ASP.NET refresh Update Panel -

I have a ListView inside of an Update Panel and wanted to change the Select Query from the code behind fired by a button click event and then reload the ListView inside of the Update Panel. Does anyone know how to cause the Update Panel to refresh from the code behind?

Just do:
From MSDN:
If the page is enabled for partial-page rendering, when you invoke the Update method, the UpdatePanel control's content is updated in the browser. Call the Update method if you have server code that must execute to determine whether an UpdatePanel control should be updated. If you plan to use the Update method, set the UpdateMode property to Conditional. If you want the decision to update the panel to be determined in server logic, make sure that the ChildrenAsTriggers property is false and that no explicit triggers are defined for the panel.
In a typical page development scenario, if you define triggers or if the ChildrenAsTriggers property is true for the UpdatePanel control, the Update method is automatically called during the page life cycle.
If the ContentTemplate property is not defined for the UpdatePanel control, no updates of the panel will occur.


Calling UpdatePanel in code behind

I have an update panel that contains a textbox and some labels, which is contained within a custom user control, which is part of a step in a wizard control. At the moment when the user enters the textbox on the step the update panel fires when the user clicks on the textbox. However, what I want to do is to execute the update panel when the step loads as the textbox value is populated when from the previous step.
Is there away of automatically executing the update panel on the page load method?
You can call the Update() method in code behind, but only if you set the UpdateMode to Conditional. Also check that ChildrenAsTriggers is set to false.

server event of dropdown is not fired

I have a dropdownlist, in the client side, i have it's on change event. If validation is passed, it's selected inded changed event should be fired(server side). My side, the server event is not getting fired. Autopostback is also set is true.
Any suggestion ?
If you are adding the code from the code-behind (as opposed to in the ASPX or ASCX markup), make sure you add it in the Page_Init event or override CreateChildControls. If you want until the Page_Load event to add it, the ASP.NET has already initialized the control state and view state and then will not be aware that the dropdown exists, so when the postback comes it won't know what control to route it to.
Also, in this case, make sure you are always adding the control to the page, not just when Page.IsPostback==false
Make sure your page code is in autoeventwireup = true.
you can check it in your page design page on top.
if autoeventwireup is set to false your event doesn't fire. auto event will set automatically event so it is necessary to write else you have to set event on initialize state.

What is the difference between AsyncPostBackTrigger & PostBackTrigger?

What is the difference between AsyncPostBackTrigger & PostBackTrigger?
Controls inside an UpdatePanel by default cause a partial page update, controls outside cause a postback, using these triggers it is possible to change this behaviour as required.
From (dead link)
Converts postbacks into async callbacks * Typically used to
trigger updates when controls outside an UpdatePanel post back * If
ChildrenAsTriggers="false", can be used to specify which controls
inside UpdatePanel should call back rather than post back
Lets controls inside UpdatePanel post back. * Typically used to
allow certain controls to post back when ChildrenAsTriggers="true"
Here's a blog post which explains the difference:
In the template in an
update panel, there are the options of
an AsyncPostBackTrigger or a
By default, controls outside of an
update panel will trigger a normal
synchronous post back. The
AsyncPostBackTrigger “wires” up these
controls to trigger an asynchronous
post back. Conversely, controls
declared inside an update panel will
trigger an asynchronous call by
default. The PostBackTrigger short
circuits this, and forces the control
to do a synchronous post back.
1. AsyncPostBackTrigger
it is the one which enforces Asynchonous post back of the Page.., i.e. the AJAX way. The data will be transacted without full post back. When you are using functionalities like login, you may use this.
Ex. You are having two dropDowns Viz., Countries and States. the states should be loaded when a country is selected and it should be changed on Countries change.
You may use AsyncPostBackTrigger in this scenario, which will populate the states ddl without full post back.
2. PostBackTrigger
It is the one which does not follow the AJAX functionalities, but the full post back as usually(as without using UpdatePanel). Situtions are there where you would not like to enforce Partial Post back (as explained in Point 1. above).
Like you are having FileUpload Control withing the UpdatePanel and when you do it by AsyncPostBack, you will not get any values to the server. It requires Full PostBack. in such a case you should use this trigger.
Suppose Button1 is inside your Update panel and Button2 is outside the update panel.
Now let's undertsand that the controls that are outside the update panel are doing a Asyncpostback and that are inside creates a Syncpostback.
So as both buttons are on a form Button1 in inside Update panel and bUtton2 is outside it.
So by the way by giving the Button2's ID and its Event name to the Asyncpostback Trigger as given in the example we suppose that now it will create a syncpostback with the updatepanel as like the Button1.

Update parent updatepanel from within usercontrol

I have an update panel that contains a repeater that calls a user control into each row. When I click a button inside the user control, the page does not refresh at all, only when I reload it completely. How can I make the update panel refresh from user control's button click?
Phairoh is correct that your button needs to successfully cause a PostBack.
There are three things that affect when a UpdatePanel is updated:
The UpdateMode property - This takes two possible values, Always and Conditional.
If it is set to Always then any postback o the page will cause the UpdatePanel to update.
If it is set to Conditional then the UpdatePanel is only updated when the UpdatePanel's Update method is called or when one of the UpdatePanel's triggers does a postback.
The Triggers proroperty - Defines which controls will cause the UpdatePanel to be updated when UpdateMode is set to Conditional.
The ChildrenAsTriggers property - This is a boolean value that determines if child controls of the UpdatePanel are automatically considered triggers without having to be added to the Triggers collection.
Because your button is in a UserControl it won't be easy to add the control to the Triggers collection or to have the button call the Update method on the UpdatePanel that is not inside the UserControl.
Because your UpdatePanel contains the UserControl's your best bet is to enable ChildrenAsTriggers. If this doesn't work try setting the UpdateMode property to Always. If this still doesn't work then Phairoh is probably correct and your Button isn't posting back.
Sometimes solving this problem not really convenient with Triggers. So here is another fancy approach which could be used even from your user controls without any knowledge about Update Panel:
var scriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);
if (scriptManager != null)
Are you sure your buttons on your user control are attempting to do a postback? I haven't used update panels in a while (and I'd actually recommend avoiding them) but if I recall correctly they will refresh whenever a postback is done within them. This means that your buttons must be Asp:Buttons (or similar controls that cause postback) and not have some kind of javascript on them that would not allow their action to continue (such as a return false).

Two UpdatePanels on ASP.NET 2.0 form

I have two AJAX UpdatePanels on my ASP.NET 2.0 web form. When I clic the LinkkButton which is on the UpdatePanel1, UpdatePanel1 and UpdatePanel2 are updating. How can I Update only the first UpdatePanel?
Please check the UpdateMode property of your update panel.
The content of an UpdatePanel control is updated in the following circumstances:
If the UpdateMode property is set to Always, the UpdatePanel control's content is updated on every postback that originates from anywhere on the page. This includes asynchronous postbacks from controls that are inside other UpdatePanel controls and postbacks from controls that are not inside UpdatePanel controls.
If the UpdatePanel control is nested inside another UpdatePanel control and the parent update panel is updated.
If the UpdateMode property is set to Conditional, and one of the following conditions occurs:
You call the Update method of the UpdatePanel control explicitly.
The postback is caused by a control that is defined as a trigger by using the Triggers property of the UpdatePanel control. In this scenario, the control explicitly triggers an update of the panel content. The control can be either inside or outside the UpdatePanel control that defines the trigger.
The ChildrenAsTriggers property is set to true and a child control of the UpdatePanel control causes a postback. A child control of a nested UpdatePanel control does not cause an update to the outer UpdatePanel control unless it is explicitly defined as a trigger.
You need to set the UpdatePanels' UpdateModes to Conditional, so that they only respond to events from controls within them.
