When would I use Server.Transfer over PostBackURL? - asp.net

Or vice versa.
Hmm, let's assume I have a shopping cart app, the user clicks on the Checkout button.
The next thing I want to do is send the user to a Invoice.aspx page (or similar). When the user hits checkout, I could Button.PostBackURL = "Invoice.aspx"
or I could do
(I also changed the title since the method is called Transfer and not TransferURL)

Server.TransferURL will not result
in a roundtrip of HTTP
request/response. The address bar
will not update, as far as the
browser knows it has received only
one document. Server.Transfer also retains execution context, so the script "keeps going" as opposed to "starts anew".
PostbackURL ensures an
HTTP request, resulting in a
possibly different URL and of course
incurring network latency costs.
Usually when you are attempting to "decide between the two" it means you are better off using PostbackURL.
Feel free to expand your question with specifics and we can look at your precise needs.

Here is a good breakdown between the two:
Server.Transfer vs Response.Redirect

Server.Transfer is done entirely from the server. Postback is initiated from the client for posting form contents and postback url identifies the page to post to.
Maybe you meant to compare with Response.Redirect, which forces the client to submit a new request for a new url.


Difference between IsPostBack, IsCallback and IsCrossPagePostBack in ASP.NET

Can someone point me to a link which explains difference between IsPostBack, IsCallback and IsCrossPagePostBack in ASP.NET?
I have googled but didn’t get exact information.
Found below link for difference between IsPostBack, IsCallback.
What is the difference between Page.IsPostBack and Page.IsCallBack?
1) IsPostBack: "A postback is a request sent from a client to server from the same page, user is already working with." ASP.NET was introduced with a mechanism to post an HTTP POST request back to the same page. It’s basically posting a complete page back to server (i.e. sending all of its data) on same page. So, the whole page is refreshed.
2) IsCallBack: “A callback is generally a call for execution of a function after another function has completed.” But if we try to differentiate it from a postback then we can say: It’s a call made to the server to receive specific data instead of whole page refresh like a postback. In ASP.NET, its achieved using AJAX, that makes a call to server and updating a part of the page with specific data received.
3) IsCrossPagePostBack: “Gets a value indicating whether the page is involved in a cross-page postback or not." It's a different feature from "IsPostBack" and "IsCalBack" because It's generally used when we need to get the data from previous page
Reference Link

How a browser can reach the server without doing postback?

i've been asked this question and id not know the answer.
Thanks for any help!
Postback is a term used often in ASP.NET when a WebForm POSTs the single form back to the server and invokes some event in the code behind (like a click on a button for example). You could still use normal GET requests though to redirect to a given web page. For example you could use an anchor:
Go to page 2
When the user clicks on the anchor there is no postback occuring but a GET request to the target web page.
Another possibility is the user typing directly the address of the web page in his browser address bar.
Yet another possibility is to use javascript to perform an AJAX request which allows to invoke a web page without redirecting away from the current page. You could use any HTTP verb with AJAX.
We can use javascript code to do some function without postback. This will save the time for the request and response to the server. But this client side. you can't reach the server without posting back.But my mean you can do functionality by javascript which does not postback the page.
Hope it may help.
If you like to categories the call to the server you can say that there are two types.
The GET and the POST
The POST is the post back and are the parameters that you send using a form
and the GET that are the parameters that you can send from the url.
More about:
but I think the interview question was about the Ajax call, and this is probably what they try to see if you know, how to use Ajax to reach the server with javascript and not make postback. But you need to know that Ajax can make POST back, but this is done with out leave the page, with out make a full page post back.

What is the alternative to Response.Redirect() asp.net?

Hi One of the tips in "website performance tips" in various blogs says "Avoid Redirects". In my case, I am using Response.Redirect for the same page. I am passing a querystring and displaying appropriate information to the user.
Response.Redirect("FinalPage.aspx?NextID=" + ID);
So in our business logic, i am reloading the same page with different information.
So how do i avoid redirect? Is there any other alternative? BTW, my aim is to gain some performance there.
Redirect is the R in the PRG pattern which is an accepted pattern for processing posted requests. So it is definitely not evil.
However, there used to be a common interview question: "What is the difference between Server.Redirect() and Server.Transfer() and which one must be used?". People used to say Transfer because it did not involve a round-trip but web has changed so much since then. In those days you could not re-use the the common logic in the views unless you use Transfer or Redirect, but nowadays especially with ASP NET MVC there are tons of a ways to do that.
In your case, I am all for PRG and I believe redirect is semantically more correct. Also it prevents the form being re-submited if user clicks F5 or refresh.
The recommendation is for unnecessary redirects.
Your case is different - you are passing in information to the page, this is not strictly the same thing as a regular redirect (i.e. a page that moved).
You can also do a Server.Transfer, which does not require a new request to come in, thus lessening the load on the server. More information comparing the two is here.
In your case, you do want to do a Redirect because you are modifying the query string and changing something on the page, as opposed to shifting processing of the initial request to another page.
The main "evil" if it could be called such is that redirects require an extra round trip; the client requests one page (usually the same page, specifying that a particular button was clicked), and the server responds saying "request this page instead", and the browser then complies, resulting in the server actually serving up the next page.
It's sometimes necessary to do this, however there are now much better ways to control navigation in a website. For instance, instead of a "form" button that causes a postback and redirect, you could use a LinkButton that will behave like a hyperlink, allowing the browser to request the new page directly. You could also use a MultiView that shows different ASCXs, and control navigation by view-flipping (however, understand that this can have its own performance implications, especially when using them in a nested fashion).
I think if you want to redirect to same page then instead of doing Response.Redirect("FinalPage.aspx?NextID=" + ID); you could use NextID in ViewState also or Hidden Field so that you would not required to redirect SAME page and then check that hidden field or viewstate instead of checking QueryString

Can a control blindly proxy another URL, including PostBack?

It is possible to have a control that would proxy requests to another domain/Web site, including postback?
In this control, you would specify the URL you wanted to execute, and whenever the control executed, it would make a GET request to this other URL, and render the HTML return. (This part is not hard.)
However, when the page is posting back, it would make a POST request, with all of its postback variables intact, to this other page.
I'm really looking for a blind proxy. Some control that will take the incoming request and throw it another URL, and render the results. The other page would really have no idea it wasn't interacting with a human.
I want to think I could develop this, but I can't be the first person who wants to do it, so there has to be some reason why Google isn't revealing the solution to me. I suspect I'm going to run into the same Big Problem that anyone else with this idea has run into.
I'm not exactly sure what the value of this is; which is probably why you haven't found a solution yet.
However, it seems to me that there are two possible solutions.
When the page is rendered have the control modify the form action to point elsewhere; or,
on post back, have the control execute a web request to the alternate URL with the post variables and decide what to do with the results at that time.
In this end, this never had much of a chance of working. I experimented with it for a while, but Postback requires intimate knowledge of the control tree, and there's no way that you're going to be able to apply a postback from the calling page to the other page and have it overlay correctly because the control trees between the two pages are totally different.
Now, if you wanted to write the backend app as a more traditional Web app (even something not in ASP.Net), it might work. During postback, you could iterate the Request.Form values and send them back, and just have your backend app prepared to accept those incoming values and deal with them, but this wouldn't be a traditional postback.

can i repost or carry POST data (if so, can i do it with redirects?)

I want to redirect the user to another page to fill out a captcha but i would like to keep the post data, and if the captcha pass to send it 'back' and complete the previous page action.
When/if the user succeeds i like to add an captchaPass=true and would like access the post data and continue processing. Right now i am using redirects but ATM i am not required to use it.
Is it possible to carry the post data? keep in mind i may the user access multiple pages so separating data and not having a mixup is necessary.
One idea is to get and save all posted data [1] on the captcha page, and then recreate a middle white page with this form data and automatically make a new post to the previous page.
Can this work with out any issues with hash checks and security ?
Is there a better idea with out this white redirect page ?
[1] One other issue here, how to send this posted data with the redirect ? and not change the url - or make it too big to accept it. Keep in mine that a server transfer may not good idea because is complicate the thinks on captach post back.
Update 1
The basic idea here is how some one capture the full post back of a page, show a different one page and then send the post back data to the original first one.
The reason is to stop a bad user, or an attacker bot program that try to bring down the pages/server by making many post back from different pages in short time. All that happens with out javascript, and most attackers use custom made programs that just make post of data to all page together try to bring down the system.
For example, if a page have a search box, is very easy for most of the the site to bring them down by start making hundred of random search with wildcard (called and Dos Attacks using SQL wildcards) and make the sql server and the computer spend his time and cpu to search and search thinks. So to prevent an attack like this you need to recognize multiple post backs from the same computer, and then the next step is to redirect him to a captcha page to block him out in case that is a computer program.
Other example, many page have email submit, very easy you can submit hundred times the email of his and full his mail box in no time with hundred of emails, or on a store to place all items on the cart again and again and full the database with stuff like that.
So ajax and javascript is not working in this case, and we need a way to redirect him after the post back to a page that can check if is a real user or an attacker and stop him - but if is a real user must return back to his normal action.
Update 2
This all must be done in a general way, eg on BasePage, or on Global.asax or somewhere that is independed from the content of any page. Because we try to prevent a DoS attack, or multiple submit anywhere on any random place of any random page.
Yes I know how you can place a captcha on the contact page, but this is not what this question was first asked for - this questions asked how can carry post data to one different page, keep them there and then resend them back to the original one.
The obvious solution is to read all post back, and save them on the form, and then read them back and make on fly a form only with that data and make the post back. Here I am asking if there are any other better than this solution.
Other Applications
There is also the case that a user is inside a page that request authentication, but the authentication ticket has expired, and the user make post back. In this case we need to keep somewhere all the posted back data, to proceed with the login page, and resend them back to the first page that request the authentication.
Sure, just write the form data out to the captcha page in hidden elements with the additional captcha fields added to the form. Have your submit action post the whole thing back to the original. Using ASP.NET it's probably easier to have the captcha written to the same page with the form fields hidden, but you can do cross-page postbacks as I've described above.
Cross Page Posting might help you.
Why not implement the CAPTCHA with AJAX? Load the captcha object and form with Javascript in a div perhaps displayed lightbox style, accept the user input and post it to your server for validation, hence continue with the users post request or keep them there until they get it right (or cancel).
A more specific situation example:
Give the form submittal button an onClientClick value of some Javascript function. This function decides if this particular form needs a CAPTCHA. If it does it loads an interface for taking the CAPTCHA (which you'd need to do with some server-side code) and inserts the CAPTCHA's input element to the form that the user clicked to submit.
Once the user has entered the CAPTCHA input and clicks some button whose click event is bound to return to your first JS function, the Javascript intercepts this action and posts the full form, all the data from the original form and the CAPTCHA for validation. Your server script can now process all this at once!
This is the best solution I can think of that works similar to how you've asked, but I can't imagine why you want to perform the CAPTCHA on a different page.
Server.Transfer with MultiViews, Panels like control is fine with you? In this way, no need to bother about the Data Maintenance and Postbacks. You can do the validations in javascript.
You can keep both functionality in the same page to avoid moving data from one page to another page/Bring the data back to original page. You can utilize Session for this intermediate operation. Set it back to associated controls across Postback. You can create a class, Instantiate it and Initialize the control values in this class object. Save class object in Session. On Postback, You can reassign the values to the associated controls. This will definitely keep the things simple and without much complexity.
Doubts ?
