DataBind to specific records - data-binding

I have a DataGridView binded to this table:
ID Name
-- ----
11 Qwe
22 Asd
Grid is direclty binded to typed dataset table.
I have a second table like this:
ID UserID Data
-- ------ ----
67 11 ....
68 11 ....
Records.UserID is connected to Users with a foreign key.
What I want to do is: when the user doubleclicks User #11 I open a new grid, binded to [Records] table but only binded to rows where UserID = 11. Doubleclick, getting ID, new grid etc. those are OK. I wouldn't had any problems if I was doing this connected with sprocs but I want it to be binded and I simply have no idea how to do this.
Can you please give me any ideas?

If you are using DataSets/DataTables, then you can do something like this to filter your rows for the second grid:
string filter = String.Format("UserID = {0}", selectedUserId);
grdRecords.DataSource = ds.Tables["Records"].Select(filter);
I believe you can edit the records in the array that is returned, but you won't be able to add/remove new items to this collection. You would have to add them to the regular table, then refilter the grid.
Of course, there's all kinds of other ways to do this as well. If you are using objects that derive from IBindingListView, such as instances of the DataView class, you should have access to the Filter property. Then you can just do this:
string filter = String.Format("UserID = {0}", selectedUserId);
DataView myView;
grdRecords.DataSource = myView;
myView.Filter = filter;
And your view will stay filtered to match whatever data you place into it.
Hopefully, this post is clear enough for you to be able to work out the details... I'm a little scatterbrained today. :)

In the end I had to this:
Create a DB class, with a public property (MyDataSetProperty) that returns the typedDataset
Create a custom Fill function in DataSet that accepts an Id parameter.
Use this function to fill the table in the private typedDataset
this.myTableAdapter.FillCustom(this.myTypedDataset.MyTable, this.Id);
Bind bindingSource to this public property:
this.bindingSource.DataSource = this.db.MyDataSetProperty;


How to use "strongly typed data table" (or "row") in WebForms code-behind?

Our WebForms application is using table-adapters for "strongly typed data tables" and data-rows. In the code-behind I find I cannot use the return value directly from the BLL-class instance (such as our "Main_TblAdap.CostDataTable") as in referring to the strongly-typed data-rows and columns/fields within.
What is the proper way to make use of the strongly-typed data-table or data-row within the code behind events and methods?
Further, we want the ability to reference a specific data-row or sort/filter the data-table.
A good coding example would be very helpful showing the best way to (1) get from a strongly-typed data-table to reference values in a specific data-row from within the data-table and (2) how to sort/filter the strongly-typed data-table.
First create a DataView from the Table. You can either customize the view on initialization or call get default.
DataView dv = yourTable.DefaultView;
Or go ahead and filter the view from the table when you create your reference pointer like so:
DataView custDV = new DataView(YourTable[yourTableName],
"VehicleID = 'xxx'", // Row filter
"VehicleID", // Sort
Now you can sort the View and filter by Row state
view.RowStateFilter = DataViewRowState.Added |
You can interact with the DataRowView IEnumerable within the DataView.
foreach (DataRowView rowView in thisDataView)
// your code here
foreach(DataRow r in dt.Rows)
// your code here
To find rows in the table try:
var result = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r["Id"] = 4);
if(result !=null)
int x = 0;
Now just bind to your view and if you add a row or update it, the view gets updated as well.

Ax2012 - get the value of accountNum in the selected row in a grid

In the form cutslistepage , i want to get the value of accountNum of the selected row in grid and passe it to another form
i have try that :
int64 recordsCount;
recordsCount = CustTable_ds.recordsMarked().lastIndex();
// CustTable = CustTable_ds.getFirst(1);
If you want to retrieve the CustTable record, check the CustTableListPageInteraction class.
In the selectionChanged method, it has the following code:
custTable = CustTable::findRecId(this.listPage().activeRecord(queryDataSourceStr(CustTableListPage, CustTable)).RecId);
This is how you can retrieve the record. But since it is already done, you can simply use the custTable variable that is already declared in the class declaration.
Side note: if you have an other form that is opened from the list page, it should automatically be filtered based on the relations between the data sources of the form. So you might be searching for a solution for a problem you shouldn't have. For example create a form that has a data source with a relation to the CustTable table on it and it should create a dynaink between the list page and your form, filtering the records for that customer.
If only one record is selected you can do:
Otherwise, if more than one record is selected you need to do something like:
custTable = CustTable_ds.getFirst(true);
while (custTable)
custTable = CustTable_ds.getNext();

Displaying of the data in the gridview based on the search criteria using generics concept of .net

i am new to .net..i have to develop an application.
The UI of the web page will have a Data-bound Grid control on the Home page and there will be a Textbox where users can enter their search criteria.
I know to do this by using concept...
But i am supposed to do it using generics concept.How can i store the values in the generic list or dictionary of .net and filter the data based on the text entered in the text box.
Please help me out..
Thanks in advance..
You can indeed bind a GridView to List<T>, I do it all the time, like this:
Create a POCO for the data
public class SomeData
public string SomeField {get;set;}
public string SomeOtherField {get;set;}
Build the list (either manually or as a result a DB query) e.g.
var mylist = new List<SomeData>();
var myitem = new SomeData()
SomeField = "Hello",
SomeOtherField = "World"
To Filter the data do something like this:
myfilter = MyTextBox.Value;
mylist = mylist.Where(somedata => somedata.SomeField.Equals(myfiltervalue)).ToList();
Bind it to the GridView
mygridview.DataSource = mylist;
And this is it!!
I assume you know and how to bind gridview.
You just need to iterate through your database resultset and add it to list and bind it.
Following link might help you to begin with:
Pass your textbox value to your database query/stored procedure as parameter and return the result based on search value.
You may want to use FindAll, Find method.
Check below link: alternative to select case when dealing with object values

Hey all, I was able to do this via a SELECT CASE statement, however I'm always trying to improve my code writing and was wondering if there was a better approach. Here's the scenario:
Each document has x custom fields on it.
There's y number of documents
However there's only 21 distinct custom fields, but they can obviously have n different combinations of them depending on the form.
So here's what I did, I created an object called CustomFields like so:
Private Class CustomFields
Public agentaddress As String
Public agentattorney As String
Public agentcity As String
Public agentname As String
Public agentnumber As String
Public agentstate As String
Public agentzip As String
... more fields here ....
End Class`
Then I went ahead and assigned the values I get from the user to each of those fields like so:
Set All of Our Custom Fields Accordingly
Dim pcc As New CustomFields()
pcc.agentaddress = agent.address1
pcc.agentattorney = cplinfo.attorneyname
pcc.agentcity =
pcc.agentname = agent.agencyName
pcc.agentnumber = agent.agentNumber
pcc.agentstate = agent.state
pcc.agentzip = ....other values set to fields etc.
Now the idea is based upon what combo of fields come back based upon the document, we need to assign the value which matches up with that custom field's value. So if the form only needed agentaddress and agentcity:
'Now Let's Loop Through the Custom Fields for This Document
For Each cf As vCustomField In cc
Dim customs As New tblCustomValue()
Select Case cf.fieldname
Case "agentaddress"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
Case "agentcity"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
End Select
This works, however we may end up having 100's of fields in the future so there a way to somehow "EVAL" (yes I know that doesn't exist in the cf.fieldname and find it's corresponding value in the CustomFields object?
Just trying to write more efficient code and looking for some brainstorming here. Hopefully my code and description makes sense. If it doesn't let me know and I'll go hit my head up against the wall and try writing it again.
If I am reading your question correctly, you are trying to avoid setting the value of fields, when the field isn't used. If so, I would recommend you just go ahead and set the field to nothing in that case.

how to query strongly type datatable

I have a news portal.
For this portal I have a database with a "News" table and with the following columns
(NewsID, CategoryID, NewsTitle, NewsText, DateAdded, ImagePath, TotalRead, NewsType, isActive)
I use dataset files (.xsd) and for this one, I have a query that returns the last 3 days' news into a custom class that I coded, named HHNews.
HHNews Class has a function that returns a strongly-typed datatable that includes the results of the query I mention above.
The home page has different sections for news.. these are;
- Headlines (5 items)
- Sub-headings (4 items)
- Last 5 news items for each of the news categories...( categories are like; sports, local news, economics,
For the home page, I retrieve the datatable returned from the class. Now I want to query this datatable and build the sections I mention above.. e.g.
if my datatable is called "dt", then is there a way to sql-like query this dt such as "select TOP(5) NewsID, NewsTitle, NewsText from dt where NewsType = 0" -- 0 representing the headline ?
Absolutely. You can use LINQ as Dave Cluderay mentioned. To retrieve your headlines, for example, you could run:
var myDataTable = dt.AsEnumerable();
var headlines = myDataTable.Where(t => t.NewsID == 0).Take(5);
You can use LINQ to DataSet if you're in .NET 3.5.
If you aren't in .NET 3.5, you can create a DataView based on the DataTable object and then set the RowFilter property on the DataView. For example:
DataView myDV = new DataView(dt);
myDV.RowFilter = "NewsType = 0";
You can then catch only the first 5 rows in your DataView.
You can use the default view to filter the datatable like so:
dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = "NewsType = 0";
Not sure how you would get the top 5!?
If you're not in 3.5 you could use a simple for loop to get the top 5 rows after sorting the table.
There is a Select method on the Datatable, dont think there is a way to limit the amount returned. I like the LINQ way, but just an alternative....but the limit might count this out.
dt.Select("NewsType = 0");
