How to control the position of QDialog? - qt

Is there any easy way to open the Qt dialogs in the same position as they were the last time the application was open ?
i.e. preserve position of dialogs between application sessions ?
By easy way I mean not to have manually write the window position in file, and then read :)

You can use the QSettings class to achieve this. It's an abstraction class that allow your applications to store its settings in order to retrieve them at next launch.
Save settings:
QSettings settings("ValueName", "Value");
Read settings:
QString v = settings.value("ValueName");

Use QSettings along with QWidget::restoreGeometry() and QWidget::saveGeometry().

Better to save dialog->pos(), dialog->size(), dialog->isMaximized(), cause dialog->saveGeometry() doesn't maximize the window.
QSettings is the preffered way to save configuration


Save UI settings with QSettings or QJson?

Saving UI settings with QSettings is cumbersome and buggy, because each time you must use setValue() and value() functions and also define groups, application name and organization which can be buggy in large applications:
QSettings settings(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/" + qApp->applicationName() + ".ini" , QSettings::IniFormat) ...
settings.setValue("someKey", "blah blah");
QString str = settings.value("someKey");
However with JSON it can be simpler:
QJsonObject obj;
obj["someKey"] = "blah blah"
What is the best practice for saving and restoring ui settings?
Save each key/value in QSettings?
Save in QJson and then save with QSettings?
Save in QJson only (with another mechanism for defining groups and application)?
Any other idea?
The QSettings code won't be more cumbersome than your QJsonObject example if you use all benefits of the first one.
Default QSettings constructor:
You can set the application and organization names just once:
QApplication::setApplicationName("My Application");
QApplication::setOrganizationName("My Organization");
Then simply use the default QSettings constructor anywhere in your code:
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("Key", "Value");
Group as an argument:
The settings group for your keys can be set without using the beginGroup() / endGroup() methods. Simply pass the slash-delimited argument to thevalue() / setValue() methods:
settings.setValue("Group/Key", "Value");
Storing the UI settings:
It's not clear from your question what exact UI settings you want to save, however there are two handy methods – QWidget::saveGeometry() and QMainWindow::saveState(). You can use it to store your windows geometry and state respectively:
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("ui/geometry", saveGeometry());
settings.setValue("ui/state", saveState());
In case if you still want some deep nesting and hierarchy for your settings file, you're right, you will have to use JSON. The most convenient way is to register the custom read/write functions using the QSettings::registerFormat. Why still QSettings? This class is designed considering the cross-platform code, no need to reinvent the wheel.
Of course, you can also write your own JSON settings class from scratch. But if there is no need in multilevel settings hierarchy – is it worth it?
In terms of application design you can wrap QSettings in an additional class. In this case you can easily experiment and switch to your own JSON read/write implementations without touching the main code.
Standard system paths:
In your example you are using the applicationDirPath() to store the settings data. That's an improper place to keep your settings for the most applications (e.g. you will likely face the Windows UAC issues in this case; Unix systems also have the separate directory for such files). Use the paths intended by the operating system for storing application data.
For example, on Windows QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat) coupled with the default scope (UserScope) will store the settings in the %APPDATA% path. This also improves the cross-platform portability of your code.

How to set QCamera on label

I've decided no to use OpenCV. I will use the QCamera class. Everything is working perfect to this moment. I can capture and save images wherever I want, but the problem is how I can set the camera to a label or graphics view?
I mean, to see what is happening at the moment. When I make infinite loop everything crashes. Write any information you know, cause there are no examples how to do that, or I just can't see. If you can please write some source code.
Use QCameraVievFinder or QVideoWidget widgets ( docs - here) for that purpose, here is example for you:
#include <QCameraViewfinder>
// .......
QCamera *camera=new QCamera(this);
QCameraViewfinder *viewfinder = new QCameraViewfinder(this);
camera->start(); // to start the viewfinder
Note: you need to add to your *,pro file this config to use them: QT += multimedia multimediawidgets
If you want a bit more low level widget (to process every frame the way you like (face detection etc), subclass QAbstractVideoSurface, docs - here
or try to connect to QVideoProbe class (docs - here), though i could not do it myself, this class is a bit experimental i guess, didn't worked

How to disable shortcuts in QTextEdit

I'm working in a scientific calculator project using Qt5, I'm using the QTextEdit as the calculator's display.
I want to disable the shortcuts like (Ctrl + A, and Ctrl + C) in the display, so How can I do that?
Thank you.
Key Filter Method, Create an Event Filter that returns false for the Hot Keys. It's a little tedious, but should work out.
Event filtering on the LineEdit is the proper way to do it, then you can ignore the ones you do not want or override the behavior.
A dirty shortcut (no pun intended) to try is to create a QShortcut and and assign it to an empty slot. Qt will probably complain about ambiguous shortcuts and will probably do not do anything with it.
Dirty I know :)
QShortcut *shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+A"), parent);
QObject::connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), receiver, SLOT(emptySlot()));
May be you can even ignore the connect part...

How to read/write a text file in qt?

I have a QPlainTextEdit in my Form and I want to read the whole Resource.txt document which is placed in Other Files of my project and after a timer ticks i want the application save the contents of the QPlainTextEdit in the document.
I know it's a dumb question but I can't find a solution.
QTextStream.readAll() lets you read a file to a QString. This constructor (or the method setPlainText) for QPlainTextEdit lets you set a string displayed in the editor. Use a QTimer to trigger a slot which reads the contents of the QPlainTextEdit into a QString with the toPlainText method after a desired amount of time. Write the result to file using a QTextStream again.
The tutorial Getting Started Programming with Qt takes you through building a text editor, once you have followed this, try adding a QTimer to trigger a save.

Is there a simple way to restore widget sizes in Qt?

I'm looking for a way to preserve the size of windows in a Qt app.
I've seen that there is the possibility of using the following method for every widget:
But really, I don't find this a satisfactioning method. Is there something like setAutosaveGeometry(True)?
I'm especially looking for a way to store the widths of table columns.
The QHeaderView class also has two methods for saving and restoring it's state to and from a QByteArray: saveState()and restoreState()
A table view's headers are accessible via the horizontalHeader() and verticalHeader() methods.
saveGeometry returns a QByteArray value, you need to store it somewhere.
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event){
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry());
For reading the geometry call the restoreGeometry function:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent):QMainWindow(parent) {
QSettings settings;
To learn more about window geometry please read the documentation
See the Qt documentation on Restoring a Window's Geometry.
