How to determine the entire date range displayed by ASP.NET calendar? -

The ASP.NET calendar always displays 6 weeks of dates in a 7x6 grid. My problem is that the first day of the target month does not necessarily appear in the first row... in some cases, the entire first row displays dates from the previous month. In other cases, the entire last row displays dates from the next row.
Is there a reliable way to query the calendar object to determine the 42-day range that would be rendered for a specific month/year?
For example, consider June 2008 and Feb 2009:
Notice that the first week contains ONLY dates from prior month
I assume that the calendar tries to avoid bunching all of the "other month" dates at either the top or bottom of the grid, and therefore puts the first of the target month on the 2nd row. I am looking for an easy way to determine that the displayed range for June 2008 is May 25 - July 5, for instance.

Looking at the public members exposed by the ASP.NET Calendar control I do not believe that this information is something that you can just get from the calendar control.
You have a few options as "workarounds" to this though, although not nice....but they would work.
You could manually calculate the first week values
You can handle the "day render" event to handle the binding of the individual days, and record min/max values.
Granted neither is elegant, but AFAIK it is the only real option
After discussion in the comments, another option is a modified version of my second option above. Basically the first time Day Render is called, get the block of data for the next 42 days, then you can simply search the list for the proper day value to display on future calls to DayRender, avoiding a DB hit for each day. Doing this is another "non-elegant" solution, but it works, and reduces a bit of load on the DB, but introduces some overhead on the application side.
It will be important here to define well structured page level properties to hold the items during the binding events, but to ensure that if a month changed, etc that it wasn't loaded incorrectly etc.

I wrote a couple of methods to help with this. Just pass in Calendar.VisibleDate:
public static DateTime GetFirstDateOfMonth(DateTime date)
return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
public static DateTime GetFirstDisplayedDate(DateTime date)
date = GetFirstDateOfMonth(date);
return date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ? date.AddDays(-7) : date.AddDays((int)date.DayOfWeek * -1);
public static List<DateTime> GetDisplayedDates(DateTime date)
date = GetFirstDisplayedDate(date);
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++)
return dates;

I've just been looking into this myself, and got directed to here. I'm personally tempted to go with option two, because the alternative is messy. Ronnie's version is nice, but unfortunately doesn't take into account cultures with different FirstDayOfWeeks.
Using Reflector, we can see how it's done internally:
DateTime visibleDate = this.EffectiveVisibleDate();
DateTime firstDay = this.FirstCalendarDay(visibleDate);
private System.Globalization.Calendar threadCalendar =
private DateTime EffectiveVisibleDate()
DateTime visibleDate = this.VisibleDate;
if (visibleDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
visibleDate = this.TodaysDate;
if (this.IsMinSupportedYearMonth(visibleDate))
return this.minSupportedDate;
return this.threadCalendar.AddDays(visibleDate,
-(this.threadCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(visibleDate) - 1));
private DateTime FirstCalendarDay(DateTime visibleDate)
DateTime date = visibleDate;
if (this.IsMinSupportedYearMonth(date))
return date;
int num = ((int)
this.threadCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(date)) - this.NumericFirstDayOfWeek();
if (num <= 0)
num += 7;
return this.threadCalendar.AddDays(date, -num);
private int NumericFirstDayOfWeek()
if (this.FirstDayOfWeek != FirstDayOfWeek.Default)
return (int) this.FirstDayOfWeek;
return (int) DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.FirstDayOfWeek;
private bool IsMinSupportedYearMonth(DateTime date)
return this.IsTheSameYearMonth(this.minSupportedDate, date);
private bool IsTheSameYearMonth(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)
return (((this.threadCalendar.GetEra(date1) ==
this.threadCalendar.GetEra(date2)) &&
(this.threadCalendar.GetYear(date1) ==
this.threadCalendar.GetYear(date2))) &&
(this.threadCalendar.GetMonth(date1) ==
Sadly, the functionality is already there, we just can't get at it!

Worked perfectly, thank you.
Started with a public variable
bool m_FirstDay = false
in the day_render function
if(m_FirstDay == false)
DateTime firstDate;
DateTime lastDate;
firstDate = e.Day.Date;
lastDate = firstDate.AddDays(41);
m_FirstDay = true;
I then had the visible date range of the calendar control. Thanks again.

see this one.
How to Remove the Last Week Of a Calendar


SwiftUI or Combine Clock/Timer events

Using SwiftUI (or Combine) how might I set up a series of one or more events that are triggered by the (system) clock. Examples might include:
Every night at midnight,
On the hour,
Every fifteen minutes on the quarter hour,
Finally, on a slightly different note: On the 29th of February 2020 at 12:15.
An approximation is easily achieved by setting up a timer event that fires every second and then checking the hours/minutes/seconds, etc. but this seems very inefficient for events that may be many hours or days apart.
I'm looking for something that is closely synchronised to the actual system clock and fires off a single event at the required time rather than firing loads of events and having each one ask "Are we there yet?".
I would suggest the following: .background).async {
let isoDate = "2020-01-13T16:58:30+0000"
let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
let date =!
let t = Timer(fire: date, interval: 2, repeats: true) { timer in
let runLoop = RunLoop.current
runLoop.add(t, forMode: .default)
string to date conversion I used this answer to format the time correctly.
The example is in GMT.
documentation apple you can look up timer tolerance which can be adjusted if you need the timer to be very accurate.
interval is in seconds so this solution won't get more accurate than seconds
You might want to enable the Background Modes capability to go for the very long running timers. Never done that so I can't help here.
All your examples should work. I hope this helps!
I had to implement this feature too using Combine / SwiftUI : a Timer that would execute at start then every day, hour or minutes (for testing), here is my solution if it can be useful or improved :)
class PeriodicPublisher {
var periodicFormat: PeriodicFormat = .daily
init(_ format: PeriodicFormat = .daily) {
self.periodicFormat = format
// Must have an equatable for removeDuplicate
struct OutputDate: Equatable {
let compared: String
let original: String
init(_ comparedDatePart: String, _ originalDate: String) {
self.compared = comparedDatePart
self.original = originalDate
static func ==(lhs: OutputDate, rhs: OutputDate) -> Bool {
return lhs.compared == rhs.compared
enum PeriodicFormat {
case daily
case hourly
case minutely
func toComparableDate() -> String {
switch self {
case .daily:
return "yyyy-MM-dd"
case .hourly:
return "HH"
case .minutely:
return "mm"
func getPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<OutputDate, Never> {
let compareDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
compareDateFormatter.dateFormat = self.periodicFormat.toComparableDate()
let originalTimerDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
originalTimerDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
var nowDate: Just<OutputDate> {
let comparedDate = compareDateFormatter.string(from: Date())
let originalDate = originalTimerDateFormatter.string(from: Date())
return Just(OutputDate(comparedDate, originalDate))
let timerDate = Timer.publish(every: 2.0, tolerance: 1.0, on: .main, in: .default, options: nil)
.map { dateString -> OutputDate in
return OutputDate(compareDateFormatter.string(from: dateString), originalTimerDateFormatter.string(from: dateString))
return Publishers.Merge(nowDate, timerDate)
.map { $0 }
How does it work ?
Every 2 seconds the scheduler issue current date (with Timer.publish()), this date is used to create a "OutputDate" holding two properties : one "comparable" part used to compare if something has changed and one "original" part so it can be useful for the consumer.
Comparable property is Timer's date formatted with toComparableDate given the provided configuration (.daily, .hourly, .minutely). Using "removeDuplicates" on this property allow to publish "OutputDate" only when this value changes. Every day or hour or minute.
Publishers.Merge is used to publish a value immediately after instantiation, otherwise nothing happens before the first Timer.publish(every). Here 2 seconds.
How to use it ?
You would use it with Combine like this :
PeriodicPublisher(.daily).getPublisher().sink { date in
print("Day has changed \(date.original)")

XPages: convert DateTime value to string using browser's locale

A similar question to a previous one I asked, but the difference being that this not for direct rendering from an underlying field - it's instead part of a some SSJS.
This is for a view column which displays the result of a SSJS function, which returns HTML that gets rendered. This HTML includes a date from a DateTime field, which gets converted to text using #Text. The problem I have with this is, #Text converts dates using the locale settings of the server, not the browser.
Is there an alternative to #Text(dateValue,"D0S0") that's browser locale aware?
The most "XPagey" way to do this is to use a date/time converter. For example (using a stand-in for the computed value):
<xp:viewColumn columnName="">
new java.util.Date()
<xp:convertDateTime type="both"/>
That "convertDateTime", with its built-in formats, will respect the browser's provided locale. If you set the option in the Xsp Properties to use the browser's time zone and "Round trip", it should also respect the user's time zone.
I've managed to get round this by using DateFormat.getDateInstance. The only problem with this is it doesn't return a short date in the same format as the XPage date converter (no leading zeros and a 2-figure year). I've got round this though with some fiddling around with the string after.
Here's the full function:
function returnLocalShortDate(ndtDate) {
// Receives NotesDateTime object, Java date or string; returns localised date string in XPages short date format
if (#IsText(ndtDate)) { // string
var jsDate = #TextToTime(ndtDate);
} else if (ndtDate instanceof Date) { // Java date
var jsDate:Date = ndtDate;
} else if (#IsTime(ndtDate)) { // Notes date/time
var jsDate:Date = ndtDate[0].toJavaDate();
} else {
var strDate:String = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, context.getLocale()).format(jsDate);
var strYear = jsDate.getFullYear();
var strDateArray = strDate.split("/");
strDate = ('0' + strDateArray[0]).slice(-2) + '/' + ('0' + strDateArray[1]).slice(-2) + '/' + strYear;
Actually, if you know the format you want, rather than what the user might want via their browser settings, you should use the SimpleDateFormatter class. You can supply the format in accordance with whatever pattern you want from the javadocs for that class. If you supply the NotesDocument object and the field name, this returns the date in dd-MMM-yyyy format.
function getFormattedDate ( doc:NotesDocument, fieldName:String ) {
var dateFormatter:java.text.SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
var d:Date = new Date(#Today());
if ( doc.hasItem (fieldName) ) {
var valueVector:java.util.Vector = doc.getItemValueDateTimeArray(fieldName);
var iterator = valueVector.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var itemvalue =;
if ((typeof(itemvalue)).endsWith("DateTime")) {
d = new Date(itemvalue.toJavaDate());
return dateFormatter.format(d);
} else {
return fieldName + " is not on the document"
I owe credit to Declan Lynch's blog entry on date formatting, which takes a little debugging because SSJS returns the date value as an Vector now.

Can Sorting be performed on a Flex arrayCollection based on date/time values instead of normal text string / alpha?

I have a flex Array Collection created from a live XML data source and am trying to use my date/time string in the array to SORT the array prior to having the UI display the info / listing... currently the array is created and displays fine but the sorting by date / time is NOT working properly...
The routine works if I change the sort field ( to 'name' (just alphanumeric text string based on filenames generated by my xml source), but if I use 'datemodified' as the sort field ( i.e. 7/24/2013 12:53:02 PM ) it doesn't sort it by date, just tries to sort alphabetically so the date order is not proper at all and for example it shows 1/10/2013 10:41:57 PM then instead of 2/1/2013 11:00:00 PM next it shows 10/10/2013 5:37:18 PM. So its using the date/time as a regular text string
var dataSortField:SortField = new SortField(); = "datemodified";
dataSortField.descending = false;
var arrayDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
arrayDataSort.fields = [dataSortField];
arr.sort = arrayDataSort;
Now if I CHANGE the to "name" (which are alphanumeric filenames) it sorts a-z just fine... so How do I get it to sort by DATE where my array data looks like 7/24/2013 12:00:00 PM
Now the TIME part of the date isnt necessary for my sorting needs at all, so Im just looking to sort by date and beyond that the time doesnt matter for my needs but is hard coded in my xml data source.
I tried specifying
dataSortField.numeric = true;
but that didnt work either and while I can use it to specify string or numeric theres not a DATE option as I was expecting.
so my question, to clarify, is how do I make the SORT function acknowledge that I want to sort based on a series of date / time stamps in my array? Im using apache flex 4.9.1 / fb 4.6 premium).
I use this as a date compare function:
public static function genericSortCompareFunction_Date(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int{
// * -1 if obj1 should appear before obj2 in ascending order.
// * 0 if obj1 = obj2.
// * 1 if obj1 should appear after obj2 in ascending order.
// if you have an XML Datasource; you'll have to do something here to get the
// date objects out of your XML and into value1 and value2
var value1:Date = obj1.dateField;
var value2:Date = obj2.dateField;
if(value1 == value2){
return 0;
if(value1 < value2){
return -1;
return 1;
To apply this to your code; you would do something like this:
var arrayDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
arrayDataSort.compareFunction = genericSortCompareFunction_Date;
arr.sort = arrayDataSort;

How to convert string in format DD/MM/YYYY to date object in Flex

I am taking date input from user in text field, which is in format DD/MM/YYYY.
How to convert this string to date object in Flex.
Platform: Adobe Flash Builder 4.6
Since Flex SDK 4.10.0 you can use
DateFormatter.parseDateString(s, "DD/MM/YYYY");
Former versions of parseDateString didn't respect a format string, so it cannot parse dateString value formatted with non default en_US format
Use DateField's stringToDate method. DateFormatter also has a parseDateString function but for some reason it's set to protected.
public function convertStringToDate(s:String):Date
return DateField.stringToDate(s, "DD/MM/YYYY");
If you are not on the latest Apache SDK (I know we aren't because of third party components) you basically have to write your own conversion.
The built in DateFormatter has the static method, parseDateString, but you have no way of specifying the format of the string. It was a bit rubbish!
If you definitely have no localisation issues and are sure the date is ALWAYS in DD/MM/YYYY format you could use the following:
public function stringToDate(date:String):Date {
// Extract year, month and day from passed in date string
var year:int = IntFromSubString(date, 6, 4);
var month:int = IntFromSubString(date, 3, 2);
var day:int = IntFromSubString(date, 0, 2);
// Always remember Flex months start from 0 (Jan=0, Feb=1 etc.) so take 1 off the parsed month
return new Date(year, month-1, day);
private static function IntFromSubString(date:String, start:int, length:int):int {
return parseInt(date.substr(start, length)) as int;

How to parse time in Salesforce Visualforce, Apex?

I'm quite new to visualforce/apex programming and kinda stuck in parsing current time and time functions in apex.
Basically I'm trying to figure out if the current time is within my given time range.
How do I write this in apex language?
public String isWorkhours;
public String getIsWorkhours() {
Datetime current_time = *(get current time)*
Datetime start_time = *(7:00 am)*
Datetime end_time = *(7:00 pm)*
if ((current_time >= start_time) && (current_time <= end_time)) {
isWorkhours= 'yes';
} else {
isWorkhours= 'no';
return isWorkhours;
First of all - check if you can use Business Hours (standard object) to configure SF instead of writing similar functionality manually. Just check your online help for these.
Example of comparison of 2 datetime objects:
Secondly - read the reference of Time class. Something like this?
Time start = Time.newInstance(7,0,0,0), stop = Time.newInstance(19,0,0,0);
DateTime now =; // or;
System.debug(now.time() > start && now.time() < stop);
