How can I create a file dsn for connecting to an AS400 system using the iSeries ODBC driver?
The iSeries ODBC driver allows many settings to be configured. Where can I find a list of all properties that can be set in the file DSN?
Driver={iSeries Access ODBC Driver};System=server;Uid=user;Pwd=password;
Where server is the system to connect (either IP address or hostname), username and password.
You can have a .dsn file like this:
DRIVER=iSeries Access ODBC Driver
Initial Catalog=library;
There is a good internet resource regarding connectionstrings of all flavors:
Here is the page for the AS400 ODBC drivers:
IBM Client Access ODBC driver
Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};System=my_system_name;
IBM iSeries Access ODBC driver
This driver is newer than the one above.
Driver={iSeries Access ODBC Driver};System=my_system_name;
IBM .Net Data Provider
Using the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries namespace
Password=myPassword; DataCompression=True;
OLE DB, OleDbConnection
IBM Client Access OLE DB provider
Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=MY_SYSTEM_NAME;
User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Where MY_SYSTEM_NAME is the name given to the system connection in OperationsNavigator
IBM Client Access OLE DB provider
Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=MY_SYSTEM_NAME;User Id=myUsername;
Password=myPassword;Default Collection=MY_LIBRARY;
Where MY_SYSTEM_NAME is the name given to the System Connection, and MY_LIBRARY is the name given to the library in iSeries Navigator.
I just discovered you can create a file DSN using the ODCB Administration tool, for any type of ODBC driver.
Here is the IBM documentation on ODBC connection string parameters.
Here's a great detailed description of what each keyword is and how you can configure them. The discusion is for DSN-less connections, in applications, but is useful if you want to customize your file DSN. I found it more useful than the IBM documentation.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have to connect the oracle data source in MS access which has already connected with some HANA server. But now i want to connect it to oracle.
I have done the odbc connection in System DSN from Administrator tools. Connection successful. But, still i cannot see that DSN in System DSN.
Tried the following steps but still not working
1. Modified default value as "value not set" in regedit.
2. created System DSN through this "C:\windows\SysWOW64"
I am looking to connect Cisco UCCX database using ODBC Data Source Adminsitrator (32-bit). But when I connect I get below error.
I was able to connect successfully previously but recently have been getting this error.
See the screenshot of error:
Try 123456 for uccxhruser.
And try to change host name to 'itsuccxpub01'
And leave option blank
I can able to connect/fetch data from Tableau Desktop but in tableau server it is throwing below error with datasource, Datasource is build on BI ODBC driver. Access permission are assign granted to root folder Oracle_HOME.
Based on the error, it seems the the driver is not properly installed. Try downloading the Oracle driver from tableau drivers page. If its installed correctly please cross check on the configurations you have provided. If you are using the ODBC driver, have you created the DSN properly. The DSN needs to be configured properly with the server name and authorisations and once this is done you can use this DSN in tableau.
Once you have installed the driver properly
Click Connect to Data.
On the Connect page, click Other Databases (ODBC).
In the DSN drop-down list, select the name that you gave to your Oracle BI Server ODBC connection, and then click Connect.
Below is the link on how to connect with the BI Connector
How to Connect to Oracle BI Server with Tableau without the shortcomings of Oracle ODBC driver
By Default, tableau server pre-populates “Server Run As user” account to Network Service account (NT AUTHRITY\NetworkService). And this account does not have full permission.
I installed the ODBC for 4d server but could not work it! Did you ever get the ODBC driver to work? I just installed it as well and cannot create a DSN that connects?
The error dialog is stating that the client is unable to establish a connection and asking if the sql server is started. This indicates that the ODBC driver cannot communicate to the 4D Server on the ip/port you have specified. The most likely scenario is that the SQL Server is not started but it could also be a port conflict or firewall.
In order for the ODBC driver to connect to the 4D Server;
the SQL Server must be started on 4D Server (i.e. START SQL SERVER)
the SQL Server port (default 19812) must not be blocked by a firewall
if using a non-standard port you must specify the port during DSN creation
Make sure the version of the ODBC Driver matches the version of the 4D Server.
At the DSN level you have selected 'Use SSL', so make sure the SQL Server is also using ssl
ODBC connections consume a 4D Client license in the absence of an Unlimited SQL license.
I install netezza ODBC drivers and configure data sources(ODBC) in Adminitstrative tools by add user DSN as NZSQL.
Next I connect with Visual studio 2013 using DSN in Server Explorer, in Datasource I select Microsoft ODBC data source and data provider I select .Net framework data provider for ODBC. The connection test is successful and I copy connectionstring from connection string in server explorer and paste it in web.config:
<add name="cn" connectionString="Dsn=NZSQL;Driver={NetezzaSQL};uid=kbanke2e"/>
When I compile the error is:
Additional information: A network-related or instance-specific error
occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was
not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is
correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a
connection to SQL Server
I successfully managed to create a Netezza datasource in VS2013 by specifying the full connection string manually:
The only problem I had was due to VS looking for the 32-bit driver (nsqlodbc.dll) in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Initially I only had the 64-bit driver installed.