ASP.NET application exhibits strange behaviour through firewall -

This problem has been solved thanks to your suggestions. See the bottom for details. Thanks very much for your help!
Our ASP.NET website is accessed from several specific and highly secure international locations. It has been operating fine, but we have added another client location which is exhibiting very strange behaviour.
In particular, when the user enters search criteria and clicks the search button the result list returns empty. It doesn't even show the '0 results returned' text, so it is as if the Repeater control did not bind at all. Similar behaviour appears in some, but not all, other parts of the site. The user is able to log in to the site fine and their profile information is displayed.
I have logged in to the site locally using exactly the same credentials as them and the site works well from here. We have gone through the steps carefully so I am confident it is not a user issue.
I bind the search results in the Page_Load of the search results page the first time it is loaded (the criteria is in the query string). i.e.
if (!IsPostBack) {
I can replicate exactly the same behaviour locally by commenting out the BindResults() method call.
Does anybody know how the value of IsPostBack is calculated? Is it possible that their highly-secure firewall setup would cause IsPostBack to always return true, even when it is a redirect from another page? That could be a red herring as the problem might be elsewhere. It does exactly replicate the result though.
I have no access to the site, so troubleshooting is restricted to giving them instructions and asking for them to tell me the result.
Thanks for your time!
Appended info: Client is behind a Microsoft ISA 2006 firewall running default rules. The site has been added to the Internet Explorer trusted sites list and tried in FireFox and Google Chrome, all with the same result.
SOLUTION: The winner for me was the suggestion to use Fiddler. What an excellent tool that no web developer should be without. Using this I was able to strip various headers from the request until I reproduced the problem. There were actually two factors that caused this bug, as is so often the case with such confusing issues.
Factor one – Where possible the web application uses GZIP compression as supported by all major browsers. The firewall was stripping off the header that specifies GZIP decompression support (Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate).
Factor two – A bug in my code meant that some processing was bypassed when the content was being sent uncompressed. This problem was not noticed before because the application is used by a limited audience, all of which supported GZIP decompression.

If they're at all tech-savvy, I would have them download Fiddler or something similar, capture the entire HTTP session, and then send you the saved session. Maybe something in there will stick out.
Meanwhile, see if you can get an install of ISA Server (an evaluation install, if you have to, or one from MSDN if you have or know anyone with a sub) and see if you can replicate it locally.

Is it possible the client has disabled Javascript and it's not picking up the _EVENTTARGET form value?

It might be some sort of proxy which creates a GET request out of a given POST request...
I am not sure how the IsPostBack is calculated, but my guess would be that it checks the HTTP request to see if it's a POST or a GET...

Ohh, yeah. It's definitely NOT "_EVENTTARGET" BTW...
I know this since Ra-Ajax does NOT pass any of those parameters to the server and they (Ra-ajax requests) are processed as IsPostBack requests...

Location, location, location. Check the user's culture. Normally that causes issues.

Could you create a test Post Page that passes the same things that your search page does, and in the Page_Load write back all of the post to make sure they are getting passed, particularly the __VIEWSTATE.
foreach (string key in Request.Form)
Response.Write("<br>" + key + "=" + Request.Form[key]);
Then ask one of the users to forward back what they see on that test page.
EDIT: There is documentation that some firewalls can corrupt the VIEWSTATE and some methods to get around it: View State Overview

Check the IIS logs to see if the request even makes it to your server. The ISA setup might be caching the initial request and serving that up in the succeeding requests.


AJAX Callbacks Allowing HTML

I have a comment form on my website and I would like to stop any HTML from being posted through it. I was under the impression that ASP.NET automatically stops any HTML from being submitted by throwing a "potentially dangerous request" exception, but it's allowing HTML in this case.
All of the settings that relate to validation have been left to default so it should be set to requestValidationMode="4.0".
Anyone know what can cause this? Does it have anything to do with the fact that I am using AJAX callbacks?
Edit: I have gathered some more details:
Validation is correctly working in one sub-folder in my application, but it isn't working in any of the others. I looked into my web.config and this is the only setting I have put regarding page validation:
<pages enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="true">
Why is it working in one subfolder but not in the others? Does it have anything to do with the fact that this subfolder has a web.config entry regarding authentication?
Edit: Regular postbacks are being validated, just not callbacks.
Edit again: I was playing around with Fiddler and while doing so I noticed one of the callbacks was blocked by the server. Here is what the blocked request looks like:
And here is the plain text version:
Here is a typical request that isn't blocked:
Plain text:
I don't know why the requests are different, nothing changed on the page. I noticed that the first one seems to have split the parameters into the boxes while the second one hasn't. Is this the issue?
I just checked the callbacks being sent from the sub-folder and they are all split into parameters just like the first request. I guess this is the problem... but why is it happening?
I made the inputs runat=server and the request changed a bit, but the values are still not being assigned.
Here is what I found:
___CALLBACKPARAM is not actually validated by the server, only the parameters as seen in the first image are. With this in mind I validated the request myself using the following regex <\/*(p|div|span|a|script|br|b|i|u|h1|h2|h3|ol|ul|li)\s*.*>. You can find more online; hope this helps.

vbscript how to read the url a visitor has entered from?

A page we have is visited by users from two domains. lets call them and
I want some of the code to only display when the user visits from how do i do this in the same vbscript file? Or do i HAVE to have separate files?
i was thinking something like
if request.SOMETHING.contains("x") then etc
Try Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER").
You'll notice that REFERER is misspelled; that's because HTTP_REFERER was set in stone in RFC 1945 before anyone caught the spelling error.
More info
In addition to checking the referer as others have suggested you could also while calling the page put a value in the url indicating where you have come from (assuming you have access to the pages you are linking from).
This is more easy for a malicious or just curious user to mess with than the http referrer so in some ways it is less reliable. However you should bear in mind that the http referrer isn't a guaranteed solution anyway (a browser might not send it, security programs might strip out the header, etc.) and that any user who manually edits things in the querystring that they shouldn't be playing with has no grounds for complaint if things stop working. As long as it won't be a security hole it should be fine. And if changing the value is a security hole you shouldn't use the referrer either since that can be easily modified by those with a mind to.

How do you determine cookies are disabled *without* javascript and *without* redirecting?

If I disable javascript and cookies, detects that cookies are disabled without a redirect. If you click the cart link, there's only a get on the cart page.
I'm guessing is most likely not using ASP.NET, but how would you accomplish detecting disabled cookies using ASP.NET without the use of javascript and redirecting? Is it possible to detect if cookies are disabled in one round trip?
I believe what you're describing is impossible. Amazon doesn't appear to do that. As proof:
Disable JavaScript
Clear your cookies (but leave them enabled)
Go here:
You'll get the message "Please Enable Cookies in your Web Browser to Continue." But if you reload the page, the message will go away, because cookies got set on the first viewing.
The reason this doesn't work is that when a page response sets cookies, the server can't tell they've been properly set until the next request. You can get around that using JavaScript, of course, but without that there's no way for the server to know in advance whether a request comes from a browser that will accept cookies.
You don't need redirect to get at the cookies. All you need is a delayed load content.
Basically, I believe the following would work:
The 'GET /index.html' response sets the Cookies (they come in the header, and are stored before index.html is received and rendered).
You can than check for cookies while serving say 'GET /TinyImage.gif' if you don't run into caching problems and respond to images dynamically.
So, the final problem, is how do you inform the user about your findings from the TinyImage request? Definitely not easily, but if you use IFrame instead of a simple tag, you can essentially have two GET requests for a single page render.
Or, you can be really, really insane and actually stall the first GET until the second GET confirms the browser settings. This is for some HTTP wizards, but if you can wrap your head around Comet (not AJAX, Comet!), it can come in handy.
It's definitely possible, just tricky. Would I try doing so in ASP.NET? Can't promise anything but it will be a neat thing to share.
I guess it may load the page in the javascript / cookies off configuration and then use javascript to do the check and set functionality to cookies enabled if needed.
Could you set a Cookie in Page_Init for instance, then see if you could read from it in Page_PreRender?
Not sure that's even possible, but that's the only way I could think of.

http image viewable from inside page, but not direct url

I do not believe this is possible, but I figure there are people out there way smarter than me, so why not check ..
I would like to have an HTTP image that is viewable from within a page when used w/in an img tag, but NOT visible if the img src link is called directly. Does that make sense? Viewable in page, but not if called directly.
Quick edit .. acceptable alternative is to embed image in page in such a way as url is not human readable / able to be extracted and typed into browser.
Update 2 ... .NET IIS7 env.
Note that "security" products such as Norton Internet Security and Norton Personal Firewall prevent the HTTP Referer: (TBL's spelling mistake, not mine) header being sent by default. As these products are widely used, referrer blocking will break things for an awful lot of people.
FWIW, if I was keen to get your image other than by viewing your page (although I can't imagine why I should be) I would just grab the bits as they came over the network when I viewed your page, using something like Charles or Fiddler. It's completely impossible to make content available over the web but prevent people from making a copy.
I believe that you can achieve something like this by relying on the referrer header supplied by the browser - when the referrer is a web page on your own site, you serve up the image, but not otherwise.
It's not 100% reliable (as passing the referrer isn't mandatory in the HTTP spec) but works well enough for some sites.
This is achieved through configuration of your webserver; you therefore might have more luck asking this on ServerFault.
Yes, there are lots of articles on how to setup mod_rewrite rules in apache to try and prevent direct access to files.
It depends on how it gets built. You can always make sure your referrer is the page that you expect it to be hosted from and lock down requests there.
If you have some notion of authentication, you could bury the image under some type of php/ruby script or http handler that requests the image from the server or database (in a place that is not publicly viewable but is reachable by your server-side code) and that handler could check for your authentication status before returning it.
Frankly, I re-worked my solution so I didn't really have to worry bout it ... know that's a cop out, as it doesn't REALLY answer the question, but there it is. My concern that users would be able to defraud the "game" I was creating if they could figure out the sequence that was being used to name the images. Quick and dirty solution .... don't make image file names sequential / predictable.

session lost on redirect

I have a web app that is being hit by facebook. The login page retrieves the keys that I need and sets some session variables. When the server then redirects the user to the next page, the session information is lost. I’m running the IIS engine on vista ultimate at the moment, the app pools don’t matter because I’m using a state service and I’m still losing the session state. I’ve tried both the overloaded method of the response.redirect function and also adding a header to the page to force the redirect and none of this seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas of what I’m missing?
I’ve tried both of these:
Response.Headers.Add("refresh", "3;url=Dashboard.aspx")
Response.Redirect("Dashboard.aspx", False)
So i just did a little experiment and well it turns out that when I hit the url directly from the facebook page I get the problem, but when i copy the url for the IFrame into a new browser window and try it it works fine.
So I found an article on this and after addin gthe header the problem was solved (for now)
Response.AddHeader("P3P: CP", "CAO PSA OUR")
when I hit the url directly from the facebook page I get the problem, but when i copy the url for the IFrame into a new browser window and try it it works fine.
If you're in an iframe, any cookies you set are “third-party cookies”. Third-party cookies may be subject to more stringent conditions than the normal “first-party” cookies you are setting when the user is directly on your site. This can be due to different browser default cookie handling or because the user has deliberately configured it like that. (And for good reason: many third-parties are unpleasant privacy-invading advertisers.)
In particular, in IE6+ with the default settings, you cannot set a third-party cookie unless you write a P3P policy promising that you will be a good boy and not flog your users' data to the nearest identify thief.
(In practice of course P3P is a dead loss, since there's nothing stopping the site owner from just lying. Another worthless complication that provides no actual security. Yay.)
I'd try running Fiddler and see if your session cookie is being sent properly with the response when interacting with your app via Facebook.
The session depends also on cookie support by the client. When you say the app "is being hit by facebook" are you sure that by what ever means they are "hitting" you they are supporting cookies?
Response.Redirect and refresh don't carry session. Server.Transfer() can but loses the ability to transfer to other servers/sites.
