I had this written for me.. It counts down to our next sale but the minutes don't change until the second drop to under 30. The hours don't change till the minutes drop to under 30 etc. I posted this some time ago but solution supplied was beyond me. I just wondered if anyone knew a way if the current code could be tweaked to work ?
Dim seconds As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, Date.Now, BootSale.nextDOW(DayOfWeek.Sunday))
Dim days, hours, minutes As Integer
days = seconds / 86400
hours = (seconds Mod 86400) / 3600
minutes = (seconds Mod 3600) / 60
lblTimer.Text = days & " Day(s) " & hours & " Hour(s) " & minutes & " Minute(s) " ' & seconds Mod 60 & " Seconds"
You should use proper .NET functions to do that. The TimeSpan structure already have the functionality that you need.
Dim difference As TimeSpan = BootSale.nextDOW(DayOfWeek.Sunday).Subtract(DateTime.Now)
Dim message As String = String.Format("{0} Day(s) {1} Hour(s) {2} Minute(s)", difference.Days, difference.Hours, difference.Minutes)
lblTimer.Text = message
.Net is rounding these automatically as you don't have option strict on. You can use Math.Floor to always round down.
Dim seconds As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, Date.Now, BootSale.nextDOW(DayOfWeek.Sunday))
Dim days, hours, minutes As Integer
days = Math.Floor(seconds / 86400)
hours = Math.Floor((seconds Mod 86400) / 3600)
minutes = Math.Floor((seconds Mod 3600) / 60)
lblTimer.Text = days & " Day(s) " & hours & " Hour(s) " & minutes & " Minute(s) " ' & seconds Mod 60 & " Seconds"
I've rewritten it as a function so you can see my test cases are working.
Public Function TestDate(d1 As DateTime, d2 As DateTime) As String
Dim seconds As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, d1, d2)
Dim days, hours, minutes As Integer
days = Math.Floor(seconds / 86400)
hours = Math.Floor((seconds Mod 86400) / 3600)
minutes = Math.Floor((seconds Mod 3600) / 60)
Return days & " Day(s) " & hours & " Hour(s) " & minutes & " Minute(s) "
End Function
Assert.AreEqual("2 Day(s) 15 Hour(s) 45 Minute(s) ", TestDate(n, n.Add(New TimeSpan(2, 15, 45, 45))))
Assert.AreEqual("2 Day(s) 5 Hour(s) 5 Minute(s) ", TestDate(n, n.Add(New TimeSpan(2, 5, 5, 5))))
I have two times values, such as:
1) 2:00:00 PM
2) 5:30:10 PM
I want to get time difference in HH:MM:SS. Here is what I tried:
lMinutes = DateDiff("n", CStr(TimeValue(RPTRs(2))), CStr(TimeValue(RPTRs(3))))
lHours = Fix(lMinutes / 60) '
lMinutes = ((lMinutes / 60) - lHours) * 60
How can I calculate seconds?
I also want to concatenate the results as follows:
sTimeDiff = " & Format$(lHours,"00") & :" & Format$(lMinutes, "00") & ":" & Format$(lSeconds, "00")
yes ,,i have resolved this my answer is :
Dim mHours As Long, mMinutes As Long, mSeconds As Long, sTimeDiff As String, lSeconds As Long
lSeconds = DateDiff("s", CStr(TimeValue(RPTRs(2))), CStr(TimeValue(RPTRs(3))))
mSeconds = lSeconds ' Sample data
mHours = mSeconds \ 3600
mMinutes = (mSeconds - (mHours * 3600)) \ 60
mSeconds = mSeconds - ((mHours * 3600) + (mMinutes * 60))
sTimeDiff = mHours & ":" & mMinutes & ":" & mSeconds
I need to find difference between two dates in textboxes. the difference should be in years, months and dates.
I try to use Datediff but it didn't works with months and days
Dim y_diff As Integer
Dim m_diff As Integer
Dim d_diff As Integer
Dim date1 As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(Textbox1.Text)
Dim dob As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox2.Text)
Response.Write("Today date is " & Today.Date & "<br>")
y_diff = DateDiff("yyyy", dob, date1)
m_diff = DateDiff("m", dob, date1) / y_diff / 12
d_diff = DateDiff("d", dob, date1) / 365
Response.Write("Difference in year" & y_diff & "<br>" & "months" & m_diff & "<br>" & d_diff & "<br>")
how can i get it correctly?
Try to use this
TimeSpan diff = date1.Subtract(dob);
long Years = Convert.ToInt64(diff.TotalDays) / 365;
long Months = (Convert.ToInt64(diff.TotalDays) - (Years * 365)) / 30;
long Days = Convert.ToInt64(diff.TotalDays) - ((Years * 365) + (Months * 30));
int totaldays = diff.Days + 1;
It will perfectly for you.Kindly let me know if get helped.
I want to find out how long time there is till a specific Weekday from Now.
I have searched everywhere, but can't really find anything.
I THINK I have to use the DateDiff-function together with the WeekDay-function somehow.
The scenario is:
I have variable varWeekDay with the day of the week, ex: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
And another variable varStartTime with a time of the day: hh:mm
And the last variable varStopTime also with a time of the day: hh:mm
if varWeekday = Weekday(now, 2) and varStartTime < formatdatetime(now, 4) then
.... Write how long time till start in hours / minutes
elseif varWeekday = Weekday(now, 2) and varStartTime >= formatdatetime(now, 4) and varStopTime < formatdatetime(now, 4) then
response.write("Already started!")
.... Write how long time till start in days / hours / minutes
end if
"How long time" could be like: "2 days, 3 hours and 27 minutes from now"
The same output should be generated from a specific datetime. Ex: 06/08/2012 23:55 is "1 day and 13 minutes from now"
I really hope you guys can help! :)
I didn't fully understand what you needed with the start time and end time, but this script will tell you how much time there is between now and the start of a specific day of the week.
Dim varNow : varNow = Now()
Dim varWeekday : varWeekday = 7 'This is the weekday to look for (1 is Sunday, 7 is Saturday)
'This next line sets the time to the start of the day
Dim varThisDate : varThisDate = DateSerial(Year(varNow), Month(varNow), Day(varNow))
Dim varThisWeekday
varThisDate = DateAdd("d", 1, varThisDate)
varThisWeekday = Weekday(varThisDate)
If varThisWeekday = varWeekday Then
Exit Do
End If
'These next lines just convert and display the remaining time into the different units
Response.Write("Until next " & WeekdayName(varWeekday) & "<br />")
Dim varSeconds : varSeconds = DateDiff("s", varNow, varThisDate)
Dim varDays : varDays = Int(varSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24)
varSeconds = varSeconds - (varDays * 24 * 60 * 60)
Dim varHours : varHours = Int(varSeconds / 60 / 60)
varSeconds = varSeconds - (varHours * 60 * 60)
Dim varMinutes : varMinutes = Int(varSeconds / 60)
varSeconds = varSeconds - (varMinutes * 60)
Response.Write("Days: " & varDays & "<br />")
Response.Write("Hours: " & varHours & "<br />")
Response.Write("Minutes: " & varMinutes & "<br />")
Response.Write("Seconds: " & varSeconds & "<br />")
I want to calculate the difference between two dates and want to convert it like 2 years, 5 months or only 3 months, or 2 days according to the difference considering all months are 30 days...
For example;
From and including: Mar 12, 2009
To, but not including : Nov 26, 2011
The output must be : 2 years, 8 months, 14 days excluding the end date.
Another example;
Start: Jan 26, 2010
End: Feb 15, 2010
Output: 20 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date
I can calculate the difference as month, day or hour with Datediff but the question is how to convert it to years, months and dates. It's quite complicated actually as we don't know how many days there are between two months (30,31 maybe 28 days)
I use this Classic ASP code to convert the difference but there are lot's of disadvantages.
Function Convert_Date_to_Text(tarih1,tarih2,useDates)
if (tarih1<>"" AND tarih2<>"") then
if Tarih_Araligi_Belirle(tarih1,tarih2,"day")>0 then
Date1_Year = Year(tarih1)
Date1_Month = Month(tarih1)
Date1_Day = Day(tarih1)
Date2_Year = Year(tarih2)
Date2_Month = Month(tarih2)
Date2_Day = Day(tarih2)
If (Date1_Month = 12) and (Date1_Day = 31) and
(Date2_Month = 1) and (Date2_Day = 1) Then
NoOfyears = Date2_Year - Date1_Year - 1
NoOfmonths = 0
NoOfdays = 1
NoOfyears = Date2_Year - Date1_Year
NoOfmonths = Date2_Month - Date1_Month
NoOfdays = Date2_Day - Date1_Day
End If
If NoOfyears = 1 Then
FormatString = "1 year "
Else If NoOfyears <= 0 then
FormatString = ""
FormatString = CStr(NoOfyears) & " years "
End If:End If
If NoOfmonths = 1 Then
FormatString = FormatString & "1 month"
Else If NoOfmonths <= 0 then
FormatString = FormatString
FormatString = FormatString & CStr(NoOfmonths) & " months "
End If:End If
if useDates=1 then
If NoOfdays = 1 Then
FormatString = FormatString & "1 day"
Else If NoOfdays <= 0 Then
FormatString = FormatString
FormatString = FormatString & CStr(NoOfdays) & " days"
End If:End If
end if
end if
end if
Convert_Date_to_Text = FormatString
End Function
This web site calculates the difference perfectly. TimeAndDate.Com
Note: I'm using Classic ASP for several reasons (Company limitations). Sorry for this but I need an ASP function. It looks like TimeSpan doesn't exist in ASP :(
Kind Regards
If you can convert the input strings to DateTime variables, you can try something like this:
DateTime starTime = //something;
DateTime endTime = //something;
TimeSpan oneDay = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); //creates a timespan of 1 day
TimeSpan deltaTime = (endTime - startTime) - oneDay;
I would asume asp has the DateTime and TimeSpan variable types.
Here's a function I have used in the past. If you test it, I think you'll find it accurate. Here's where I got it from.
Function YearsMonthsDays(Date1 As Date, Date2 As Date, Optional ShowAll As _
Boolean = False, Optional Grammar As Boolean = True)
' This function returns a string "X years, Y months, Z days" showing the time
' between two dates. This function may be used in any VBA or VB project
' Date1 and Date2 must either be dates, or strings that can be implicitly
' converted to dates. If these arguments have time portions, the time portions
' are ignored. If Date1 > Date2 (after ignoring time portions), the function
' returns an empty string
' ShowAll indicates whether all portions of the string "X years, Y months, Z days"
' are included in the output. If ShowAll = True, all portions of the string are
' always included. If ShowAll = False, then if the year portion is zero the year
' part of the string is omitted, and if the year portion and month portion are both
' zero, than both year and month portions are omitted. The day portion is always
' included, and if at least one year has passed then the month portion is always
' included
' Grammar indicates whether to test years/months/days for singular or plural
' By definition, a "full month" means that the day number in Date2 is >= the day
' number in Date1, or Date1 and Date2 occur on the last days of their respective
' months. A "full year" means that 12 "full months" have passed.
' In Excel, this function is an alternative to the little-known DATEDIF. DATEDIF
' usually works well, but can create strange results when a date is at month end.
' Thus, this formula:
' =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(A1,B1,"ym") & " months, " &
' DATEDIF(A1,B1,"md") & " days"
' will return "0 years, 1 months, -2 days" for 31-Jan-2006 and 1-Mar-2006.
' This function will return "0 years, 1 month, 1 day"
Dim TestYear As Long, TestMonth As Long, TestDay As Long
Dim TargetDate As Date, Last1 As Date, Last2 As Date
' Strip time portions
Date1 = Int(Date1)
Date2 = Int(Date2)
' Test for invalid dates
If Date1 > Date2 Then
YearsMonthsDays = ""
Exit Function
End If
' Test for whether the calendar year is the same
If Year(Date2) > Year(Date1) Then
' Different calendar year.
' Test to see if calendar month is the same. If it is, we have to look at the
' day to see if a full year has passed
If Month(Date2) = Month(Date1) Then
If Day(Date2) >= Day(Date1) Then
TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2)
TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) - 1
End If
' In this case, a full year has definitely passed
ElseIf Month(Date2) > Month(Date1) Then
TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2)
' A full year has not passed
TestYear = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) - 1
End If
' Calendar year is the same, so a full year has not passed
TestYear = 0
End If
' Test to see how many full months have passed, in excess of the number of full
' years
TestMonth = (DateDiff("m", DateSerial(Year(Date1), Month(Date1), 1), _
DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2), 1)) + IIf(Day(Date2) >= _
Day(Date1), 0, -1)) Mod 12
' See how many days have passed, in excess of the number of full months. If the day
' number for Date2 is >= that for Date1, it's simple
If Day(Date2) >= Day(Date1) Then
TestDay = Day(Date2) - Day(Date1)
' If not, we have to test for end of the month
Last1 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2), 0)
Last2 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) + 1, 0)
TargetDate = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) - 1, Day(Date1))
If Last2 = Date2 Then
If TestMonth = 11 Then
TestMonth = 0
TestYear = TestYear + 1
TestMonth = TestMonth + 1
End If
TestDay = DateDiff("d", IIf(TargetDate > Last1, Last1, TargetDate), Date2)
End If
End If
If ShowAll Or TestYear >= 1 Then
YearsMonthsDays = TestYear & IIf(TestYear = 1 And Grammar, " year, ", _
" years, ") & TestMonth & IIf(TestMonth = 1 And Grammar, " month, ", _
" months, ") & TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days")
If TestMonth >= 1 Then
YearsMonthsDays = TestMonth & IIf(TestMonth = 1 And Grammar, " month, ", _
" months, ") & TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days")
YearsMonthsDays = TestDay & IIf(TestDay = 1 And Grammar, " day", " days")
End If
End If
End Function
How about this? (no TimeSpan but not sure if classic asp compatible)
DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(2003,2,2);
DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(2001,1,1);
int daysDiff = dateTime1.Day - dateTime2.Day;
int monthsDiff = dateTime1.Month - dateTime2.Month;
int yearsDiff = dateTime1.Year - dateTime2.Year;
if (daysDiff < 0)
daysDiff += DateTime.DaysInMonth(dateTime1.Year, dateTime1.Month);
if (monthsDiff < 0)
monthsDiff += 12;
You can subtract DateTime objects to get a TimeSpan object:
DateTime startDate = GetStartDate();
DateTime endDate = GetEndDate();
TimeSpan duration = endDate - startDate;
This article includes a DateDiff class:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void DateDiffSample()
DateTime date1 = new DateTime( 2009, 11, 8, 7, 13, 59 );
Console.WriteLine( "Date1: {0}", date1 );
// > Date1: 08.11.2009 07:13:59
DateTime date2 = new DateTime( 2011, 3, 20, 19, 55, 28 );
Console.WriteLine( "Date2: {0}", date2 );
// > Date2: 20.03.2011 19:55:28
DateDiff dateDiff = new DateDiff( date1, date2 );
// differences
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Years: {0}", dateDiff.Years );
// > DateDiff.Years: 1
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Quarters: {0}", dateDiff.Quarters );
// > DateDiff.Quarters: 5
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Months: {0}", dateDiff.Months );
// > DateDiff.Months: 16
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Weeks: {0}", dateDiff.Weeks );
// > DateDiff.Weeks: 70
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Days: {0}", dateDiff.Days );
// > DateDiff.Days: 497
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Weekdays: {0}", dateDiff.Weekdays );
// > DateDiff.Weekdays: 71
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Hours: {0}", dateDiff.Hours );
// > DateDiff.Hours: 11940
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Minutes: {0}", dateDiff.Minutes );
// > DateDiff.Minutes: 716441
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.Seconds: {0}", dateDiff.Seconds );
// > DateDiff.Seconds: 42986489
// elapsed
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedYears: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedYears );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedYears: 1
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedMonths: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedMonths );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedMonths: 4
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedDays: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedDays );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedDays: 12
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedHours: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedHours );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedHours: 12
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedMinutes: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedMinutes );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedMinutes: 41
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.ElapsedSeconds: {0}", dateDiff.ElapsedSeconds );
// > DateDiff.ElapsedSeconds: 29
// description
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(1): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 1 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(1): 1 Year
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(2): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 2 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(2): 1 Year 4 Months
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(3): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 3 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(3): 1 Year 4 Months 12 Days
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(4): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 4 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(4): 1 Year 4 Months 12 Days 12 Hours
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(5): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 5 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(5): 1 Year 4 Months 12 Days 12 Hours 41 Mins
Console.WriteLine( "DateDiff.GetDescription(6): {0}", dateDiff.GetDescription( 6 ) );
// > DateDiff.GetDescription(6): 1 Year 4 Months 12 Days 12 Hours 41 Mins 29 Secs
} // DateDiffSample
Dim intYears
Dim intMonths
Dim intDays
Dim strDate1
Dim strDate2
Dim strAnswer
strDate1 = "01/26/2010"
strDate2 = "02/15/2010"
intYears = DateDiff("yyyy",strDate1,strDate2)
intMonths = DateDiff("m",strDate1,strDate2)
intDays = DateDiff("d",strDate1,strDate2)
strAnswer = ""
if intYears > 0 then
strAnswer = strAnswer & CStr(intYears) & "years "
end if
if intMonths > 0 then
strAnswer = strAnswer & CStr(intMonths) & "months"
end if
if intDays > 0 then
strAnswer = strAnswer & CStr(intDays) & "days"
end if
Response.Write("The difference between these two dates is " & strAnswer)