KVM and Linux wireless bridging? [closed] - networking

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm using KVM to run a Windows virtual machine on my Linux box. Networking is accomplished through a tap device, hooked into a bridged Ethernet device, which allows the Windows VM to basically appear like a separate physical computer on my network. This is pretty nice.
However, my understanding is that most, if not all, wireless drivers can't support bridging. I'd really like to be able to roam a little more freely while I'm working -- does anyone know of an effective workaround?
User-mode networking won't work, as I have to use some Windows VPN software that wants lower-level networking access.

I assume that you could configure your Windows guest to use the host as its default gateway, and set up NAT via the wireless interface on the host. So the signal flow would look like this:
Windows software opens connections to a host on the internets.
Windows routes the packet via the default gateway, i.e. the host Linux system.
Linux does NAT magic and routes the packet via its normal routing table (which should use a default gateway via the wireless interface).
I have never tried this in combination with bridging though.

Other, related questions like this one seem to indicate it is simply a limitation of many wireless drivers. There are a few for Linux that will do bridging, but one would have to plan to build that into their system from day one.

Why it should be a problem to setup host linux system to use WLAN and then us this connection as default gateway for local/internal bridge and all VMs are pluged into it? Ok, simple NAT has to be configured but what ist actually the point?


Voip over Isabella vm [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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In a working VoIP setup i want to replace the PC(Isabella) with new virtual machine(Isabella ready) on a new server(connected to new switch) using esxi 7
PC is connected to a router right now.
There is a few vm on the server and i think it is better to have a separate network on esxi for voip.
My difficulty is how to connect router to server and network setup.
Shall I connect router to server directly or to the physical switch?
I have to define a new vswitch for this?
How should be the esxi network config?
Any help and guide or address appreciated
I'll give you a hint in this question.
You need to understand the basics about physical world and virtual world.
You have to connect router > switch > server (esxi). It's recommend that use two physical nic on ESXI servers. For performance and security use VLANs for different traffic, you should configure this options on router and switch (l2 administrable switch). Check if your hardware has this options.
At virtual world, you'll have vswitch0 that map your physical nic. Inside this switch you would create your network stack. You don't need to create separate switch for every nic, also It's not recommend, use at least two nic for each vswitch.
VMkernels will handle esxi management like DCUI, vmotion, vsan, iscsi, HA and FT. Port Groups will handle VLAN Traffic for your VMs. So, at this point you should create a separate VLAN for your VOIP VM.
Please check VMware documentation for more details. Hope this comment help you understand basics.

NMAP? - Determine whether host is on WiFi vs Ethernet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a method to determine whether a host (on your LAN) is on WiFi vs Ethernet using nmap or any other tool? I am OK with fuzzy guesses as well.
tl;dr No, there is none
Long answer:
There is no way to find out what kind of connection other PC on your network is using(without physically accessing it ofc).
Those things are abstracted on network. You can sniff traffic on transport layer by Wireshark and see there is no data on interfaces being transported.
An option:
You can learn a physical network interface vendor by sniffing traffic.
Wireshark can guess those, because vendors have their own MAC address prefixes. And if it's some company which is making wireless interfaces only, you can hit a jackpot. It's not even close to being a bulletproof method though.
Nmap may be used to look for open ports. There might be a chance that you can deduce which software server is running by getting info on ports, but I can hardly imagine you will find anything wlan/eth specific.

Does my switch update its router table automatically [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a HP ProCurve switch, I recently added 2 new machines to the network, which I had to assign the IP addresses to manually. Now using these 2 machines I can ping my current machine and other machines on the network, however if I try to ping those 2 machines from my current machine (or others on the network) it does not go through. So my thoughts are that the router table has not updated so that's why I can't ping them from machines that have been on this router.
(Not too sure, not enough knowledge yet)
At least I think so. My question is does the Router Table update it's information automatically?
Assuming your HP Procurve is acting only as a switch, then the Routing Table should not be your problem. A switch does not route IPs, a switch is concerned with routing packets via their layer-2 addresses (MAC addresses). The switch determined which physical port is connected to a device with a MAC address, and when it gets a packet addressed to that MAC address, it sends the packet out that port. The mapping on port to destination mac address is stored in a CAM table inside the switch. This is very different from a routing table that maps IP address ranges to physical interfaces.
What is probably happening is that ARP is not resolving. ARP binds layer 3 IPs to layer 2 MACs in a local network. This can be cause for a few reasons. The first thing i would look into is if the switch has VLANs enabled. This makes the switch act like multiple isolated switches. After that you may need to look at your computers ARP tables to make sure they are correct. The arping command will be useful.

how to connect multiple virtual machines in LAN [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am having three virtual machines with different linux distros installed on it(oracle virtualbox).I just wanted to know if there is any way to connect these three machins in LAN.if so how to do it in vmware and virtualbox?
In Vmware you have the option to create another network for your viritual machine (seperate from your local network). This is called Network Address Translation, in short NAT. What it does in simple terms is that it directs traffic from the internet to the correct pc in the local network. Your computer then becomes the router for your viritual machines. It also can act as a DCHP server that gives out IP addresses to your VMs only.
Here is an example:
As you can see here your viritual machines (VM) get internet access from your computer. Your computer acts similary to your normal router. Keep in mind if you want to connect from one of the computers on the local network, you have to do some port forwarding on your computer.
To do this look under network adapter settings in Vmware.
Hope this helped

Communication between private IP addresses over the Internet [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Suppose we have messenger like GTalk, Skype etc running on two different PCs(A and B) which have private IP addresses but connected to Internet through some ISP. The two PCs could be located in different parts of the world. Now its possible to send messages and make VoIP calls between A and B.
This obviously uses server for communication establishment. For text messages it could be routed through the server to reach A and B.
But for VoIP calls, I believe initial establishment would be taking help of server and later VoIP data would flow directly between A and B. Now, A and B both have private IP addresses.
So my question is how is it possible to communicate between A and B directly over the Internet who have private IP addresses ?
Is there any specific standard for this ? I am not talking about VoIP standard like RTP etc but the mechanism to communicate over Internet using private IP addresses. In other words, I simply have a TCP client and TCP server running on A and B respectively. How can TCP client reach TCP server ?
I would like to know if messengers like GTalk, Yahoo, Skype and many of the Android applications like Viber, Kakoa talk, WhatsApp etc use any specific standard for this. And I have seen that these work almost always, calls between A and B work, located anywhere in the world.
It would be nice if somebody can share the architecture and the concepts involved.
[I did read about concepts like STUN and hole punching. But I don't see any specific way. And there is no guarantee that these would work depending on the NAT behavior]
Thank you.
