Any advice on 'breaking' an object out of its layout in Flex - for animation purposes? - apache-flex

If I have an object in a layout in Flex what is a good way to 'break it out' of that layout to be able to animate it.
For instance I have an image and a caption arranged at an angle. I want to make the image 'zoom out' slightly when the mouse rolls over it. Since its in a layout container is active if I were to resize it then obviously it would move around everything else.
I dont think I can achieve what I want by just setting includeinlayout=false.
Any experience with best practices on this?
My best idea I'm wondering about is making the image invisible and creating another image at the same location by using the screen coordinate conversion functions. This jsut semes clumsy

Wrap your object in a fixed size Canvas so that the layout upstream will remain the same. Then position the object manually within that container and then set its includeInLayout to false. At that point, you could do whatever you wanted with the interior object. Oh, also set clipContent to false. This should work whether you want it to grow or shrink.
If this is an itemrenderer or something that you've wrapped into a class, you could handle all of this in the class definition and make it transparent to consumers of the object. You'd also be able to write a mouseOver function that did what you wanted with the interior object that should zoom.


QGraphicsView background

Hi i'm trying to get a photoshop-like behaviour for my QGraphicsScene
The grid in the background should not resize with the call of scale. And I must be able to save the picture with QPixmap::grabWidget(view) but without the background grid. I can probably do it with removing the background layer just before saving the picture, but i'm not sure if its cleanest way to do it.
Any ideas ?
Question 1
The grid in the background should not resize with the call of scale.
Use the QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag.
The item ignores inherited transformations (i.e., its position is
still anchored to its parent, but the parent or view rotation, zoom or
shear transformations are ignored). This flag is useful for keeping
text label items horizontal and unscaled, so they will still be
readable if the view is transformed. When set, the item's view
geometry and scene geometry will be maintained separately.
In order to set this flag use the setFlag function when creating the grid item.
Question 2
I must be able to save the picture with QPixmap::grabWidget(view) but without the
background grid.
Call the hide function on the grid item before calling the grabWidget. After you have grabbed it you show it again by calling the show function.

difference between <s:Line> and graphics.lineTo()

If I skin a button and use the AS3 graphice.clear() and graphics.lineTo and beginFill to create a shape, the button overlaps other items in the container.
When I use the and mxml to create the same shape, the button is neatly positioned inside the container.
Why is that?
This is probably happening because Flex is unable to calculate the size of your dynamically drawn button, while the MXML version allows the size to be calculated prior to being displayed. You may need to override the measure method to calculate the width/height. If that's not the issue, then post some code so we can take a closer look. Hope that helps.
Because the Line Object is doing a bunch of checks and extra work you aren't doing when you use the Graphics object. Look at the code for spark.primitives.Line to see what its doing that you aren't.

Qt QHboxLayout cell size ssues

For those of you who haven't been reading my Qt questoins, I am learning Qt for a project. I have only limited experience with GUI design at all, and not in Qt.
I've got a horizontal layout that I want to populate with some buttons. I can feed these buttons in just fine, but my formerly-square buttons are stretched horizontally to take up more space.
I want to let the layout manager determine the best way to size these buttons, but I also want their original proportions to remain intact. For instance, if I start would with 32X32 buttons that need to shrink to fit all of them in the layout, I want them to shrink proportionally so that the width to height scale is maintained. 20X20, 16X16, 12X12 would all be just fine, but 24X16 would be an example of dimensions that are unacceptable.
I've tinkered with size policies on the buttons and stretch options. I'm not seeing, even after reading the QPushButton and QHboxLayout classes how to do this. How is it accomplished?
As long as I understand the question correctly, I think what you want is QBoxLayout::addStretch(). This will add a spacer object that fills the unused space. So the buttons will have their ideal size and the spacer will fill the rest. You can try experimenting with this in Designer, it's easier than the write/compile/run cycle.
You should take a look at the answers to this question. This is a recap of my answer there.
You need to create a custom derivative of QLayoutItem, which overrides bool hasHeightForWidth() and int heightForWidth( int width ) to preserve the aspect ratio. You could either pass the button in and query it, or you could just set the ratio directly. You'll also need to make sure the widget() function returns a pointer to the proper button.
Once that is done, you can add a layout item to a layout in the same manner you would a widget. So when your button gets added, change it to use your custom layout item class.
I haven't actually tested any of this, so it is a theoretical solution at this point. I don't know of any way to do this solution through designer, if that was desired.

How do I enable autoresizing for a Flex UIComponent?

I have a class which extends UIComponent and draws directly onto a Sprite contained within. Currently I'm (probably incorrectly) listening to the Event.RESIZE event and drawing the contents when the width and height are non-zero. The problem is that even though I've passed percentage widths to the instance tag, it doesn't appear to be resized along with other Flex components on the page, certainly the resize event isn't being fired at all.
I've hacked it for the moment by binding the width and height to a container which does resize, but how should I really be handling this?
Update :
It turns out I was setting the width and height somewhere in the redraw method (I have no recollection of why I did this!). I shall go hang my head in shame now...
I think you need to provide more information. I'm doing exactly the same, and it works smoothly for me. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere else: e.g. exactly what type of container do you use? Isn't it possible that the space gained/lost on resizing gets allocated to some other component within the cointainer? Try substituting your own component with an mx:Box with some colored background, and see if that resizes with the container.

Flex: Setting the resgistration point on a display object

What is the best way to change/set a registration point on a Flex 3 display object? I know this isn't really built in to easily change, but does anyone have any suggestions on how I could extend UIComponent to achieve this?
For some reason, the Flash Player API doesn't expose the registration point of DisplayObjects (and the Flash IDE makes them a pain to modify once an object is created). The best solution, as David pointed out, is to add your component as a child of another component (UIComponent would be fine). So, for example, if I had a Button and I wanted its registration point at its center, I'd add it as a child of a UIComponent (not Canvas) and offset the child by setting its position to (-button.width/2, -button.height/2).
Put your DisplayObject inside a sprite and set the DisplayObject's x & y positions to the negitive of your target registration point. Apply all transforms to the Sprite container.
Put it inside a Canvas container, with its clipContent attribute set to false. Within the canvas, you can put your object wherever you like.
