}function dsin(x){return Math.sin(toRad(x))}function dcos(x){return Math.cos(toRad(x))}function toJulianTime(date){var year,month,day;year=date.getFullYear();var m=(month=date.getMonth()+1)>2?month:month+12,y=month>2?year:year-1,d=(day=date.getDate())+date.getHours()/24+date.getMinutes()/1440+(date.getSeconds()+date.getMilliseconds()/1e3)/86400,b=isJulianDate(year,month,day)?0:2-y/100+y/100/4;return Math.floor(365.25*(y+4716)+Math.floor(30.6001*(m+1))+d+b-1524.5)}function isJulianDate(year,month,day){if(year<1582)return!0;if(year>1582)return!1;if(month<10)return!0;if(month>10)return!1;if(day<5)return!0;if(day>14)return!1;throw"Any date in the range 10/5/1582 to 10/14/1582 is invalid!"}function jyear(td,yy,mm,dd){var z,f,alpha,b,c,d,e;return f=(td+=.5)-(z=Math.floor(td)),b=(z<2299161?z:z+1+(alpha=Math.floor((z-1867216.25)/36524.25))-Math.floor(alpha/4))+1524,c=Math.floor((b-122.1)/365.25),d=Math.floor(365.25*c),e=Math.floor((b-d)/30.6001),{day:Math.floor(b-d-Math.floor(30.6001*e)+f),month:Math.floor(e<14?e-1:e-13),year:Math.floor(mm>2?c-4716:c-4715)}}function jhms(j){var ij;return j+=.5,ij=Math.floor(86400*(j-Math.floor(j))+.5),{hour:Math.floor(ij/3600),minute:Math.floor(ij/60%60),second:Math.floor(ij%60)}}function jwday(j){return Math.floor(j+1.5)%7}function meanphase(sdate,k){var t,t2;return 2415020.75933+synmonth*k+1178e-7*(t2=(t=(sdate-2415020)/36525)*t)-155e-9*(t2*t)+33e-5*dsin(166.56+132.87*t-.009173*t2)}function truephase(k,phase){var t,t2,t3,pt,m,mprime,f,apcor=!1;if(pt=2415020.75933+synmonth*(k+=phase)+1178e-7*(t2=(t=k/1236.85)*t)-155e-9*(t3=t2*t)+33e-5*dsin(166.56+132.87*t-.009173*t2),m=359.2242+29.10535608*k-333e-7*t2-347e-8*t3,mprime=306.0253+385.81691806*k+.0107306*t2+1236e-8*t3,f=21.2964+390.67050646*k-.0016528*t2-239e-8*t3,phase<.01||abs(phase-.5)<.01?(pt+=(.1734-393e-6*t)*dsin(m)+.0021*dsin(2*m)-.4068*dsin(mprime)+.0161*dsin(2*mprime)-4e-4*dsin(3*mprime)+.0104*dsin(2*f)-.0051*dsin(m+mprime)-.0074*dsin(m-mprime)+4e-4*dsin(2*f+m)-4e-4*dsin(2*f-m)-6e-4*dsin(2*f+mprime)+.001*dsin(2*f-mprime)+5e-4*dsin(m+2*mprime),apcor=!0):(abs(phase-.25)<.01||abs(phase-.75)<.01)&&(pt+=(.1721-4e-4*t)*dsin(m)+.0021*dsin(2*m)-.628*dsin(mprime)+.0089*dsin(2*mprime)-4e-4*dsin(3*mprime)+.0079*dsin(2*f)-.0119*dsin(m+mprime)-.0047*dsin(m-mprime)+3e-4*dsin(2*f+m)-4e-4*dsin(2*f-m)-6e-4*dsin(2*f+mprime)+.0021*dsin(2*f-mprime)+3e-4*dsin(m+2*mprime)+4e-4*dsin(m-2*mprime)-3e-4*dsin(2*m+mprime),pt+=phase<.5?.0028-4e-4*dcos(m)+3e-4*dcos(mprime):4e-4*dcos(m)-.0028-3e-4*dcos(mprime),apcor=!0),!apcor)throw"Error calculating moon phase!";return pt}function phasehunt(sdate,phases){var adate,k1,k2,nt1,nt2,yy,mm,dd,jyearResult=jyear(adate=sdate-45,yy,mm,dd);for(yy=jyearResult.year,mm=jyearResult.month,,adate=nt1=meanphase(adate,k1=Math.floor(12.3685*(yy+1/12*(mm-1)-1900)));nt2=meanphase(adate+=synmonth,k2=k1+1),!(nt1<=sdate&&nt2>sdate);)nt1=nt2,k1=k2;return phases[0]=truephase(k1,0),phases[1]=truephase(k1,.25),phases[2]=truephase(k1,.5),phases[3]=truephase(k1,.75),phases[4]=truephase(k2,0),phases}function kepler(m,ecc){var e,delta;e=m=toRad(m);do{e-=(delta=e-ecc*Math.sin(e)-m)/(1-ecc*Math.cos(e))}while(abs(delta)>epsilon);return e}function getMoonPhase(julianDate){var Day,N,M,Ec,Lambdasun,ml,MM,MN,Ev,Ae,MmP,mEc,lP,lPP,NP,y,x,MoonAge,MoonPhase,MoonDist,MoonDFrac,MoonAng,F,SunDist,SunAng;return N=fixAngle(360/365.2422*(Day=julianDate-epoch)),Ec=kepler(M=fixAngle(N+elonge-elongp),eccent),Ec=Math.sqrt((1+eccent)/(1-eccent))*Math.tan(Ec/2),Lambdasun=fixAngle((Ec=2*toDeg(Math.atan(Ec)))+elongp),F=(1+eccent*Math.cos(toRad(Ec)))/(1-eccent*eccent),SunDist=sunsmax/F,SunAng=F*sunangsiz,ml=fixAngle(13.1763966*Day+mmlong),MM=fixAngle(ml-.1114041*Day-mmlongp),MN=fixAngle(mlnode-.0529539*Day),MmP=MM+(Ev=1.2739*Math.sin(toRad(2*(ml-Lambdasun)-MM)))-(Ae=.1858*Math.sin(toRad(M)))-.37*Math.sin(toRad(M)),lPP=(lP=ml+Ev+(mEc=6.2886*Math.sin(toRad(MmP)))-Ae+.214*Math.sin(toRad(2*MmP)))+.6583*Math.sin(toRad(2*(lP-Lambdasun))),NP=MN-.16*Math.sin(toRad(M)),y=Math.sin(toRad(lPP-NP))*Math.cos(toRad(minc)),x=Math.cos(toRad(lPP-NP)),toDeg(Math.atan2(y,x)),NP,toDeg(Math.asin(Math.sin(toRad(lPP-NP))*Math.sin(toRad(minc)))),MoonAge=lPP-Lambdasun,MoonPhase=(1-Math.cos(toRad(MoonAge)))/2,MoonDist=msmax*(1-mecc*mecc)/(1+mecc*Math.cos(toRad(MmP+mEc))),MoonAng=mangsiz/(MoonDFrac=MoonDist/msmax),mparallax/MoonDFrac,{moonIllumination:MoonPhase,moonAgeInDays:synmonth*(fixAngle(MoonAge)/360),distanceInKm:MoonDist,angularDiameterInDeg:MoonAng,distanceToSun:SunDist,sunAngularDiameter:SunAng,moonPhase:fixAngle(MoonAge)/360}}function getMoonInfo(date){return null==date?{moonPhase:0,moonIllumination:0,moonAgeInDays:0,distanceInKm:0,angularDiameterInDeg:0,distanceToSun:0,sunAngularDiameter:0}:getMoonPhase(toJulianTime(date))}function getEaster(year){var previousMoonInfo,moonInfo,fullMoon=new Date(year,2,21),gettingDarker=void 0;do{previousMoonInfo=getMoonInfo(fullMoon),fullMoon.setDate(fullMoon.getDate()+1),moonInfo=getMoonInfo(fullMoon),void 0===gettingDarker?gettingDarker=moonInfo.moonIllumination<previousMoonInfo.moonIllumination:gettingDarker&&moonInfo.moonIllumination>previousMoonInfo.moonIllumination&&(gettingDarker=!1)}while(gettingDarker&&moonInfo.moonIllumination<previousMoonInfo.moonIllumination||!gettingDarker&&moonInfo.moonIllumination>previousMoonInfo.moonIllumination);for(fullMoon.setDate(fullMoon.getDate()-1);0!==fullMoon.getDay();)fullMoon.setDate(fullMoon.getDate()+1);return fullMoon} Then run getEaster(2020); // -> Sun Apr 12 2020