Recursive control search with LINQ -

If I wanted to find checked check boxes on an ASP.NET page I could use the following LINQ query.
var checkBoxes = this.Controls
.TakeWhile<CheckBox>(cb => cb.Checked);
That works fine if the checkboxes are nested in the current control collection, but I'd like to know how to extend the search by drilling down into the control collections of the top-level controls.
The question was asked here:
Finding controls that use a certain interface in ASP.NET
And received non-LINQ answers, I already have my own version of a recursive control search on type and ID as extension methods, but I just wondered how easy this is to do in LINQ?

Take the type/ID checking out of the recursion, so just have a "give me all the controls, recursively" method, e.g.
public static IEnumerable<Control> GetAllControls(this Control parent)
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
yield return control;
foreach(Control descendant in control.GetAllControls())
yield return descendant;
That's somewhat inefficient (in terms of creating lots of iterators) but I doubt that you'll have a very deep tree.
You can then write your original query as:
var checkBoxes = this.GetAllControls()
.TakeWhile<CheckBox>(cb => cb.Checked);
(EDIT: Changed AllControls to GetAllControls and use it properly as a method.)

public static IEnumerable<Control> AllControls(this Control container)
//Get all controls
var controls = container.Controls.Cast<Control>();
//Get all children
var children = controls.Select(c => c.AllControls());
//combine controls and children
var firstGen = controls.Concat(children.SelectMany(b => b));
return firstGen;
Now based on the above function, we can do something like this:
public static Control FindControl(this Control container, string Id)
var child = container.AllControls().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == Id);
return child;

My suggestion to make the AllControls recursive is:
public static IEnumerable<Control> AllControls(this Control parent)
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
yield return control;
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
foreach (Control cc in AllControls(control)) yield return cc;
The second foreach looks weird, but this is the only way I know to "flatten" the recursive call.


Find all user controls that derives a specific base class, regarding of typeparam?

I´ve a base class for all user controls: SiteUserControlBase. It also takes a typeparam: SiteUserControlBase<T>. How do I best find all controls on the page that derives from SiteUserControlBase regarding of the typeparam?
I use the extension method below to find all controls of type SiteUserControlBase, but it will exclude all controls that also uses the type param.
public static IEnumerable<T> FindControlsOfType<T>(this ControlCollection Controls)
where T : class
T control;
foreach (Control ctrl in Controls)
if ((control = ctrl as T) != null)
yield return control;
foreach (T child in FindControlsOfType<T>(ctrl.Controls))
yield return child;

Better way to find control in ASP.NET

I have a complex form,having even 50 to 60 fields in one form like there is Multiview, inside MultiView I have a GridView, and inside GridView I have several CheckBoxes.
Currently I am using chaining of the FindControl() method and retrieving the child ID.
Now, my question is that is there any other way/solution to find the nested control in ASP.NET.
If you're looking for a specific type of control you could use a recursive loop like this one -
Here's an example I made that returns all controls of the given type
/// <summary>
/// Finds all controls of type T stores them in FoundControls
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
private class ControlFinder<T> where T : Control
private readonly List<T> _foundControls = new List<T>();
public IEnumerable<T> FoundControls
get { return _foundControls; }
public void FindChildControlsRecursive(Control control)
foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls)
if (childControl.GetType() == typeof(T))
Late as usual. If anyone is still interested in this there are a number of related SO questions and answers. My version of recursive extension method for resolving this:
public static IEnumerable<T> FindControlsOfType<T>(this Control parent)
where T : Control
foreach (Control child in parent.Controls)
if (child is T)
yield return (T)child;
else if (child.Controls.Count > 0)
foreach (T grandChild in child.FindControlsOfType<T>())
yield return grandChild;
All the highlighted solutions are using recursion (which is performance costly). Here is cleaner way without recursion:
public T GetControlByType<T>(Control root, Func<T, bool> predicate = null) where T : Control
if (root == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("root");
var stack = new Stack<Control>(new Control[] { root });
while (stack.Count > 0) {
var control = stack.Pop();
T match = control as T;
if (match != null && (predicate == null || predicate(match))) {
return match;
foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls) {
return default(T);
FindControl does not search within nested controls recursively. It does only find controls that's NamigContainer is the Control on that you are calling FindControl.
Theres a reason that ASP.Net does not look into your nested controls recursively by default:
Avoiding errors
Consider you want to encapsulate your GridViews, Formviews, UserControls etc. inside of other UserControls for reusability reasons. If you would have implemented all logic in your page and accessed these controls with recursive loops, it'll very difficult to refactor that. If you have implemented your logic and access methods via the event-handlers(f.e. RowDataBound of GridView), it'll be much simpler and less error-prone.
Action Management On Controls
Create below class in base class.
Class To get all controls:
public static class ControlExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> GetAllControlsOfType<T>(this Control parent) where T : Control
var result = new List<T>();
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
if (control is T)
if (control.HasControls())
return result;
From Database:
Get All Actions IDs (like divAction1,divAction2 ....) dynamic in DATASET (DTActions) allow on specific User.
In Aspx:
in HTML Put Action(button,anchor etc) in div or span and give them id like
<div id="divAction1" visible="false" runat="server" clientidmode="Static">
<a id="anchorAction" runat="server">Submit
Use this function on your page:
private void ShowHideActions()
var controls = Page.GetAllControlsOfType<HtmlGenericControl>();
foreach (DataRow dr in DTActions.Rows)
foreach (Control cont in controls)
if (cont.ClientID == "divAction" + dr["ActionID"].ToString())
cont.Visible = true;
Recursively find all controls matching the specified predicate (do not include root Control):
public static IEnumerable<Control> FindControlsRecursive(this Control control, Func<Control, bool> predicate)
var results = new List<Control>();
foreach (Control child in control.Controls)
if (predicate(child))
return results;
myControl.FindControlsRecursive(c => c.ID == "findThisID");
I decided to just build controls dictionaries. Harder to maintain, might run faster than the recursive FindControl().
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BuildControlDics()
_Divs = new Dictionary<MyEnum, HtmlContainerControl>();
_Divs.Add(MyEnum.One, this.divOne);
_Divs.Add(MyEnum.Two, this.divTwo);
_Divs.Add(MyEnum.Three, this.divThree);
And before I get down-thumbs for not answering the OP's question...
Q: Now, my question is that is there any other way/solution to find the nested control in ASP.NET?
A: Yes, avoid the need to search for them in the first place. Why search for things you already know are there? Better to build a system allowing reference of known objects.
private Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
if (root.ID == id)
return root;
foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
if (t != null)
return t;
return null;
The following example defines a Button1_Click event handler. When invoked, this handler uses the FindControl method to locate a control with an ID property of TextBox2 on the containing page. If the control is found, its parent is determined using the Parent property and the parent control's ID is written to the page. If TextBox2 is not found, "Control Not Found" is written to the page.
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs MyEventArgs)
// Find control on page.
Control myControl1 = FindControl("TextBox2");
// Get control's parent.
Control myControl2 = myControl1.Parent;
Response.Write("Parent of the text box is : " + myControl2.ID);
Response.Write("Control not found");

How can I dynamically clear all controls in a user control?

Is it possible to dynamically (and generically) clear the state of all of a user control's child controls? (e.g., all of its TextBoxes, DropDrownLists, RadioButtons, DataGrids, Repeaters, etc -- basically anything that has ViewState)
I'm trying to avoid doing something like this:
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)
if (c is TextBox)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
tb.Text = "";
else if (c is DropDownList)
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)c;
ddl.SelectedIndex = -1;
else if (c is DataGrid)
DataGrid dg = (DataGrid)c;
// etc.
I'm looking for something like this:
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)
...but obviously that doesn't exist. Is there any easy way to accomplish this dynamically/generically?
I was going to suggest a solution similar to Task's except (as sixlettervariables points out) we need to implement it as 1 extension method and essentailly switch on the precise type of the control passed in (i.e. copy your logic that you posted in your question).
public static class ControlExtensions
public static void Clear( this Control c )
if(c == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("c");
if (c is TextBox)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
tb.Text = "";
else if (c is DropDownList)
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)c;
ddl.SelectedIndex = -1;
else if (c is DataGrid)
DataGrid dg = (DataGrid)c;
// etc....
It is not particularly elegent looking method but your code in your page/control is now the more succinct
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {
and you can of course now call control.Clear() anywhere else in you code.
You can do
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {
Because Controls is just a list, you can call Remove() on it, passing it what you want to remove.
EDIT: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't read it correctly. I don't know of a way to do this, maybe someone here who is good with Reflection could make it where you could do like
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {
c = new c.Type.GetConstructor().Invoke();
or something, to turn it into a freshly made component.
I haven't tested it, but clearing viewstate for the usercontrol may work. You could expose a custom method on the user control as well:
public void Clear()
Now again I haven't tested. It's possible this will only clear the StateBag for the UserControl container, and not its nested/child controls.. if the above doesn't work you could try using recursion to walk down the control tree to clear viewstate for all children:
public void Clear()
private void ClearViewState(ControlCollection cc)
foreach(Control c in cc)
//clear the child controls first
//then clear the control itself
Just an idea. I haven't tested it but I think in theory it could work. One implication would be to call Clear at the correct point in the page/controls lifecycle, otherwise it may not work.
Hope this helps!
myUserControl.Controls.ToList().ForEach(c => myUserControl.Controls.Remove(c));
However, be careful, because you modify the iterating list. This could lead to some strange behaviour.
Setting EnableViewState="false" on the individual controls might save you the work, if it doesn't cause other problems for you in this instance.
What about the Control.ClearChildViewState method?
MSDN states
Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls.
I have never used this though. So I am unsure if it will help you. Sounds good though, I think :)
Why not do as you suggest:
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)
And then implement Clear:
public static class UserController
public static void Clear( this Control c )
public static void Clear( this TextBox c )
c.Text = String.Empty;
That should do it.

C# ControlCollection Extension GetAllTextboxes

How could I get only the texboxes in a ControlCollection ?
I try :
public static IEnumerable<TextBox> TextBoxes(this ControlCollection controlCollection)
return (IEnumerable<TextBox>)controlCollection.Cast<Control>().Where(c => c is TextBox);
But I got the following error :
Unable to cast object of type 'WhereEnumerableIterator`1[System.Web.UI.Control]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox]'.
I Use Asp.Net 3.5 with C#
You don't actually need a new extension method - there's already one for you that will get this:
The OfType method returns a sequence (IEnumerable<T>) subset of the sequence provided. If the type isn't convertible, it's left out. Unlike most of the LINQ extension methods, OfType is available on sequences that aren't strongly-typed:
This method is one of the few standard query operator methods that can be applied to a collection that has a non-parameterized type, such as an ArrayList. This is because OfType<(Of <(TResult>)>) extends the type IEnumerable.
Or if you do want to wrap it in an extension method, it's of course quite simple:
public static IEnumerable<TextBox> TextBoxes(this ControlCollection controls)
return controls.OfType<TextBox>();
You want OfType():
public static IEnumerable<TextBox> TextBoxes(this ControlCollection controlCollection)
return controlCollection.OfType<TextBox>();
Here is a recursive extension method to get the Control objects that descend from the specified type, including those that are nested in the control hierarchy.
public static class ControlCollectionExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> OfTypeRecursive<T>(this ControlCollection controls) where T : Control
foreach (Control c in controls)
T ct = c as T;
if (ct != null)
yield return ct;
foreach (T cc in OfTypeRecursive<T>(c.Controls))
yield return cc;
(For Windows Forms instead of ASP.NET, substitute Control.ControlCollection for ControlCollection.)
foreach (TextBox tBox in controls)
public static void HideControls<T>(Form pForm)
foreach (T cont in pForm.Controls)
cont.Visible = false;

Is there an ASP.NET collection for selected items in ListBox?

On my Asp.NET website, I have a listbox that allows multiple selections. I'd like to be able to ask something like:
blah = myListbox.selectedItems;
and be given a collection of the items that were selected in the listbox. It looks like there is a method for this in the Windows Forms world, but not for asp.NET. Is there a simpler way to do this than just iterating over the Items collection looking for selected values?
Something like this should get you the selected items:
List<ListItem> selectedItems = new List<ListItem>();
int[] selectedItemsIndexes = myListbox.GetSelectedIndices();
foreach (int selectedItem in selectedItemsIndexes)
As an extension method:
public static class ListBoxExtensions
public static List<ListItem> GetSelectedItems(this ListBox listbox)
List<ListItem> selectedItems = new List<ListItem>();
int[] selectedItemsIndexes = listbox.GetSelectedIndices();
foreach (int selectedItem in selectedItemsIndexes)
return selectedItems;
so now you can just call:
List<ListItem> selectedItems = myListBox.GetSelectedItems();
As olle suggested the Extension method could be Linq-ified and thu shrunk down even further to:
public static class ListBoxExtensions
public static IEnumerable<ListItem> GetSelectedItems(this ListBox listbox)
var selectedItems = from ListItem i in myListbox.Items where i.Selected select i
return selectedItems;
Doesn't look like you can get the items directly, but GetSelectedIndices might help.
There is no such property but an easy linq query gets you the results fast and easy.
var selectedItems = from ListItem i in myListbox.Items where i.Selected select i;
With an extension method you can make it even simpler if you need to do this kind of thing allot.
Last time I checked, no but this may be helpful
