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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a Windows network emulator that can emulate the packet-loss & latency characteristics of a 3G wireless network.
I used to use a tool from GIPs that has been end-of-life'd. I've also tried Shunra Virtual Enterprise but found it a bit too basic
dummynet is now available for windows and linux as well. See
There's a FreeBSD tool called dummynet that can do this. Since you have a Windows setup, you could put it on a separate box and route through it for testing, or perhaps even run it on a VM on your Windows machine. I know of no Windows solution to this problem, but perhaps others will.
Have you tried LANforge ICE for Windows?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been learning about Rest APIs and I just created my first one in Visual Studio. Now I would like to put it on the internet so I can call to it rather than calling localhost. For the amount of information on how to create an API there isn't much information on how to deploy it.
My API is very simple and not very useful. It is more of a learning exercise to me. So I was wondering what is the free or cheap way of getting it on the internet.
Every ASP.NET project is deployed the same way. You hit publish and upload the files to a web server (be it your own computer with public IP address or hosting you pay for). If you are using a database you may need to setup that too and tweak the connection string in the config file.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a web application deployed on a jboss server running on a unix machine.
I want to be able to monitor threads, CPU times ,requests, etc. , for gauging application performance on the server.
What might be the best way to do this?
The jboss.system:type=ServerInfo MBean provides several attributes that can be used to monitor the thread and memory usage in a JBoss instance.
A few open source tools for remote monitoring and administration using Java Management Extensions (JMX)
There is also RHQ that offers a lot more than just monitoring like alerting on (changed) values, can run operations on the servers (restart etc), can make config changes and also deploy applications on the server (or whole servers on a machine).
Solaris/Linux/*BSD? On Solaris and *BSD, you can consider using DTrace as a general application monitoring tool.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a delivery management system that aims to allow a dispatcher to monitor where their couriers are around the city and be able to send addresses to the couriers, which would give them directions, etc. I am developing the backend in ASP.Net/MSSQL and am looking for an iPhone app that might give me a head start with the GPS tracking stuff.
Anyone familiar with this and have some suggestions for decent software? It does not have to be free software.
Titanium by Appcelerator might be what you need. Coming from an ASP.Net/javascript background it's pretty easy to transition into Titanium. Combine the built in libraries for geolocation and web services and you could be reporting your courier's positions using a timer to a web service pretty easily.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to host a test app in ASP.NET 3.5 but I can't find a decent free host anywhere!
I tried and after some days I still have a pending virtual directory creation.
Even if it has lots of banners with pub on it, it doesn't matter. I just want to try out something!
If you just want to try out something, there's always the dynamic dns way.
And some dynamic dns providers: dyndns and no-ip
what is the nature of your application? I might have some space for you on my server.
There are also a lot of hosts which have x days free trials if it's just to test an app then just try one of those.
And there are offcourse also money back guarantees but that would be a bit more shady.
I feel like there's another thread that asks this same question, because I'm pretty sure that's where I got this link;
It's temporarily closed right now while they make upgrades, but for anyone searching the forums in the future, it's worth checking out.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the best MemCache solution for ASP.NET applications running in a windows server environment? Why?
You could also check out Microsoft Velocity, especially if you're at a place that prefers Microsoft products.
My sentiments exactly - My Question
From what I've gathered, memcacheddotnet is the best free options,
scaleout if you want to pay