Length of an XML file - unix

I have an XML file of size 31 GB. I need to find the total number of lines in that file. I know the command wc -l will give me the same. However it's taking too long to perform this operation. Is there any faster mechanism to find the number of lines in a large file?

31 gigs is a really big text file. I bet it would compress down to about 1.5 gigs. I would create these files in a compressed format to begin with then you can stream a decompressed version of the file through wc. This will greatly reduce the amount of i/o and memory used to process this file. gzip can read and write compressed streams.
But I would also make the following comments:
Line numbers are not really that informative for XML as whitespace between elements is ignored (except for mixed content). What do you really want to know about the dataset? I bet counting elements would be more useful.
Make sure your xml file is not unnecessarily redunant, for example are you repeating the same namespace declarations all over the document?
Perhaps XML is not the best way to represent this document, if it is try looking into something like Fast Infoset

if all you need is the line count, wc -l will be as fast as anything else.
The problem is the 31GB text file.

If accuracy isn't an issue, find the average line length and divide the file size by that. That way you can get a really fast approximation. (make sure to consider the character encoding used)

This falls beyond the point where the code should be refactored to avoid your problem entirely. One way to do this is to place all of the data in the file into a tuple store database instead. Apache couchDB and Intersystems Cache are two systems that you could use for this, and will be far better optimized for the type of data you're dealing with.
If you're really stuck with the xml file, then another option is to count all the lines ahead of time and cache this value. Each time a line is added or removed from the file, you can add or subtract one from the file. Also, make sure to use a 64 bit integer since there may be more than 2^32 lines.

No, not really. wc is going to be pretty well optimized. 31GB is a lot of data, and reading it in to count lines is going to take a while no matter what program you use.
Also, this question isn't really appropriate for Stack Overflow, as it's not about programming at all.

Isn't counting lines pretty uncertain since in XML newline is basically just a cosmetic thing? It would probably be better to count the number of occurrences of a specific tag.


How to read a table line by line - using R?

I have a pretty big (20GB) CSV file, and I need to modify some of its columns.
What is the MOST OPTIMIZED way of importing the data table line by line (or probably few thousands of line per read) ?
I have tried the solution given below
What is a good way to read line-by-line in R?
But it seems to be very slow. Is there any library which can read line by line, in the table structure itself -- also which has some kind of Buffer logic to make the read faster ?
You can use the fast fread() from data.table.
By skip=, you're setting the beginning of the read segment and by nrow=, the number of rows to read.

R - Read large file with small memory

My data is organize in an csv file with millions of lines and several columns. This file is to large to read into memory all at once.
Fortunately, I only want to compute some statistics on it, like the mean of each column at every 100 rows and such. My solution, based on other posts where was to use read.csv2 with options nrow and skip. This works.
However, I realized that when loading from the end of the file this process is quite slow. As far as I can tell, the reader seems to go trough the file until it passes all the lines that I say to skip and then reads. This, of course, is sub optimal, as it keeps reading over the initial lines every time.
Is there a solution, like python parser, where we can read the file line by line, stop when needed, and then continue? And keeping the nice reading simplicity that comes from read.csv2?

Missing Time Series data in Hadoop

I have a big text file (in TBs), every line has a timestamp and some other data, like this:
This file is ordered by timestamp but there might be gaps between consecutive timestamps. I need to fill those gaps and write the new file.
Can this be done in Hadoop Map Reduce? The reason for asking this question,to interpolate the missing lines I need the previous and next lines too. For Eg. To interpolate timestamp6, I need the values in timestamp5 and timestamp7. So what if, starting from timestamp7 sits in another data block in which case I will not be able to calculate timestamp6 at all..
Any other algorithm/solution? Maybe this can not be done with mapreduce? Can we do this in RHADOOP?
(Pig/Hive solutions are also valid)
Though my suggestion is a bit tedious and may impact a little bit performance also. You can implement your own RecordReader and at the end of all lines in the current split, get the first line of next split using its block location. I am suggesting this because, hadoop itself do this if last line of any mapper is incomplete. Hope this helps!!

Specify end of record (EOL) delimiter while importing from a text file?

I'm trying to import into R a large number of pipe-delimited files that were created in a windows environment, with CR+LF as the end of record (=EOL) delimiter. However, they also have CR's scattered about periodically, which is resulting in frequent inappropriately-split lines. Ideally, want an efficient way to solve this problem from within R - either by finding a way to specify the EOL delimiter when I import, or, if necessary, by reading in the text file and excising the CRs before any parsing of lines is done.
The creators of the files comment on this problem and recommend adding "TERMSTR= CRLF" into your SAS code, and I can find lots of discussions of how to do this in other languages as well. For R, however, all I can find is this discussion, here on stackoverflow:
Possible to change the record delimiter in R?
The sample problem given is a great match for my problem. The solution identified is nice for their specific situation of having a single file like this, but for me would require coding up separate scripts for importing each of the dozens of files, since each have different primary keys that would need to be recognized after the fact to repair the inappropriate import. Alternatively, I could open each file in something like Notebook++ to remove the extra CR's but again, that seems quite inefficient, and then would have to be repeated by hand every time the initial data set was updated by its producers.
Given how frequent a problem this seems to be for people, and the existence of hard-coded solutions in other programming languages, I'm confused as to why there isn't a fix in R and feel like I must be missing something. It seems clear (I think?) that there's no way to do this directly from read.table or even from readLines, but is there a way perhaps to do this using scan, that I'm missing?
Thanks for any thoughts!

faster than scan() with Rcpp?

Reading ~5x10^6 numeric values into R from a text file is relatively slow on my machine (a few seconds, and I read several such files), even with scan(..., what="numeric", nmax=5000) or similar tricks. Could it be worthwhile to try an Rcpp wrapper for this sort of task (e.g. Armadillo has a few utilities to read text files)?
Or would I likely be wasting my time for little to no gain in performance because of an expected interface overhead? I'm not sure what's currently limiting the speed (intrinsic machine performance, or else?) It's a task that I repeat many times a day, typically, and the file format is always the same, 1000 columns, around 5000 rows.
Here's a sample file to play with, if needed.
nr <- 5000
nc <- 1000
m <- matrix(round(rnorm(nr*nc),3),nr=nr)
cat(m[1, -1], "\n", file = "test.txt") # first line is shorter
write.table(m[-1, ], file = "test.txt", append=TRUE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Update: I tried read.csv.sql and also load("test.txt", arma::raw_ascii) using Armadillo and both were slower than the scan solution.
I highly recommend checking out fread in the latest version of data.table. The version on CRAN (1.8.6) doesn't have fread yet (at the time of this post) so you should be able to get it if you install from the latest source at R-forge. See here.
Please bear in mind that I'm not an R-expert but maybe the concept applies here too: usually reading binary stuff is much faster than reading text files. If your source files don't change frequently (e.g. you are running varied versions of your script/program on the same data), try to read them via scan() once and store them in a binary format (the manual has a chapter about exporting binary files).
From there on you can modify your program to read the binary input.
#Rcpp: scan() & friends are likely to call a native implementation (like fscanf()) so writing your own file read functions via Rcpp may not provide a huge performance gain. You can still try it though (and optimize for your particular data).
Salut Baptiste,
Data Input/Output is a huge topic, so big that R comes with its own manual on data input/output.
R's basic functions can be slow because they are so very generic. If you know your format, you can easily write yourself a faster import adapter. If you know your dimensions too, it is even easier as you need only one memory allocation.
Edit: As a first approximation, I would write a C++ ten-liner. Open a file, read a line, break it into tokens, assign to a vector<vector< double > > or something like that. Even if you use push_back() on individual vector elements, you should be competitive with scan(), methinks.
I once had a neat little csv reader class in C++ based on code by Brian Kernighan himself. Fairly generic (for csv files), fairly powerful.
You can then squeeze performance as you see fit.
Further edit: This SO question has a number of pointers for the csv reading case, and references to the Kernighan and Plauger book.
Yes, you almost certainly can create something that goes faster than read.csv/scan. However, for high performance file reading there are some existing tricks that already let you go much faster, so anything you do would be competing against those.
As Mathias alluded to, if your files don't change very often, then you can cache them by calling save, then restore them with load. (Make sure to use ascii = FALSE, since reading the binary files will be quicker.)
Secondly, as Gabor mentioned, you can often get a substantial performance boost by reading your file into a database and then from that database into R.
Thirdly, you can use the HadoopStreaming package to use Hadoop's file reading capabilities.
For more thoughts in these techniques, see Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes in R.
