"Could not reformat the document" in ASP.NET, VS2008 - asp.net

I'm in an ASP.NET UserControl. When I type Control-K, Control-D to reformat all the markup, I get a series of messages from VS 2008:
"Could not reformat the document. The original format was restored."
"Could not complete the action."
"The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect."
Anybody know what causes this?
Edit: OK, that is just...weird.
The problem is here:
<asp:Button Text="Cancel" runat="server" ID="lnkCancel" CssClass="CellSingleItem" />
Somehow that asp:Button line is causing the problem. But if I delete any individual attribute, the formatting works. Or if I add a new attribute, the formatting works. Or if I change the tag to be non-self-closing, it works. But if I undo and leave it as-is, it doesn't work.
All I can figure is that this is some sort of really obscure, bizarre bug.

There's probably some malformed markup somewhere in your document. Have you tried it on a fresh document?

Did get the problem today.
My solution: Restart Visual Studio

Usually this sort of behavior is caused by invalid code. It may only be invalid HTML causing it which would still allow the program to be compiled.
For example, if tags are mismatched like this the IDE cannot reformat it.
<div><h1>My Title</div></h1
Check your warnings to see if there are any entries pointing towards mismatched or unclosed tags.

For me, it's usually as issue with whitespace. To fix it, I open Find and Replace (CTRL+H), set Look in to "Current Document", check Use and select "Regular expressions". For Find what I enter ":b|\n" (minus quotes), and for Replace with I enter a single space. Then I click Replace All.
The steps above will replace all whitespace—including line breaks—with a single space, and the next time you format the document, you shouldn't get any errors. That is assuming you don't have malformed HTML.

select the entire suspicious codes segments and use Ctrl+k,Ctrl+F to format only the selected segments instead of whole document .
this way you can find the exact place of problems specially not closed or inappropriate closed tags and fix them .
after all scanning segment by segment is done you can format the whole document for sure

My problem was an extra ". Look carefully the html.

I encountered this for the first time a few weeks ago. I found it was down to invalid HTML. I had to cut out sections of content and paste it back in a little at a time to track down the problem.

For me, I had some bogus characters in my markup code. I only found this out by copy and pasting all my text into Notepad. After that, I saw the bogus characters (showed up as little squares). I just deleted those lines and retyped them and now everything is ok.

I had an unwanted semi-colon. But you may have quote ('), double quote ("), semi-colon (;) or any special character.
So, editing my answer with more details and a screenshot because it still very active.
Go to that line by double clicking the error and search for the extra (unwanted) quote ('), double quote ("), semi-colon (;) or any special character. Remove it because it is causing the error.

Just to add some more information. This issue is caused due to some invalid markup in html.
It won't cause any blocking while running the application.
Unfortunately the solutions mentioned here did not work for me.
1. Restarting visual studio
2. Replacing spaces using regex etc
The best solution to fix the issue is to go to the specific line where the issue is caused and check that line for any invalid symbols like , or ". Just remove it and it will work fine.

My issue is extra " in the value of html attribute, After removing this it is working fine for me.


How do I validate a zip code in visual basic?

I am supposed to use the regularExpressionValidator to verify a ZIP code for a basic webpage I'm making. If the Zip code is valid, the submit button's click event procedure should display the message "Your ZIP code is" followed by the ZIP code and a period.
I don't know how to do an "if" statement to check to see if the zip is valid or not
**Why does the value = 0 when I enter 60611-3456
...don't know how to do an "if" statement...
You were assigned to use a RegularExpressionValidator, and this sounds like homework. If so, it also sounds like the purpose of the assignment is to make this happen without writing any if statements at all.
The validator controls have a feature where a postback event will not occur if validation fails. You use a correct regular expression with a correctly configured validator control, and the code that shows the "Your zip code is..." message will never run. Configuring the validator control is the point of the assignment; you need to do that part on your own. But finding an acceptable regular expression is a distraction from the real learning, and so I don't mind just giving that to you:
The issue is that your regular expression indicates the four digits must exist if you have the dash. Generally that would be okay but since you're using an input mask the dash always exists, even when it's only five digits. Try the following expression.
Hope it helps.

preserving line spaces in asp .net not working

I am doing this to replace whitespaces and line breaks. The whitespaces part works however the line break does not.
It works if I removed the tags < > from the br. The line breaks in that case does get replaced by 'br'
I am using Antixss and sanitize.GetSafeHtmlFragment?
Is that causing a problem?
This might work:
Where strMessage is the string with newlines you're calling AntiXss
This might also help:
.NET AntiXSS with Multiline Textboxes
Maybe a little code....and a description of your current problem
Sounds like your doing this to a models field. In an edit or create view is this correct? if you are using texteditorfor(model => model.property) and the property is of type string then the line breaks will automatically be removed.
If it is a validation error due the HTML it should indicate that on the error page. If this is the case then in the model you must allow html with the [AllowHtml] attribute to the property. you must include system.mvc

Base search/find functionality (Ctrl+F) in AX 2009/2012 doesn't work properly...how to fix?

I feel like I might be losing my mind...but if you search the AOT for anything with double colons "::", it fails completely. I'm trying to step through the Forms\SysAotFind to figure this out but I didn't want to spin my wheels a bunch for something that might be on my system only.
To reproduce in AX 2009, select Classes\SalesTableType, press Ctrl+F and put "CustLedgerAccounts::sumAccount" in the containing text box and click find now. You can see this is clearly located in the Classes\SalesTableType\accountCust method. I've tried searching for base enums inside objects with no luck either.
I noticed the same behavior, but escaping the colons with a backslash makes the search work correctly.
So in your case you would need to search for "CustLedgerAccounts\:\:sumAccount".
The search uses regular expressions in the syntax defined by the match function.
Colon is a special character, hence it needs to be escaped by a backslash.
For those searching for a fix, you can see where the issue is here and just tweak it if you want to allow specifically for double colons:
[c] \Classes\SysTreeNodeSearch\isNodeInRange #46
if (!match(containingText,source))
return false;

Preventing quotes causing a HttpRequestValidationException

To prevent a HttpRequestValidationException I httpEncode (using a javascript library) my input to send it to the server, where it is httpencoded again and stored. Then process it reversed to get it back, with an extra encode added if it's going into a label.
This seems to work fine but I get a HttpRequestValidationException if I put a single quote into my textbox. The httpEncode changes this to a ' which seems to be what it triggering the validation error. Is there a workaround? I can't afford to turn off page validation at the page level. Also, is this error likely to occur for other characters I haven't yet discovered?
Seems odd that it would choose that as potentially dangerous, when <html> produces no validation problem. Also " encodes to " without a problem.
I've encountered the same problem. Amazing how difficult it is to fix this one.
I've ended up using javascript to replace my apostrophes with a token that I re-replace on the server. I'm posting my code snips below, but these are pretty specific to my situation.
Javascript (Client):
convertedString = originalString.replace(/\'/g, '&apos2;');
ASP.NET (Server):
originalString = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(
).Replace("&apos2;", "'");

Ampersands in URLRewriter Query Strings

I have a query string parameter value that contains an ampersand. For example, a valid value for the parameter may be:
a & b
When I generate the URL that contains the parameter, I'm using System.Web.HTTPUtility.UrlEncode() to make each element URL-friendly. It's (correctly) giving me a URL like:
The problem is that ASP.NET's Request object is interpreting the (encoded) ampersand as a Query String parameter delimiter, and is thus splitting my value into 2 parts (the first has "bar" as the parameter name; the second has a null name).
It appears that ASP.NET is URL-decoding the URL first and then using that when parsing the query string.
What's the best way to work around this?
UPDATE: The problem hinges on URLRewriter (a third-party plugin) and not ASP.NET itself. I've changed the title to reflect this, but I'll leave the rest of the question text as-is until I find out more about the problem.
i am with you in the same boat, i have spent like hours and hours trying to figure out what is the problem, and as you said it is a bug in both, as normal links that contain weird characters or UTF-8 code characters are parsed fine by asp.net.
i think we have to switch to MVC.routing
Update: man you wont believe it, i have found the problem it is so strange, it is with IIS,
try to launch your page from visual studio Dev server and Unicode characters will be parsed just fine, but if you launch the page from IIS 7 it will give you the ???? characters.
hope some body will shade some light here
I would have thought that %26 and '&' mean exactly the same thing to the web server, so its the expected behavior. Urlencode is for encoding URLs, not encoding query strings.
... hang on ...
Try searching for abc&def in google, you'll get:
So your query string is correct, %26 is a literal ampersand. Hmm you're right, sounds like a bug. How do you go with an & instead of the %26 ?
Interesting reading:
Switching to UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewrite did not help, as it apparently has the same bug. I'm thinking it might have something to do with ASP.NET after all.
I think URLRewriter has a problem with nameless parameters (null name).
I had a similar problem. When I gave my nameless parameter a (dummy) name, everything worked as expected.
