When should a web service not be used? - asp.net

Using a web service is often an excellent architectural approach. And, with the advent of WCF in .Net, it's getting even better.
But, in my experience, some people seem to think that web services should always be used in the data access layer for calls to the database. I don't think that web services are the universal solution.
I am thinking of smaller intranet applications with a few dozen users. The web app and its web service are deployed to one web server, not a web farm. There isn't going to be another web app in the future that can use this particular web service. It seems to me that the cost of calling the web service unnecessarily increases the burden on the web server. There is a performance hit to inter-process calls. Maintaining and debugging the code for the web app and the web service is more complicated. So is deployment. I just don't see the advantages of using a web service here.
One could test this by creating two versions of the web app, with and without the web service, and do stress testing, but I haven't done it.
Do you have an opinion on using web services for small-scale web app's? Any other occasions when web services are not a good architectural choice?

Web Services are an absolutely horrible choice for data access. It's a ton of overhead and complexity for almost zero benefit.
If your app is going to run on one machine, why deny it the ability to do in-process data access calls? I'm not talking about directly accessing the database from your UI code, I'm talking about abstracting your repositories away but still including their assemblies in your running web site.
There are cases where I'd recommend web services (and I'm assuming you mean SOAP) but that's mostly for interoperability.
The granularity of the services is also in question here. A service in the SOA sense will encapsulate an operation or a business process. Data access methods are only part of that process.
In other words:
- someService.SaveOrder(order); // <-- bad
// some other code for shipping, charging, emailing, etc
- someService.FulfillOrder(order); //<-- better
//the service encapsulates the entire process
Web services for the sake of web services is irresponsible programming.

Nick Harrison, a brilliant developer in Charlotte, suggested these scenarios where using a web service makes sense:
On a Web farm, where there are multiple web servers hosting website(s), all pointing to web service(s) running on another web server. This allows for distributing the load over multiple servers.
Client/server, where Windows forms apps can call a web service.
Cross platform
Passing through a firewall

Just because the tool generates a bunch of stubs doesn't mean it's a good use. WS-* excels in scenarios where you expose services to external parties. This means that each operation should be on the granularity of business process as opposed to data access.
The multitude of standards can be used to describe different facets of your contract in great detail and a (hypothetical) fully compliant WS stack can take away a lot of pain from the third party developers and even allow the fabled point and click integration a'la Yahoo Pipes. With good governance controls you can evolve your public interface and manage the backward compatibility as needed.
All this is next to impossible to be generated automatically. The C# stub generator knows only the physical interface of your class, but doesn't have any idea about the semantics involved. See this paper for more detailed discussion.
If you are building a web site, then build a web site. If you want asynchronous messaging inside your application, use MSMQ. If you want to expose data to internal clients, use POX. If you need efficient binary message format, check Google's Protocol Buffers or if you need RPC check Hessian for C# or DCOM.
Web services are a coarse grained integration solution. They are rigid, they are slower than alternatives, they take too much effort to do well (and when not done well are next to pointless).
To summarize: "When should a web service not be used?" - anytime you can get away without it

If you are just coding a tiny (less than 50 users) web application for your intranet, a web service seems overkill. Especially if its primary function (providing a single point of access to many services) won't be used.

I agree that the use of a web service in a small scale web app adds a layer of complexity that does not seem justified. Most of my solutions, internet and intranet, 10-50 users, do not employ web services. I am glad others feel the same...I thought I was the only one.

For a small scale web app I think that using web services is often quite a good idea, you can use it to easily decouple the web server from the data tier. With the straightofrward development requirements and great tooling I don't see the problem.
However don't use web services in the following scenarios:
When you must use Http as the transport and Xml serialization of your data and you need lots of different bits of data, synchronously and often. Whether REST or SOAP or WS-* you're going to suffer performance issues. The more calls you make the slower your system will be. If you want medium size chunks of data less frequently, asynchronously and you can use straight TcpIp (e.g. Wcf netTcpBinding) you'd be better off.
When you need to query and join data from your web service with other data sources, rather motivate for a data warehouse which can be populated with properly consolidated and rationalized data from across the enterprize
This is my experience, hope it helps.

For a small-scale web app (You have to ask the question, "Will it always remain small scale?" though) using web services, separate business layers, data layers, and so on and so forth can be overkill.
Before anyone shoots me, I do agree that separation of logic between layers along with unit tests, continuous integration, et al are bloody brilliant. In my current role I'd be utterly lost and rocking in the corner without them. However for a very small-scale web app being used to, for example, track contact numbers and addresses for a company of 36 employees, the cost/benefit analysis would suggest that all the "niceties" listed above would be overkill.
However... Remember to ask the question "Will it always remain small scale?" :-)


Microservices using Asp.Net

After reading this great article I thought about migrating our platform to micro-services architecture.
Our stack is Asp.Net Web API (Rest...) on the server.
Angular 2 in the front.
I wanted to make a little proof of concept to check if we should continue down this road.
As for my understanding, I need to take some chunks from our web app and slice it into micro services. As for the beginning, I want to take 2 screens I have, "Users" And "Purchase History" (each of them is too big to be micro service but this is just for the POC) and create each one of them as micro service.
I read that the UI should be part of the microservice, so should I create a new angular two app for each one of them?
If so, should I use rest to call for the rendered HTML?
Frontend and backend API, two services (components) – it’s already some kind of microservice architecture. The questions are how big your components, what kind of logic they have, will you have benefits if you split some logic to different services?
Per microservice architecture every service (component) of your system should have some dedicated logic (domain), solves some related problems, persists data to its own data-store, can be developed and deployed separately. In some cases, data-store can be shared between services.
So, the goal of splitting logic into different services is making your application easier to develop, maintenance, support and understand. Too many small services can bring a lot of overheads. To create a service, you need to spend additional development time, a service is also a deployment item, communication between services has network overheads. So, you should careful consider all pros and cons of splitting logic into services. Some balance should be found.
Going back to the question if "Users" and "Purchase History" are totally different, they don’t have common logic, can be stored in different databases and both are complicated enough, so you can split them into two services. The same about UI parts. The main thing is that splitting should bring you benefits - not overheads.
About using rest - it’s up to you, rest architecture is not required for microservice architecture but very often they are used together. Rest is about design of your services, how they expose API and so on.

Strategy for separating common logic across multiple websites

I have a scenario where I have multiple websites using a commnon dll for authentication and general user detail fetching.
I now need to update the common dll with a slightly different login logic and it means I'll need to push this new dll into every website and do a release process for each.
I'm wondering whether it's better to host the common authentication methods in a webservice of some sort then have the websites call that internally. Would it be an internal web service? ajax callbacks from an server side only website? Or stick with the dll method to ensure code changes doesn't break the sites?
Are there any security concerns when not using a dll for this kind of task?
Using a webservice seems a good way to do that. I will cause less memory usage and can be updated independantly from the wesites (if ever needed).
You could go for a WCF services (with dual tcp?) maybe.
Both approaches work in my opinion, but there are significant differences between them that we should keep in mind.
First of all, all of this depends also on the language you are using, because sometimes the best theoretical answer is not always easily implemented in each and every language, making it practical unusable.
So, with this in mind, the best way for me is to have an internal web service, who deals with all requests regarding this "authentication and general user detail module", assuming that all websites use the same DB (or data layer) (otherwise, you will need to create a web service for each one and it's another completely different story). This approach will give you flexibility and maintainability. You could use direct ajax requests to this web service, or make the calls from you website server, and them reply to the browser already with that information. (this second option is more time consuming but much more secure, and if it is a real internal web service (ie hosted on the same machine, the lag will not be noticeable)).
The dll approach should if you need to apply the same business logic to different services. In practical terms: you have two completely separated web sites, that use the same kind of authentication logic. Keep in mind that using this approach to websites that use the same data layer, will force you most of the times to have "deprecated ways" working together with the new implementations, while you are updating the dll on all websites.

Need a service to handle multiple connections to 1 database

I have a SQL Server database which serves multiple ASP.NET web applications. They each have their own SiteID to distinguish the data.
I recently realised that it isn't good practice to have multiple applications accessing one database directly and decided I would implement a service to handle all database connections.
All the web applications and database sit on the same windows 2008 server.
I want to know what kind of service is best for this functionality. web service or windows service? In a previous job they seemed to have a windows service that ran on the server, what are the advantages of this over a web service?
While it's certainly ok to have multiple applications accessing one database, I think what you mean is you are trying to avoid duplicating all your data access and business logic in multiple web sites. In other words, you would rather have a centralized service where you can update all the applications at once.
It sounds like you want a WCF service, which will let you run either as a web application under IIS -OR- as a self-hosted Windows service. There is a bit of a learning curve if you've never done WCF, but it is well worth learning.
WCF under IIS, you get the same benefits as you get with running any web site. Application lifecycle management, maintenance using the IIS mms plug-in, running under a specific pool identity, etc.
As a Windows Service, you manage through the Services mms, and you have to manually write a little more code (just a little) to handle the service startup and shutdown, and of course you don't get the application lifecycle management that you do with IIS.
Which you choose may depend on how much security access you have to the server, and which tools you are allowed to run. If you have full access to the server, I prefer the IIS way, but that's totally subjective.
Windows Service vs Web Service is apples vs oranges... A windows service doesn't serve up data on its own...
So here are some options:
Data Access in traditional Code
It sounds like this is what you have. As long as this is a logically separate layer, this probably isn't too bad.
Using services has a lot of advantages such true separation of concerns / implementation. You can even have your service implemented in a different language / platform than your client app. A downside might be performance. You're likely going to have to serialize / deserialize data and that takes cpu cycles any way you slice it.
Interface Driven Approach
This is nice because you can write your data access in your application against an interface. That interface can be implemented by "traditional" ADO / ORM code. Or you can consume a web service. This has the distinct advantage of separating the UI from data and making automated unit testing much easier.

Is it more secure to put data access in a web service rather than a class within the current project?

We have a few projects that we put all the data access in a separate web service project and the parent project will call the web service for everything data related. The web service will only accept connections from the web project server. My assumption is that the web service would be less susceptible to intrusion this way. I'm not really sure this is correct.
Is this more secure than just putting the data access in a class or dll within the parent project?
Developers above me made this decision.
I don't see that as an effective way of securing your database. Of all the various ways that exist to protect your data layer, I don't think that moving calls from a class library to a web service is an effective way to protect yourself.
A better approach would be to make sure that you use parameterized queries or stored procedures to prevent SQL injection, and limit the privileges of your logins to only the operations that they need to perform.
However, there would be other arguments for having data access in a separate web service... such as re-usability, or a service-oriented architecture. If the same data access layer is needed from a variety of projects on multiple servers, by having the web service you wouldn't need to have the same class library duplicated all over the place... which would cause you to worry about which project has which version of your data access layer.
So, more secure? I don't think so... Other benefits? Probably...
Short answer: Yes
Longer answer: My assumption is that the web server that is exposing the services is behind its own firewall. Doing it this way insulates the database from intrusion by forcing hackers to go through another layer if they were able to compromise your application servers. Since the database connection strings do not exist on the app server, and a firewall prevents direct connections from that server to the database, the hackers would need to somehow puncture that firewall and gain access to the server that is hosting your data services.
Now, I also assume that the web services are not simply exposing methods like
execute(string sqlCommand)
if that's the case, then this solution might actually less secure than simply using a database without the web services. For this solution to truly be more secure you would want to create operation-specific methods on the web service server.
A DLL can't be accessed and executed from the Web, so far as I know. A Web service can. If that's true, the class library referenced by a Web project (or even a Web Service) is more secure than a Web service encapsulating that logic directly.
Further, there's the whole notion of Separation of Concerns. In my mind, data access logic belongs on a separate tier, completely separate from business logic. In a well designed architecture, Web services expose discrete methods that represent business transactions--not necessarily data transactions. Business transactions encapsulate one or more data transactions, which are represented by separate classes that encapsulate the data access logic and provide the security to ensure that SQL injection never occurs.
Others, naturally, may disagree. We're developers. It's our nature to disagree. :)

Web Database or SOAP?

We’ve got a back office CRM application that exposes some of the data in a public ASP.NET site. Currently the ASP.NET site sits on top of a separate cut down version of the back office database (we call this the web database). Daily synchronisation routines keep the databases up-to-date (hosted in the back office). The problem is that the synchronisation logic is very complex and time consuming to change. I was wondering whether using a SOAP service could simply things? The ASP.NET web pages would call the SOAP service which in tern would do the database calls. There would be no need for a separate web database or synchronisation routines. My main concern with the SOAP approach is security because the SOAP service would be exposed to the internet.
Should we stick with our current architecture? Or would the SOAP approach be an improvement?
The short answer is yes, web service calls would be better and would remove the need for synchronization.
The long answer is that you need to understand the technology available for you in terms of web services. I would highly recommend looking into WCF which will allow you to do exactly what you want to do and also you will be able to only expose your services to the ASP.NET web server and not to the entire internet.
There would be no security problem. Simply use one of the secure bindings, like wsHttpBinding.
I'd look at making the web database build process more maintainable
Since security is obviously a concern, this means you need to add logic to limit the types of data & requests and that logic has to live SOMEWHERE.
