WPF app into ASP - asp.net

Is there any way to turn to WPF app into an ASP app? Or are they totally unrelated technologies? XAML format reminds me so much of HTML that it seems like there might be a way.

WPF app is a windows application while an ASP.Net app is a web application. These two platforms have huge differences which make it hard to convert. In most cases this isn't even feasible due to different limitations and strengths of these platforms.
For viewing this might be possible but if the WPF application does anything like write to the local filesystem or modify something on the user's computer this just won't work on the web.
If the application is for internal use, you could look into XAML Browser Applications (XBAP). These have only security limitations which you can bypass by signing the deployment and propagating the correct certificate to the client computers through the Domain. The great part about XBAPs is that they can share assemblies with the WPF application and so converting WPF application to an XBAP is quite trivial.
Silverlight is another possibility but there are quite major differences between WPF and Silverlight and turning a WPF application into a Silverlight application requires more rewriting than one might initially think. The Silverlight engine is built on top of .Net but it uses different virtual machine and isn't binary compatible. It's still easier to port to than to ASP.Net!
Even if you would manage to convert the XAML to ASP.Net HTML you'd have problems with the minor differences in control behaviours. And if your WPF app is using the major WPF features such as embedding controls inside tab page headers or applying transformations don't even think of trying this.

I don't believe there is an easy way to do so; they are indeed basically unrelated technologies. WPF renders to your screen while ASP.NET renders HTML for viewing through a browser, and all the event/data pipelines are completely different.
Though you could convert your WPF app somewhat easily into a Silverlight app if you want to run it on the web.


VB6 and ASP.NET interoperability

I am supporting an ASP.NET app, which is installed on a web server and a VB6 app installed on a different app server. There is code duplication in the VB6 app and the ASP.NET app. I want to use some of the code in the ASP.NET app in VB6. I believe I have three options:
Expose the required functionality in an ASP.NET web service. The VB6 app will consume the web service.
Rewrite a small section of the vb6 app in .NET and extend the asp.net app. This will eliminate some of the code duplication.
Setup a class library for the ASP.NET app. Install the vb6 app on the web server. Expose the required functionality from the class library in a type library.
Which option is best? I believe option 2 is best.
Option 1. That leaves your shared, already-tested code on the most modern platform.
This is very hard to answer, as it varies for each company and each situation.
As a general rule, I'm very much in favor of using web services where possible, especially if multiple applications are using the same logic for the following reasons:
If I have to change the logic, I can do it in one place and fix all apps that depend on it
The same can be said for database connection strings, etc.
A bug fix can also often be fixed in one place.
I've had difficulties with a particular database that I need to deal with, where the vendor's updates tend to break their .NET adapter. Twice I had to modify/recompile a ton of apps to resolve this. Since then, we made it a policy to connect to that DB only via web services, so I'll only need to update one app in the future.
When developing mobile apps, the simple fact that we already had all our code in web services makes it that much easier to write apps that are strictly UI and leaving the business/database access logic as-is in existing web services.
All of those are pretty much "Standard" arguments for the SOA approach.
All things considered, my first recommendation, not knowing your specifics would be option #1.
There is a fourth option - a total rewrite of the VB6 app, if it's feasible, and if you can convince those who control the budgets and time allotment. Even with that, you can use the Service Oriented Architecture and split much of the logic into web services.

Make Desktop Application Web Interfaceable

Is there a way to make a desktop application easily interfaceable via Web ? Meaning, can you have a way to interface with a single desktop application as if you were remote desktop'd into the machine but not? I am looking at doing this in ASP.NET or Silverlight.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for...
If you were able to create your entire application UI in Silverlight and host it properly (in IIS or whatever) it would then be accessible from anywhere on the web. If you needed the perception of a real desktop app when running locally, you could then just make some simple app (WinForms, WPF, whatever) which contains a web browser control that could also load up the hosted Silverlight app (and just be a transparent browser). Depending on what the application is doing, you would obviously need some sort of service layer (probably in WCF) do to all of the heavy lifting and data access.
I guess the main question would be: can you accomplish everything your application needs to do in Silverlight? Since Silverlight is meant to run in a browser, it can be very limiting.
There are many solutions based on plugins. Some of the popular ones:
If you're ok with plugins, but only if they're common ones (flash, java), there are various solutions:
http://www.tightvnc.com/doc/java/README.txt (bundled java applet with TightVNC)
If you don't want plugins at all, there's an experimental HTML5/javascript VNC viewer:

WPF For Beginners Clarification

I am a Web developer in ASP.Net. Just I heard about WPF.Is WPF is for Desktop stuff or can
i use all WPF controls in my web application?. When i visit the microsoft website it talsk much about designer tools (expression,blend),where can i get web developer perspective vidoes of WPF (Just drag the control on my form and set the properties for coding)?
Bottom line is this - WPF is a desktop technology. It's very closely related sibling - Silverlight requires a runtime much like Flash to run in the browser.
Silverlight components/controls/applications can be hosted inside of an asp.net application but the idea that your skills will just 'carry over' is grossly misguided. Silverlight uses the same core languages (C#, VB.NET etc and a subset of the .NET Framework) so to that extent that knowledge is valuable but both WPF and Silverlight use a declarative presentation language called XAML or (XML Application Markup Language). XAML is what HTML can only dream to be - it is extremely powerful and elegant and has rich support for things like binding.
From a tooling perspective - Expression Blend is really a XAML designer that can target Silverlight or WPF applications.
Videos can be found at
UPDATE: Ray makes some good points in the comments section about WPF controls and the XBAP type (Xaml Browser Applications)
If you are developing intranet applications, you might also consider WPF XBAPs(XAML Broswer applications). Clickonce enables very interesting deployment scenarios of WPF XBAPs in intranet environment.
WPF XBAPs can provide more features than silverlight because XBAPs can make use of full .NET framework. Having said that silverlight is really amazing for developing Line Of Business applications.
Hope this helps.
You CAN use WPF for your web application. I have done so on several occasions.
To deploy WPF to a web browser you wrap your content in Page controls and create what is called an XAML Browser Application ("XBAP"). XBAPs can do almost everything that a full WPF application can do except access the local computer and call unmanaged code.
At present XBAPs are significantly more powerful than Silverlight, though that gap is closing quickly. I expect in another year or two Silverlight will be as good as XBAP for web deployment.
WPF is solely for desktop applications. Silverlight is very similar to WPF however and can be used as a Flash replacement, so your skills carry over.
If you are looking for WPF beginner videos to start with, then try these:
Hope, it will be helpful.

Can WPF browser apps be used as a replacement for ASP.NET?

I don't understand the purpose of the WPF browser appliction. Is it simply another way of serving information through a browser, or is it not intended to be used for external deployment?
WPF Browser applications allow you to create very rich, application style UI's deployable via the web, using coding languages windows developers already likely have in their toolset. The downsides are that the users must must have .net installed, and use IE to access the application, considerably limiting the size and scope of your audience. WPF browser applications are very similar to Java applications in that they run in a virtual machine on the client. As it runs on the client, all data access and communication with the server must be done through WCF or web services.
With ASP.NET you have considerably more cross browser compatibility and support, giving you access to a much larger audience, with the possible downside of learning new libraries and the ASP.NET programming model. ASP.NET also provides a rich data access model and data control support. Silverlight is another interesting option based on .NET and WPF, as it is supported by a wide variety of browsers and provides similar rich user interface experiences. It can als be run out of the browser, disconnected if neccesary.
** Update based on Comment Request ***
The big advantage to Silverlight out of browser, is that you get most of the Rich, windows application style functionality, with a web deployable model and tiny install (4-6MB). Silverlight also supports an auto update feature which is VERY nice if you have a large user base.
Microsoft's Official description (propaganda :) )here
Silverlight Out Of Browser
Enables users to place their favorite Silverlight applications directly onto their PC and Mac, with links on the desktop and start menu—all without the need to download an additional runtime or browser plug-in. Further, the new experience enables Silverlight applications to work whether the computer is connected to the Internet or not—a radical improvement to the traditional Web experience. Features include:
Safe and secure. Leveraging the security features of the .NET Framework, Silverlight applications run inside a secure sandbox with persistent isolated storage. These applications have most of the same security restrictions as traditional web apps and so can be trusted without security warnings or prompts, minimizing user interruptions.
Smooth installation. Because Silverlight applications are stored in a local cache and do not require extra privileges to run, the installation process is quick and efficient.
Auto-update. Upon launch, Silverlight applications can check for new versions on the server, and automatically update if one is found.
Internet connectivity detection. Silverlight applications can now detect whether they have Internet connectivity and can react intelligently including caching a users’ data until their connection is restored.
A WPF browser application is a client side technology, rather than ASP(.NET) which is server-side. It is definitely not meant to replace it.
Using a WPF browser application one can provide a rich client inside the browser. However, this will only work when the whole .NET framework is installed. Another similar technology is Silverlight, which uses a very small (the installer about 5-6 MiB) framework, and is available to multiple platforms. It includes a small subset of .NET framework.
You can use it in external deployment considering the above requirements.
The following portion of the above selected comment is wrong:
and use IE to access the application,
considerably limiting the size and
scope of your audience
WPF in the browser (aka XBAP) is works just from FireFox (Mozilla) and Google Chrome. It was true about 2 years ago, but not today.
You could use XAML in silverlight, if thats what you are looking for.
Plus the RIA Application templates makes development quite neat.

Migrating asp .net 2.0 application latest .net version(design question)

I have a web application built in the asp.net 2.0 MVC pattern.
Now the clients want to update this application with rich UI experience and the latest .net technologies.
Can anyone suggest whether I should use WPF or Silverlight: which one should I choose to change the application per the client requirement? I should be able to reuse my business layers and data layers, and thus reduce the time of development.
If I should choose one of these, please tell me the reasons and describe the requirements and what other guidelines I should keep in mind.
Thanks in advance
First lets clarify the technologies:
WPF is a desktop technology - although you can run it via a web browser using XBAPs however this is basically just downloads and runs the XPF (so your users need to have everything that WPF needs - Windows, .NET 3.0+ etc..)
Silverlight is a proper web technology - meaning it runs across browsers and OS.
So which can you use:
From Silverlight/WPF you can call to web services meaning you can easily reuse your business layers, although you just may need to wrap them.
I would not recommend a full change though - I would adopt a hybrid approach of using Silverlight + MVC. Swap out the parts of the front end (view) that make sense with Silverlight but keeping the the ASP.NET MVC code. This not only means your change is small (you can test out a single change and get feedback from users such as maybe your user base doesn't have permission to install Silverlight and thus can't use it), and you keep the ability to unit test a large part of your code still.
