Cooliris fetching from google docs: - rss

We're creating a Interaction design pattern website for a class.
We've been using google docs to create the patterns list during the classes, sharing it with the teacher for evaluation.
So the environment is this:
We've been able to fetch a single image from each presentation we want to display, such as:
We've created an RSS feed for cooliris to open: (small example from it):
<.media:thumbnail url="" />
<.media:content url="" type="image/png" />
Sorry for the points in the middle of the tag is only for stackoverflow not to filter it.
So the problem is the following, the rss works correctly, as the cooliris opens all viewports for all images. But both the thumbnail and content remain black for all the pictures.
If you try to open them by the above url you can download them, with the type="image/png" if should work for piclens to open it.
Anyone got a sugestion or idea why we can't access the images from google docs via cooliris ?

The server needed a crossdomain.xml to allow cooliris. So we can't do it directly from google but we'll just download it a put on another server.

Try putting type="image/png" in the media:thumbnail tag too.. additionally, put your feed through an RSS validator, just to see if it checks out..


LinkedIn not picking up og:image

For one of my websites I am using Open Graph to enrich posts shared from my website. But LinkedIn is not picking the image specified in og:image. The image is modified for the LinkedIn bot to be 200px X 200px by a simple PHP script.
I found some experiencing a similar problem (Linkedin not getting thumbnail image) but this problem is not yet solved.
I know it's old but this helped.
Linkedin caches link preview content for 7 days. You have to do the following to clear Linkedin Preview cache:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter your url and click on Inspect, You will see the updated preview image
Step 3: Now try sharing your url on Linkedin
You might need to check linkedin post cache and refresh it for a specific link.
This question is a bit old but I ran into the same situation and got it solved so I just post my solution( or my understanding how it work) for others have the same problem.
(Thank you for #Justin Kominar, his answer in this question helps me.)
Make sure you have prefix="og: in your tag, when you have iframe(s), make sure which page is calling the share function.
Make sure you set all four <meta> tags in you site and give the correct type to <meta property="og:type> (please go to for more information)
Make sure you pass the correct url(the one you want to share, eg. to <meta property="og:url> especially when you use dynamic url
In the page you pass to og:url ( it is very important to understand linkedin will go to this page to look for the information not the page you call the share function, most of the time they are the same but sometimes that is not the case), you need to do step 1 and 2, set <meta og:image> AND MAKE SURE THE IMAGE LINK IS VALID AND THE IMAGE DOES EXIST
Hope it will help.
I faced with wrong image choosing by LinkedIn in my WordPress site. I found the problem by discovering URL by LinkedIn post inspector and saw that oEmbed tag was used dispite og:image tag is existed:
Does your code look like this?
<html prefix="og:">
<meta property="og:title" content="My Shared Article Title" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description of shared article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
Also, check the documentation here:
Also, check your URL with Facebook Linter (it works with all OG tags):
Adding a garbage parameter at the end of my link, helped me force linkedin to get og:image again.
I found my solution on this post
Per #checkTek's comment, LinkedIn does not support .webp images for the og:image property.
Try to 1000x425 image. It works for me.
This answer is for the people who tried all the methods described in the above answers and still got no luck !!
I had this scenario and I fixed it by renaming the og:image.
I believe image with long name can trick the linkdin to prevent the image from scraping.
before the tag was
<meta property="og:image" name="image" content="images/meta-this-is-a-very-long-name.jpg">
I fixed this issue by renaming it to a smaller name.
<meta property="og:image" name="image" content="images/meta-image.jpg">
voila.. it worked !!
Warning - i'm using JavaScript
Check step
First of all, you have to check if your website/blog have all the meta tags correctly puted on tag of your HTML document. You can do this by just puting your website link on and debugging.
But if you just get the wrong image no matter what on Linkedin post inspector but not on Facebook debugger (both use open graph tags) the problem is the Linkedin. So if this you can continue here.
My problem and the solution
I have my images on AWS, so i use 2 different links, one is for the service, the other is the link of the image.
The problem with Linkedin, is that he cannot read two URLs. So you have to encode properly.
My service is somenthing like this[IMAGE_URL]?options
Now, you gonna see an example. I have a function that just get this two together. Take a look:
// The service -[IMAGE_URL]?options
// Function Input -
// Function Output -
The function
const resizeS3Image = (s3_url) => {
let s3_clean_url = s3_url;
s3_clean_url = s3_clean_url.replace(/\//g, '%2F').replace(/\:/, '%3A');
const cloudFrontCompressedImage = `${s3_clean_url}?w=&h=&auto=compress&dpr=1&fit=max`;
return cloudFrontCompressedImage;
Things you may have notice
The second URL (the image) have some things replaced, like the slash ('/') and colon (':'), for the equivalent code on URL encode.
2 - How i did it ? using regex pattern and the .replace native JS constructor.
Tools and references that i used
Remind to
When you're debuggin again your website on the Linkedin Post inspector, remind to add after the URL somenthing after '?' like https://yourwebsite/post/what-is-lorem-impsum?aaaa=912093090
That way, you gonna update the Linkedin SEO Cache.
I was using the LinkedIn Post Inspector and it wasn't finding my image. However, Facebook Debugger was showing it. Both platforms use Open Graph (OG).
In my case, the issue that was causing this to happen were spaces in the original image name (replaced in URL with +)).
This worked:,format&rect=0,0,3600,1890&w=1200&h=630
This was failing:,format&rect=0,0,3600,1890&w=1200&h=630
For me the problem was the image size. Once I increased the size from 300px wide to 1200px wide it worked.
For LinkedIn:
The maximum file size allowed is 5MB.
The minimum image dimension should be 1200px X 627px.
However, the post inspector was finding smaller images around 750MB. So the true value is somewhere between 300:1200
p.s. gifs work on linkedin but are a single still frame on twitter

Why can't the Google sites HTML box load a CSS script linked with URL?

I'm mostly certain that I set up my HTML script correctly, and made sure that the needed CSS file would be hosted in a shared folder on Google Drive, correctly cited, etc.
However, when I copy my HTML code into the box, and save it all, the editor always throes this error: 1+12 - 125: failed to load external url navigator.css
While I would think that linking the CSS file to the HTML code regularly, as I posted below, I only see so many issues coming up with CSS linking, and even more worrying, is that the Google support documentation (here) says that an HTML box can't 'refer' to external code, including what I believe may be such a CSS file.
<link href="http://[mixed aplhanumeric subdomain][shared folder's 'mixed' address]/navigator.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Given that, would anyone know a simple workaround to linking the HTML to the CSS code in the Google sites HTML box?
The documentation shows an example with the CSS in <script> tags. I don't perceive any indication that including CSS from an external file is allowed. The documentation explicitly states that <link> tags are not allowed. The reason why Google Sites can't load CSS in a linked file, is because link tags are not allowed. You're only choice is to include the CSS in <style> tags.
There is an alternative though. You can create an Apps Script HTML Service application with separate HTML and CSS files, and then put the Apps Script application into your Google Site.
Apps Script HTML Service
If you want to use Css on Google SItes , you can use directly. not to use link.

Add MetaTags Using JavaScript

I have a website
i want to show the image on Facebook profile which the user write a comment about, i want to change this code using JavaScript
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
i tried a lot of things like
$('meta[property="og:image"]').attr('content',"" );
but nothing work
Any help?
I dont think you can do that. Javascript is a client-side language so when Facebook reads the og:image meta tag the javascript code hasn't run yet. Hence, Facebook requests the page from the server and it will not be able to find the updated tags.
Check the debugger if you need to test this:
EDIT: But if in fact that was gonna work I think you need to escape your tag like:
$("meta[property='og\\:image']").attr("content", "");

Site hosted on dropbox not using CSS

I'm hosting a (very) small website on dropbox. I don't even have a domain name for it, I just need an easy way for my not so technology savvy teacher to access it and using an online service like wordpress or tumblr seemed like too much trouble and not as effective as I would like. I plan on putting it in my public folder and just sending her that link, something I've done in the past to show my friends websites I've made in class.
However, for some reason, CSS formatting isn't working. This is a problem I've noticed in the past but at the time wasn't important. I have it relatively linked in my head tag and it works when I pull up the files saved on my hard drive. Its only when I try to access it through dropbox do I notice this problem.
I've looked and it doesn't seem like anyone else has had this problem, I've only found multiple references to dropbox supporting CSS so I have no idea why this is happening.
This is the link in my code, and it's inside the head tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/format.css" />
Any help would be much appreciated. ^^
EDIT: Here's the page, there's not much on it yet but there's suppossed to be background formatting behind the navigation links in the top.
To give an example expanding on Cfreak's comment, you would need to individually share the CSS file, then reference it in the HTML like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
A much easier way (and more correct) is to put your stylesheet in a folder called css and then have a relative link to it with "./" It gets you out of the long url trouble.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/styles.css">

Error when using LinkedIn's Share button

I'm attempting to add a LinkedIn Share button to our content-driven website. I've generated the embed code using the button builder, but whenever I try to actually use the button, I get a generic error:
There was a problem performing this action, please try again later.
It's been doing this for several days (since I first added the code), so I don't know if the error is on the LinkedIn side or mine. Is there any way to get a more specific error message? The code they provide is just a script tag that you paste in:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/Share"></script>
Unfortunately LinkedIn's "support" forums are limited to the various API's; there's nowhere available to submit a question regarding the build-a-button functionality. I'm hoping someone else has used this function and can point me in the right direction.
Most likely the page you are trying to share is not web accessible (local, under htaccess password or something). It looks to me like LinkedIn tries to actually look at the page you are sharing, and if it can't reach it, it gives you this message.
Most likely the url which you are sharing is not encoded, try encoding that, also follow this article for more.
The easiest way to ensure the linkedin share button works properly, is to use
<!DOCTYPE html>
instead of other alternatives.
look at the data-url attrbute. Remove the "http://" and only use "www." for your website url. That fixed my issue at least.
I found this way for validate in xhtml:
< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "">
< script src="" type="text/javascript">< /script>
< div id="linkedin">< /div>
< script type="text/javascript">
var po2 = document.createElement('script');
po2.type = 'IN/MemberProfile';
po2.setAttribute("data-text","Luca Di Lenardo");
< /script>
Remove the white space and it works!
If anyone is getting this error, and cannot figure out why, I recommend checking the URL of the page you're sharing with: LinkedIn Post Inspector.
So, for instance, if I were to check out how looks when shared, I would visit and enter that URL, like so...
And I see...
But there's a ton of information here, showing how everything is parsed, from the description to the title to the image selection for thumbnail display...
Warning: Add an og:image tag to the page to have control over the content's image on LinkedIn.
Title: Wikipedia
Type: Article
Image: No image found
Description: Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Author: No author found
Publish date: 6/1/2020, 6:39:59 AM
They even give you instructions on how to fix your page! Hey, got some advice for here!
Provide a metadata tag for the og:image in the page's head section. For example:
<meta name="image" property="og:image" content="[Image URL here]">
