CSS / Page Loading Speed - css

Just wanted to get a few opinions really, I'm trying to increase the loading speed of my site, and one way that Google pagespeed has suggested is to remove the unused CSS from my CSS file for each page.
At the moment I am using one master CSS file for every page on the site.
My question is would having individual CSS files for each page make overall loading times quicker ? I guess the first page would load quicker, but then each page would have a different CSS file which could potentially end up taking longer over a whole site visit ?
Also pagespeed seems to warn against including multiple CSS files so I guess I can't really 'layer' them up...

If the CSS file is cached then including multiple files will not be an advantage.
For performance rules regarding CSS you can
Try minifying your CSS
Optimize CSS Sprites
Avoid Filters
Avoid CSS Expressions
For more detailed reading go through this
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site

There are two optimisation directives that contradict each other in this case. Of course you should reduce the size of the files if possible, but you should also have as few requests as possible. Using a global style sheet reduces the number of requests, but it means a larger file.
You just have to look into where your needs are. If you need to reduce the initial load time, you should move styles out of the global style sheet. If you need to reduce the number of requests, you should use a global style sheet rather than individual page style sheets.

Download and install YSlow, it will give you an accurate picture of how fast your page is as well as practical steps to improve performance.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Run your CSS through a filter to strip comments and whitespace, be aware of small shortcuts like padding: 1em 3em .5em 5px etc, make sure the file is being cached properly, and sent from your server with gzipping, and you'll be fine. CSS is usually such a small fraction of the payload, it's not worth losing sleep over.
The only time where I'd split up a CSS file (for delivery to the client) would be if there were large sections of my site which called for unique styles where most people would never venture: eg, an administration section.

Do a little thinking about how the typical user will use your sight. If (like many sites) the average user only views a single page before moving on, then having dedicated CSS files for each page may just be worth it.
However, in the vast majority of cases, a single css file would definitely be the preferred solution

CSS files are cached by browsers anyway, so either you have a single file or many split, it won't matter after all of them got loaded on the first use.

Use just one CSS for all pages. Once your css is cached then there will be no overhead of downloading that css again and again.
Also, ad adam said Minify your css

DustMeSelectors is the extension you need. It will go through all of your site (and providing all of these are inter-linked) will fetch which selectors in your css are not used anywhere.


CSS speed optimisation - Why multiple files are better then only one?

Less HTTP request the better it's, right ?
Regarding to Google best practice explanation, less unused css rules is also better.
The browser's CSS engine has to evaluate every rule contained in the file to see if the rule applies to the current page.
Even if a stylesheet is in an external file that is cached, rendering is blocked until the browser loads the stylesheet from disk.
In your opinion what's giving better performance :
One css file per page.
One general css that will be cached (even if there will be +70% unused css / but avoiding any other http requests).
Google speed best-practice
One of the important sentence to note from the Google best practice document is "Often, many web sites reuse the same external CSS file for all of their pages, even if many of the rules defined in it don't apply to the current page".
This needs to be taken into account as if the css file has additional code that is never going to be used if user does not visit the page for which this redundant code applies then we are certainly wasting the bandwidth which may not be a proper trade off for an additional HTTP request.
This leads to additional time to load the file plus the time wasted in evaluation of that redundant code.
Certainly using multiple files for just a single page (like different header/footer css files) would be a bad practice.
And as you know that there is not a perfect solution for any problem. You have to choose the best thing that suits your need.
So, I would say the decision to use multiple files or a single file is solely based on the overall structure of website and other trade offs.
Loading CSS is usually extremely quick. CSS blocking is something you will probably never catch. Whereas JavaScript could do so that you are visually aware that it's being downloaded. (white spaces while rendering the page).
In reality one CSS is good enough, because of a single HTTP request.
Optimization should go towards JavaScript, because this is where you can see the page slowing down. We are talking about a second-two of a difference or less here.
Here is a site where you can enter URL and it will check load times. In the graph below you can compare CSS load times.

Does a long internal stylesheet affect SEO?

I'm building a site with a lot of similar css between pages. I've decided that a good approach would be to have the css generated as strings by php functions (with parameters) and outputed as an internal stylesheet in every page that i serve. The benefits:
this way if i make a change it will reflect throughout the entire site without having to maintain duplicates
i can send only the necessary css for a certain page
it's better than having small css files and sending a lot of css headers at inclusion
the possibility that the content might be displayed before the stylesheet is loaded is gone
i can calculate dimensions by using parameters
i can create a layer that will minify the result received from these functions or serve cached minified css
I haven't seen this done anywhere else unfortunately so i'm thinking that this might be because of SEO. The generated internal stylesheet will be at around 15kb max (before minifying the stylesheet).
I need your opinion on this approach and your thoughts about the impact a long internal stylesheet will have on SEO.
Many thanks.
Not an answer to your question (which is interesting enough!), but most of your arguments for inline CSS are wrong. An external style sheet is always the better and faster solution.
The first point you can handle by adding a version number to the style sheet's file name
The second point is moot because an external file gets cached, so no additional requests
The third point is moot for the same reason
The fourth point won't really matter once the style sheet is cached
The fifth point can be sorted using inline CSS for only the properties that need to be
updated dynamically - usually a tiny fraction of the whole CSS code base
The sixth point I don't get.
Go for an external style sheet. Just make sure it gets served with the correct caching headers!
Like long blocks of inline JavaScript, they are ignored.
Bots look at the content, not the layout. If you want a better representation of what they see, try the Lynx browser.
Unfortunately they will not be cached on the user's browser either, as external CSS and JS are, making each page load slower. It is actually more efficient to have a large external stylesheet than server up related "css snippets" with each page.
Assuming by 'internal stylesheet' you mean inline CSS included using the <style> tag, I'd recommend against this. If you use an external stylesheet, visitors download it once on the first request, and it will then be cached. By including all of your CSS inline, you're adding page weight to every single HTML request.
Although it might seem more efficient to just serve CSS for the current page, or split your CSS into lots of different page-specific stylesheets; in practice it's usually better just to have one stylesheet. Serving this compressed and with appropriate expires headers will almost always be faster than the alternatives.
Regarding SEO, robots ignore CSS, so this won't have any affect. If you had so much CSS that it substantially slowed down loading of your page, in theory you might start having issues, but you would need an inhuman amount of inline CSS before this could even potentially be an issue.
To the extent of my knowledge, your CSS sheet plays a minimal role in SEO, what is more important is your HTML markup and execution.
Following the order of '< h1 > - < h5 >' for your heading tags, with accompanying '< p >' tags instead of '< font >' or similar approaches is what will effect a web crawlers ability to recognise and prioritise the content in your page.
While you can use CSS to hide paragraph that you only want to appear in search engines and similar techniques it has little importance compared to the HTML structure.
All benefits you said apply. Search engines doesn't care too much about CSS and javascript (of course, if your page takes too long to wrap and send, this will affect, but I don't think it is the case).
I've seen this kind of solution before, but people tend to avoid use scripting to serve, once you can use media queries instead, writing just only one external stylesheet. I think you should take a look on this.
However, I see you are trying to optimize the CSS sent. This is good, but talking about 80k for all sheets, makes me think if you are not over complicating the rules.
Well, as last opinion, you can cache many different responses and make use of "canonical" thing on page head.

Is Creating Separate CSS Files Per Page To Speed Up Load Time Overkill?

I've been using Google PageSpeed to improve my site's performance. One of its recommendations is eliminating unused CSS in my app. Although a lot of the CSS is unused for a given page, it is used elsehwere in the app.
What's the right approach here? I'm considering creating a base CSS file for common CSS and then separate files for each individual page. Luckily there aren't that many pages. Is this overkill? And is there a better approach?
This is a Rails app, and I'm using asset_packager to minify my CSS and Javascript
It won't speed up your application because you will be adding new http requests, while if you pack all CSS into one file, that file will stay in the cache and you won't have to have an http-request for it for subsequent pages.
Google PageSpeed simply mean that you shouldn't provide styles you don't use anywhere in your application or only in pages that a user can't visit, for example the admin area.
As people in here mentioned, definitely not. You will just add new http requests. You should really keep in mind that pagespeed will probably always show that you have unused css on a given page, but that's not really a big issue.
Take a look at the other recommandations page speed is showing like enabling compression, optimizing the images (consider using css sprites if you aren't already) and more.
See also yahoo best practices to speed up your site.
That'll depend on the size of the file(s) and the way people use your site. If the file isn't huge to begin with and people will often go to many different pages, having page-specific css files will forfeit the benefit of caching, which is generally going to garner more benefit.
The overhead of an extra HTTP request to download yet another CSS file greatly outweighs the overhead of an extra few KB in the master CSS file.
I think it is best to componentise your stylesheets. For example, you might have a base css that provides the layout for your pages. Then you might have a theme css that provides colours, images, borders - visual elements. Then you might have separate css files for individual UI components, e.g. popup.css, calendar.css etc.
This approach makes it easier to manage your styles (and switch them if you need to). More relevant to your question however, is that you now have the ability to specify what stylesheets are needed for each page on your site. Now if the user visits the homepage of your site only, and the homepage has no popups or calendars, then they haven't downloaded the styles for the components they aren't using. As they proceed further into the site, they will get the required stylesheets as and when they need them.

Performance, serve all CSS at once, or as its needed?

As far as I know, these days there are two main techniques used for including CSS in a website.
A) Provide all the CSS used by the website in one (compressed) file
B) Provide the CSS for required by the elements on the page that is currently being viewed only
Positives for A: The entire CSS used on the site is cached on first visit via 1 http request
Negatives for A: if it's a big file, it will take a long time to load initially
Positives for B: Faster initial load time
Negatives for B: More HTTP requests, more files to cache
Is there anything (fundamental) that I am missing here?
Profile it. It depends on the way your users use your site.
If it's a web application and your users are likely to interact with it a lot and see most of the layout you designed, you probably want to use a single CSS which is loaded once and then stored in the browser cache. The first time overhead is negligible in this case.
If most of your users come with a cold cache and just look at two or three pages, separate CSS files will probably improve their experience.
You can't tell without having a look at what the users actually do.
Even a largish CSS file, gzipped, is tiny compared to a lot of other things (like images, movies, etc.) that get downloaded. The only real reason to break up CSS into separate files is to swap in special rules to make certain browsers behave (I'm looking at you, IE).
There is no A or B, it's always a trade-off between the two. For example: you'd want the front-page to load as quickly as possible, so you only request what's necessary. For the following pages you request the remaining CSS. A total of 2 requests.
In essence, you're creating packages/groups of related CSS. By dynamically combining and compressing these packages, you can create a maintainable structure of files. This also enables you experiment with the best combination of speed, performance, requests and bandwidth...
This whole story also applies to JavaScript files, since the same trade-offs can be made.
What's better?
Writing one css file
Writing more css files
What's better?
Tracking, keeping 1 css file updated
Tracking, keeping more css files updated
What's esier?
Making decisions what to insert into one css file
Deciding what to put in every of your css files
What's the cost of generating each individual css file compared to generating one global css file.

Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any advantage to having a single monster .css file that contains style elements that will be used on almost every page?
I'm thinking that for ease of management, I'd like to pull out different types of CSS into a few files, and include every file in my main <link /> is that bad?
I'm thinking this is better
Have you seen any gotchas with doing it one way vs. the other?
This is a hard one to answer. Both options have their pros and cons in my opinion.
I personally don't love reading through a single HUGE CSS file, and maintaining it is very difficult. On the other hand, splitting it out causes extra http requests which could potentially slow things down.
My opinion would be one of two things.
1) If you know that your CSS will NEVER change once you've built it, I'd build multiple CSS files in the development stage (for readability), and then manually combine them before going live (to reduce http requests)
2) If you know that you're going to change your CSS once in a while, and need to keep it readable, I would build separate files and use code (providing you're using some sort of programming language) to combine them at runtime build time (runtime minification/combination is a resource pig).
With either option I would highly recommend caching on the client side in order to further reduce http requests.
I found this blog that shows how to combine CSS at runtime using nothing but code. Worth taking a look at (though I haven't tested it myself yet).
I've settled on using separate files in my design time, and a build process to minify and combine. This way I can have separate (manageable) css while I develop and a proper monolithic minified file at runtime. And I still have my static files and less system overhead because I'm not doing compression/minification at runtime.
note: for you shoppers out there, I highly suggest using bundler as part of your build process. Whether you're building from within your IDE, or from a build script, bundler can be executed on Windows via the included exe or can be run on any machine that is already running node.js.
A CSS compiler like Sass or LESS is a great way to go. That way you'll be able to deliver a single, minimised CSS file for the site (which will be far smaller and faster than a normal single CSS source file), while maintaining the nicest development environment, with everything neatly split into components.
Sass and LESS have the added advantage of variables, nesting and other ways to make CSS easier to write and maintain. Highly, highly recommended. I personally use Sass (SCSS syntax) now, but used LESS previously. Both are great, with similar benefits. Once you've written CSS with a compiler, it's unlikely you'd want to do without one.
If you don't want to mess around with Ruby, this LESS compiler for Mac is great:
Or you could use CodeKit (by the same guys):
WinLess is a Windows GUI for comipiling LESS
I prefer multiple CSS files during development. Management and debugging is much easier that way. However, I suggest that come deployment time you instead use a CSS minify tool like YUI Compressor which will merge your CSS files into one monolithic file.
Historically, one of the main advantages x in having a single CSS file is the speed benefit when using HTTP1.1.
However, as of March 2018 over 80% of browsers now support HTTP2 which allows the browser to download multiple resources simultaneously as well as being able to push resources pre-emptively. Having a single CSS file for all pages means a larger than necessary file size. With proper design, I don't see any advantage in doing this other than its easier to code.
The ideal design for HTTP2 for best performance would be:
Have a core CSS file which contains common styles used across all pages.
Have page specific CSS in a separate file
Use HTTP2 push CSS to minimise wait time (a cookie can be used to prevent repeated pushes)
Optionally separate above the fold CSS and push this first and load the remaining CSS later (useful for low-bandwidth mobile devices)
You could also load remaining CSS for the site or specific pages after the page has loaded if you want to speed up future page loads.
You want both worlds.
You want multiple CSS files because your sanity is a terrible thing to waste.
At the same time, it's better to have a single, large file.
The solution is to have some mechanism that combines the multiple files in to a single file.
One example is something like
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="allcss.php?files=positions.css,buttons.css,copy.css" />
Then, the allcss.php script handles concatenating the files and delivering them.
Ideally, the script would check the mod dates on all the files, creates a new composite if any of them changes, then returns that composite, and then checks against the If-Modified HTTP headers so as to not send redundant CSS.
This gives you the best of both worlds. Works great for JS as well.
Having only one CSS file is better for the loading-time of your pages, as it means less HTTP requests.
Having several little CSS files means development is easier (at least, I think so : having one CSS file per module of your application makes things easier).
So, there are good reasons in both cases...
A solution that would allow you to get the best of both ideas would be :
To develop using several small CSS files
i.e. easier to develop
To have a build process for your application, that "combines" those files into one
That build process could also minify that big file, btw
It obviously means that your application must have some configuration stuff that allows it to swith from "multi-files mode" to "mono-file mode".
And to use, in production, only the big file
i.e. faster loading pages
There are also some software that do that combining of CSS files at run-time, and not at build-time ; but doing it at run-time means eating a bit more CPU (and obvisouly requires some caching mecanism, to not re-generate the big file too often)
Monolithic stylesheets do offer a lot of benefits (which are described in the other answers), however depending on the overall size of the stylesheet document you could run into problems in IE. IE has a limitation with how many selectors it will read from a single file. The limit is 4096 selectors. If you're monolithic stylesheet will have more than this you will want to split it. This limitation only rears it's ugly head in IE.
This is for all versions of IE.
See Ross Bruniges Blog and MSDN AddRule page.
There is a tipping point at which it's beneficial to have more than one css file.
A site with 1M+ pages, which the average user is likely to only ever see say 5 of, might have a stylesheet of immense proportions, so trying to save the overhead of a single additional request per page load by having a massive initial download is false economy.
Stretch the argument to the extreme limit - it's like suggesting that there should be one large stylesheet maintained for the entire web. Clearly nonsensical.
The tipping point will be different for each site though so there's no hard and fast rule. It will depend upon the quantity of unique css per page, the number of pages, and the number of pages the average user is likely to routinely encounter while using the site.
I typically have a handful of CSS files:
a "global" css file for resets and global styles
"module" specific css files for pages that are logically grouped (maybe every page in a checkout wizard or something)
"page" specific css files for overrides on the page (or, put this in a block on the individual page)
I am not really too concerned with multiple page requests for CSS files. Most people have decent bandwidth and I'm sure there are other optimizations that would have a far greater impact than combining all styles into one monolitic CSS file. The trade-off is between speed and maintainability, and I always lean towards maintainability. The YUI comperssor sounds pretty cool though, I might have to check that out.
I prefer multiple CSS files. That way it is easier to swap "skins" in and out as you desire. The problem with one monolithic file is that it can get out of control and hard to manage. What if you want blue backgrounds but don't want the buttons to change? Just alter your backgrounds file. Etc.
Maybe take a look at compass, which is an open source CSS authoring framework.
It's based on Sass so it supports cool things like variables, nesting, mixins and imports. Especially imports are useful if you want to keep seperate smaller CSS files but have them combined into 1 automatically (avoiding multiple slow HTTP calls).
Compass adds to this a big set of pre-defined mixins that are easy for handling cross-browser stuff.
It's written in Ruby but it can easily be used with any system....
here is the best way:
create a general css file with all shared code
insert all specific page css code into the same page, on the tag or using the attribute style="" for each page
on this way you have only one css with all shared code and an html page.
by the way (and i know that this is not the right topic) you can also encode your images in base64 (but you can also do it with your js and css files). in this way you reduce even more http requests to 1.
SASS and LESS make this all really a moot point. The developer can set up effective component files and on compile combine them all. In SASS you can toggle off the Compressed Mode while in development for easier reading, and toggle it back on for production.
In the end a single minified CSS file is what you want regardless of the technique you use. Less CSS, Less HTTP requests, Less Demand on the server.
The advantage to a single CSS file is transfer efficiency. Each HTTP request means a HTTP header response for each file requested, and that takes bandwidth.
I serve my CSS as a PHP file with the "text/css" mime type in the HTTP header. This way I can have multiple CSS files on the server side and use PHP includes to push them into a single file when requested by the user. Every modern browser receives the .php file with the CSS code and processes it as a .css file.
You can just use one css file for performance and then comment out sections like this:
/******** Header ************/
//some css here
/******* End Header *********/
/******** Footer ************/
//some css here
/******* End Footer *********/
I'm using Jammit to deal with my css files and use many different files for readability.
Jammit doest all the dirty work of combining and compressing the files before deployment in production.
This way, I've got many files in development but only one file in production.
A bundled stylesheet may save page load performance but the more styles there are the slower the browser renders animations on the page you are on. This is caused by the huge amount of unused styles that may not be on the page you are on but the browser still has to calculate.
See: https://benfrain.com/css-performance-revisited-selectors-bloat-expensive-styles/
Bundled stylesheets advantages:
- page load performance
Bundled stylesheets disadvantages:
- slower behaviour, which can cause choppyness during scrolling, interactivity, animation,
To solve both problems, for production the ideal solution is to bundle all the css into one file to save on http requests, but use javascript to extract from that file, the css for the page you are on and update the head with it.
To know which shared components are needed per page, and to reduce complexity, it would be nice to have declared all the components this particular page uses - for example:
<style href="global.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<body data-shared-css-components="x,y,z">
I've created a systematic approach to CSS development. This way I can utilize a standard that never changes. First I started with the 960 grid system. Then I created single lines of css for basic layouts, margins, padding, fonts and sizes. I then string them together as needed. This allows me to keep a consistent layout across all of my projects and utilize the same css files over and over. Because they are not specific. Here's an example: ----div class="c12 bg0 m10 p5 white fl"/div--- This means that the container is 12 columns across, utilizes bg0 has margins of 10px padding of 5 the text is white and it floats left. I could easily change this by removing or adding a new - What I call a "light" style- Instead of creating a single class with all these attributes; I simply combine the single styles as I code the page. This allows me to create any combination of styles and does not limit my creativity or cause me to create a massive number of styles that are similar. Your style sheets become a lot more manageable, minimized and allow you to re-use it over and over. This method I have found to be fantastic for rapid design. I also no longer design first in PSD but in the browser which also saves time. In addition because I have also created a naming system for my backgrounds and page design attributes I simply change out my image file when creating a new project.(bg0 = body background according to my naming system) That means that if I previously had a white background with one project simply changing it to black simply means that on the next project bg0 will be a black background or another image..... I have not found anything wrong with this method yet and it seems to work very well.
