OS-independent API to monitor file system? - platform-independent

I would like to experiment with ideas about distributed file synchronization/replication. To make it efficient when the user is working, I would like to implement some kind of daemon to monitor changes in some directory (e.g. /home/user/dirToBeMonitored or c:\docs and setts\user\dirToBeMonitored). So, I could be able to know which filename was added/changed/deleted at every time (or within a reasonable interval).
Is this possible with any high-medium level language?. Do you know some API (and in which language?) to do this?

The APIs are totally different for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and any other Unix you can name, it seems. I don't know of any cross-platform library that handles this in a consistent way.

A bonified answer, albeit one that requires a largish library dependency (well-worth it IMO)!
QT provides the QFileSystemwatcher class, which uses the native mechanism of the underlying platform.
Even better, you can use the QT language bindings for Python or Ruby. Here is a simple PyQT4 application which uses QFileSystemWatcher.
A good reference on on creating deployable PyQT4 apps, especially on OSX but should work for Windows also.
Same solution previously posted here.
Other cross-platform toolkits may also do the trick (for example Gnome's GIO has GFileMonitor, although it is UNIX only and doesn't support OSX's FSEvents mechanism afaik).

In Linux it is called inotify.

And on OS X it's called fsevents. It's an OS-level API, so it's easiest to access from C or C++. It should be accessible from nearly any language, although bindings for your preferred language may not have been written yet.


Qt: how to make help system?

I need to provide some help system for my application. The app mostly works on the computers without any Qt installed. I would like to have some way (tool etc) to create the professionally looking help system. I mean I need to provide the regular help system like most applications have. It should look like regular CHM file (with index, search etc.).
I tried to use QtAssistance class, created .adb file but if I run assistance utility, it doesn't know -profile key so I even cannot check if I did this file properly.
I'm a little bit confused because I could see QtAssistant and QHelp classes and I don't know which one is more suitable for my purpose.
Thanks a lot
If you do not care for using Microsofts chm-files, then go ahead and use the QtHelp API - if you are using Qt versions 4.4 or newer. The QAssistant API has been superseded by QtHelp starting with version 4.4, so don't start with old or deprecated interfaces. The QAssistant help files will still be readable from a QtHelp based implementation.
If you do need to read chm files, then a chmlib-based approach with a customized QWebBrowser would be suitable, but I don't think that's what you are looking for.

Is it possible to write console applications in scheme?

Does anyone know of any semi-portable way to write console applications (e.g. basic animation) in scheme? I heard of an ncurses wrapper but I couldn't find anything.
You can't do any GUI in a portable way in Scheme -- because you only get very basic file IO.
Depends on your scheme of choice. Chicken Scheme, for instance, has good ties with C and has various Curses libraries. See their code examples:
mojo, curses for the lazy :)
Have you checked out Guile? I've never used it myself except just to play around, but it is pretty cool, and even has a little GUI support. Not sure about portability, except it should port just fine between different Unix systems, but the same can be said about ncurses.
Don't give up hope! If you're dedicated to developing in Scheme, you can.

Can C/C++ software be compiled into bytecode for later execution? (Architecture independent unix software.)

I would want to compile existing software into presentation that can later be run on different architectures (and OS).
For that I need a (byte)code that can be easily run/emulated on another arch/OS (LLVM IR? Some RISC assemby?)
Some random ideas:
Compiling into JVM bytecode and running with java. Too restricting? C-compilers available?
MS CIL. C-Compilers available?
LLVM? Can Intermediate representation be run later?
Compiling into RISC arch such as MMIX. What about system calls?
Then there is the system call mapping thing, but e.g. BSD have system call translation layers.
Are there any already working systems that compile C/C++ into something that can later be run with an interpreter on another architecture?
Could I compile existing unix software into not-so-lowlevel binary, which could be "emulated" more easily than running full x86 emulator? Something more like JVM than XEN HVM.
There are several C to JVM compilers listed on Wikipedia's JVM page. I've never tried any of them, but they sound like an interesting exercise to build.
Because of its close association with the Java language, the JVM performs the strict runtime checks mandated by the Java specification. That requires C to bytecode compilers to provide their own "lax machine abstraction", for instance producing compiled code that uses a Java array to represent main memory (so pointers can be compiled to integers), and linking the C library to a centralized Java class that emulates system calls. Most or all of the compilers listed below use a similar approach.
C compiled to LLVM bit code is not platform independent. Have a look at Google portable native client, they are trying to address that.
Adobe has alchemy which will let you compile C to flash.
There are C to Java or even JavaScript compilers. However, due to differences in memory management, they aren't very usable.
Web Assembly is trying to address that now by creating a standard bytecode format for the web, but unlike the JVM bytecode, Web Assembly is more low level, working at the abstraction level of C/C++, and not Java, so it's more like what's typically called an "assembly language", which is what C/C++ code is normally compiled to.
LLVM is not a good solution for this problem. As beautiful as LLVM IR is, it is by no means machine independent, nor was it intended to be. It is very easy, and indeed necessary in some languages, to generate target dependent LLVM IR: sizeof(void*), for example, will be 4 or 8 or whatever when compiled into IR.
LLVM also does nothing to provide OS independence.
One interesting possibility might be QEMU. You could compile a program for a particular architecture and then use QEMU user space emulation to run it on different architectures. Unfortunately, this might solve the target machine problem, but doesn't solve the OS problem: QEMU Linux user mode emulation only works on Linux systems.
JVM is probably your best bet for both target and OS independence if you want to distribute binaries.
As Ankur mentions, C++/CLI may be a solution. You can use Mono to run it on Linux, as long as it has no native bits. But unless you already have a code base you are trying to port at minimal cost, maybe using it would be counter productive. If it makes sense in your situation, you should go with Java or C#.
Most people who go with C++ do it for performance reasons, but unless you play with very low level stuff, you'll be done coding earlier in a higher level language. This in turn gives you the time to optimize so that by the time you would have been done in C++, you'll have an even faster version in whatever higher level language you choose to use.
The real problem is that C and C++ are not architecture independent languages. You can write things that are reasonably portable in them, but the compiler also hardcodes aspects of the machine via your code. Think about, for example, sizeof(long). Also, as Richard mentions, there's no OS independence. So unless the libraries you use happen to have the same conventions and exist on multiple platforms then it you wouldn't be able to run the application.
Your best bet would be to write your code in a more portable language, or provide binaries for the platforms you care about.

Any really modern, good-looking desktop apps that are developed with PyQt/PySide?

I have started using Python for web development recently, it's kinda cool;
I have seen programs that are developed in QT/C++, which is good enough in terms of esthetics;
I have just noticed the new PySide project (which brings LGPL Qt license to Python and it doesn't support Windows yet).
In view of the above, I see the possibility of using Python + PyQt/PySide to develop cross platform apps in the future :) but I have several doubts right now:
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI? Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
Thanks in advance!
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI?
Desktop applications come in all sorts of varieties -- some nicely laid out, some extremely customized with virtually no semblance to a standard application for that OS. The same can be done with Qt/PyQt/PySide. As Alex said, there should be no visible difference between an application written with PyQt/PySide versus one written with Qt in C++. Any program written with Qt4 (using bindings or not) will, by default, look like a standard modern application.
Of course, there are features of recent Windows releases (and likely some on Mac OS X) that aren't supported immediately and by default in Qt, but you can almost always write some custom platform specific code for those situations where said features are truly important.
Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
The best and most open source program that I know of and which is written with PyQt, is Eric -- a Python based IDE.
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
For most applications the performance difference between a C++ Qt application and a PyQt application are not noticible. But if you really need performance, you can write certain parts of the application in C++ and make bindings available in Python so you can integrate the two.
TortoiseHg was re-designed using Qt and PyQt for its 2.0 release.
Here is one of several posted screenshots:
There is no aesthetic difference between the look and feel of C++ based Qt, and the PyQt and PySide wrappers on top of it. I use basically no desktop GUI apps so I couldn't point you to any implemented with any of these language/toolkit combos, but if you like the former, you'll be hard put to distinguish it in any way from the latter.
A bit late but for the record, apps such as Skype, GoogleEarth or the recent versions of VLC (media player & more) used the Qt libs.

Is porting qt to another OS as simple as this?

The article Porting Qt for Embedded Linux to Another Operating System lists five things you have to do to port Qt for Embedded Linux to another OS. From the article:
There are several issues to be aware of if you plan to do your own port to another operating system. In particular you must resolve Qt for Embedded Linux's shared memory and semaphores (used to share window regions), and you must provide something similar to Unix-domain sockets for inter-application communication. You must also provide a screen driver, and if you want to implement sound you must provide your own sound server. Finally you must modify the event dispatcher used by Qt for Embedded Linux.
Is it really this easy to port Qt to another OS, or have i missed some information?
Another important component to port would be QAtomic, to ensure that you can have atomic operations and implicit sharing working well. See also
Since Qt has been ported a large number of times it seems logical that it would be inherently simple. However the issue really is on the platform you are porting to and how many features it currently supports.
Assuming you find all those things easy, then the port is easy.
After investigating this in more detail I have come to the conclusion that the article "Porting Qt for Embedded Linux to Another Operating System" assumes that you are porting Qt to a very "linux-like" OS.
I have attempted this and currently making progress.
Some difficulties:
IDE - I have to manually add all Qt files and fight the compiler with #ifdefs until it builds with all dependencies in place.
Linux(ness) - I've had to disable all Linux/Windows things that are not supported in my target OS: threads, sockets, processes. Even the timers are slightly different.
Start small : I compiled QtCore as a standard lib within my IDE, next up is QtGui which is a behemoth compared to QtCore.
I plan to run only a single QThread, so I have to artificially made a Thread object to avoid null pointers. You cannot compile out Thread information as it is key to all QObjects.
So far I have an qeventloop running within a qcoreapplication.
I wrote some inline assembly but had serious difficulties with my IDE and compilation. I left it in C++ and let the assembler handle it for me. Because I am single-threaded, I am not too concerned with shared data/ exclusive access as required by the atomic operations.
