ASP.NET Stress Testing -

Is there a way to test an application where you simulate a hundred different clients connecting to a IIS server and asking the same data? At the customer where our project is running they have 400 computers and they often do stress tests with all computers. I on the other hand have only got my laptop... (and a development server).
(In my case the data is asked through a WebORB Gateway).

HP (formerly Mercury) LoadRunner or Performance Center
Visual Studio Application Center Test (Enterprise Editions only?)
Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool (aka WAST, aka "Homer"; predecessor to Application Center Test)
RadView WebLoad

ab is a tool that was designed for Apache, but you can use it with IIS.

After surveying a lot of open source and paid tools, I found the most success with Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite Test Edition (soon to be part of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate). It has strong stress testing functionality. Microsoft's free application for stress-testing, WCAT is underpowered and buggy, but the full blown Test Edition goes up against products like LoadRunner but is easier to use, better-integrated with VS/ASP.NET and for much less money per virtual user.

Have a look at StresStimulus.
It integrates very well with Fiddler. The setup and usage is very smooth and it provides a lot of functionality and configuration. My best found when googling for a Web Load Test solution. Fiddler btw is a great tool.

Microsoft has a solution that comes with Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Edition
see the links below :
Updated Link : Stress Test

Trty this tool , i've tested my website seems to work well > x0Bench


migrating Microsoft apps from windows 2003 server to windows 2012 server

we have more than 30 classic asp and .net applications to be migrated to windows 2012 server from 2003 server.This is new task for me, so what are the steps/factors i need to consider or fulfill for this migration? with that I mean like there are COM objects, dependent dll's all stuff so what things I should ensure are in place for smooth migration.
Microsoft provides ACT tool for Application Compatibility test how much will that support? or are there any other better proven tools for the same purpose?
any insight/help would be appreciative.
First thing to assess is "what works and what doesn't work". There's a high chance that many of these apps will just work. That's the first thing to go do. Start by coming up with some test criteria by which the program is expected to work. Then deploy to the new OS.
One problematic area might be that these executable program require an older version of .NET or the MSVCRT DLLs that might not be on the box by default. The MSVCRT redist is easily available from Micrsoft's web site. You can install older versions of .NET from Control Panel->Programs and Features->"Turn Windows features on or off". Look for the ".NET" checkboxes near the top.
For classic ASP applications, same thing in the "Turn Windows features on or off". Look at "World Wide Web Services" node and make sure ASP (and most all of those other features) is selected.
Microsoft provides ACT tool for Application Compatibility test how much will that support? or are there any other better proven tools for the same purpose?
In my experience with automation tools, especially when working with older sets of technology (like classic asp)they rarely work near as well as advertised.

Visual Studio Source Control / Version Control, Vault vs Git(hub) vs SVN - lone developer, best option?

Visual Studio 2012 Express, SQL Server 2012 Express, MVC 4, Code First
I'm looking for a good single user source control solution.
Vault vs Git(hub) vs SVN
From what I've read deployment should happen FROM the source control server, not separately from VS, right? Can Web Deploy be used FROM a source control server?
What would be the best, most cost effective, simplest, easiest Source Control solution? I used SVN a few years ago and it was pretty clunky.
Visual Studio integration is preferred.
There seem to be mixed opinions on how suitable Github would be (very little integration with VS 2012 Express I think?!).
Cloud option would be good to have. Is there a cloud solution that can automatically deploy direct to production server?
(I guess I'm talking about Constant Integration here - though I have zero experience with it, the principle seems like a good one).
Git can now integrate with Visual Studio:
Download here:
Getting Started guide here:
GIT is your best option.
Integrates with Visual Studio 2012 using the Visual Studio Tools for Git
There are some great Graphical Clients like Github for Windows and Source Tree
Microsoft Team Foundation Server now integrates with Git for automatic deployments with just a Git Push. Scott Hanselman has some great blog posts on how to achieve this here, here and here
Anyways I would strongly recommend taking the free tutorial on Git by Code School (don't be afraid of the command line :P)
VS Express won't support plug-ins, so integration with VS would not be possible AFAIK. Try Tortoise/SVN which integrates with Windows Explorer instead.
For VS 2012 you could use the express edition of Microsoft TFS, which includes version control and a couple other nice perks, more aimed at team dev though.

Load testing an ASP.NET web site

I want to load test an ASP.NET web service. I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and Visual Studio 2010.
Can either one of these products facilitate load testing? I can't seem to find anything and all Google returns is higher end editions of Visual Studio.
If not, what are some of the alternatives.
Or better yet, is there a product where I can feed it an IIS log and it will essentially replay it?
There is a free Microsoft load testing tool called WCAT. It is a command-line HTTP load generator that replays a test case script. To avoid creating the script manually, you can record your test case in Fiddler and then generate scrip using WCAT Fiddler Extension. This blog has a step-by-step instruction, which I tested, and it works.
On your question about replaying IIS log: check this source. It outlines how to generate WCAT script by querying IIS log using Log Parser. I did not test it though.
Is there a cheaper way to do load testing than upgrading to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
and also there was a tool called "MICROSOFT WEB APPLICATION STRESS TOOL" but i couldnt find its download apperantely MS removed it from its official page. check this forum for download link for usage
The Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition would also give you access to these tools. Unfortunately neither of the tools you mention include any load testing capability.
You may be able to get your licence for 2008 Professional edition changed to Test, but I doubt it now.
Here are a couple of other questions with answers that may help choose a tool.

Best Load testing tool for 3.5 IIS6.0 WITH vs 2008 Professional Edition

Hi i would like to know best testing tool for website which can run with VS 2008 Professional Edition.
I would like to do
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Also i would like to calculate Concurrent users count that can access my website.
There are many tools available, but i am not able to judge best one.
If anybody knoes then please help me?
I have not used this but there is WebAII, a free UI test engine for .Net. Telerik supports this testing framework as well.
In fact this depends on your infrastructure. If you have a lot of computers available to simulate a multi user environment you can use OpenSTA. I've tried a lot of tools and i'm finally landed on Apache JMeter. It is easy to install and to use.
There is also a companion tool that can be used to generate test scripts for JMeter: Badboy.
You could try the Web Application Stress Tool from Microsoft.
I would recommend Visual Studio Team System Test Edition.
Have used the test types load testing and web testing.
Worked very well.

Visual Web Developer Express and .NET, et al

I'm coming from the open source world, and interested in giving ASP.NET a spin. But I'm having a little trouble separating the tools from the platform itself in regards to the licensing. I've downloaded Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, but not sure how different this is from one of the full-featured Visual Studio licenses -- and whether or not my Express license will prevent me from using all the features of ASP.NET.
Is a Visual Studio license just an IDE, or does it include pieces of .NET not available to the Express license? What about the other tools like IIS and SQL Server?
All of .net is available in the .net SDK, so in theory you will not need Visual Studio at all.
Now, there are some things that Express will not do. For example, the Database Designer is not very comprehensive and adding different remote databases is not or only very hardly possible. Still, in code you can connect to everything.
There is also no Remote Debugger, no support for creating Setup Files (well, that does not apply to anyway), no real Publish Web Site Feature (although that can be added manually as it's just a Frontend for a SDK tool), no integrated Unit testing (and Microsoft loves to threaten people who add it), etc.
For a full comparison, see here:
Visual Studio 2008 Editions
But as said: Functionality of .net is all in the SDK, Visual Studio is just making it a bit easier to work with.
Visual Studio is just an IDE, you can do all your .NET development with the SDK and notepad if you choose. In fact there is something to be said for learning it that way so you understand better how the pieces fit together!
Microsoft have a version comparison matrix available so you can see exactly what is included each version.
IIS is a Windows component and considered part of the OS, there is nothing else to buy.
SQL Server comes in many flavours, SQL EXpress is free to use and whilst limited compared to the versions you pay for, it is more than enough to get started with ASP.Net
Visual Studio is the IDE and does not include the platform.
IIS and SQL Server are separate products. IIS is available as part of the windows install and the version is different depending on what version of Windows you are using.
SQL Server also has an express product which is not as full featured as the Full versions of SQL Server, yet it is still rather valuable and useful especially for learning purposes.
You can learn a lot from the free tutorials found on
Visual Studio is just the IDE. You could theoretically create every file in Notepad and compile manually with just the .net framework.
IIS is an operating system feature, and SQL Server has different flavors with different capabilites.
SharpDevelop is a Open Source IDE for C# and
