How do I pop up an image in a separate div on mouse-over using CSS only? - css

I have a small gallery of thumbnails. When I place my mouse pointer over a thumbnail image I'd like to have a full size image pop up in a div in the top right of the screen. I've seen this done using just CSS and I'd like to go down that route rather than use javascript if possible.

Pure CSS Popups2, from the same site that brings us Complexspiral. Note that this example is using actual navigational links as the rolled-over element. If you don't want that, it may cause some stickiness regarding versions of IE.
The basic technique is to stick each image inside a link tag with an actual href (Otherwise some IE versions will neglect :hover)
Text <img class="popup" src="pic.gif" />
and position it cleverly using absolute position. Hide the image initially
a img.popup { display: none }
and then on the link rollover, set it up to appear.
a:hover img.popup { display: block }
That's the basic technique, but there are always going to be major positioning limitations since the image tag dwells inside the link tag. See the link for details; he uses something a little more tricky than display: none to hide the image.

CSS Playground uses pure CSS for this type of thing, one of the demos is surely to help you and as it's all CSS just view source to learn - you probably want to use the :hover pseudo class but there are limitations to it depending on your browser targeting.

Eric Meyer's Pure CSS Popups 2 demo sounds similar enough to what you want.

Here are a few examples:
CSS Image gallery
Cross Browser Multi-Page Photograph Gallery
A CSS-only Image Gallery: Explained
A CSS-only Image Gallery: Example
This last one acts upon click. Just to be complete in behaviours.


How to have rollover state change on website logo

I am currently using a squarespace template and am wondering how to inject a code that causes a rollover state change on my logo. All I want it to do is change to the neon green color that is a part of my theme when hovering over. The link to my website is
I have tried looking for a solution via squarespace and no one has helped me so far.
This can be accomplished using custom css. But, because squarespace templates tend to vary quite a bit, you will probably have to do a little research to figure it out.
There are a variety of ways to inject custom css into your squarespace site. I'll illustrate 2 of them.
Affecting your entire site - In your squarespace admin dashboard, go to Design -> Custom CSS. This will open a side panel with a large text box where you can enter css code.
Affecting just a single page - Open the page you want to be affected. In the hierarchy panel of pages, hover over your page and you will see the gear icon. Click on that to open the settings panel for the entire page. Click on the Advanced tab and this will open a text box for css code.
The code you will enter will be the same in either place, with a small modification for the single page option.
You will need to know what your template calls your logo. If you are lucky, your logo image will have it's own consistent id or unique class. (Looking at your site, you aren't lucky and yours doesn't.) We can use that id or class to directly affect the image.
Let's say your image class was "Header-branding-logo" (that's what mine is). Your code will look like this:
.Header-branding-logo:hover {
content: url(https://the-url-to-your-alternative-logo-hosted-on-squarespace);
That's if you are editing the css for the entire site. If you are doing page-specific editing in the advance tab you have to enclose it in <style></style>:
.Header-branding-logo:hover {
content: url(https://the-url-to-your-alternative-logo-hosted-on-squarespace);
If your logo has an id instead of a class, you can do the same, but instead of the class, you will use #id:
#block-a-bunch-of-id-numbers:hover{ ... }
If you aren't lucky enough to have your logo id'd, you will need to use a combination of Attribute Selectors and Complex Selectors.
First, find a valid, constant id or class. BTW, this is an id that does not start with "yui-" or "block_yui-". Don't use ids that start with those.
On your website's template, you have a class called "logo-image". That's probably a good place to start. Starting from there you 'describe' the path to your image.
.logo-image > a > img:hover{ ... }
Inside the <div> (marked with the 'logo-image' class) is an <a> and inside the <a> is your <img>. So that's the path.
How do you get that path? The easiest way for me is in chrome, right click on the logo image and choose "Inspect". That will open the inspector from which you can examine your site's structure.
If you can't find a good class or id, you have the option of using an Attribute Selector. Find a block somewhere above your image with a unique attribute. Something like
You can use that attribute as your anchor point.
[data-content-field="site-title"] > div > a > img:hover { ... }
Lots of ways to accomplish the task. It's kind of fun to figure out. (Remember, stay away from those "yui-" ids!)
What actually happens when you hover the image is it swaps out the current code/image with new code/different image. That being said, in the css you need to specify the replacement. If the logo is a static image, I would recommend creating the logo using the hover color (in this case - neon green). Then set the hover event property to swap the default logo image with the hover image.
This link may help you with the :hover event property: w3schools - CSS :hover selector

How to put image div container over another div container?

I'm new to wordpress and website building. Just bought a theme and faced an issue.
I want to put my image over accordion div container. How I can do that? My theme has content building option, but as far as I know it doesn't support creating layers feature (nor any other content builder plugins, like this or this
I would really appreciate any kind of help!
If you find a way to customize the CSS, this should do the trick: {
position: absolute;
z-index:  2;
The property position:absolute allows you to position the image freely using the CSS properties top, left, right and bottom.
z-index:2 makes sure, that the image is in front of the accordion.
Turns out that there is one more problem: since the image overlaps the accordion, the overlapped areas are not clickable anymore. To solve this problem, you can use the CSS property pointer-events:none. But beware! This is not supported by IE and Opera. You may need to find a workaround for these browsers.
Browser Compatibility Table:
Article about the Property:

Simple horizontal content slider / scroller only with CSS?

Click this link to see my concept image regarding the subject:
Hi! Is it possible to do such custom "sliders" for overflowing content without the default Scrollers? It doesn't matter how the actual transition goes (could work just like the regular horizontal scrollbar for i care, just without the ugly default gray buttons/bar). Preferably i would like to do it just with CSS, but if not, i'll consider other ways to do it aswell. Or i'll just simply create another page to the remaining images.
You can get rid of the scrollbars by setting
in CSS, which will "clip" the DIV contents.
I don't think there is a pure CSS way to scroll it. That is easily doable with jQuery.ScrollTo - just bind hover() or click() events to your arrow icons.
Take a look at this site, I believe it will be of some use to you. It's what I've used in the past:

How to create color full rounded corner navigation menu using css

In How to create color full rounded corner navigation menu using css and whenever user click on parent node then all the child node wiil be display and color of the parent node will be change.
CSS Rounded corners are done using the border-radius style. It's widely supported in all browsers now, but you may need to add some vendor prefixes to support older versions of browsers.
IE8 and lower does not support border-radius at all, but can be made to do so using various hacks, of which CSS3Pie is by far the best. (IE9 does support it just fine though)
For menus that change colour and drop down the submenu when you mouse-over, you can use the :hover CSS selector.
So something like this:
.menu {background-color:red;}
.menu:hover {background-color:blue;}
Of course there's more to it than that, especially when you're talking about drop-down menus, but that's the basic stylesheet functionality you need to know.
There's a whole bunch of tutorials for this on the web, but this looks like a good one:
If you want to do it on click rather than hover, you might find you have do some of the work with Javascript rather than pure CSS.
Use ajax Rounded Corners or you can use rounded images. There are loads of jquery dropdown menus available on net

Is this a "valid" css image replacement technique?

I just came up with this, it seems to work in all modern browsers, I just tested it then on (IE8/compatibility, Chrome, Safari, Moz)
<img id="my_image" alt="my text" src="images/small_transparent.gif" />
image alt text is best-practice for accessibility/seo
no extra HTML markup, and the css is pretty minimal too
gets around the css on/images off issue where "text-indent" techniques hide text from low bandwidth users
The biggest disadvantage that I can think of is the css off/images on situation, because you'll only send a transparent gif.
I'd like to know, who uses images without stylesheets? some kind of mobile phone or something?
I'm making some sites for clients in regional Australia (hundreds of km from the nearest city), where many users will be suffering from dial-up connections, and often outdated browsers too, so the "images off" issue is an important consideration.
are there any other side effects with this technique that I haven't considered?
edit: Just wanted to add the extra info that I'd use this over a normal image tag because
A. I can use css-sprites
B. I can generate css with php that alternates background-image sources between different sub-domains using a single array
C. I like the way that resizing the image now doesn't stretch or distort it so it behaves like everything else on the page.
What is wrong with normal image tags? img tags are meant to be used when your content has images in it, and CSS shouldn't take any part in what the actual content is. On the other hand, presentational images should be set as background-images to divs and such and then handled via CSS so that they don't interfere with the content and structural markup.
There's no scenario where you'd need to do something like that.
If you want an image replacement technology that degrades gracefully when CSS is off, you can use the old faithful text-indent technique:
#element {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: image(pic.jpg);
text-indent: -9999px;
<div id="element">This text will show if CSS is off, otherwise an image is displayed.</div>
Tatu is right, though you don't seem to need indent. Just put the image you want as the src of img. Then you get text when images are off (and note that alt text can styled using CSS on img), and have the image displayed when they are being fetched.
The big thing about 'image replacement methods' is because people want the text out of the alt attribute when you are styling headings so they get search-indexed correctly. img on its own though will do the job without any CSS or additional markup.
Well I use this kind of technique in h1/h2 tags when clients want strange fonts. Heres how I do it
Works in all browser as far as I know.
