Uploading file from web user to server using ASP - asp-classic

I am trying to find out how to upload a file from a web user to a server using an ASP page. The displayed page has an Input tag of type "File" like this:
<input type="file" name="uploadfile">
And a submit button that passes the Form info to another .ASP page. This page must take the path it gets from the Input control and use it to somehow save the file to the server.
I keep thinking there must be a common way to do this, since I see this kind of thing on a number of websites, but how is it done? Is there some sort of server object that can be called for it?

This script will help you.
Also, you may google for "asp upload file" - there are tons of results.

If you are doing any serious uploading or have a commercial product you really need to use a COM component in classic asp. Check out SA-FileUp. It has been the defacto standard for this since like forever.

If your hosting service doesn't allow you to install components, you may also want to look at this script:
I've seen a wide variety of upload scripts floating around, and they ... vary ... in quality. I've not used the script in the selected answer, but its worth trying a few different options.

I can recommend SA-FileUp and Dundas Upload. They both are easy to install and have good tutorials on how to implement.


Webbrowser control in asp.net?

I need to do this:
1) enter a certain website using my clients usernames and pass- they are aware of that offcourse :)
2) navigate inside, a matter of 6 steps
3) download a .csv file from the site
It's a water meter reading site, and I want to update my DB automaticly every hour.
Using WebBrowser in c#, it works great. But, I need it to be on a server and run it all the time for the info to be up to date.
Webservices aren't valid because the reading site has nothing to do with me (3rd side company etc.).
So basically, what I need is to mimic the webbrowser control. what I found unthe codeproject didn't helped me.
I'm checking if CGI can do the trick, but perhaps I'm offtrack here.
thanks for your help!
You can use the HttpRequest/Response objects in the System.Net namespace. They don't mimic the web control but they do allow you to make the requests you want.

Is there any way to run code on the client in ASP.NET?

As the title says, how would I go about doing this? I want to check a value stored in a file.
This is impossible and has nothing to do with ASP .NET. The browser is responsible for rendering the page to the client, and browsers, for obvious reasons (security), don't have access to the user's file system. The only thing a browser can do, is read cookies (essentially text files) sent to the user from the same domain the website belongs to.
HTML5 has a new feature called local storage but you still won't be able to access ANY file on the user's computer.
Using Javascript with ASP.Net applications can work quite well, I've done it for a couple of sites I've done. If you just want to run some code on the client when a checkbox is ticked for instance, try this...
replace the myFunction() portion out with whatever client side code you want to write.
If you unfamiliar with Javascript as a language, check this out... http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp
You can do that using ActiveX control or SilverLight
Some are saying it's not possible, and that is true for the Internet. However, I have done this before on an Intranet system. The server knew the users computer name and could access a local configuration file, no ActiveX, no Silverlight.

ASP.Net file upload/browser component

I might end up having to build this, but it would be nice if there is a solution already...
I need to add functionality to a client's web page to allow them to upload files, and then to view and download them. We also need some form of authentication mechanism to restrict who has access to which files. I have used Neat Upload in the past and have found that it works pretty well, but it only handles upload. If there is a control that does everything, that would be pretty nice. Has anyone seen or used anything like that? I am working in ASP.Net. Our server is IIS 6, but I cannot confirm which version of IIS the client is using.
I did some more searching, and found this. I think it will fit our needs perfectly
edit: The link didn't come through. The solution is FileVista, at http://www.gleamtech.com/products/filevista/web-file-manager
I would recommend using Neat Upload or some other upload component and integrating ASP.NET membership services to manage permissions.

Editing large text files via the web

My asp.net 2.0 web site generates text files. Sometimes these files can get quite large. Under most cases the files are presented to the user, and approved without modification. However there are times when the end-user has to make changes to these files and submit the changed version back to the system.
Currently, when a file needs to be changed, I load the text into a textbox control, and I rewrite the file on postback. However I'm running into problems with OutOfMemory exceptions, invalid viewstate, etc.... These problems only occur when the file generated is large.
I beginning to think that I need another strategy for editing these files, but I'm at a loss as to which direction to take. Is there an ACTIVEX control that would serve me better? Should I abandon server side controls for this interaction and just deal with plain vanilla http posts?
Thanks in advance.
I am not sure about an activeX control, but you could use Silverlight. Thsi would allow you to stream the file to th Silverlight control, and then it could be edited on the clints machine, and when they are done, the chnages are sent back and stored by the server.
However, you will need to have .Net 3.5 on the server and make some changes to the web.config inorder to build against the 3.5 framework. If this is not acceptable, but you like the idea of doing stuff on the client side, you can also try using flash.
One suggestion to consider would be an ajax call to a pagemethod that way you could just post the text file to the server without posting the whole page and the associated viewstate.
Can you break up the text files into sections and allow the users to submit changes one section at a time?

Browse Files Server-side in ASP.NET

I'm creating an ASP.NET web application to schedule tasks on our server from a remote location using a .NET Wrapper for Scheduled Tasks. However, I'm stuck.
The user needs to be able to browse the file system on the server to retrieve a "file to run" for the new task that the user's creating in this application. I need to get the filepath/filename and pass it into the .NET wrapper.
I've tried using HTMLInputFile, but I haven't found a way to make that work for me.
Any help is appreciated.
For this project, we've decided to simply list the executables in a dropdown box that would be available to users since they don't really need total access to the file system, just for security's sake.
HTMLInputFile is used to browse the client's file system and upload a file to the server. It isn't used to browse the server's file system.
You will need something quite different. You will need some server side code to display the server side folder structure to the user via the browser.
There is an example of a basic implementation of this here.
With that sample, the path that you replace "yourfolderHere" with needs to be a virtual path, rather than an absolute path. So for example "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\uploads" won't work, but "uploads" will work.
I hope it goes without saying that there are serious security issues to think about when implementing something like this.
The HTMLInputFile will only work on the client-side machine.
You need to write a filesystem browser in ASPX/HTML that browses on the server-side.
Shouldn't be that hard to do.
You can't use the <input type="file" tag
This brings up a client-side dialog that browses the client machine.
As far as I am aware you need to create your own 'browser'.
eg You could use the My.Computer.Filesystem classes to retrieve a list of files in a folder and show those on the webpage. The user then selects the relevant file and posts a response back to the server.
You can use System.IO.Directory to get directories and files. These can be displayed in a number of ways. A simple browser / file selection should be possible in less than 50 lines of code.
Also be aware that you may need to grant extra permissions to the user that your web app runs as so the file system is accessible.
There are also various security implications around this, so don't grant access to everything unless you really need this.
