Good examples or documentation of XIFF implementation? - apache-flex

XIFF is an implemenation of the XMPP protocol in actionscript.
So far, all the examples and documentation I have seen are sparse. Does anyone know a good explanation of the most recent version of XIFF and/or good examples of working Flex/AIR applications?

Yeah, there are not a ton of good examples / docs online.
Check out:
for a couple of examples that show how to get started.


Learning resources for developing custom TinkerPop Vertex Programs

I have read the TinkerPop official docs and provided tutorials on their website. I am looking for further learning resources on developing custom Vertex Programs that cover the fundamentals and anatomy of such programs. Thank you.
There aren't many resources on this topic. Generally speaking you should be comfortable in your understanding of BSP, which is the general processing model that GraphComputer is built on and you should look at the code for the various VertexProgram implementations that already exist in TinkerPop. Finally, I wrote a tutorial on this topic which might be helpful which was inspired by this StackOverflow question.

does any one have good and clear demo about Calabash(Android)?

I am learning Calabash
My question:- does any one have good and clear demo about Calabash(Android)?
Try This one..
This project is intended to help you verify your Calabash-Android installation on a very simple apk.
There are a couple of articles and tutorials around:
good overview of calabash android basics:
the official calabash project has some documentation:
article about the query syntax:

Understanding the Bittorrent Protocol

I am looking for some books, tutorial sites .
I want to understand how Bittorrent protocol works and later to implement my own tracker .
I don't have a big knowledge in network protocols so I am looking for a newbie stuff .
Have seen following posts but they didn't helped me with my issue :
A BitTorrent client completely written in C#?
Implementing Bittorrent Protocol
Looking for some good books/resources on understanding Bittorrent?
Thanks for help .
The BitTorrent specification is quite easy reading (relatively speaking):
The wikipedia page is also surprisingly comprehensive:
BitTornado has a tracker implementation and it's written in Python, which is easy to read. It's nice to start from something working and then you can try to understand the code based on the protocol. BitTornado is based on original version that Bram Cohen implemented. Tracker is implemented in
There's a bunch of videos on utube, including:
Stanford Seminar - Bram Cohen

There is a way to use OpenLayers on Flex?

is There a way to use OpenLayers on Flex?
By now I've found Open-Scales project, but it is in development (not fully functional).
We have recently released OpenScales 1.1 which has a lot of improvements and bugfixes compared to 1.0 beta release. There is a demo available on previous link.
OpenScales API have been designed to be quite close of OpenLayers one.
Since the beginning, the codebase has been extensively modified and
improved. Nevertheless, even if OpenScales API is not strictly
equivalent to OpenLayers one, if you have ever developed on
OpenLayers, you will find OpenScales API quite easy to understand.
OpenLayers is a pure JavaScript framework and I do not think that anyone has written a Flex wrapper for it. So the short answer is either "no" or "not easily".
That said, there are other Flex mapping clients available, depending on your needs.
ArcGIS Server Flex API
Google Maps API
Yahoo! Maps API
I don't use Flex, so I am not qualified to speak to the merits of each API but hopefully it can get you started. Good luck!
OpenScales is an LGPL ActionScript3 port of Openlayers. It might be what you are looking for.
OpenScales is really good, especially with the 1.2 release. However, it is a pretty small project and the support is not so good, so you're pretty much on your own if you get stuck.

Why is Peer-to-Peer programming a hard topic to obtain good research for?

After reading a bit more about how Gnutella and other P2P networks function, I wanted to start my own peer-to-peer system. I went in thinking that I would find plenty of tutorials and language-agnostic guidelines which could be applied, however I was met with a vague simplistic overview.
I could only find very small, precise P2P code which didn't do much more than use client/server architecture on all users, which wasn't really what I was looking for. I wanted something like Gnutella, but there doesn't seem to be any articles out in the open for joining the network.
RFC 4981, with its huge bibliography, could be a very good starting point.
I had to write a basic Gnutella client in C# using Web Services and I think the class notes on the P2P stuff are still available here and here.
You might have better success researching Bittorrent, I believe that the creator has written some papers, and it seems others are as well.
BitTyrant, see the developers section
I don't know what platform you are trying to use, but here is a decent article on the subject for .NET.
I've found the TheoryOrg Unofficial BitTorrent Specification to be the best online source for Bittorrent information. Also, the Monotorrent code is fairly simple and easy to understand. There's also a project called "GCT" which implements JGroups style P2P for LAN/Multicast environments, and its code is similarly easy to understand (if a bit buggy).
You can try to read Gnutella2 and try to implement messaging. For reading conceptual material you can read Distributed Systems by Andrew Tannenbaum.
You can have a look at JXTA. It's intention was to be a generic, platform agnostic p2p framework, in contrast to other p2p implementations which are usually for a very specific purpose (such as Gnutella).
Don't be fooled by it's Java appearance, there are binding available for C/C++/C#, but the core protocols are implemented in XML which should translate to any language.
You can also download a free book here.
