Why should I learn Lisp? [closed] - functional-programming

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Closed 10 years ago.
I really feel that I should learn Lisp and there are plenty of good resources out there to help me do it.
I'm not put off by the complicated syntax, but where in "traditional commercial programming" would I find places it would make sense to use it instead of a procedural language.
Is there a commercial killer-app out there that's been written in Lisp ?

Lisp is a large and complex language with a large and complex runtime to support it. For that reason, Lisp is best suited to large and complicated problems.
Now, a complex problem isn't the same as a complicated one. A complex problem is one with a lot of small details, but which isn't hard. Writing an airline booking system is a complex business, but with enough money and programmers it isn't hard. Get the difference?
A complicated problem is one which is convoluted, one where traditional divide and conquer doesn't work. Controlling a robot, or working with data that isn't tabular (languages, for example), or highly dynamic situations.
Lisp is really well suited to problems where the solution must be expandable; the classic example is the emacs text editor. It is fully programmable, and thus a programming environment in it's own right.
In his famous book PAIP, Norvig says that Lisp is ideal for exploratory programming. That is, programming a solution to a problem that isn't fully understood (as opposed to an on-line booking system). In other words: Complicated problems.
Furthermore, learning Lisp will remind you of something fundamental that has been forgotten: The difference between Von Neumann and Turing. As we know, Turing's model of computation is an interesting theoretical model, but useless as a model for designing computers. Von Neumann, on the other hand, designed a model of how computers and computation were to execute: The Von Neumann model.
Central to the Von Neumann model is that you have but one memory, and store both your code and your data there. Notice carefully that a Java program (or C#, or whatever you like) is a manifestation of the Turing model. You set your program in concrete, once and for all. Then you hope you can deal with all data that gets thrown on it.
Lisp maintains the Von Neuman model; there is no sharp, pre-determined border between code and data. Programming in Lisp opens your mind to the power of the Von Neumann model. Programming in Lisp makes you see old concepts in a new light.
Finally, being interactive, you'll learn to interact with your programs as you develop them (as opposed to compile and run). This also change the way you program, and the way you view programming.
With this intro I can finally offer a reply to your question: Will you find places where it outshines "traditional" languages?
If you are an advanced programmer, you need advanced tools. And there is no tool more advanced than Lisp.
Or, in other words: The answer is yes if your problems are hard. No otherwise.

One of the main uses for Lisp is in Artificial Intelligence. A friend of mine at college took a graduate AI course and for his main project he wrote a "Lights Out" solver in Lisp. Multiple versions of his program utilized slightly different AI routines and testing on 40 or so computers yielded some pretty neat results (I wish it was online somewhere for me to link to, but I don't think it is).
Two semesters ago I used Scheme (a language based on Lisp) to write an interactive program that simulated Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" routine. Input from the user was matched against some pretty complicated data structures (resembling maps in other languages, but much more flexible) to choose what an appropriate response would be. I also wrote a routine to solve a 3x3 slide puzzle (an algorithm which could easily be extended to larger slide puzzles).
In summary, learning Lisp (or Scheme) may not yield many practical applications beyond AI but it is an extremely valuable learning experience, as many others have stated. Programming in a functional language like Lisp will also help you think recursively (if you've had trouble with recursion in other languages, this could be a great help).

In response to #lassevk:

complicated syntax??
The syntax for lisp is incredibly simple.
Killer app written in lisp: emacs. Lisp will allow you to extend emacs at will to do almost anything you can think of that an editor might do.
But, you should only learn lisp if you want to, and you may never get to use at work ever, but it is still awesome.
Also, I want to add: even if you find places where lisp will make sense, you will probably not convince anyone else that it should be used over java, c++, c#, python, ruby, etc.

I can't answer from first-hand experience but you should read what Paul Graham wrote on Lisp. As for the "killer-app" part, read Beating the averages.

I programmed in Lisp professionally for about a year, and it is definitely worth learning. You will have unparalleled opportunity to remove redundancy from your code, by being able to replace all boilerplate code with functions where possible, and macros where not. You will also be able to access unparalleled flexibility at runtime, translating freely between code and data. Thus, situations where user actions can trigger the need to build complex structures dynamically is where Lisp truly shines. Popular airline flight schedulers are written in Lisp, and there is also a lot of CAD/CAM in Lisp.

Lisp is very useful for creating little DSLs. I've got a copy of Lisp in a Box running at work and I've written little DSLs to interrogate SQL server databases and generate data layers etc in C#. All my boiler plate code is now written in lisp macros that output to C#. I generate HTML, XML, all sorts of things with it. While I wish I could use Lisp for everyday coding, Lisp can bring practical benefits.

If you like programming you should learn Lisp for the pure joy of it. XKCD perfectly expresses the intellectual enlightenment that ensues. Learning Lisp is for the programmer what meditation is for the Buddhist monk (and I meant this without any blasphemous connotation).

Any language looks a lot harder when one doesn't use the common indentation conventions of a language. When one follows them of Lisp, one sees how it expresses a syntax-tree structure quite readily (note, this isn't quite right because the preview lies a little; the r's should align with the fns in the recursive quicksort argument):
(defun quicksort (lis)
(if (null lis)
(let* ((x (car lis))
(r (cdr lis))
(fn (lambda (a)
(< a x))))
(append (quicksort (remove-if-not fn
(list x)
(quicksort (remove-if fn

I found that learning a new language, always influences your programming style in languages you already know. For me it always made me think in different ways to solve a problem in my primary language, which is Java. I think in general, it just widens your horizon in term of programming.

I took a "lisp class" in college back in the eighties. Despite grokking all the concepts presented in the class, I was left without any appreciation for what makes lisp great. I'm afraid that a lot of people look at lisp as just another programming language, which is what that course in college did for me so many years ago. If you see someone complaining about lisp syntax (or lack thereof), there's a good chance that they're one of those people who has failed to grasp lisp's greatness. I was one of those people for a very long time.
It wasn't until two decades later, when I rekindled my interest in lisp, that I began to "get" what makes lisp interesting--for me anyway. If you manage to learn lisp without having your mind blown by closures and lisp macros, you've probably missed the point.

Learning LISP/Scheme may not give you any increased application space, but it will help you get a better sense of functional programming, its rules, and its exceptions.
It's worth the time investment just to learn the difference in the beauty of six nested pure functions, and the nightmare of six nested functions with side effects.

From http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/introduction-why-lisp.html
One of the most commonly repeated
myths about Lisp is that it's "dead."
While it's true that Common Lisp isn't
as widely used as, say, Visual Basic
or Java, it seems strange to describe
a language that continues to be used
for new development and that continues
to attract new users as "dead." Some
recent Lisp success stories include
Paul Graham's Viaweb, which became
Yahoo Store when Yahoo bought his
company; ITA Software's airfare
pricing and shopping system, QPX, used
by the online ticket seller Orbitz and
others; Naughty Dog's game for the
PlayStation 2, Jak and Daxter, which
is largely written in a
domain-specific Lisp dialect Naughty
Dog invented called GOAL, whose
compiler is itself written in Common
Lisp; and the Roomba, the autonomous
robotic vacuum cleaner, whose software
is written in L, a downwardly
compatible subset of Common Lisp.
Perhaps even more telling is the
growth of the Common-Lisp.net Web
site, which hosts open-source Common
Lisp projects, and the number of local
Lisp user groups that have sprung up
in the past couple of years.

If you have to ask yourself if you should learn lisp, you probably don't need to.

Learning lisp will put Javascript in a completely different light! Lisp really forces you to grasp both recursion and the whole "functions as first class objects"-paradigm. See Crockfords excellent article on Scheme vs Javascript. Javascript is perhaps the most important language around today, so understanding it better is immensely useful!

"Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot."
--Eric S. Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"

I agree that Lisp is one of those languages that you may never use in a commercial setting. But even if you don't get to, learning it will definitely expand your understanding of programming as a whole. For example, I learned Prolog in college and while I never used it after, I gave me a greater understanding of many programming concepts and (at times) a greater appreciation for the languages I do use.
But if you are going to learn it...by all means, read On Lisp

Complicated syntax? The beauty of lisp is that it has a ridiculously simple syntax. It's just a list, where each element of the list can be either another list or an elementary data type.
It's worth learning because of the way it enhances your coding ability to think about and use functions as just another data type. This will improve upon the way you code in an imperative and/or object-oriented language because it will allow you to be more mentally flexible with how your code is structured.

Gimp's Script-Fu is lipsish. That's a photoshop-killer app.

Okay, I might be weird but I really don't like Paul Graham's essays that much & on Lisp is a really rough going book if you don't have some grasp of Common Lisp already. Instead, I'd say go for Siebel's Practical Common Lisp. As for "killer-apps", Common Lisp seems to find its place in niche shops, like ITA, so while there isn't an app synonymous with CL the way Rails is for Ruby there are places in industry that use it if you do a little digging.

To add to the other answers:
Because the SICP course (the videos are available here) is awesome: teaches you Lisp and a lot more!

Killer app? Franz Inc. has a long list of success stories, but this list only includes users of AllegroCL... There are probably others. My favourite is the story about Naughty Dog, since I was a big fan of the Crash Bandicoot games.
For learning Common Lisp, I'd recommend Practical Common Lisp. It has a hands-on approach that at least for me made it easier than other books I've looked at.

You could use Clojure today to write tests and scripts on top of the Java VM. While there are other Lisp languages implemented on the JVM, I think Clojure does the best job of integrating with Java.
There are times when the Java language itself gets in the way of writing tests for Java code (including "traditional commercial programming"). (I don't mean that as an indictment of Java -- other languages suffer from the same problem -- but it's a fact. Since the topic, not Java, I won't elaborate. Please feel free to start a new topic if someone wants to discuss it.) Clojure eliminates many of those hindrances.

Lisp can be used anywhere you use traditional programming. It's not that different, it's just more powerful. Writing a web app? you can do it on Lisp, writing a desktop application? you can do it on Lisp, whatever, you can probably do it on Lisp, or Python, or any other generic programming (there are a few languages that are suited for only one task).
The biggest obstacle will probably be acceptance of your boss, your peers or your customers. That's something you will have to work with them. Choosing a pragmatic solution like Clojure that can leverage the current install base of Java infrastructure, from the JVM to the libraries, might help you. Also, if you have a Java program, you may do a plug-in architecture and write Clojure plug-ins for it and end up writing half your code in Clojure.

Not a reason but (trivial) AutoCAD has LISP & DCL runtime support. It is a convenient way to write complex macros (including ActiveX automation) if you don't want to use VBA or their C++ or .NET SDKs, or if a DIESEL expression doesn't cut it.
A lot of AutoCAD's functions are actually LISP routines.

This is a topic i myself have pondered for a while but I have not really come to a decision, as usual time is the main problem... ;)
And since I can´t find these links sofar in this post i add them for public interest:
Success and Failure story:
Lisping at JPL
Really impressive success story:
Lisp in use at the Orbitz corporation
Comparison and analysis of whether to use Lisp instead of Java:
Lisp as an Alternative to Java

Syntax is irrelevant, readability is not!

Not saying this is a killer app but it looks like it could be cool

Killer app? The flight search engine by ITA Software is one.
As for "why", it will most probably make you a better developer and is extremnely unlikely to make you a worse one. It may, however, make you prefer lisp dialects to other languages.


How does functional programming apply to simulations?

Besides the general question in the title,
How do functional programmers and functional languages approach the domain of simulations, which seem to be most naturally handled by object-oriented languages?
Are there open-source examples of complex simulations written in a (mostly) functional style?
What changes of perspective would an OO-programmer need, in order to approach simulations from a functional paradigm?
I'm asking this while learning how Clojure's creator Rich Hickey specifically sought to tame the "incidental complexity" of OO-programming and mutable state, e.g. Clojure's separation of identity and state makes a lot of sense (Hickey's ants.clj is on the study list). Another related area is using functional programming for games, which are often simulations with lots of stateful "things" all over the place; there are some articles/papers written about FP and games, more would be welcome.
Perhaps experienced functional programmers can provide additional background and advice on how to re-orient one's thinking to functional style, specifically for simulations. Thanks in advance!
Michal's answer is excellent, but I thought I'd add a couple other neat examples I've personally found helpful/interesting.
The first is a post (and code) about functional fluid dynamics by Lau Jenson. Though he definitely goes the mutable route for speed here, the style is rather functional. I'd bet by Clojure 1.3 this could be done (mostly!) immutably with reasonable performance.
The next is a simple Snake game implemented in Clojure. Easy enough to read though in an hour or so, and the style is really pleasant and cohesive.
Also, some neat code to look at (I think!) is code modeling neural networks. Jeff Foster has some single layer perceptron code, and some more idiomatic revisions of the code. Worth looking at, even if you're not acquainted with NNs. He also has some more recent posts regarding fluid dynamics, though this time in Haskell. (Part I and Part II) Also fun, I think, is his implementation of the Game of Life (& Part II).
Finally, as Michal mentioned before me, Brian Carper is working on a RPG in Clojure. he recently posted some artwork for the game, so I'm betting it's still being worked on ;)
I love using the sequence libraries for working with tons of data; it feels more natural using abstractions like map and reduce, and fun, handy tools like juxt rather than simple imperative iterations. You do pay a tax, I've found, by using Clojure/functional langs in reimplementing well-known and well-implemented imperative algorithms.
Have fun!
I'm not sure that I'm up to the challenge of writing up a comprehensive analysis of the problem posed in the question, but I can at least post some links interesting on the FP vs. games front:
Jörg W. Mittag provides a number of interesting examples in this answer to a question on "real world" Haskell programming (with links to some interesting write-ups -- the Purely Functional Retrogames series is really worth a read).
In Clojure land, Phil Hagelberg has implemented a text-based adventure game for his PeepCode screencast on Clojure programming; the code is available on GitHub. Then there's Brian Carper's RPG project; no code publicly released yet and just that one post from a while ago (it looked very cool, though, so let's all come together to pressure Brian to continue ;-)). Finally, here's an example of a simple game using Penumbra (for some reason -- possibly unrelated to Clojure -- I couldn't get it to work, but may you will, plus there's a write-up attached).
As for simulations, studying ants.clj is a great idea. Also, I remember seeing a series of SICP-based lectures from an introductory programming course at UC Berkeley (I think...?) available somewhere (90% it was on their YouTube channel); they've got three lectures on OOP in Scheme and I think they mention simulation as a domain providing good use cases for the approach. Note that I have a pretty vague memory of this one, so it's hard for me to say how useful it might be to you.
I'm writing a game in Clojure, using a mostly functional style. For example, the entire game state is modelled as an immutable data structure.
This has required some slightly convoluted coding. For example, you frequently end up creating functions with a lot of parameters to pass around various elements of game state and ensure that application of game state updates happens to the very latest game version.
But it has also thrown up some really nice advantages, for example concurrency has proved pretty trivial and you can do fun things like cloning the entire game state to run different simulations in the AI.
Overall, I'm delighted with Clojure as a language for simulations / games.
Based on this experience, the things I think would improve Clojure for games / simulations would be:
Better support for primitives, especially as function parameters and return values
Implementation of core language functions that are less hard on memory allocations (GC pressure is an issue for interactive games!)
You can see an early version of the game here: Ironclad - Generals of Steam. It's basically a steampunk themed strategy game.
Uncle Bob has been playing with Clojure lately and in particular writing an orbital simulator as his most public example.
Some links:
Blog post
Code on github
To complement the other answers: There is a discipline called Functional Reactive Programming that addresses the issue of functional representation of systems that change in time and react to outer events. See
What is (functional) reactive programming?
Is functional GUI programming possible?
Functional Reactive Programming at The Haskell Wiki.
Simulations are a form of interpreter -- which are easy to write in a functional style. They can be also designed as self-optimizing simulators, based on treating them as a compiler.

Is a functional language a good choice for a Flight Simulator? How about Lisp?

I have been doing object-oriented programming for a few years now, and I have not done much functional programming. I have an interest in flight simulators, and am curious about the functional programming aspect of Lisp. Flight simulators or any other real world simulator makes sense to me in an object-oriented paradigm.
Here are my questions:
Is object oriented the best way to represent a real world simulation domain?
I know that Common Lisp has CLOS (OO for lisp), but my question is really about writing a flight simulator in a functional language. So if you were going to write it in Lisp, would you choose to use CLOS or write it in a functional manner?
Does anyone have any thoughts on coding a flight simulator in lisp or any functional language?
UPDATE 11/8/12 - A similar SO question for those interested -> How does functional programming apply to simulations?
It's a common mistake to think of "Lisp" as a functional language. Really it is best thought of as a family of languages, probably, but these days when people say Lisp they usually mean Common Lisp.
Common Lisp allows functional programming, but it isn't a functional language per se. Rather it is a general purpose language. Scheme is a much smaller variant, that is more functional in orientation, and of course there are others.
As for your question is it a good choice? That really depends on your plans. Common Lisp particularly has some real strengths for this sort of thing. It's both interactive and introspective at a level you usually see in so-called scripting languages, making it very quick to develop in. At the same time its compiled and has efficient compilers, so you can expect performance in the same ballpark as other efficient compilers (with a factor of two of c is typical ime). While a large language, it has a much more consistent design than things like c++, and the metaprogramming capabilities can make very clean, easy to understand code for your particular application. If you only look at these aspects
common lisp looks amazing.
However, there are downsides. The community is small, you won't find many people to help if that's what you're looking for. While the built in library is large, you won't find as many 3rd party libraries, so you may end up writing more of it from scratch. Finally, while it's by no means a walled garden, CL doesn't have the kind of smooth integration with foreign libraries that say python does. Which doesn't mean you can't call c code, there are nice tools for this.
By they way, CLOS is about the most powerful OO system I can think of, but it is quite a different approach if you're coming from a mainstream c++/java/c#/etc. OO background (yes, they differ, but beyond single vs. multiple inh. not that much) you may find it a bit strange at first, almost turned inside out.
If you go this route, you are going to have to watch for some issues with performance of the actual rendering pipeline, if you write that yourself with CLOS. The class system has incredible runtime flexibility (i.e. updating class definitions at runtime not via monkey patching etc. but via actually changing the class and updating instances) however you pay some dispatch cost on this.
For what it's worth, I've used CL in the past for research code requiring numerical efficiency, i.e. simulations of a different sort. It works well for me. In that case I wasn't worried about using existing code -- it didn't exist, so I was writing pretty much everything from scratch anyway.
In summary, it could be a fine choice of language for this project, but not the only one. If you don't use a language with both high-level aspects and good performance (like CL has, as does OCaml, and a few others) I would definitely look at the possibility of a two level approach with a language like lua or perhaps python (lots of libs) on top of some c or c++ code doing the heavy lifting.
If you look at the game or simulator industry you find a lot of C++ plus maybe some added scripting component. There can also be tools written in other languages for scenery design or related tasks. But there is only very little Lisp used in that domain. You need to be a good hacker to get the necessary performance out of Lisp and to be able to access or write the low-level code. How do you get this knowhow? Try, fail, learn, try, fail less, learn, ... There is nothing but writing code and experimenting with it. Lisp is really useful for good software engineers or those that have the potential to be a good software engineer.
One of the main obstacles is the garbage collector. Either you have a very simple one (then you have a performance problem with random pauses) or you have a sophisticated one (then you have a problem getting it working right). Only few garbage collectors exist that would be suitable - most Lisp implementations have good GC implementations, but still those are not tuned for real-time or near real-time use. Exceptions do exist. With C++ you can forget the GC, because there usually is none.
The other alternative to automatic memory management with a garbage collector is to use no GC and manage memory 'manually'. This is used by some (even commercial) Lisp applications that need to support some real-time response (for example process control expert systems).
The nearest thing that was developed in that area was the Crash Bandicoot (and also later games) game for the Playstation I (later games were for the Playstation II) from Naughty Dog. Since they have been bought by Sony, they switched to C++ for the Playstation III. Their development environment was written in Allegro Common Lisp and it included a compiler for a Scheme (a Lisp dialect) variant. On the development system the code gets compiled and then downloaded to the Playstation during development. They had their own 3d engine (very impressive, always got excellent reviews from game magazines), incremental level loading, complex behaviour control for lots of different actors, etc. So the Playstation was really executing the Scheme code, but memory management was not done via GC (afaik). They had to develop all the technology on their own - nobody was offering Lisp-based tools - but they could, because their were excellent software developers. Since then I haven't heard of a similar project. Note that this was not just Lisp for scripting - it was Lisp all the way down.
One the Scheme side there is also a new interesting implementation called Ypsilon Scheme. It is developed for a pinball game - this could be the base for other games, too.
On the Common Lisp side, there have been Lisp applications talking to flight simulators and controlling aspects of them. There are some game libraries that are based on SDL. There are interfaces to OpenGL. There is also something like the 'Open Agent Engine'. There are also some 3d graphics applications written in Common Lisp - even some complex ones. But in the area of flight simulation there is very little prior art.
On the topic of CLOS vs. Functional Programming. Probably one would use neither. If you need to squeeze all possible performance out of a system, then CLOS already has some overheads that one might want to avoid.
Take a look at Functional Reactive Programming. There are a number of frameworks for this in Haskell (don't know about other languages), most of which are based around arrows. The basic idea is to represent relationships between time-varying values and events. So for example you would write (in Haskell arrow notation using no particular library):
velocity <- {some expression of airspeed, heading, gravity etc.}
position <- integrate <- velocity
The second line declares the relationship between position and velocity. The <- arrow operators are syntactic sugar for a bunch of library calls that tie everything together.
Then later on you might say something like:
groundLevel <- getGroundLevel <- position
altitude <- getAltitude <- position
crashed <- liftA2 (<) altitude groundLevel
to declare that if your altitude is less than the ground level at your position then you have crashed. Just as with the other variables here, "crashed" is not just a single value, its a time-varying stream of values. That is why the "liftA2" function is used to "lift" the comparison operator from simple values to streams.
IO is not a problem in this paradigm. Inputs are time varying values such as joystick X and Y, while the image on the screen is simply another time varying value. At the very top level your entire simulator is an arrow from the inputs to the outputs. Then you call a "run" function that converts the arrow into an IO action that runs the game.
If you write this in Lisp you will probably find yourself creating a bunch of macros that basically re-invent arrows, so it might be worth just finding out about arrows to start with.
I don't know anything about flight sims, and you haven't listed anything in particular they consist of, so this is mostly a guess about writing a FS in Lisp.
Why not:
Lisp excels at exploratory programming. I think that since FSs been around so long, and there are free and open-source examples, that it would not benefit as much from this type of programming.
Flight sims are mostly (I'm guessing) written in static, natively compiled languages. If you're looking for pure runtime performance, in Lisp this tends to mean type declarations and other not-so-Lispy constructs. If you don't get the performance you want with naive approaches, your optimized-Lisp might end up looking a lot like C, and Lisp isn't as good at C at writing C.
A lot of a FS, I'm guessing, is interfacing to a graphics library like OpenGL, which is written in C. Depending on how your FFI / OpenGL bindings are, this might, again, make your code look like C-in-Lisp. You might not have the big win that Lisp does in, say, a web app (which consists of generating a tree structure of plain text, which Lisp is great at).
I took a glance at the FlightGear source code, and I see a lot of structural boilerplate -- even a straight port might end up being half the size.
They use strings for keys all over the place (C++ doesn't have symbols). They use XML for semi-human-readable config files (C++ doesn't have a runtime reader). Simply switching to native Lisp constructs here could be big win for minimal effort.
Nothing looks at all complex, even the "AI". It's simply a matter of keeping everything organized, and Lisp will be great at this because it'll be a lot shorter.
But the neat thing about Lisp is that it's multi-paradigm. You can use OO for organizing the "objects", and FP for computation within each object. I say just start writing and see where it takes you.
I would first think of the nature of the simulation.
Some simulations require interaction like a flight simulator. I don't think functional programming may be a good choice for an interactive (read: CPU intensive/response-critical) applicaiton. Of course, if you have access to 8 PS3's wired together with Linux, you'll not care too much about performance.
For simulations like evolutionary/genetic programming where you set it up and let 'er rip, a functioonal lauguage may help model the problem domain better than an OO language. Not that I'm an expert in functional programming but the ease of coding recursion and the idea of lazy evaluation common in functional languages seems to me a good fit for the 'let her rip' sort of sims.
I wouldn't say functional programming lends itself particularly well to flight simulation. In general, functional languages can be very useful for writing scientific simulations, though this is a slightly specialised case. Really, you'd probably be better off with a standard imperative (preferably OOP) language like C++/C#/Java, as they would tend to have the better physics libraries as well as graphics APIs, both of which you would need to use very heavily. Also, the OOP approach might make it easier to represent your environment. Another point to consider is that (as far as I know) the popular flight simulators on the market today are written pretty much entirely in C++.
Essentially, my philosophy is that if there's no particularly good reason that you should need to use functional paradigms, then don't use a functional language (though there's nothing to stop you using functional constructs in OOP/mixed languages). I suspect you're going to have a lot less painful of a development process using the well-tested APIs for C++ and languages more commonly associated with game development (which has many commonalities with flight sim). Now, if you want to add some complex AI to the simulator, Lisp might seem like a rather more obvious choice, though even then I wouldn't at all jump for it. And finally, if you're really keen on using a functional language, I would recommend you go with one of the more general purpose ones like Python or even F# (both mixed imperative-functional languages really), as opposed to Lisp, which could end up getting rather ugly for such a project.
There are a few problems with functional languages, and that is they don't mesh well with state, but they do go well with process. So in a way it could be said they are action oriented. This means you'll be wasting your time simulating a plane, what you want to do is simulate the actions of flying a plane. Once you grim that you can probably get it to work.
Now as side point, haskell wouldn't be good IMHO, because it's too abstract for a "game", this sort of app is all about Input/Output, but Haskell is about avoiding IO, so it'll become a monad nightmare, and you'll be working against the language. Lisp is a better choice, or Lua or Javascript, they are also functional, but not purely functional, so for your case try Lisp. Anyways in any of these languages your graphics will be C or C++.
A serious issue however is there is very little documentation, and less tutorials about Functional languages and "games", of course scientific simulations is academically documented but those papers are quite dense, if you succeed maybe you could write you experiences, for others as it's a rather empty field right now

How do I get my brain moving in "lisp mode?"

My professor told us that we could choose a programming language for our next programming assignment. I've been meaning to try out a functional language, so I figured I'd try out clojure. The problem is that I understand the syntax and understand the basic concepts, but I'm having problems getting everything to "click" in my head. Does anyone have any advice? Or am I maybe picking the wrong language to start functional programming with?
It's a little like riding a bike, it just takes practice. Try solving some problems with it, maybe ProjectEuler and eventually it'll click.
Someone mentioned the book "The Little Schemer" and this is a pretty good read. Although it targets Scheme the actual problems will be worth working through.
Good luck!
Well, for me, I encountered the same problem as you do in the beginning when I started doing OCAML, but the trick is that you must start thinking about what you want from the code and not how to do it!!!
For example, to calculate the square of list's elements, forget about the length of the list and such tricks, just think mathematically like that:
if the list is empty -> I am done
if not, then the list must have a head and tail -> you calculate the square of the head, then ask your function to do the same with the tail.
Just think about the general case and the base one, and that you are emitting data and not modifying it (unless you want to modify it ;) ).
Good luck!
You could check out The Little Schemer.
How about this: http://www.defmacro.org/ramblings/lisp.html
It is a very simple, step-by-step introduction to thinking in lisp from the point of view of a regular imperative programmer (Java, C#, etc.).
For educational purposes I would recommend PLT Scheme. It is a portable and powerful environment with very good examples and an even better documentation. It will help you to discover the thoughts behind functional programming step by step and in a very clean way. Choosing a little application to implement will help you learning the new language.
Additionally "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" of H. Abelssn, G. Sussman, and J. Sussman is a very good book regarding Scheme (and programming).
Take a look at 99 Lispy problems
Some thoughts on Lisps, not specific to Clojure (I'm not a Lisp expert, so I hope they're mostly correct and useful):
Coding in AST
I know little about compiler or interpreter theory, but every time I code in Lisp, it amazes me that it feels like directly building an AST.
That's part of what "code = data" means, coding in Lisp is a lot like filling data structures (nested lists) with AST nodes. Amazing, and it's easy to read too (with the right text editor).
A Programmable Programming Language
So code chunks are just nested lists, and list operations are part of the language. So you can very easily write Lisp code that generates Lisp code (see Lisp macros). This makes Lisp a programmable (in itself!) programming language.
This makes building a DSL or an interpreter in Lisp is very easy (see also meta-circular evaluation).
Never reboot anything
And in most Lisp systems, code (including documentation) can be introspected and hot swapped at run time.
Advanced OOP
Then, most Lisp Systems have some sort of Object System derived from CLOS, which is an advanced (compared to many OOP implementations) and configurable Object System (see The Art of the Metaobject Protocol).
All these features where invented long ago, but I'm not sure they are available in many other programming languages (although most are catching up, e.g. with closures), so you have to "rediscover" and get used to these by practicing (see the books in other answers).
Just remember: it's all data!
Write some simple classic functions that Lisp is good at, like
reverse a list
tell if an atom is somewhere in an s-expression
write EQUAL to tell if 2 s-expressions are equal
write FRINGE to get the list of atoms at the fringe of an s-expression
write SUBST, then write SUBLIS
Symbolic differentiation
Algebraic simplification
write a simple EVAL and/or APPLY
Understand that Lisp is good for these kinds of no-side-effect functional programs.
It is also useful for stateful side-effect (non-functional) programs, but those are more like "programs" than "functions".
Which is better for a given application depends on the application. In general, it should contain no less, and no more, state information than necessary.
M-x lisp-mode
OK, OK, so you might not have Emacs for a brain. In all seriousness, what you need to do is to get really good at recursion. This can be quite a brain warp initially when trying to extend the concept of recursion beyond the canonical examples, but ultimately it will result in more fluid, lispy code.
Also, a lot of people get hung up on the parenthesis, and I don't really know why - the syntax is very simple and consistent and can be mastered in minutes. For me, I came to Scheme after having learned C++ and Java, and I always thought that the difference between "functions" and "operators" was a false dichotomy, and it was refreshing to see that distinction eliminated.
As far as functional programming goes, as long as you can wrap your head around the fact that a function is a first-class value and can be passed both into and out of other functions you should be fine. The usefulness of this will become clear over time, but it's enough that you can write function-taking and function-returning functions.
Finally, I'm not sure what support Clojure has for macros, but they're considered an essential part of lisp. However, I wouldn't worry about learning them until you're deeply familiar with the above items - though macros are incredibly useful and versatile, they're also used less often than the other techniques I mentioned.
I'd start with a language that can be interpreted. I found Moscow ML to be fairly easy. It is a lightweight implementation of Standard ML.
My personal practice is to find a small project (something that might take 3-5 nights hacking away) and implement it. How about a blog filter tool? Maybe just a Towers of Hanoi or Linked List implementation (those are usually 1-night projects).
The way it usually works out is I implement it poorly the first time, throw away what I had, and it finally clicks a few hours in.
A HUGE help is taking a course in something like... um... LISP! :) The homework will force you to confront a lot of the concepts and it clicked for me long before the semester ended.
Good luck!!
Good luck. It took me until about halfway through the "Programming Languages" course in college before Scheme "clicked". Once that happened, though, everything just made sense, and I fell in love with functional programming.
Write a Lisp interpreter in Lisp.
If you haven't alrady, read up on what makes lisp a unique language. If you don't do this first, you'll be trying to do the same things you could do in some other programming languages.
Then try to implement some small thing (try to make it useful to you or you might not have the motivation).
Lisp in a box is a great way to get your feet wet.
For me the important thing is to make sure you do everything in a 'lisp-y' way. Don't be tempted to think 'In Java I'd use a for loop here, how do I do for loops in Lisp?' but to go through enough examples and tutorials (as someone pointed out, SICP is perfect for this) that you can start to spot when code looks 'Lisp-y' and recognise common language paradigms.
I certainly know the feeling of looking at some code I've just written and intuitively knowing that it's correctly idiomatic for that language and platform/framework - that, I think, is when it 'clicks'.
Edit: And kudos for choosing a functional language, lesser students would have just done it in Java :)
Who said it is going to click? I'm always confused
But if you think about how much abstraction it is possible to hide away, behind lisp macros. Then your brain will explode.
I'd check out Programming Clojure. It's a great book for non-lispers.
In addition to what other SO'ers have already suggested, here are my 2 cents:
Start learning the language and try out a few simple numerical/hobby problems in the language
IMPORTANT: Post the solution/code to StackOverflow, asking for people's opinion if that is really the LISPy way to do it.
Best of luck!

Concepts that surprised you when you read SICP?

SICP - "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
Explanation for the same would be nice
Can some one explain about Metalinguistic Abstraction
SICP really drove home the point that it is possible to look at code and data as the same thing.
I understood this before when thinking about universal Turing machines (the input to a UTM is just a representation of a program) or the von Neumann architecture (where a single storage structure holds both code and data), but SICP made the idea much more clear. Scheme (Lisp) helped here, as the syntax for a program is exactly the same as the syntax for lists in general, namely S-expressions.
Once you have the "equivalence" of code and data, suddenly a lot of things become easy. For example, you can write programs that have different evaluation methods (lazy, nondeterministic, etc). Previously, I might have thought that this would require an extension to the programming language; in reality, I can just add it on to the language myself, thus allowing the core language to be minimal. As another example, you can similarly implement an object-oriented framework; again, this is something I might have naively thought would require modifying the language.
Incidentally, one thing I wish SICP had mentioned more: types. Type checking at compilation time is an amazing thing. The SICP implementation of object-oriented programming did not have this benefit.
I didn't read that book yet, I have only looked at the video courses, but it taught me a lot. Functions as first class citizens was mind blowing for me. Executing a "variable" was something very new to me. After watching those videos the way I now see JavaScript and programming in general has greatly changed.
Oh, I think I've lied, the thing that really struck me was that + was a function.
I think the most surprising thing about SICP is to see how few primitives are actually required to make a Turing complete language--almost anything can be built from almost nothing.
Since we are discussing SICP, I'll put in my standard plug for the video lectures at http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.001/abelson-sussman-lectures/, which are the best Introduction to Computer Science you could hope to get in 20 hours.
The one that I thought was really cool was streams with delayed evaluation. The one about generating primes was something I thought was really neat. Like a "PEZ" dispenser that magically dispenses the next prime in the sequence.
One example of "the data and the code are the same thing" from A. Rex's answer got me in a very deep way.
When I was taught Lisp back in Russia, our teachers told us that the language was about lists: car, cdr, cons. What really amazed me was the fact that you don't need those functions at all - you can write your own, given closures. So, Lisp is not about lists after all! That was a big surprise.
A concept I was completely unfamiliar with was the idea of coroutines, i.e. having two functions doing complementary work and having the program flow control alternate between them.
I was still in high school when I read SICP, and I had focused on the first and second chapters. For me at the time, I liked that you could express all those mathematical ideas in code, and have the computer do most of the dirty work.
When I was tutoring SICP, I got impressed by different aspects. For one, the conundrum that data and code are really the same thing, because code is executable data. The chapter on metalinguistic abstractions is mind-boggling to many and has many take-home messages. The first is that all the rules are arbitrary. This bothers some students, specially those who are physicists at heart. I think the beauty is not in the rules themselves, but in studying the consequence of the rules. A one-line change in code can mean the difference between lexical scoping and dynamic scoping.
Today, though SICP is still fun and insightful to many, I do understand that it's becoming dated. For one, it doesn't teach debugging skills and tools (I include type systems in there), which is essential for working in today's gigantic systems.
I was most surprised of how easy it is to implement languages. That one could write interpreter for Scheme onto a blackboard.
I felt Recursion in different sense after reading some of the chapters of SICP
I am right now on Section "Sequences as Conventional Interfaces" and have found the concept of procedures as first class citizens quite fascinating. Also, the application of recursion is something I have never seen in any language.
Coming from a primarily imperative background (Java, C#, etc. -- I only read SICP a year or so ago for the first time, and am re-reading it now), thinking in functional terms was a big revelation for me; it totally changed the way I think about my work today.
I read most part of the book (without exercise). What I have learned is how to abstract the real world at a specific level, and how to implement a language.
Each chapter has ideas surprise me:
The first two chapters show me two ways of abstracting the real world: abstraction with the procedure, and abstraction with data.
Chapter 3 introduces time in the real world. That results in states. We try assignment, which raises problems. Then we try streams.
Chapter 4 is about metalinguistic abstraction, in other words, we implement a new language by constructing an evaluator, which determines the meaning of expressions.
Since the evaluator in Chapter 4 is itself a Lisp program, it inherits the control structure of the underlying Lisp system. So in Chapter 5, we dive into the step-by-step operation of a real computer with the help of an abstract model, register machine.

Which language would you use for the self-study of SICP? [closed]

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I've caught the bug to learn functional programming for real. So my
next self-study project is to work through the Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs. Unfortunately, I've never
learned Lisp, as I was not a CS major in college.
While SICP does not emphasize the tools for programming, doing the
exercises entails picking a Lisp-like language to use. It seems like
some implementation of Scheme would be the path of least
resistance. On the other hand, I hear of others who have used Common
Lisp and Clojure. It seems to me that Common Lisp or Clojure would be
more likely to be used in production code, and therefore slightly
better for my resume. BTW, I fully get the argument that learning a
language is worthwhile for its own sake, but learning a language that
helps my resume is still a benefit. I'm a capitalist and an academic
about my learning.
If you had to self-study SICP, which language would you pick and why?
Ideally, I would like to use a language that can run on the JVM.
I can certainly work with a language where REPL works with bash
and emacs.
ADDITION: have any of you tried reading SICP without using Scheme? If so, what was your experience like?
Use Scheme. It is one of the simplest and easiest languages in existence, and you will spend very little time learning enough of it to understand SICP. Once you understand SICP, you will see how the concepts apply in any language.
Use DrScheme. As others have said, Scheme is a simple language, and DrScheme is a great environment to use it in which has a lot of support and mediocre-to-good documentation.
Not a direct answer but I expect this information to be useful for anyone working through SICP. Be sure to have a look at the videos here:
There are 20 episodes of an hour each. They were presented by Abelson and Sussman in 1986 for Hewlett Packard employees. I put them on my iPod and watched them while commuting. Fascinating.
Also, the full text of the book is available online at http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/
As someone who hires people, I'll tell you that having Scheme on a resume is a good thing. Having Scheme, SML, Ocaml or Haskell on your resume suggests you are a very well rounded programmer, and quite a thinker.
That said, if you are trying for functional programming, why not Haskell instead? Scheme is multiparadigm, it can be OO, Funcitonal, Streams based, or anything else under the sun. This makes it awesome to try out new programming styles and paradigms, but if your goal is strictly functional, it can be a problem. (You will end up writing non functional code and not realizing it.)
I agree that you should just use Scheme. However, if you really have the itch to use Common Lisp or Clojure, I'd pick the latter. Scheme and Clojure are both Lisp-1s, so the code in the book will be more congruent between the two (except for tail calls, but if you understand how to compensate you'll be fine). Common Lisp is a Lisp-2 and will probably obscure the beauty of what SICP is trying to teach you.
The code in the book is Scheme so you'll have to read it anyways - you might as well write it. You might even like it!
To get real value out of the book you'll have to use Scheme. Which implementation of scheme depends on your current environment:
Windows - Dr Scheme (PLT Scheme) - http://download.plt-scheme.org/
Linux - If this is a remote account - you may consider MZScheme (PLTScheme) (http://download.plt-scheme.org/) otherwise you'll want to use Dr Scheme if this is a local instance of Linux.
I think Clojure fits what you want to do just perfectly. It's much more functional than Scheme because the data structures are immutable and it can be very useful as it runs on the JVM. But, be aware that you'll end up learning Scheme anyway to be able to understand the code in the book.
I've caught the bug to learn functional programming for real.
From what I've heard, SICP is about a lot more than just functional programming.
Caveat: I have not read the whole book
Since the examples rely on closures and continuations, you would be better served by using a language with both of those features, otherwise you would need to implement them yourself.
For example, writing a metacircular evaluator in Scheme leverages the fact that Scheme provides closures and continuations.
I used lua when I had a look at sicp
works out pretty well
Use anything but scheme.
While using something else then scheme, you will be encouraged to think more, and avoid temptation to just retype the examples. It is a good thing.
Of course, it has to be similar enough, in lisp-1 sense, so clojure and arc are good to go.
I have used scheme for my self-study. The best way to learn from SICP is to do all the exercises relegiously.
I have used Gnu guile for scheme.
While you could use something other than Scheme, you'd be needlessly adding extra work and possibly cutting yourself off from fully understanding what the book is about. SICP was an introductory programming book. It is a stepping stone to deeper topics in computer science. Getting bogged down in 'translating' from Scheme to CL or Clojure would probably obscure the finer points. That would be a shame, because SICP is truly a gateway to understanding what programming is really about.
Learning Scheme is really straight forward (especially compared to both CL and Clojure) and, in fact, the introductory course as well as the book, assumes the student doesn't know it already. CL and Clojure carry considerable baggage relative to the task at hand.
I hear of others who have used Common Lisp and Clojure.
You should use whatever language most motivates you, but 99% of folks working through SICP are going to use Scheme.
I worked through (most) of it earlier this year, and used Common Lisp, simply because I didn't have Scheme available (don't ask).
As has already been noted, Scheme is a Lisp-1 language whereas Common Lisp is a Lisp-2. There are enough differences between the languages to mean that you have think carefully about translating the code in the book, so it forced me to really get to grips with the material.
but learning a language that helps my resume is still a benefit.
You should try using VB6 or COBOL, then, as there is a lot of billing work out there for it.
I think Scheme would be the natural choice (since it is the "native" language of SICP)
However, since the true value of SICP comes from the concepts rather than the mechanics of the particular language, I think it would be a valuable learning exercise to attempt it in any Lisp-like language. I've personally tried some of the exercises in Clojure and they all translate pretty well.
For those interested there is an ongoing project to create a Clojure translation of SICP.
