Flex 3 make text from 2 labels in a Hbox look like one word - apache-flex

I'm adding dynamically labels to hbox, and i need to remove all spaces between the text of 2 nearby labels
i did horizontalGap = 0 for Hbox
padding left and right = 0 for labels
anything else i could do ?
or maybe some other component ?
here is the code
<mx:HBox horizontalGap="0">
<mx:Label text="wo" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"/>
<mx:Label text="rd" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"/>

Why not use only one label and "dynamically" change its text property?
If you just don't want to do it like that, try using negative horizontalGap on the HBox until you get the desired effect, or paddingLeft negative on the second label. (horizontalGap would affect the layout of all the labels in the HBox)


How to add an icon to an AdvancedDataGrid column header and keep word wrap feature for the text

As stated, I'm trying to obtain column headers consisting of an icon and wrappable text in a flex AdvancedDataGrid.
(EDIT: I forgot to mention an important part of the context: the columns are added dynamically, in actionscript. This apparently changes the behavior.)
I've tried using a custom mxml headerRenderer, like so:
<mx:HBox width="100%"
<mx:Image source="<image_url>"
<mx:Text text="{data.headerText}"
but for some reason, the text here is truncated instead of wrapped (it works outside of a renderer).
I've also tried creating a subclass of AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer and overriding createChildren to add the icon:
override protected function createChildren():void
var icon:Image = new Image();
icon.source = <image_url>;
icon.width = 16;
icon.height = 16;
but then, the icon and the text get superimposed.
I'm out of ideas on this. Anyone else?
It worked for me when I removed the height="100%" attribute from mx:Text in your headerRenderer.
UPDATE: it only works like this when I manually stretch the AdvancedDataGrid component. I'll look into how to make it work unconditionally.
When the height of the Text component was set to 100%, it was constrained to its parent HBox's height. Therefore when a word was wrapped and moved to the next line, it wasn't visible because the height of the Text component didn't allow for it to be visible.
If you remove this constraint, Text component's height will be determined dynamically based on its contents, as will headerRenderer's. Also add minHeight to your Text so that it is visible when it's loaded.
Here's the code (I also removed scrollbars because they were showing during resize):
<mx:HBox width="100%"
<mx:Image source="<image_url>"
<mx:Text text="{data.headerText}"
In case anyone is interested in how to do this with dynamically created columns, a combination of Hunternif's code for the renderer and some added code on column creation worked for me:
The columns need to have fixed widths and need to be invalidated to inform the AdvancedDataGrid that it needs to rerender:
var cols:Array = [];
for each (...) {
var column:AdvancedDataGridColumn = new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
// Fix the width of created columns
column.width = 150;
grid.columns = cols;
// Invalidate columns so that sizes are recalculated
grid.mx_internal::columnsInvalid = true;
// Take changes into account

Flex Vgroup Absolute positioning of components

I have a Vgroup with some components aligned par with its layout properties(vertical). I need to add one more component at an absolute X,Y position, overriding the alignment. I tried includeinlayout=false, but the component turns invisible then. Is it possible in flex?
No, this is not possible. A VGroup will ignore properties such as X, and Y. IF the component is visible, then includeInLayout is also ignored.
You'll have to layout your extra component outside of the VGroup, or switch to a Group and layout everything absolutely.
It is not possible! But you always can get global coordinates of the needed DisplayObject and show some PopUps or other components near to this target.
<s:VGroup x="50" y="50">
<s:Button width="250" height="250" id="b1"/>
<s:Button width="250" height="250" id="b2"/>
<s:Button id="addon"/>
var rect:Rectangle = b2.getBounds(this);
addon.x = rect.x + rect.width - addon.width;
addon.y = rect.y;

text box value should increase while Hslider start drag

i have one value in text box(eg:1200) once i drag the HSlider from left to right text box value to increase 1200+150 for each intrevel.if right to left has to decres 150 as same.
<mx:HSlider id="slider" minimum="0" maximum="10" snapInterval="1" liveDragging="true"/>
<mx:Label text="{1200 + slider.value*150}"/>
you could use binding tag, i read somewhere
do one thing, take one bindable variable
[Bindable]private var counter:int;
and then,
set the snap interval of your slider to 150
when you move your slider, put the slider value in this counter variable, ryt
i mean, on the change property of slider, put value of slider in the bindable counter variable
and then in textinput, <textinput text="{counter}"/>

Absolute positioning in Flex?

I need to programmatically add a set of controls with some amount of pixels between them. I can't seem to find how to do this in the Flex docs. How can I do it?
Most Containers have some logic to place the items for you, e.g. vertically or horizontally. I.e. if you want to place them horizontally with 5 pixels of space you would use a HBox (VBox for vertical layout):
<mx:HBox horizontalGap="5">
Or script:
var box: HBox = new HBox();
box.horizontalGap = 5;
box.addChild(new Component1());
box.addChild(new Component2());
But if you want to place them yourself using x,y coordinates (i.e. absolute positioning) you can use Canvas:
<Component1 x="100" y="100"/>
<Component2 x="100" y="200"/>
script version:
var canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();
var component1: Component1 = new Component1();
component1.x = 100;
component1.y = 100;
var component2: Component2 = new Component2();
component2.x = 100;
component2.y = 100;
Inside a container with absolute positioning, e.g. Canvas, you can position elements with x and y (or right, left, top, bottom)
elem.x = 100;
elem.y = 200;
You can also use Spacer to add some space in between components.
<Component1 />
<mx:Spacer width="10" />
<Component2 />
If your window can be re-sized, absolute layout is not recommended - It may be a good idea to use width="100%" and height=100% and then use the minHeight/minWidth/maxWidth etc.
In your case, you could set the minimum width/height of the spacer (between 2 components) so that the page scales proportionately.

Can't autoscroll a VBox unless height is explicity set(in pixels) in Flex 3

I have a VBox who dynamically adds and removes children programatically. The height is set to 100% and verticalScrollPolicy=auto.
When a user wants to add another child to that Vbox, I want it to autoscroll to the bottom of the VBox since that is where the child is added.
I've tried every solution I could find online, but no matter what, the verticalScrollPosition and maxVerticalScrollPosition are both ALWAYS equal to 0. Even if I manually scroll to the bottom of the VBox and press a button that alerts these numbers.(Even after 'validateNow()' as well).
The only time I can get these numbers to change programmaticaly is when the VBox height is set in pixels, which I don't want since the children all have varying heights.
Plllease tell me that it's possible to set verticalScrollPosition without hard coding the height in pixels? Am I missing something totally obvious here?
You might not be scrolling the VBox, actually; there's a good chance that if your VBox is contained by another container, like a Canvas or the like, and you're adding items to the VBox as you say you are, it's the Canvas that's doing the scrolling, not the VBox -- in which case the VBox would indeed return 0 for its scroll position.
One way or another, you're right -- you have to set the component's height; even constraint-layout settings (e.g., "bottom='10'", etc.) won't work. But if you can manage to set the height of the VBox, either by binding its dimensions somehow to another control or by setting them explicitly as part of a child's appending/creation process, you should be able to accomplish what you're after.
Here's an example of an AIR app I've mocked up to illustrate the example. Basically it just adds randomly sized boxes to a VBox, and scrolls to the bottom of the VBox after each child gets created.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="250">
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.containers.Box;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private function addItem(h:Number):void
var b:Box = new Box();
b.width = 200;
b.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFFFFF);
b.height = h;
// Wait for the component to complete its creation, so you can measure and scroll accordingly later
b.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, b_creationComplete);
private function b_creationComplete(event:FlexEvent):void
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, b_creationComplete);
vb.verticalScrollPosition = vb.getChildAt(vb.numChildren - 1).y;
<mx:VBox id="vb" top="10" right="10" left="10" height="{Application.application.height - 80}" verticalScrollPolicy="on" />
<mx:Button label="Add Item" click="addItem(Math.random() * 100)" bottom="10" left="10" />
In this case, the height of the VBox is being bound to the height of its containing component (here, just the Application). Everything else should be pretty self-explanatory.
Hope that helps! Post back if you have any questions.
