Is there use for the Scroll Lock button anymore? [closed] - button

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The scroll lock button seems to be a reminder of the good old green terminal days. Does anyone still use it? Should the 101 button keyboard become the 100 button keyboard?

In Excel, if you turn on scroll lock, using the arrow keys scrolls the spread sheet instead of changing the cell the cursor is in.

I use it all the time on Unix terminals. It is quite handy when something catches my eye when I'm tailing a log file.

In many KVM situations, double-hitting scroll lock with bring up the machine selection screen.

Microsoft Excel uses Scroll Lock to allow you to scroll the spreadsheet around with the arrow keys without changing the active/selected cell -- in line with the Scroll Lock key's original intent.

In Microsoft Excel, Scroll Lock allows you to scroll a spreadsheet with the arrow keys without moving the active cell pointer from the currently highlighted cell. In Quattro Pro, another spreadsheet program, Scroll Lock works in a similar manner, although in contrast to Excel it's not possible to scroll the active cell pointer completely off the screen.
Other programs use Scroll Lock for special functions.

Scroll lock (at least the LED for it, anyways) is used along with the caps lock and num lock LED's to provide diagnostic error codes when troubleshooting hardware issues on Dell laptops. This is quite useful when troubleshooting display problems that might prevent diagnostic messages from being read off the screen.

It looks mostly dead:
I don't remember the last time I used it...

If you happen to have some legacy MS-DOS games around, it might be useful ;-)

One of the visualization plugins for Winamp (A media player) uses scroll lock to prevent the visualization from rotating visualizations every x seconds

In Synergy you can lock your mouse to the current screen. Very helpful when you want to share a mouse with a PC on the other side of the room.

Well, that's yet another key to be used with AutoHotkey... (or other keyboard shortcut managers).

Since it is connected to the LED, some clever folks have added code to make it flash (e.g. scroll lock on/off/on/off) at a given interval as a notification for new email messages (or similar)
This can be "cool" if you have a laptop, that is closed (or the screen is sleeping)... you just see if the light is blinking.

I use it all the time, with the purpose for which it was made. For a variety of things.


should i use Window Popups or in-app overlays? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm developing a somewhat complex app with javaFx and I'm facing a technical decision concerning popups (tooltips, context menus, alerts... etc), it seems like I have two approaches to go about it:
extend PopupWindow (or PopupControl), the popups will be rendering outside the application in their own undecorated window.
wrap my whole app in a parent that supports fixed/absolute positioning and show/position popups as overplayed nodes.
I know this seems a bit opinion based but i just can't find any resources on it, if anyone done some profiling or a performance comparison, and I don't know which one is "best-practice" for a desktop application.
It intuitively seems like the window popup approach is favoured and easier to implement but I've seen real applications like messenger and discord using the second approach (maybe because they're using electron and they're obliged to follow "the web way" of doing things).
any help would be appreciated.
I'm back to add my input on this question after trying to implement the ideas, just in case anyone comes by this question with the same issues.
both approaches come with limitations and I came across the following issues :
Tooltips blocking mouse events
If you build your tooltip system around PopupControl (or PopupWindow) and you want your tooltips to have a shadow around them, the tooltip (or the shadow) will block the mouse events from reaching the nodes in the application window, and because you can't make the window transparent to mouse events, it would cause some flickering (you hover a node, tooltip shows then steals mouse events which causes a MouseExited event on the node, which causes the tooltip to hide, and it happens endlessly unless you move the mouse away)
This issue is essentially caused by the shadow, building your tooltips around a layout (VBox, for instance) and adding to tooltip to the root of the scene will solve this issue, because you can simply make the tooltip mouse transparent.
Popups having to show outside the application window
in some situations you may have a popup/context menu that has a somewhat fixed position, say it has to show under a specific node and it can't be re-positioned inside the application window, if you build your context menus around a layout that gets added to the scene root, your context menus might have to clip at some places.
This issue is naturally solved if your popups are based on PopupControl or PopupWindow.
Though window popup approach sounds good and easy I have encountered the below two issues with that approach. Just letting you know if you need to consider them.
JavaFX : How to close a sub window without getting focus on main window
JavaFX : How to manage the z-index of stages

Accessibility-Tweak in LibreOffice: How to prevent accidentally selected text from getting replaced when typing?

I'm trying to make my 97 years old grandma's laptop(Ubuntu 20.04) more accessible for her. She often is frustrated because text that she has written in LibreOffice Writer vanishes. Disabling the touchpad and using an external mouse already helped a lot. But I suspect that she still accidentally selects text, when she tries to place the text cursor with her mouse(by dragging or double-clicking). When she continues typing the selected text is being overwritten. Because she needs to focus on the keyboard while typing she won't notice immediately what happened – making it difficult to "Undo".
Would it be possible to disable this behavior in LibreOffice Writer so that selected text would be deselected instead of replaced, when typing?
If changing the behavior is not possible, can I disable text selection via mouse in general?
Thanks for any technical hints or other ideas on how to address this! Possible answers might involve hidden LibreOffice settings/workarounds or instructions on how solve this via custom script/extension.
Note: To narrow this down this question is about how to solve this problem in LibreOffice Writer specifically. I also asked this question for Thunderbird's message compose window and as a question on for a system-wide solution.

How to unfullscreen a window without notifying it?

I'm trying to enhance the gTile extension by allowing it to resize a fullscreen window to a tiled area of the screen. That's a pretty common thing to do when tiling and it's pretty handy since some windows will hide some chrome when in fullscreen mode. But I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to do that.
Searching the internet led me to this forum post which mentions EWMH and _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN. I've tried to find ways to access window manager hints but can't find anything bashing by head on Looking Glass or scanning through the docs. Is this kind of thing possible through a shell extension?
Meta.Window is likely what you are looking for:
Setting Window.decorated = false may be able to remove the title bar or perhaps getting the compositor object and changing it from there. However this will still keep the address and tab bars in chrome. You may need to find another method to signal chrome to hide those.
There is not really an easy way to do this, the thread you linked is in regards to VLC and modifying it's source code.

Using QT For Creating a Screen Dimmer

I'm trying to implement a screen dimmer using QT4 and I wanted some advice before I get cracking instead of going into this blindly.
I want to create a top-level window that has no frame. I was thinking of making the background black and messing with the opacity so that it will dim the screen out after the system is idle for a given period of time.
The problem with this is that if this window is always on top, how can I pass click events to the window underneath it? I'm not the least bit familiar with the windows API (the solution only has to work under windows), but I'm guessing that's a good place to start. Can anyone point me to some useful classes/functions or suggest another way of doing this via QT?
If anyone's interested in the solution I came up with and the windows API functions I used, you can check out my blog posting here:
I will be updating the source and making another related posting on the same blog within the next couple of days.

How to create an background activity in app inventor

I wanted to create an app in appinventor that would switch screen right/left depending on what side the phone is shaken while unlocked. But couldnt figure out:
a. how to make application run in background.
b. what property i am going for. Like what tells phone's screen to scroll left or right when finger slides across the screen. What method is called. I figured view class would have to do something with it. Having no java experience i couldn't make much sense out of sdk,refernce,resources etc.
Please help me out, i will give you credit for it.
Oh also i think i might have to include "activity starter" too.
It's an issue for app inventor
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The standard Application Inventor 2 website, as you surely know, is this one:
However, there is another one, which allows using background threads (services):
It has a feature not available on the standard (official) AI2 website, the Add Task functionality, which allows adding tasks that will keep running even after a screen have been closed.
However, since it is an unsupported version, whose last release is dated from almost 1 year ago, I did not spent time making experiments, but this migh meet what you need:
The website will turn down, but worked like a charm before.
The whole concept was based on a Master Thesis:;sequence=1
The last message from the site was something like: Google change the concept of background service architecture which cause the 'taks' concept to obsolate and prevent to work in the future.
