How to force my 2.0 app to recompile -

I have a 2.0 app and I have made some changes the the source file ( cs files ). I uploaded the changes with the belief that it would auto-recompile. I also have the compiled dll in MY_APP/bin. I checked it and noticed that it did not recompile. Please understand I am new to this.

my #1 way to do this, add white space to the top of the web config file, after the xml declaration tag.
It forces the node to re-cache and recompile. We even have a page deep in the admin called Flush.aspx that does it for us.

I use a similar method to ChanChan, but instead of whitespace I put a comment in the web.config to indicate when/why the config was edited.

It's always best to just actually run a build after making .cs changes.
Where are you running it? Is this for debugging or production?

In VS menu you have Build -> Rebuild Solution


Can't change the css in SuiteCRM

I am working on SuiteCRM, and i want to change the CSS of my website in order to personalize it but there is an issue.
When i am changing the "style.css" of the SuiteP Theme, the pages aren't changing at all. Here is my question:
Does someone know how to change the css of this CRM and can help me to fix it ?
Thanks a lot
Make sure that your active theme is "SuiteP".
You need to know that SuiteCRM store things inside "cache" folder and you are doing changes without refreshing cache files. Cache files location will be cache/themes/SuiteP/css/style.css. So for quick changes, you can use browser developer tools.
Moreover, if you change core style.css then empty cache directory and (hard)refresh your browser. If cache files don't exist then Suite will build new using core file.
Like Star previously mentioned, Suite does cache the CSS.
Though, if you're not updating the SASS file, and just updating the CSS directly, your changes will be temporary for when the CRM next re-builds the CSS (I believe this is part of the Repair and Rebuild process in the admin section), your changes will be lost as the CSS file constructed from the style.scss file.
I'd recommend installing sass (via a gem or other means, however you choose), making changes to the scss then recompiling the css (or watching for changes if working locally, which I hope you are for working with Suite) when you've applied your changes.
If you still don't experience changes, try a repair and re-build or delete the cache directory and let it recompile on the next page load.
there are 2 options:
change core file and then delete cache contents. Refresh your page twice.
made changes in cache file. Make sure developer mood is off. Once you are done then copy it core file.
Create a new subfolder CUSTOM, copy the CSS files that are under suiteP (or the current theme) into the new custom. copy the whole path with folders, even if the folders are empty.
So the new path for the sytle.css with be /costum/theme/....../css/sytle.css
Change the file under the custom folder. The previous answers are not correct. This is well documented under the suite CRM docs.
Sometimes it doesn't work. Try next steps:
SuiteCRM better to use in development mode.
Not always the cache files deleting works for me. Better to use the tool in Admin panel - Quick Repair.
Sometimes good to clear browser cache (in dev mode reload a page by right clicking the refresh button).

ASP.NET MVC 5 Cannot Add Controller

Just wanted to add to the body of knowledge. I was confounded, trying many solutions, when I couldn't add a controller to just one MVC project. I was getting the error:
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'The parameter is incorrect [...] '
Answer below...
It turned out to be very obvious, but since it wasted my time, here you go:
I had saved my web.config file using Save as... to another location as a backup before making changes. The project was tracking the saved copy instead of the one in the project. It looked the same in the Solution Explorer, of course. Remove, add existing, et voila.
I solved this by Excluding the Web.Config from the project and then Including it in the project
It's a simple close your web.config file(or any system file) and try again. It will work.

Does changing code of aspx in published website works?

I have a published website and I need to change only the ViewPage(.aspx) code that is giving me an error. If I change that viewpage will it be ok or will I have to publish the website again? If there is no need to publish the website, does it work for css, javascript/jquery files?
If you are only changing visual elements (or in line code that don't rely on a new Project.dll being created) then there is no need to publish the website as long as you are updating the files on the server. If you want VS to send the files to the server for you then you will need to re-publish it.
Publishing is an easy way to build your project, package it and send it to the server so you don't have to mess about with individual files. If you just want to change one file, be it .js , .css or alike then you can just change it.
Depends on what you're changing...
If you're changing elements that have a direct impact with the codebehind in the aspx.cs, then you'll get a runtime error. For instance, suppose you have an aspx textbox and you change the textbox to a radiobutton, or you change the textbox's id field then you'll have to compile the solution and publish the visual page along with the dll to the server.
If, on the other hand, you're just changing css, javascript, or html, and you're sure that does not have an impact on the codebehind, then you can just publish the visual page.
If you change the code of views, then you don't need to publish the site again. If you change code behind then you must publish the dll. When you change the code the dll of your project changes.

ASP web.config exclude bin folder on publishing

It is my first experience with I have some large dll in my bin that never change and I would like to exclude them from publishing every time I make small changes to the pages. I know I need to add a section in my web.config but I do not know where and what to write in it to exclude the bin folder.
I already looked at few similar question on SO but none of them are really giving a clear answer to my need.
This is my web.config in which I have already added successfully the connection string for the production server and the error mode to have some feedback about errors during deployement phase.
Few lines of code to direct me on what to change will be appreciated.
To exclude any file from being copied; you can control this behavior by adding that file to your project; Once you add that file, you will see it in your Solution Explorer Right click on file and choose Properties . On the property page there is a Property called 'Copy to Output Directory' use that.

Can I alter an aspx.vb file on the fly on a live website?

I need to know if it recompiles my site at all or if there are any issues doing this. I have tested the changes locally and in a test environment and I don't want to do a full deployment for one tiny change. I'm just not familiar with aspx.vb files and how they interact with a website.
The short answer is yes, it will cause the page to be dynamically recompiled. Dependencies could cause the entire site to be recompiled.
For more information read this MSDN article: Understanding ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation. The "Recompiling on Change" section addresses your question.
You can modify an .aspx.vb file and drop it into its respective location on the server, overwriting the existing file, and it will be dynamically compiled due to the change. However, if you were referring to having code that changed .vb file content on the fly, that sounds like a bad idea and you should reconsider your problem and approach.
