I'm wondering how to use a VideoDisplay object (defined in MXML) to display video streamed from FMS via a NetStream.
The Flex3 docs suggest this is possible:
The Video Display ... supports progressive download over HTTP, streaming from the Flash Media Server, and streaming from a Camera object.
However, later in the docs all I can see is an attachCamera() method. There doesn't appear to be an attachStream() method like the old Video object has.
It looks like you can play a fixed file served over HTML by using the source property, but I don't see anything about how to attach a NetStream.
The old Video object still seems to exist, though it's not based on UIComponent and doesn't appear to be usable in MXML.
I found this blog post that shows how to do it with a regular Video object, but I'd much prefer to use VideoDisplay (or something else that can be put directly in the MXML).
VideoDisplay is a wrapper on VideoPlayer, which in turn is a Video subclass. Unfortunately, the wrapper prevents you from attaching an existing NetStream to the Video object.
However, a reference to that component is held with in the mx_internal namespace, so the following should do the trick:
videoDisplay.mx_internal::videoPlayer.visible = true;
(you need to import the mx.core.mx_internal namespace)
Unfortunately you can attachNetStream() only on Video object. So you are doomed to use em if you want to get data from FMS.
By the way attachCamera() method publishes local camera video to the server so be careful ;)
it works.
mx:VideoDisplay live="true" autoPlay="true" source="rtmp://server.com/appname/streamname" />
that will give you live video through a videodisplay... problem is it won't use an existing netconnection object, it creates it's own... which is what I'm trying to find a work around for.
Here a link to example on how to use video:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
private var nc:NetConnection;
private var ns:NetStream;
private var video:Video;
private var meta:Object;
private function init():void {
var nsClient:Object = {};
nsClient.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;
nsClient.onCuePoint = ns_onCuePoint;
nc = new NetConnection();
ns = new NetStream(nc);
ns.client = nsClient;
video = new Video();
private function ns_onMetaData(item:Object):void {
meta = item;
// Resize Video object to same size as meta data.
video.width = item.width;
video.height = item.height;
// Resize UIComponent to same size as Video object.
uic.width = video.width;
uic.height = video.height;
panel.title = "framerate: " + item.framerate;
panel.visible = true;
private function ns_onCuePoint(item:Object):void {
<mx:Panel id="panel" visible="false">
<mx:UIComponent id="uic" />
<mx:Button label="Play/Pause" click="ns.togglePause();" />
<mx:Button label="Rewind" click="ns.seek(0); ns.pause();" />
I've seen sample code where something like this works:
// Connect to the video stream in question.
var stream:NetStream = new NetStream( chatNC );
stream.addEventListener( NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, handleStreamStatus );
stream.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError );
// Build the video player on the UI.
var video:Video = new Video(246, 189);
var uiComp:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
uiComp.addChild( video );
uiComp.width = 246;
uiComp.height = 189;
stream.play( streamName );
video.attachNetStream( stream );
video.smoothing = true;
video.width = 246;
video.height = 189;
view.videoPlayerPanel.addChild( uiComp );
But I can't actually get it to work myself. I'll post here later if I can figure it out.
I am trying to display remote swf in my flex application, I am able to load swf, but it is not shown(visble) in my flex application.
here is the code
private function onLoaderComplete(event:Event):void{
import flash.system.SecurityDomain;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
var l:Loader = new Loader();
private function initApp():void {
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
l.load(new URLRequest('www.somedomain.com/load.swf?id1'), context);
l.load(new URLRequest('www.somedomain.com/load.swf?id=1'));
private function onLoaderComplete(event:Event):void{
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="50%" backgroundColor="red">
<mx:UIComponent id="can" width="100%" height="100%" >
any idea
Thanks all
Your code snippet does not define what 'L' is
The most likely problem you're having with your current code is that you are adding your 'l' onto a UIComponent which has no built in code for sizing and positioning its children, therefore your 'l' will have no height and width, effectively making it invisible.
I would use a SWFLoader to load another SWF File and display it as part of your application.
Im using camera class in my mobile application and I used Camera.names to fill my list and i tried to pass the selected value to getcamera() method but its not working.Here s my code
private function init():void
if (Camera.names.length == 0) {
lab.text = "No camera attached";
list.enabled = false;
textArea.enabled = false;
protected function list_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
var tList:List = evt.currentTarget as List;
var cameraName:String = tList.selectedIndex.toString();
camera = Camera.getCamera(cameraName);
vid=new Video();
UIc.addElement(vid as IVisualElement);
textArea.text = ObjectUtil.toString(camera);
<s:List id="list"
dataProvider="{Camera.names as ArrayCollection}"
change="list_change(event);" />
<s:Group id="UIc" x="68" y="253" width="368" height="281">
On Android devices, you can only access the rear-facing camera.
When compiling Air for mobile, you need to make sure that your permissions are properly placed in the app xml file. In this case, you need to give your app permission to access the camera for it to work.
I've trawled the net trying to find a solution, but everything seems to be mxml-centric. What I want is to dynamically create a series of Graphics objects each with a child BitmapImage. However, this doesn't seem to work:
var bmi:BitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
var gr:Graphic = new Graphic( );
gr.addElement( bmi );
gr.x = 50;
gr.y = 50;
this.addElement( gr );
Whereas, this does:
<s:Graphic x="250" y="250">
<s:BitmapImage source="#Embed('custom-case.png')">
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
it is quite different in AS3, you have to define a variable class type like shown below.
private var someImage:Class;
To follow up Shruti's comment/question (I am unable to post comment since my current reputation insufficent):
The requirement for dynamic updating of images with mxml is the same as indicated with the original answer, which is that any images you might want to dynamically change to must be pre-embeded in your mxml:
[Embed(source="image.png")] private var theImage:Class;
which can be later used to update an image source as such:
[Embed(source="image.png")] private var theImage:Class;
private function updateImage():void {
image.source = theImage;
<s:BitmapImage id="image" source="#Embed('defaultImage.png')"/>
From what I can gather, the resize property of a Flex application is set in the XML config file:
<!--Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true.-->
However, if I set this attribute to true, is there a way to turn this off dynamically at runtime? For example, my application has two view modes - mini and maxi. I would like to prevent the end user from being able to resize the application when in mini mode. I tried prevent the resize using the following code but it does not seem to work:
private function creationComplete():void {
this.systemManager.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
private function resizeListener(evt:Event):void {
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is another way to do that without setting the descriptor file property.
Here is the code:
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" showGripper="false"
layout="vertical" showStatusBar="false"
import mx.events.FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent;
private function init():void
this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
nativeWindow.addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZING, onAppResize);
private function onAppResize(e:NativeWindowBoundsEvent):void
Hope this helps.
You'd need to create a new NativeWindow instance and reparent your application into that. When you create a new NativeWindow, you've got options you can set at Initialisation time, including resizable.
According to manual, resizable is read-only property.
So it's probably not possible.
As this was already necro'd, and I was curious:
I was able to implement a switch from resizable to not with the following code:
private var maxMode:Boolean = true;
protected function switchMode():void
if (maxMode){
//I chose to freeze the app at current size
//You could also set the min/max to hard coded values
this.maxWidth = this.width;
this.minWidth = this.width;
this.maxHeight = this.height;
this.minHeight = this.height;
else {
//default values for WindowedApplication
this.maxWidth = 2880;
this.minWidth = 0;
this.maxHeight = 2880;
this.minHeight = 0;
maxMode= !maxMode
The user is however still shown the resize mouse icons on the edges of the app.
Try to add return:
Is there a way I can programmatically determine the filename of the .swf my class is running in?
Stage has a loaderInfo property, which contains a url property that has the information you're looking for. You can get the stage property from any DisplayObject in Flex.
Just a helpful note: If you load one SWF into another, the loaded (inner) SWF will return an erroneous result if you use loaderInfo.url to try to get the filename. For instance, something like:
Instead of:
That said, here is the code I use to get the current SWF name:
function SWFName(symbol:DisplayObject):String
var swfName:String;
swfName = symbol.loaderInfo.url;
swfName = swfName.slice(swfName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Extract the filename from the url
swfName = swfName.slice(0, -4); // Remove the ".swf" file extension
swfName = new URLVariables("path=" + swfName).path; // this is a hack to decode URL-encoded values
return swfName;
Not from within flash, afaik. What do you need it for? There might be a better way to do it.
You can use loaderInfo.loaderURL to get the full path and name of you swf
Example of a class:
public class Main extends Sprite {
private function init():void {
removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, init);
var myUrl:String=loaderInfo.loaderURL;
var tmp:Array=myUrl.split("/");
var myName:String=tmp[tmp.length-1].split(".swf")[0];
public function Main() {
if (stage)
addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, init, false, 0, true);
Things have changed a bit in more recent versions so I'll give an answer for Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 (geared towards Flash in browser, but you get the idea).
<s:Application ... applicationComplete="alertSwfUrl()">
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
private function alertSwfUrl():void {
var a:LoaderInfo = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.loaderInfo;
ExternalInterface.call('alert', a.url);
Check out the LoaderInfo docs to figure out how to use the loaderInfo object associated with the stage.