Programmatically add multiple filters on one column. SatelliteForms - pocketpc

Is there a way to add more than one filter on a column programmatically?
Tables("TYPE").AddFilter("Code", "<>", "OP") -- Works until then next line.
Tables("TYPE").AddFilter("Code", "<>", "MP") -- The first filter is removed.
.... I'm not cool enough to add a SatelliteForms tag.
Here is a link to the SatelliteForms.

Let me put out the disclaimer that I have no experience with SatelliteForms. However, I did comb through the SF_MobileAppGuide and based on the how the AddFilter, RemoveFilter and RemoveAllFilters methods are called, it appears that you can only have one filter per column.
This explains why when you add the second line, it merely replaces your filter instead of adding it.


check duplicate values in oracle forms multi record block

What I wanted is to display an alert when I move to the next row if the record that I inserted is already one of the records in the multi record block.
and in what trigger must I put it?
There are several options you can use.
One is to POST values entered (in WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE) trigger. It will, well, post everything you entered so far. Then, you can write a WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger which SELECTs from that table and checks whether such a value already exists. Alternatively, if there's the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on that (those) column(s), database will do its job itself, i.e. raise an exception.
Another option is to literally loop through all rows in a block and compare the first row's value with all the others, then the second row's values with all of them, etc.
Or, you can use a Record Group (usually used for Lists of Values). Basically, you'd check whether value you entered exists in a record group. More info, along with a FMB file, on Craig's blog.
Or, you can use calculated items, as described enter link description here (FMB attached as well).
As you can see, quite a few ways to do that; explore each of them and pick the one you find the most useful / attractive / easy to implement.

Is it possible to filter the list of fields when outputting a Full Dataset?

I have a DataTable that I'm passing to a FlexCel report. It contains a variable number of columns, so I'm using the Full Dataset feature (e.g. <#table_name.*>).
However, only a subset of the fields are dynamically generated (I have a variable number of attachments). The column name for each attachment field starts with a common word (e.g. "Attachment0", "Attachment1", etc).
What I would like to do is output the known finite set of fields and then the variable number of attachments. It would be nice if I could write something like <#table_name.Attachment*> (and <#table_name.Attachment**>). Is there any way in FlexCel Reports I can achieve the same result?
A side benefit to such a solution means that I could keep the formatting for the known/finite set of fields.
I added place holder columns to the document, each with a <#delete column> tag, so that the un-wanted columns/data are removed.
Although this works, it's not ideal. For example, if I want to see how the columns fit in the page width (in print preview), then I need to hide the columns. Then I have to remember to un-hide them again, so other developers can see/understand my handy work.
It would be much more straight forward if I could filter the fields before they're output to the document.
I realised there's an alternate way around this problem. I broke up the data into two sets of data - <#table_name.*> and <#table_name_attachments.*>.
The fixed set of fields are in the first table and the variable set of fields is in the second table (all the "Attachment*" fields). When the report is run, I place them next to each other (in the same order) in the same worksheet. This means I have two table ranges - "_table_name_" and "_table_name_attachments_" on the one sheet.
Now I'm able to run my print preview without hiding/re-showing the columns-to-be-deleted. I've also eliminated human error - it was all to easy to accidentally set the wrong number of padded/delete columns.

Filtering a multivalued attribute in StringTemplate

I have a template which uses the same multivalued attribute in various places. I often find myself in a situation where I would like to filter the attribute before a template is applied to the individual values.
I can do this:
<#col:{c|<if(cond)><# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\",\"#>
but that is not what I want, because then there are separators in the output separating "skipped" entries, like:
I can modify it to
<#col:{c|<if(c.Attribute1)><# c.Attribute2 #>,<endif>};separator=\"\"#>
Which is almost OK, but I get an additional separator after the last number, which sometimes does not matter (usually when the separator is whitespace), but sometimes does:
I sometimes end up doing:
<#first(col):{c|<if(cond)><# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\"\"#>
<#rest(col):{c|<if(cond)>,<# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\"\"#>
But this approach fails if the first member does not satisfy the condition, then there is an extra separator in the beginning:
Can someone give me a better solution?
First, let me point out that I think you are trying to do logic inside your template. Any time you hear things like "filter my list according to some condition based upon the data" it might be time to compute that filtered list in the model and then push it in. That said something like this might work where we filter the list first:
<col:{c | <if(c.cond)>c<endif>}:{c2 | <c2.c.attribute>}>
c2.c accesses the c parameter from the first application
The answer by "The ANTLR Guy" didn't help in my case and I found another workaround. See at Filter out empty strings in ST4

Drupal 6 | Flexifields remove option

I've used flexifield module to merge two of my content types. There is an option to add an item while creating a node. I want to remove rows added. I've been searching and trying to get out of this problem but found nothing. What should be done to achieve this thing?
Set all the field value as default. It will remove extra rows and by default it will give two sets of row.

Combine two views into one view

I have two views that I would like to combine into one.
The first view shows all items of X where company ID = Y. This is to give preferential sort to the client first, and then everyone else.
So I created a second view, all items of X, where company ID != Y.
I created it as an Attachment to attach to the first view, but I don't think I got the intended result.
How can I combine these views so the first view results are listed first, and then the second view is too, using the same pager, filters, and arguments?
Is there any way of achieving this without programming it?
From a MySQL point of view, the order-by-field syntax would be the appropriate way to handle this. Example:
SELECT * FROM tickets ORDER BY FIELD(priority, 'High', 'Normal', 'Low');
It would be great if there is a module that add this kind of functionality to Views, but AFAIK, it does not exist.
If you want to solve this without programming, I think you can use the rules module to automatically set the 'sticky' checkbox on nodes where company ID = Y. With that in place, you can order the View on the sticky value.
Along the lines of the 'sticky' idea, if you didn't want to override that, maybe you could add a checkbox field to the company type -- isClient. Make it false for everyone except the client, and sort by that.
I haven't done this, but maybe you need to create both versions as attachments, and attach them both to another display...?
for drupal 5 there was views union. Someone started something for D6, but I don't know how far they got.
Create the second view as an attachment and attach it to first.
Set all Inherit arguments, Inherit exposed filters and Inherit pager to Yes.
how is the client parameter passed to the view? as an url argument? if so, you can create your second view like i outline here and then select the exclude the argument option on the appropriate location.
usually the easiest way to achieve this is with a small hook_query_alter, but that requires a small amount of programming.
A little bit later... but I've found a better solution using only the Views module:
Create a Block View with that shows the first list that you need ("all items of X where company ID = Y")
Create another View that must be a "Page view" with the second list (all items of X, where company ID != Y)
In the "HEADER" settings of this second view, click "Add" and select "Global: View area".
In the "View to insert" list, select the first you have created (and check "Inherid contextual filters" if you are using it)
And that's it!
