SVN Reporting in ASP.Net -

We have a custom project management tool built in ASP,net 3.5 and we use VisualSVN for our version management. However, we are looking a way to report the version changes through the project management tool by integrating VisualSVN with our project management tool, i.e. pretty much similar to what Trac [python based SCM tool] provides.
Basically looking for a simple VisualSVN Client API to be able to detect & report the file changes based on the revision set provided.

There is also SharpSvn wich encapsulates the whole Subversion 1.5 client api. It's is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and it's from CollabNet.

Check Svn.NET I think is the best solution for right now .NET bindings of the Subversion client system libraries.

If you're happy with some scripting, you can use svnlook, which is the tool that provides reports on changes and repository modifications.
I use it in a post-commit hook to send the changes of all files to my bugtracker, so it can display which files were changed given a revision number. I add a specific text to the log, and it picks that up to know which bug to associate the data with.
EDIT, as requested, this perl script is called from the post-commit hook:
$url = `svnlook log -r $ARGV[1] $ARGV[0]`;
# check the string contains the matching regexp,
# quit if it doesn't so we don't waste time contacting the webserver
# this is the g_source_control_regexp value in mantis.
exit 1 if not $url =~ /\b(?:bug|issue|mantis)\s*[#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i;
$url = $url . "---\nSVN Revision: " . $ARGV[1];
$url = $url . "\n" . `svnlook dirs-changed -r $ARGV[1] $ARGV[0]`;
#urlencode the string
$url =~ s/([^\w\-\.\#])/$1 eq " "?"+": sprintf("%%%2.2x",ord($1))/eg;
print "log=$url";
exit 0;
this writes to the postcommit_mantis.txt file which is sent to Mantis via curl:
d:\tools\curl -s -d user=svn -d #c:\temp\postcommit_mantis.txt http://<server>/mantis/core/checkincurl.php


How to delete GAVs in Nexus 3 through Nexus REST API

Is there a way to delete GAVs through a REST API in Nexus 3? From various
google searches it appears that this capability existed in Nexus 2, but not in
Nexus 3 yet. Is that true?
I tried the following with my current Nexus installation, which is OSS 3.2.1-01:
I was trying to delete GAV:
groupId = org.mycompany.myproject
artifactId = myartifact
version = 1.0.0
$ curl --request DELETE --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://my-server:8081/service/local/repositories/my-repo/content/org.mycompany.myproject/myartifact/1.0.0
This gave me a 405.
I also looked at the release notes for 3.3 through 3.5 and nothing jumped out
that REST API support was added.
I also looked into I downloaded
the nexus-book-examples and downloaded several of the Javadocs (nexus-core,
nexus-repository, nexus-common, nexus-script, nexus-commands, nexus-selector)
for version 3.2.1-01 and started to look through the code. It was not clear
where to start with a simple program to delete GAVs.
Am I correct that you cannot delete GAVs through the REST API in Nexus 3? Is
there a plan to support this in a future Nexus 3 release? Is there a way to do
what I want to do by creating a Groovy script using the code referenced by the
REST+and+Integration+API link above? Is there some sample code which will help
bootstrap me to using the above code (either 3.2.1-01, or a newer version of
You might take a look at our Beta REST API in Nexus Repository 3. Upgrade to a version greater than 3.3, preferably to 3.5 (just so you are using latest and greatest) and navigate to:
Since the REST API is currently Beta we have yet to publish documentation or fanfare around it while we let people experiment with it and give us feedback.
You should see endpoints for deleting components and assets. You will likely want to use the component delete, so that it will clean up all associated assets.
Let me know your mileage!
According to the documentation, you can delete an ASSET (individual file) or a COMPONENT (a set of files, like jar+md5+sha1+pom.xml representing an artifact) only if you know the assetId or the componentId
So you should issue a separate search call passing the GAV and finding out the componentId, then use the componentId to delete in a second call.
However I see here and here that people can delete an asset just by specifying the entire path... I have tried with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/commons-compress-1.18.jar
and it gives me a HTTP 204 (no content). In my case "deployments" is a hosted repository. I have tried the same command on "central" (aproxy repo) and I get a 405.
But if I try to download the whole component (including pom, sha1 etc) with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/
I get a HTTP 404.
I know, it's painful and in Nexus2 it was much easier.

.bashrc file not created in ldap client machine when using ldap authentication

My objective is to configure a machine as client to use ldap authentication from a ldap server. I added user in ldap server. Also registered ldap service to be used by client.
But the problem is when I am trying to login into the ldap client machine, I am not getting the "user#hostname" prompt, instead I am getting "-bash-4.1$".
I searched and find its something to do with ".bashrc" files such as ".bash_history", ".bash_profile", ".bash_logout".
I can manually create these files but I want them to be automatically generated, and executed while login.
If anyone knows the cause of the problem and the solution please share.
You should create a script in /etc/profile.d for this propose, like that:
cat /etc/profile.d/
a='export PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 2)\][\u#\h \W]\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"'
b='export other variable'
c='export other variable'
d='alias ...."
if [ ! -f BASHRC ]; then #if not exists
echo -e "$a\n$b\n$c\n$d" >> $BASHRC
source $BASHRC #execute bash script
I had this problem too and I solved deleting the "/home/< ldapuser >" and then I login again and the home directory was created. Also you can check if /etc/pam.d/system-auth has properly
session optional umask=0077
To enable mkhomedir you can run
authconfig --enablemkhomedir --update

Deleting artifacts older than 2 years from local nexus repository

We're running nexus on some old hardware which is limited in disk space and would like to remove artifacts older than a certain threshold.
Is there any way to do this other than a combination of find and curl?
There is a scheduled task that can automatically remove old snapshot releases:
Unfortunately, this does not work for hosted release repositories.
As mentioned on a Sonatype blog post linked from a comment in the blog in gavenkoa's answer, since Nexus 2.5 there is a built in "Remove Releases From Repository" scheduled task which can be configured to delete old releases keeping a defined number.
This is sufficient to meet our needs.
Delete all files to which no one access more then 100 days and not modified more then 200 days:
find . -type f -atime +100 -mtime 200 -delete
To cleanup empty directories:
find . -type d -empty -delete
Or alternatively look to and corresponding blog entry (delete all except last 10 releases).
auto purge older than 30 days(u can change it) not download docker images from nexus 3
# nexus3's username and pwd
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin123'
# nexus host
nexusHost = 'http://localhost:8081'
# purge repo
repoName = 'docker'
# older than days
days = 30
#change and run it
For Nexus2, you can use my Spring Boot application , you can define rules based on date and on a minimum number of Artifacts to retain, and it generates "rm -rf" commands (using the REST API is damn slow).
For Nexus3, I would definitely use a Groovy script as a "Execute Admin Task". One is posted here groovy script to delete artifacts on nexus 3 (not nexus 2)

How to check whether ASP.NET 4.0 registered on IIS 7.5

Is there any reliable way how to check whether ASP.NET 4.0 registered on IIS 7.5 programmatically? I need to test it in the installer as prerequisite, before ASP.NET application installation start.
If ASP.NET 4.0 not registered on the IIS, later during the installation just installed application cannot be run and returns 500 internal server error (and it is too late to solve the problem). Instead, I want to show some warning (and hint how to solve the issue) before any installation steps started. But no reliable solution found yet.
AFAIK, registry entries reading sometimes may not work correctly. So now, I run aspnet_regiis.exe -lv to list versions (as suggested here) and parse the output. But even if .NET not registered correctly my test (falsely) succeeds, because the output is (contains version 4.0):
2.0.50727.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
4.0.30319.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll
(Win7 32bit)
Running aspnet_regiis.exe -ir can repair it in this case.
It's similar issue as this question, but I need test it programmatically.
Do you have any ideas or experiences?
Using your own answer as a basis, this can also be done using the command line (with elevation):
%WINDIR%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0
If anything is returned, ASP.NET 4.0 is registered.
The issue with this approach is that it seems to be possible to create 4.0 application pools manually even if the filter is not installed, and then this method would not work.
I have ended up running these three checks:
aspnet_regiis.exe -lv (should return a line containing "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll")
appcmd.exe list apppool /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 (should return a line containing "MgdVersion:v4.0")
appcmd.exe list config -section:system.webServer/isapiFilters (should return a line containing "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll")
Note that I only care about 32bit versions.
If all three checks pass, it can be concluded that ASP.NET 4.0 is registered. Still not 100% false positive-proof though.
This is an old question, but I'm posting an answer because your question is one of the top results on google, and it's unanswered.
The registry key you are looking for is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0. If that key is present, then .Net 4 has been installed and is registered in IIS.
If you just want to check if .Net 4 is installed, you can check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full.
In Powershell it could be done like this:
# load the IIS-Commandlets
Import-Module WebAdministration
# get the isapi filters currently loaded
Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.webServer/isapiFilters/filter" -name *
An output could look like this:
name : ASP.Net_4.0_32bit<br/>
path : %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll<br/>
enabled : True<br/>
enableCache : True<br/>
preCondition : runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32<br/>
ItemXPath : /system.webServer/isapiFilters/filter[#name='ASP.Net_4.0_32bit']<br/>
Attributes : {name, path, enabled, enableCache...}<br/>
ChildElements : {}<br/>
ElementTagName : filter<br/>
Methods :<br/>
Schema : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElementSchema<br/>
name : ASP.Net_4.0_64bit<br/>
path ........
Based on that we could write this code to check and install .NET 4 if needed:
$DotNet4Missing = $true
# lets make sure we got .net 4 correctly setup
$isapiFilters = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.webServer/isapiFilters/filter" -name *
"/system.webServer/isapiFilters/filter count: {0}" -f $isapiFilters.Count
foreach ($filter in $isapiFilters)
" {0}" -f $
if ($ -eq "ASP.Net_4.0_64bit")
"-> Found .NET 4 - GREAT!"
$DotNet4Missing = $false
if ($DotNet4Missing)
"Missing .NET 4 IIS integration - running aspnet_regiis.exe"
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe"
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = "-iru"
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
"aspnet_regiis.exe stdout: {0}" -f $stdout
"aspnet_regiis.exe stderr: {0}" -f $stderr
"aspnet_regiis.exe ExitCode: {0}" -f $p.ExitCode
Summary: The problem described above occurs on non-server operating system (Win7). The .NET 4.0 is not registered on the IIS even if you install IIS before .NET 4.0 (and so .NET should be registered on IIS correctly). This causes unexpected problems during any ASP.NET application installation -- until aspnet_regiis.exe -ir is ran from the commandline. There is no problem with Win 2008 (i.e. when IIS installed before .NET 4.0 then .NET is registered correctly on IIS and everything works as expected).
So finally my colleague told me what possibly could be solution of the problem. I've verified that following solution works fine (also on Win7). ServerManager from Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace can be employed easily:
public static bool IsAspNetRegistered()
using (var mgr = new ServerManager())
return mgr.ApplicationPools.Any(pool => pool.ManagedRuntimeVersion == "v4.0");
In case of successful .NET registration on IIS, there is at least one application pool which runtime version is set to "v4.0" so this fact was used for the check.
Of course, if anybody deletes all application pools, this method can work incorrectly. But this is bit pathological situation I don't care. The main issue is to prevent that although everything is done according our installation recommendations, still not possible to install the application on the machine.

Powershell Get-WebSite name parameter is ignored

I want to retrieve information regarding specific IIS 7 website using the PowerShell Get-Website cmdlet. Unfortunately, Get-Website returns information for all websites regardless of the -Name parameter I pass in. It appears that the -Name parameter is ignored.
For instance, if I use:
Import-Module WebAdministration
Get-Website -Name "Test Website"
I will receive information for all websites on my machine:
Name ID State Physical Path Bindings
---- -- ----- ------------- --------
Default Web Site 1 Started %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot http *:80:
net.tcp 808:*
net.pipe *
net.msmq localhost
msmq.formatname localhost
Test Website 2 Started C:\websites\test http *
According to the documentation Get-Website should return information for the website specified in the -Name parameter. I must be misunderstanding the documentation or misusing the cmdlet, or both.
How should I use Get-Website to return information for a specific website?
According to this forum post, this is a bug in the Get-Website cmdlet. The workaround until this is addressed is to use Get-Item.
$website = "Test"
Get-Item "IIS:\sites\$website"
Be sure to use double quotes, variables are not expanded when single quotes are used.
I realize it's an older post but I ran into this issue recently and found your question. I've had luck with the following syntax too:
get-website | where { $_.Name -eq 'foobar' }
Using wild cards will also get around this issue as mentioned in the work around in the connect topic referenced by #Joey
get-website -name "*Default Web Site*"
