Unable to get ASP.Net UpdateProgress to display - asp.net

I'm trying to display an update progress loading image whenever my update panel does it's Ajax thing. I've looked around at tutorials and it seems really straightforward but I'm having no luck. Here is pretty much what I have...
<div id="panelWrapper">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="TaskUpdateProgress" runat="server" DynamicLayout="False" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1" DisplayAfter="0">
<asp:Image ImageUrl="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif" Width="16px" Height="16px" runat="server" ID="TaskLoadingImage"/>
<div id="UrlDiv" class="URLNotification">
<asp:Label ID="UrlLabel" runat="server" Text="URL:" AssociatedControlID="Url" />
<asp:HyperLink ID="Url" runat="server" Text="Click &quotGenerate" to create the URL." />
<br />
<asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="IncludeItems" TextAlign="Right">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Include 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Include 2</asp:ListItem>
<br />
<div id="buttons" style="display:inline;">
<asp:Button ID="Generate" runat="server" OnClicked="Generate_Clicked" Text="Generate" />
<asp:Button ID="Add" runat="server" OnClientClick="add();" Text="Add"/>
I also have some absolute positioning styling in a stylesheet. I've tried a bunch of variations of what you see here and have not found much good information as to what may be the issue. Any ideas? If you need anything else, let me know.
EDIT: The only new information I've found is that...
"In the following scenarios, the UpdateProgress control will not display automatically:
The UpdateProgress control is associated with a specific update panel, but the asynchronous postback results from a control that is not inside that update panel.
The UpdateProgress control is not associated with any UpdatePanel control, and the asynchronous postback does not result from a control that is not inside an UpdatePanel and is not a trigger. For example, the update is performed in code."
I'm pretty confident neither of these fit into my case. All that is happening is the button (which is inside the update panel) is clicked calling some code behind which set's the URL text to be reloaded for the update panel.

I have also the same problem with the UpdateProgressPanel.
I found out that when you have placed an UpdateProgressPanel and associated it to an UpdatePanel, any postback from that UpdatePanel will cause the UpdateProgressPanel to show.
Another trick to do is to remove the AssociatedUpdatePanel parameter if you have a single UpdatePanel on the page, this will cause the UpdateProgressPanel to show every Async PostBack that happens.
UpdateProgressPanel can be placed anywhere in the code, except those areas that have predefined tags on it. It can be placed inside or outside the UpdatePanel and it will show if you have properly placed its CSS, Associated it to an UpdatePanel or just place it there and it will show up if an async postback result happens.

Don't put the update progress control inside the update panel control

Make sure the UpdateProgress 'DisplayAfter' is set up to 1000 (1 sec)

I guess I figured out what was going on. The issue wasn't with anything I was doing wrong with the UpdateProgress or Panel. It was that I had other stuff loading in the background that was apparently holding up the UpdatePanel's Ajaxyness.
So basically what happened was that the loading icon wouldn't show up on the initial page load. I realized this because I actually waited till after everything on the page was completely loaded to fire off the button. Sure enough the loader showed up.
I assumed that the update panel refresh would at least be requested the instant the click event was heard so the loader icon would immediately show during the time other stuff is loading. This doesn't appear to be the case though...

I was having really hard time after converting my project from VS2008 to VS2010. The UpdateProgress stopped working suddenly, which was fine in VS2008. Spending a whole afternoon to search the answer and experimenting this and that, finally I found what went wrong from Scott Gu's posting.
It was an automatically generated web.config entry 'xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"'.
After disabling this, it started to work again. May be not the case for you but just for guys struggling with the same problem.
Happy coding

I also had a problem with the UpdateProgress not showing. Turned out the postback to the server was actually so fast it never had time to show. Adding a Thread.Sleep(10000) helped show the problem.

Create a new ASP.NET Ajax-Enabled Web Site and then paste these code in ascs and aspx file. Run it and you can see the update progress. You can use animated gif files too to show the progress...
ascx Page:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>UpdateProgress control</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdateProgress runat="server" id="PageUpdateProgress" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="Panel">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" id="Panel">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="UpdateButton" OnClick="UpdateButton_Click" Text="Update" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="UpdateButton" EventName="Click" />
aspx Page:
protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


ASP.NET update panel nested refreshing

This code is in a user control . and i am providing a sample code structure to get an overview .
<Update Panel UpdateMode= "Conditional">
<updatepanel UpdateMode="Conditional"></updatepanel>
so when i click a button in the second panel , i am supposed to hide that panel and it is happening but simultaneously the other panels are getting refreshed . what could be the possible reason for that ?
Based on the code snippet you may have a couple issues to fix:
Make sure you have a ScriptManager on the page with EnablePartialRendering="true"
Correct your markup by making the <UpdatePanel> elements ASP.NET UpdatePanel controls by prefixing them with "asp:".
Add UpdateMode="Conditional" to both of your UpdatePanel controls
Move the sections you want to update asynchronously into the UpdatePanel controls.
<asp:ScriptManager ID="MyScriptManager" EnablePartialRendering="true" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="MyUpdatePanel" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="This is a label!"></asp:Label>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />
The following article is a great resource to learn more about the UpdatePanel with details on it's capabilities.
Understanding Partial Page Updates with ASP.NET AJAX

UpdateProgress not showing on first postback

I am working on an app that loads modules (which are just user controls) into a single update panel. UpdateMode="Always". There is an UpdateProgress control with a gif that should display on postback.
For a few modules, the UpdateProgress doesn't show until the second postback from the module. So for example, the one module has a dropdown that posts back on change. If the user changes the dropdown before doing anything else, there will be no indication (no progress gif) that it is posting back. If the user then changes the drop down again (or any other postback), the UpdateProgress shows. Any ideas?
I've verified that it isn't just the drop down control and the initial postback takes long enough that the progress gif should show. UpdatePanel code below, module user controls are loaded in cphMain.
I am currently working around this by doing a __doPostBack in JavaScript when the module loads, but this is ugly.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upMain" runat="Server" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="uPrgMain" runat="server" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="upMain">
<asp:Image ID="imgLoading" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/loading.gif" AlternateText="Loading" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cphMain" runat="server">

asp:Menu stops working after a different control performs partial AJAX postback

This issue occurs in ASP.NET 4.6 and I've seen a few similar posts, but they usually referred not to the same control (built-in here) or ended up with a conclusion "just use a different/external control here: html link", which is not really an option for me.
First, some code
<div id="HeaderProper">
<div id="HeaderProperTitle">
<asp:Menu ID="HeaderProperMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="HeaderProperSiteMap" Orientation="Horizontal"
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="HeaderProperSiteMap" runat="server" />
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<h1>Complete List</h1>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<div class="SortOrderSelection">
Sort by
<asp:DropDownList ID="cbxSortBy" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"
OnSelectedIndexChanged="cbxSortBy_SelectedIndexChanged" />
<asp:Panel ID="SortedList" CssClass="top-margin five-columns" runat="server" />
<asp:Panel ID="Summary" CssClass="top-margin" runat="server" />
How to reproduce:
Choose an item in the DropDownList, which causes partial postback. The menu then stops working, that is - the drop down/hover menu doesn't open, but the first level links seem to be functional. Refreshing the whole page fixes the problems (duh?).
And, contrary to what I've found:
1) Menu is NOT inside an UpdatePanel, which I acknowledge is unsupported solution
2) Menu works fine when RenderingMode is set to Table, but generates a very ugly html code, which I would like to avoid. Not mentioning additional quirks in margins that have to be adjusted with ugly fixes.
3) I tried setting z-index: 1000...0 !important as suggested by some sources (on most menu related styles), but to no avail.
I would be grateful for any suggestions how this can be resolved while still using asp:Menu control in List rendering mode, possibly with as least intervention as possible. My point here is to use built-in functionality and keep the code clean from unnecessary JS, jQuery (if possible at all; otherwise I'd rather open a Connect case for this issue).
Thank you in advance.
Putting your menu into an update panel should work because it will indicate to the server to update it after the postback. Without this, any repost can create the risk of losing some events in your element. Refreshing works because you are refreshing the whole page and not only some element of it.

ASP.NET Partial postback issue

I have an ImageButton which, when clicked, calls a code-behind method that does some work and also changes the state of the ImageButton. I want to do a partial postback so that the entire page doesn't have to to load after clicking the ImageButton but also because I want the ImageButton as well as a Label next to it to update.
I figured I could use an UpdatePanel to accomplish this, but haven't had any luck. Here's what it looks like currently:
<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<div class="entry-vote">
<div class="vote-left">
<asp:ImageButton ID="thumb" runat="server" OnClick="Cast_Vote" />
<div class="vote-right">
<span class="votecount"><%# Eval("Votes.Count") %></span>
When I click the ImageButton, it appears to wait about five seconds and then execute the code behind.
I've never worked with partial postbacks before, so I'm kind of just flying blind here.
The delay only occurs while testing on localhost in Debug. Deploying in Release fixes the issue.

ASP.NET Webforms UpdatePanel duplicate contents

I've been handed a huge Webforms project which I'm trying to understand, and I have a problem where an Update Panel is duplicating a lot of its content. The aspx code for the panel is huge, hundreds of lines long, but it basically looks like this simple example, only with lots more asp:TextBox and asp:ListBox.
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" RenderMode="Block" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<label>Search</label><asp:TextBox ID="Search" runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" OnClick="find_Click" >Find</asp:LinkButton>
<div id="a"><table><tbody><tr><td>
<label>Result</label><asp:TextBox ID="Result" runat="server" />
and code behind like this.
public void find_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Result.Text = "oranges";
When you click the LinkButton, I would expect to see in the result the <div id="a"> section, but with the text 'oranges' in the TextBox. What you actually get is <div id="a"> with 'oranges', followed by the original <div id="a"> with the empty TextBox. The worst bit is that it doesn't do it in this simple example, nor even in a page that I created that had all the original asp:TextBox and asp:ListBox but filled with dummy data. Can anyone point me to any good ways of approaching this problem?
Another solution would be to make sure all HTML tags are closed inside the asp:UpdatePanel. In my case, I've got the open header tag placed in the Site.Master file (outside of UpdatePanel control) and the closing header tag inside the UpdatePanel control (on aspx page). Because of that, every time the UpdatePanel postbacks it recreates the closing header tag again causing the content to be duplicated. After I placed the closing tag into Site.Master file, everything worked beautifully.
You might have already tried this, but in the actual problem page, is it possible to remove as many server controls out of the updatepanel and just leave in offending textbox and then see what happens? I'm guessing you'll probably have to comment out alot of .cs/.vb code, which can be a pain.
Also try removing the updatepanel and see what happens.
Some serious refactoring later, it now looks like (a very bloated version of) this.
<label>Search</label><asp:TextBox ID="Search" runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" OnClick="find_Click" >Find</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" RenderMode="Block" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<div id="a"><table><tbody><tr><td>
<label>Result</label><asp:TextBox ID="Result" runat="server" />
