Why are all links are red, in Chrome and Safari? - css

Have just started using Google Chrome, and noticed in parts of our site, e.g. all the links on the page, are bright red. They should be black with a dotted underline.
Is there some gotcha in WebKit rendering that turns all links red regardless of the style?

Are all of the resources that you're linking to in the present at the locations where your page is seeking them (verify this by actually checking it). I've also had an issue when checking an app in Safari where I was attempting to pull a file that wasn't there and I had very similar output to yours (red links).
EDIT: Adding Developingchris's find to the answer, since it explains it so well:
k, found it.
If any of your stylesheets is missing
or pathed incorrectly, it throws a
404. If your 404 page has inline styles, they get respected via the
"alternate sheets" rule in webkit.
Thus, the red links on the "yellow
screen of death" are causing my
problem in overlap.

k, found it.
If any of your stylesheets is missing or pathed incorrectly, it throws a 404.
If your 404 page has inline styles, they get respected via the "alternate sheets" rule in webkit.
Thus, the red links on the "yellow screen of death" are causing my problem in overlap.

Chrome has a bug where it obeys alternate stylesheets. Do you have an alternate stylesheet that makes links red?

That explains the problem I had with my app--it was a Rails app, which also has 404 pages with red applied to some of the styles. Makes a whole lot more sense now than it did back then. Too bad you can't accept your own answer!

you can use a jscript console like firebug to find out where the color comes from

Have you set a :visited setting in your stylesheet?

Run your CSS file and your HTML file through the w3c validators. I had a similar problem when testing an application in Safari. The problem was in my code.


Firefox is not rendering CSS background (Firefox error/bug?)

After spending a while creating an online portfolio, then uploading it, I noticed an issue with one of my sections. On the "Advertisement" section, I noticed it was not displaying the information, just the title. So, I kept on re-pushing the stylesheet.css, even editing it, and it would still look the same. The HTML, CSS, and JS is working how I wrote it. But it is just the section that is not showing. After browsing online and on stackoverflow for an answer, I believe it has to do with Firefox. When using Firebug, I noticed the section's background has been removed, causing the entire section to "disappear." It works just fine on Chrome. I'm not worried about IE, I know that browser has some issues in itself. Anyway, would anyone on here have an idea to resolve this issue, if I can? Or even, what could be causing this issue?
Here is my website to see for yourselves. www.voelkerdesigner.com
It is the opposite for me your entire site works in firefox for me but not in chrome, looking through your code, its being caused by your naming conventions. Namely #advertise
I use the adguard extension in chrome and below is the css it plugs into my html pages to hide ads, so im guessing your using an adblocker in firefox
#adsense_top, #adsensewide, #adspace, #adspace_top, #adspot-300x250-pos-1, #adspot-300x250-pos-2, #adswidget1-quick-adsense, #adswidget2-quick-adsense, #adtext, #adtop, #adv-masthead, #adv-top, #advert1, #advert2, #advertbox3, #advertise, #advertisement1, #advertisetop, #advertising-container, #advertising_wrapper {
display: none!important;
Might as well post a random answer on this... As i wont visit posted links by new users.. i'm just gonna guess that your background image might not be 100%...
In general i use background-image instead of background.. Short hand can be a little pain and breaks in some browsers if not perfect.
so i would compare against the following example
Basically alot of people do not use the url and just go straight for a file name or dont quote it.. And have seen that be the problem in the past, so do use the url('') method.
Otherwise if it still fails to work and you know the image is absolute, you would then have some other css that is either over riding your elements background or is preventing it from loading.
Another trick is using your console / inspect element to manually inject the background-image and see if that works... So once the page has loaded in chrome, inspect the element as normal.. And double click on your css property listing as you can add your own styles this way and if it fails, then its not the markup but something else.

Style not loading properly in firefox

I recently developed a quick and dirty website for my band. Everything is working perfectly in chrome & safari but when i load the page in firefox it looks like the stylesheet isn't loading at all and everything is just being shown as if it has no style rules. Here is the link: http://www.neverwakemusic.com/
I would greatly appreciate any help on this as we are expecting heavy traffic on the site within the next few days due to our new album release.
There are a few errors in your CSS file
You have two invalid rules which contain input[type="text]. You are missing the closing ". It should be input[type="text"]
the #charset rule must be the first thing in the file.
font-color should be color
In general you should validate your CSS to find such issues at the http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator
For example your style.css (validation of file)
(ignore vendor specific rules and look for genuine errors in syntax etc..)
Line 391 in your stylesheet, broken quote is causing Firefox's parser to stop:
#contactForm input[type="text]:focus {

Google fonts different size and jagged

I have one very surprising issue with Google Fonts. This is the site in question.
The title is normaly showing in one ligne but a friend of mine with the same Opera version like me sent me this screenshot. You can see that the title goes in two lines and brakes every think.
It's the first time I use Gfonts and must admit that there is another problem in Firefox too - the font appears so jagged!
Thanks for your advises!
The line break can be prevented simply by adding
h1 { white-space: nowrap; }
Font rendering depends on the font, on the font size, on the browser, on the operating system, on the device, their settings, and probably phase of the moon, too. Some fonts are more difficult than others, so the practical move is to pick up another font.
Unfortunately, not all browsers render all fonts exactly the same way. I guess your problem with the title in Opera is caused by the font being rendered bigger. You can try to target a specific stylesheet for Opera to solve that.
As for the jagged font, well... you have to deal with that, and choose fonts that will look sharp on every browser.
Take a look here : http://css-tricks.com/font-rendering-differences-firefox-vs-ie-vs-safari/
The jagged issue was solved thanks to this Joomla! extention - KC Cufón Font Replacement. A have included just the characters of my text - only 3KB of js and I left the same Google Web Font loading too in order the text to be shown until the extention loads.

IE9 setting background-image to "none" via inline style

The site I am currently working on is http://rattscallion.com/ I am focusing my efforts on getting the site to look proper in IE.
I was having trouble getting the frame on the pages (look at /murals.html for the page I'm working on first). IE9 said that the inline-style stated that the background-image was "none," so it crossed out the original background image. I figured it might be getting this from somewhere on the main stylesheet so what I did was make a new frame that only exists in IE and style it only in the IE stylesheet. Unfortunately this also doesn't work...it still says that an inline-style is setting the background-image to "none", but there is no such thing!
I double-checked and this is happening in IE9 standards mode. So why is this happening? Can anyone help figure out how to "force" it over what IE perceives as the inline style?
Well there's your problem:
CSS was ignored due to mime type mismatch
If you check the network calls the normalize.css is received as text/plain instead of text/css. You should install static content (under server roles) in your IIS as for some weird reason it's not installed by default. I'm betting one WHOLE dollar you're using IIS.
You could have just copy pasted the normalize.css into a server side css file so it's not accessed remotely.
I got it working by doing the following:
remove #framePos img{ display: none; } from styles-ie.css
remove unitpngfix.js - the png filter fix was for ie6 and serves no purpose on ie9 (it's actually one of the reasons the frame does not show)
Note: the frame.png pic is place in lots'o'places as background so you should consider a little clean up of the css files
Another Note: unitpngfix.js replaces the frame.png with the clear.gif and places transparency filters on every png element. So tinkering on css will not do anything until you remove the js.

Firefox not completeing stylesheet; works fine in Chrome and Safari

Firefox does not seem to be completing every aspect of the stylesheet for the site (nsfw text) www.theshandy.com
Firefox seems to have implemented the body styling but none of the class or id styles. Every other browser seems to be having no trouble at all.
After doing some research I have tried fixing problems other people have found. The sheet is directly linked (not called by php). The type is definitely text/css. And I believe it has the correct utf-8 character set.
I am really at a loss.
Thank you very much.
It was a rogue apostrophe in one of the early ID styles. Apparently chrome and safari will ignore is and firefox won't and it then refused to load the rest of the stylesheet (creating the idea that the body styles were loading but not others.
Thank you for trying to help!
Check your paths.. you might be using /css/style.css instead of css/style.css.
This could generate this problem.
