Parent.FindControl() not working? -

I have a page that has an iframe
From one of the pages within the iframe I want to look back and make a panel on the default page invisible because it is overshadowing a popup
I tried using Parent.FindControl but it does not seem to be working. I am positive I have the right id in the findcontrol because I used Firebug to inspect the panel and I copied the id from there
Does anyone know what I am missing?

I didn't completely follow your problem, but I'll take my best shot.
It sounds like you have an ASP.NET page, that has an iframe in it that refers to another ASP.NET page, and in that page that was requested by the iframe you want to modify the visibility of the item contained in the page that contains the iframe.
If my understanding of your problem is correct, then you have some somewhat nasty problems here.
What's actually happening at the browser level is the first page gets loaded, and that page has an iframe in it that is making a second request to the server.
This second request can't FindControl your control, because it isn't in the same page, and isn't alive during that request.
So you have some alternatives here:
Get rid of the iframe and use a panel. This will put them both in the same request, and able to find each other.
(Additionally) When you do this you are going to want to use Page.FindControl() not Parent.FindControl() as the FindControl method just searches through the Control's child control collection, and I presume your control will be somewhere else on the page.
On the client side in the iframe you could use some javascript code to access the outer page's DOM, and set the visibility of it there.

Parent document:
<input type="text" id="accessme" value="Not Accessed" />
Document in iframe:
<script type="text/javascript">
function setValueOfAccessme()
window.parent.document.getElementById("accessme").value = "Accessed";
<body onload="setValueOfAccessme();">
The document inside the iframe accesses the document object on the window object on load, and uses the getElementId() function to set the value of the input inside the body of the parent document.

For starters, FindControl isn't a function in Javascript.

Alternatively here's a more helpful find control routine...
Public Shared Function MoreHelpfulFindControl(ByVal parent As UI.Control, ByVal id As String) As UI.Control
If parent.ID = id Then Return parent
For Each child As UI.Control In parent.Controls
Dim recurse As UI.Control = MoreHelpfulFindControl(child, id)
If recurse IsNot Nothing Then Return recurse
Return Nothing
End Function


Need parent name of Iframe

I've been searching for a couple hours and haven't found a solution. Hopefully you can help.
I want to get the name & path of the parent page within an Iframe. The reason for this is to prevent the page within the Iframe to be displayed outside it's intended location. If I can get the session variables of the parent page, that would be even better as I could verify the user.
The Iframe will be written in ASP.NET, while the parent page is PHP.
I have found Javascript code that might work, but I'm very unfamiliar with javascript and how to pass the return value to the code behind in ASP.NET. If your solution involves javascript, I will need the whole thing from calling it in the form load to getting back the value.
I have tried these functions, but they don't show what I need.
I understand that you looking for a code behind solution and redirect, but the code behind can not recognize if the page is calling from some other.
You may try the Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"] but this can make mistake, and can even been disable by some users, or changed.
One simple working solution with javascript is to check on the iframe it self if its inside your master page or not. So this code go to the page that lives inside the iframe, and if see that is alone is redirect the user back to the master page.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// this line is check if its inside an iframe.
// if top==self then is not in iframe
if(top == self)
alert("This page can not be viewed alone, please press ok to load the master page");

Why javascript function not working from content page onload?

I am using ASP.NET 3.5.
I have a content page and I want to call a javascript function on this page's load event.
I tried adding:
within the content page placeholder tag, but it is not working. But when I call this function from any button's OnClientClick event, it works.
How to make it work on Content Page's load event?
The content page "Placeholder" tag is a server side only control. It doesn't produce any code on the client other than arranging its contents etc. As such, the JavaScript onload handle is never rendered.
Examine your browser / client-side source to verify this.
Have you tried calling from document.ready?
$(document).ready(function () {
Put that inside script tag on your page
<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad(){
$(document).ready(function () {
Should work. Since it was not working for you, I would assume that you do not have a reference to the jQuery library in your page.
If you don't want to include the jQuery library in your project for some reason, you could inject it from server-side code within your content page:
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
cs.RegisterStartupScript(...) <-- add necessary details here (the Type, scriptname, the text, and a Boolean to whether you need it to include its own tags)
You should also check to make sure it hasn't already been registered before using it though (IsStartupScriptRegistered).

Referencing ids unknown at compile time

I'm making a user control to gather all the functionality for popups on my website in one place. When someone instantiates the control, they'll pass in a PopupID attribute, which is assigned to the id of a div inside the control, and will be used to call show() and hide() functions in javascript. I'm going to use content templates so that different stuff can be put inside the control by different kinds of popups.
The html for the popup will look something like this:
<div id="<%=PopupID %>" class="popup box" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="popupPlaceHolder"></asp:PlaceHolder>
However, there is a problem: has the habit of giving controls different IDs when served up to the client than what you write in the html. So the ID of that div might not be <%=PopupID%> It could be somethling like #ctl00_whatever_<%=PopupID%>. Usually I get around this by putting something like:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ddlCountry0 = '<%=ddlCountry0.ClientID%>';
var ddlActivity0 = '<%=ddlActivity0.ClientID%>';
var chkPrivateContacts = '<%=chkPrivateContacts.ClientID%>';;
In the header for the page. Then when refering to things in the javascript you just do $(ddlCountry0) instead of $('ddlCountry0'). However, I don't see how I can do that in this case, As I don't know the ID of the element until someone instantiates it. What do I do to get around this?
Does the user control have CreateChildControls and OnPreRender methods you can override?
If a control is added and ID set correctly during CreateChildControls...the ClientID property is populated during OnPreRender, at which point the control itself could inject the necessary script block into the body or page header. People often use jQuery to help with this situation:
headerScript.AddLine("var ddlCountry0 = $('[ID$=" & Control.ClientID & "]').attr('id');")
Is that along the right lines?
In the end, I used ClientIDMode=Static to get around these problems.

How to react in ASP.NET code-behind class when a hyperlink is clicked inside the page's IFrame?

I have an ASP.Net page containing an IFrame. In the IFrame I load a html document. When the user clicks on a hyperlink in the content of the IFrame, I would need a callback to be called in the code-behind class of the ASP.Net page.
I guess that I need Ajax to do this but I'm not exactly sure about what I need to do. Could you give me some pointers?
By the way I'm fairly new to ASP.Net.
A lot of this depends on what it is you want to do specifically.
The problem you've got is that the DOM of the page in the iframe doesn't appear to be in the DOM of the calling page. All the calling page sees is the iframe tag as a closed tag, like an image tag. Some browsers will detect a click inside an iframe nested within a DIV as a click in the div so you have
<DIV id="iframediv">
<Iframe blah...>
and then you might be able to use jQuery or similar to detect a click inside iframediv and do stuff.
The real solution would be to try not to use an iframe as, like I said, even this solution won't necessarily pay off. I can think of at least one scenario where not using an iframe is not an option so I'll leave that be.
Other than that Willem's suggestions also seem to be sound.
Because the html document is not an aspx page it will not be able to trigger any code-behind. If you can change the page in the iframe make it an aspx page and handle the click on a LinkButton like you would do otherwise.
An other option is to change the link in the html page to call a custom aspx page that handles your needs, but that will redirect the html-page to the new aspx page.
Or indeed change the link to call a webservice through javascript (XMLHttpRequest) and let that webservice do what you wanted to do in code-behind.
Finally I ended up writing a Control Extender for the IFrame. The Control Extender gets the links contained in the IFrame via the following Javascript:
var frame = this.get_element();
var links = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("a");
I then simply attach an event handler that reacts to each link's onclick event. The event handler calls back the ASP.Net side via a WCF service.
Not complicated to do once you know the various technologies.

Add an Editor control dynamically inside of a repeater using AJAX

I'm looking for a way to add an Editor control (from the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit) to each element of a repeater. It's working fine if I just include it in the ItemTemplate of the repeater, but my problem is that the markup it produces is massive, which slows down the page considerably (even with compression on).
I haven't had any luck adding the control inside the repeater item using an Update Panel - I think this is probably the preferred method, but dynamically adding a control inside an Update Panel inside of a Repeater Item isn't something I've had any success doing, and there don't seem to be any good examples of this that I can find.
The other alternative I considered was using PageMethods to render the control and send the HTML back to the page to let the javascript put it in the appropriate place, then deal with it, but it won't let me render the control - I get an InvalidOperationException of "Page cannot be null. Please ensure that this operation is being performed in the context of an ASP.NET request.". My guess is that all the javascript that's generated makes it so that I can't just render an Editor control on the fly.
Can you point me in the right direction for accomplishing this?
EDIT: Another alternative, if it is possible, would be to put a normal Editor control in the markup of the page, then move it around inside of the repeater as needed, using javascript. I can do this with normal controls, but when I do it with an editor, it is not behaving nicely - the textbox appears, but won't let me click inside it. If you have any ideas on this one, I'd appreciate that as well. Here's the code for this:
<span id="spanHiddenEditor" style="display: block;">
<cc1:Editor ID="ed1" runat="server" Height="200" Width="400" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function createTextBox(idx) {
var span = $get("span1_" + idx); // this gets me the target location
var hiddenEditorSpan = $get("spanHiddenEditor")
var editorHtml = hiddenEditorSpan.innerHTML;
hiddenEditorSpan.innerHTML = "";
span.innerHTML = editorHtml;
identify the location within the repeater with a class then use jquery to inser the html on page ready
$(function() {
Then if you need to identify each text box you can do it using the parent container ID eg.
$("#myID div.class input").value
I'm a total jquery newb so none its likely none of it will work, but i believe the idea is a good one!
