Pointer to Pointer Managed C++ - pointers

I have an old C library with a function that takes a void**:
oldFunction(void** pStuff);
I'm trying to call this function from managed C++ (m_pStuff is a member of the parent ref class of type void*):
oldFunction( static_cast<sqlite3**>( &m_pStuff ) );
This gives me the following error from Visual Studio:
error C2440: 'static_cast' : cannot convert from 'cli::interior_ptr' to 'void **'
I'm guessing the compiler is converting the void* member pointer to a cli::interior_ptr behind my back.
Any advice on how to do this?

EDIT: Fixed answer, see below.
Really you need to know what oldFunction is going to be doing with pStuff. If pStuff is a pointer to some unmanaged data you can try wrapping the definition of m_pStuff with:
#pragma unmanaged
void* m_pStuff
#pragma managed
This will make the pointer unmanaged which can then be passed into unmanaged functions. Of course you will not be able to assign any managed objects to this pointer directly.
Fundamentally unmanaged and managed pointers are not the same and can't be converted without some sort of glue code that copies the underlying data. Basically managed pointers point to the managed heap and since this is garbage collected the actual memory address they point to can change over time. Unmanaged pointers do not change the memory address without you explicitly doing so.
Scratch that, you can't define unmanaged / managed inside a class definition. But this test code seems to work just fine:
// TestSol.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
#pragma unmanaged
void oldFunction(void** pStuff)
#pragma managed
ref class Test
void* m_test;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
Test^ test = gcnew Test();
void* pStuff = test->m_test;
test->m_test = pStuff;
return 0;
Here I copy the pointer out of the managed object first and then pass that in by to the oldFunction. Then I copy the result (probably updated by oldFunction) back into the managed object. Since the managed object is on the managed heap, the compiler won't let you pass a reference to the pointer contained in that object as it may move when the garbage collector runs.

Thanks for the advice, the pointer is to an C style abstract structure which I think if I leave that structure exposed to the managed code is going to cause further pain due to its lack of defined structure. So what I think I will do is wrap the C library in C++ and then wrap the C++ wrapper with managed C++, which will prevent exposing those C structures to managed code.


Does CFBridgingRelease restore ownership to preexisting references without direct assignment?

If I have the following code:
// objective C++ code .mm
id<MTLTexture> texture = ...;
void* ptr = (void*)CFBridgingRetain(texture);
[texture do_stuff]; // is this valid?
// native code .cpp
void share_ptr_with_native(void* ptr)
Will texture be valid and retained by ARC again after the call to share_ptr_with_native()?
Other than various errors in your code snippet, yes, the line in question is valid. ARC continues to maintain its own strong reference to object while it's still in use in the top code, in addition to the one that you become responsible for. CFBridgingRetain() has a +1 effect on the retain count of the object, hence "retain" in its name.
Even everything said is right, it would be nicer if you change your
CFRelease(ptr) .
__bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain casts an Objective-C pointer to a Core Foundation pointer and also transfers ownership to you.
You are responsible for calling CFRelease or a related function to relinquish ownership of the object.
Taken from https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFDesignConcepts/Articles/tollFreeBridgedTypes.html.

Poiinters in visual C++

How do I use pointer in visual studio every time I declare a pointer using
int *pointer;
I get a build error leave alone other operations with them. Is there something which must be done to use pointers with VC++
Error code C4101
However when I use the pointer in the code I get an error LNK1168
Edit: issue solved restarting the IDE along with assigning a value to the pointer solves it. Thanks.
C4101 is not an error, but a warning and you get it because you just declared your pointer without referencing something.
So try to initialize the pointer like this:
// Initialize with the null pointer:
int* i = nullptr;
// Or initialize with a valid address:
int ival = 5;
int* ipoint = &ival ;
Anyways, you should think of using references or smart pointers instead of raw pointers.

Qt Signals and Slots with Boost::smart_ptr

So what I am trying to do is use Qt signals and slots to pass around an image through a smart_ptr so that it will delete itself when everything that needs to use the data is done accessing it.
Here is the code I have:
Class A, inherits QObject:
void newImageSent(boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> &image);
Class B, inherits QObject:
public slots:
void newImageRecieved(boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> &image)
// Manipulate Image
Connection Code:
When I try to do the connection is always returns false though, so is there something I am missing?
In a queued connection the signal is queued in the event loop and its parameters are copied.
Therefore the slot is not directly executed.
To make copying possible you have to register the type via qRegisterMetaType, see also here.
Since you are using shared pointers easiest solution would be to transmit them by value, then you would not have to bother with the references as Frank Osterfeld pointed out.
The way you create the connection is string based and as result is easy to get wrong, especially when namespaces are involved.
Using typedef would ease the pain a little and make it easier to spot errors.
For example you could do
typedef boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> ImageDataPtr;
and use ImageDataPtr from then on.
Especially on registering the type as meta type which you have to do since you are using a queued connection.
If you are using Qt5 then you can rely on the new connection syntax which ensures correctness during compilation as it does not rely on string comparisons:
QObject::connect(classAPtr.get(), &A::newImageSent,
classBPtr.get(), &B::newImageRecieved,

What's the point of unique_ptr?

Isn't a unique_ptr essentially the same as a direct instance of the object? I mean, there are a few differences with dynamic inheritance, and performance, but is that all unique_ptr does?
Consider this code to see what I mean. Isn't this:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
void print(int a) {
cout << a << "\n";
int main()
unique_ptr<int> a(new int);
return 0;
Almost exactly the same as this:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
void print(int a) {
cout << a << "\n";
int main()
int a;
return 0;
Or am I misunderstanding what unique_ptr should be used for?
In addition to cases mentioned by Chris Pitman, one more case you will want to use std::unique_ptr is if you instantiate sufficiently large objects, then it makes sense to do it in the heap, rather than on a stack. The stack size is not unlimited and sooner or later you might run into stack overflow. That is where std::unique_ptr would be useful.
The purpose of std::unique_ptr is to provide automatic and exception-safe deallocation of dynamically allocated memory (unlike a raw pointer that must be explicitly deleted in order to be freed and that is easy to inadvertently not get freed in the case of interleaved exceptions).
Your question, though, is more about the value of pointers in general than about std::unique_ptr specifically. For simple builtin types like int, there generally is very little reason to use a pointer rather than simply passing or storing the object by value. However, there are three cases where pointers are necessary or useful:
Representing a separate "not set" or "invalid" value.
Allowing modification.
Allowing for different polymorphic runtime types.
Invalid or not set
A pointer supports an additional nullptr value indicating that the pointer has not been set. For example, if you want to support all values of a given type (e.g. the entire range of integers) but also represent the notion that the user never input a value in the interface, that would be a case for using a std::unique_ptr<int>, because you could get whether the pointer is null or not as a way of indicating whether it was set (without having to throw away a valid value of integer just to use that specific value as an invalid, "sentinel" value denoting that it wasn't set).
Allowing modification
This can also be accomplished with references rather than pointers, but pointers are one way of doing this. If you use a regular value, then you are dealing with a copy of the original, and any modifications only affect that copy. If you use a pointer or a reference, you can make your modifications seen to the owner of the original instance. With a unique pointer, you can additionally be assured that no one else has a copy, so it is safe to modify without locking.
Polymorphic types
This can likewise be done with references, not just with pointers, but there are cases where due to semantics of ownership or allocation, you would want to use a pointer to do this... When it comes to user-defined types, it is possible to create a hierarchical "inheritance" relationship. If you want your code to operate on all variations of a given type, then you would need to use a pointer or reference to the base type. A common reason to use std::unique_ptr<> for something like this would be if the object is constructed through a factory where the class you are defining maintains ownership of the constructed object. For example:
class Airline {
Airline(const AirplaneFactory& factory);
// ...
// ...
void AddAirplaneToInventory();
// Can create many different type of airplanes, such as
// a Boeing747 or an Airbus320
const AirplaneFactory& airplane_factory_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Airplane>> airplanes_;
// ...
void Airline::AddAirplaneToInventory() {
As you mentioned, virtual classes are one use case. Beyond that, here are two others:
Optional instances of objects. My class may delay instantiating an instance of the object. To do so, I need to use memory allocation but still want the benefits of RAII.
Integrating with C libraries or other libraries that love returning naked pointers. For example, OpenSSL returns pointers from many (poorly documented) methods, some of which you need to cleanup. Having a non-copyable pointer container is perfect for this case, since I can protect it as soon as it is returned.
A unique_ptr functions the same as a normal pointer except that you do not have to remember to free it (in fact it is simply a wrapper around a pointer). After you allocate the memory, you do not have to afterwards call delete on the pointer since the destructor on unique_ptr takes care of this for you.
Two things come to my mind:
You can use it as a generic exception-safe RAII wrapper. Any resource that has a "close" function can be wrapped with unique_ptr easily by using a custom deleter.
There are also times you might have to move a pointer around without knowing its lifetime explicitly. If the only constraint you know is uniqueness, then unique_ptr is an easy solution. You could almost always do manual memory management also in that case, but it is not automatically exception safe and you could forget to delete. Or the position you have to delete in your code could change. The unique_ptr solution could easily be more maintainable.

Passing a managed class member to a c++ method

I have a C++ dll with the following method:
//C++ dll method (external)
GetServerInterface(ServerInterface* ppIF /*[OUT]*/)
//The method will set ppIF
//ServerInterface is defined as:
typedef void * ServerInterface;
To access the dll from a C# project, I created a C++/CLI project and declared a managed class as follows:
public ref class ComWrapperManager
ServerInterface _serverInterface;
void Connect();
I use the Connect() method to call GetServerInterface as shown below. The first call works, the second doesn't. Can someone explain why? I need to persist that pointer as a member variable in the managed class. Any better way to do this?
void Connect()
ServerInterface localServerInterface;
GetServerInterface(&localServerInterface); //THIS WORKS
GetServerInterface(&_serverInterface); //THIS DOESNT
//Error 1 error C2664: 'ServerInterface ' :
//cannot convert parameter 1 from //'cli::interior_ptr<Type>'
//to 'ServerInterface *'
You are passing a pointer to a member of a managed object. Such pointers are special, known as interior pointers. They are tracked by the garbage collector, it will modify the pointer value when the managed object is moved when the GC compacts the heap.
Problem is, you are passing that pointer to unmanaged code. The GC is not capable of modifying the copy of the pointer value that the native code is using. Now disaster strikes when another thread triggers a garbage collection, just when the native code is executing and dereferences the pointer. The object no longer exists at the original address. Very, very bad. And extremely hard to diagnose since it is so unlikely to happen.
The compiler can see you making this mistake. And complains with C2664.
The workaround is to pass a pointer that's stored in a memory location that's not going to get moved by the GC. Such a location is very easy to come by, a local variable qualifies. It is stored on the stack, it isn't going to be moved. So make it look like this instead:
void Connect()
ServerInterface temp;
this->_serverInterface = temp;
// etc..
Which you already discovered yourself, just don't forget to assign the class member.
Here's why you can't do the second one: _serverInterface is a void pointer that is part of a managed class. Think about what the garbage collector does... It's allowed to move the managed objects around in memory however it wants, so the address of the void pointer can change from moment to moment. Therefore, it's not valid to use that address.
There are two solutions to this:
As you noted, where you can pass the address of a stack variable to the unmanaged method. Unlike managed objects, the stack doesn't move when the garbage collector does its thing, so the address doesn't change. You can then take the data stored in the stack variable and copy it to the class field, and that works fine, because you're not dealing with the address of it.
As the other answerer noted, you can lock your managed object in memory. Once it can't move, you can take the address of the void pointer field without issue. (He's showing C# syntax where you're looking for C++/CLI syntax. I'm not at a compiler to check, but I believe that the C++/CLI syntax is not the same.)
Of the two solutions, I prefer #1, the one you already have implemented: Solution #2 introduces a block of unmovable memory in the middle of the space that the garbage collector wants to rearrange. Given a choice, I prefer not to hamstring the garbage collector.
