Wordpress woocommerce - Creating order at payment/checkout process - woocommerce

I am using woocommerce plugin version 2.6.14.
Whenever customer initiates a payment process (via PayPal) to deposit funds in the wallet, a new order is created whose email is sent to both customer and admin. Now, this order's email will confuse the customer because such order has not been created. For the customer, this is a simple add funds process.
I found this URL but I dont know how to resolve this issue in my code.
Woocommerce checkout process creating new order at payment
Please help.


Booking system - WP

I need to do a reservation for 3 restaurants- in each there are 12 tables. Some of the reservations have to be paid before, the rest of them not at all.
Also, there is a need to identify if in the particular restaurant there is a reservation for different events- then the functionality of not-paid reservation must be switch off.
Ideally, if mails with reservations should be delivered to various email addresses - based on the name of the restaurant.
Everything must run on WP.
Can you please assist me with that?
For this system, I suggest you this solution.
I should say that using this answer requires average knowledge of PHP and WordPress functions.
Create a custom post type for Restaurants.
Information such as not-paid reservation, paid reservation, and events can be saved as meta values.
To save meta values for your custom post type, you can use the "advanced custom fields" plugin or just code them using add_meta_box().
For the reservations, you should make a form and in the form, users can select their reservation table, date, and time.
if the reservation requires payment, you should check the gateway documentation and use their script.
here you need to create a table in the database for payments.
after the form submits and before payment, add your user info to the database and give the payment status "pending" value.
after the successful or unsuccessful payment, the gateway will return the payment status and with that, you can save the reservation status.
For sending an email to the restaurant manager, after the successful payment, use wp_mail().
I tried to explain the whole project to you in 12 lines so, after reading this answer you may get confused.
If you have more questions, just ask.

Migrating customer stripe payment data from Squarespace to Woocommerce

I am migrating a website that offers subscription services from Square Space to Woo Commerce. Both platforms were configured using our Stripe account.
I am trying to figure out if we can migrate our existing customers into the new Woo Commerce app, so that it will use the same payment information that is already stored in Stripe. Basically we do not want existing customers to have to re-enter their payment information as we know we will lose some customers during this process.
On the Square Space side of things: whenever a new customer is created they create a customer in Stripe, then make a request to the Payment Intent API, associate the intent token to the customer, and then use this to charge the customer every time a payment is due.
On the Woo Commerce side of things: we are using the official Woo Commerce membership and subscription plugins. Whenever a new customer is created, a customer is created in Stripe, a payment method is attached to that user, and then that payment is used to charge the customer.
So my question for anyone who has a deep understanding of WooCommerce, is there a way to update how Woocommerce is integrating with Stripe to try and use the payment intent API tokens that we already have for these existing customers?
As long as these Customers were created under your account, you should be able to leverage them.
As a small correction, you would not be referring to existing Payment Intents, but rather existing Payment Methods attached to the Customer. You could, for example, retrieve these for any customer from the API and then use one of them to create a new Payment Intent.
Whether WooCommerce needs to do anything to be aware of these existing Customers or Payment Methods I can't say, but you should contact them for support about that.

WooCommerce Subscriptions: Changing payment method of existing subscription

A client of mine wants to change payment service provider in his WooCommerce store. He has a few hundred existing subscriptions that need to be transferred to this new PSP. Basically, everything is done in order to do this, except for the configuration in WooCommerce. WooCommerce needs to know to use the new payment plugin's code to renew subscriptions. I know of the existence of this integration method but that's not the issue. That integration allows you to add the required metadata to orders (like credit card tokens) in the WooCommerce UI. That has already been done. I changed the _payment_method post meta of a test subscription to my payment method identifier and I set _requires_manual_renewal identifier to false however, for some reason in the UI it still says Manual Renewal under payment method.
What things do I have to change in the database in order to change the payment method?

WooCommerce PayPal IPN (checkout fields)

I am working on a self hosted Wordpress website where we sell physical products and memberships and using the WooCommerce standard plugin to handle our cart / checkout. I use a tag to create the checkout page "[woocommerce_checkout]". For payment we only use PayPal. I have figured out how to capture the PayPal IPN so that I can do additional processing (i.e creating the member in the database) and this seems to work with no issue.
The problem is I would like capture the fields on the WooCommerce checkout page to be available in the IPN response from PayPal. For instance, first name, last name, address, email etc. How can I specify that these are included in the PayPal IPN? Is this available in the settings for the plugin or will I need to make my own implementation of the checkout page?
I found out you can get the information from the woo commerce tables in the database. The IPN contains the order id which can be used to look up more information about the order.

Pass wordpress form data to checkout Page of shopify?

I create shopify shop and integrate it in wordpress website.And now I want to pass the custom form(created in wordpress) data to shopify checkout page.Data such as email,telephone,name etc.IS it possible or not?
Shopify API doesn't allow to create orders from outside services. You indeed can create carts with products / variants in cart (outside Shopify) and force the user to finish the buying process at PCI compliant Shopify checkout, which has 2 steps: (considering s/he is not authed)
A.- Buyer enters billing / shipping info as well as email address.
B.- Buyer enters discount coupon/s, chooses shipping method, enters payment info (credit card, paypal, wire, cod...)
Checkout url will look like: checkout.shopify.com/carts/your_store_id/cart_id
