How do you do Cygwin passwordless rlogin or rsh to Solaris 5.7 - unix

I am trying to login in to my works Solaris box from cygwin on windows.
SSH is not supported. I have tried different combination in the .rhosts with no luck
I do not have root privileges.

I found the answer. When I put in the password the way it percieved my login was on top of the screen(whic was not what you would expect) . I put that in the .rhosts and it worked.

While you found the answer to your question with rlogin/rsh, my recommendation is to discontinue use of these insecure programs. Both are known to have buffer overflow exploits, and they both send passwords in clear text.
There's really no excuse for not using SSH these days. Tell whoever owns/manages the system to enable it. That's really in their best interest anyway. It comes installed by default on most Unix varieties, and is available from most vendors as a package.
Anyone who is running a Unix/Linux system and doesn't use SSH is just being irresponsible.


How to install R on mac without admin rights

Looking to install R on my work machine, don't have the admin rights though and IT is not friendly to work with without business use-case so that's my last resort as it will likely fail.
I've attempted installing locally as this suggests.
But no dice, it won't let me save the pkg in /usr/local/bin/: "Failed - Insufficient permissions".
Any one know of another way before I throw in the towel?
Asked IT for local rights. They said yes :)

pam ftp send upon successful login

I've researched this feature extensively and need help. PAM is a difficult authentication program for me to thoroughly understand although I'm learning.
We have the option of running either ProFTPD or pure-ftpd on a VPS hosted by hostgator. The OS is CentOS release 5.11. I have complete access to the server. Our goal is to send an email upon successful FTP login by a user. I've successfully used a script which is run by PAM for notification emails dispatched upon successful SSH logins and need to modify it for successful FTP logins. That script which is amazing works fine with ssh (but we need ftp as I've mentioned) and can be viewed here:
Before I even try to wrap my head around why this script does not work using FTP, despite PAM working on our VPS (for at least ssh), can someone chime in with some theory as to why this is not working at all. I.E., maybe I'm way off base with this idea and it can't work with FTP and PAM in which case I'll just drop this approach. However, when I read configuration settings, etc., on using PAM with these two FTP programs, they seem to indicate this should work.
Additionally, running the following code which is supposed to test for PAM-enabled applications does not return FTP.
ldd /{,usr/}{bin,sbin}/* | grep -B 5 libpam | grep '^/'
Any suggestions or help from gurus would be greatly appreciated.
Found solutions. The answer was to include session_support=YES in the /etc/pam.d/vsftd configuration file. So that's the answer to anyone who may have a similar issue.

Is there a way to get a multiplexing terminal on RHEL 7 Atomic?

I would like to ssh to an instance of RHEL 7 Atomic and have multiple persistent terminals open on it (so that if my connection is lost, I can ssh back in and pick up where I left off). Normally I use screen for this, but tmux and probably others normally provide such capability. It seems like an obvious thing to have, but I can't find it on this platform.
The restrictions on RHEL 7 Atomic:
Very little is installed
No ability to install packages with yum / rpm
Cannot update OS to anything except official Red Hat images
No ability to compile anything
What's a good way to accomplish my goal?
Apparently I am just blind. tmux is installed on Atomic.

Remote access to DOS command line from Unix

I'm looking for a way to develop some Unix scripts that will connect to a DOS box (Windows server 2012) and interactively execute DOS commands.
I'm comfortable with the Unix side (I'll almost certainly use Expect), but I'm "Windows illiterate" and am unable to find anything about connecting to Windows's DOS command line in this fashion. Is this even possible to do?
(FWIW, this is to enable us to control Tableau Server using its 'tabcmd' DOS command suite from our existing Linux environment.)
I think another way of asking the question is: does Windows provide anything that is the equivalent of the Unix "remote shell", accessible from Unix?
There are no built-in tools to do this, although PsExec is a utility that can almost do what you want. PsTools are not a built-in, but are hosted on Technet. Some things to keep in mind:
PsExec works by actually remotely copying a file over to the Windows System32 folder (copying is one thing that is builtin ;)
Windows uses Kerberos for authentication. This depends on the computer you are running the command from being on the same Active Directory as the computer you want to control, with access set up from that side. Linux can use kerberos through third-party AD integration tools (like Quest Authentication Services, a commercial product), or also Centrify but there are no built-in tools that do it.
Psexec is not encrypted, meaning if you send commands containing sensitive data, they can be seen (though not the authentication part of it).
PsExec is obviously still a Windows utility. I have been able to get it to work using Wine, but only for a local account and after some tweaking with matching hostnames and stuff. It's possible that if you have authenticated using QAS or Centrify that your wine command will somehow pick it up, but I haven't tested it; I don't work where we use AD anymore.
Maybe the biggest problem is the difference of philosophy between the two communities. Windows doesn't use command line execution very often for remote administration. There is more focus on using your local utilities on a remote system (i.e., you can load a remote registry hive from RegEdit or browse the file system of a remote system using your local Windows Explorer program).
Overall, I think Keith's solution is actually the best, and the most straightforward.

access denied on cloud control app push git bash for windows

I am trying to push Piwigo CMS( to Cloudcontrol I tried the method as same as Drupal, which is described in But I am getting this error
This is indeed, as pst pointed out, a pubkey issue.
You might want to check your ssh config, it helped to define the following in my ~/.ssh/config:
IdentityFile ~/PATH_TO_YOUR/rsa_key
I dunno if this works as well in cygwin or similar: it would help if you could specify your environment a little bit more, as there are many elements (read binaries, configs, etc) in play here.
