Updating/Intercepting HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString - asp.net

Here's a wierd one. I'm reusing a code base that unfortunately must not be updated. This code makes a call to HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString. Ideally, I need to push a value into this collection with every request that is made. Is this possible - perhaps in an HTTP Module?

Without using reflection, the simplest way to do it would be to use the RewritePath function on the current HttpContext object in order to modify the querystring.
Using an IHttpModule, it might look something like:
context.RewritePath(context.Request.Path, context.Request.PathInfo, newQueryStringHere!);
Hope this helps!

Ditto Espo's answer and I would like to add that usually in medium trust (specific to many shared hostings) you will not have access to reflection so ... RewritePath will remain your probably only choice.


Symfony Dependency injection serivces.yaml configurtion by interface

I'm looking for solution of my problem.
I wonder if i can do something like this:
App\Product\Domain\ProductSaver: '#App\Product\Infrastructure\Saver\ProductJsonSaver'
But i want to use it too:
App\Product\Domain\ProductSaver: '#App\Product\Infrastructure\Saver\ProductORMSaver'
Depends of which User Interface call it.
For example if i call /product/save/database endpoint i want to use ProductORMSaver and if i call /product/save/file endpoint i want to use ProductJsonSaver. Is it possible? I found solution which rely on parameter name but i want to avoid it.

Access variables from partial in WebMatrix 2

Quite simply How can I pass from Partial to page on construction:
please call us on #PageData["phoneNumber"]
Ive tried things like this. What obvious step am I missing?
Its bring up blanks.
try use Session for this:
You can also use the HttpContext.Items collection. It works about the same as the Session, but the collection is only kept alive for the duration of the request. I'm not sure how to most easily access it using Razor though. Read more about HttpContext.Items here.

Set HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type in ASP.NET

Is there a way to set HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type in ASP.NET. That is a read-only, string property. So you cannot really just assign a string to it. Tried initializing Browser property which is of type HttpBrowserCapabilities, but it has only one constructor and does not take any parameters and browser Type is still null. The reason why I want to be able to set Type for browser is that my unit test is failing as Type property is null.
Edit per null check comments:
I could definitely modify code to check for null, but that will be just for my unit test as when the requests come from browsers, that value is never null. Hence not quite excited about doing that. But it can be my last resort.
You can define your own browser definition files which ASP.net will then use. Check out http://forums.asp.net/p/955969/1176101.aspx.
So if you know what browser it's failing on you could setup a browser file for it. However, I agree that checking for null values makes more sense as it accounts for a lot more possiblities that way.
You might want to think about refactoring your code to use HttpContextBase instead of relying directly on the concrete type.
By doing so you could simply create a stub object that provides the behavior you want. Eventually implementing your own HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase object.
You would then have full control to use your mock types during unit testing. Indeed that is what they were created for.

Looking for a good technique for storing email templates

I am building a site in which we are making moderate use of email templates. As in, HTML templates which we pass tokens into like {UserName}, {Email}, {NameFirst}, etc.
I am struggling with where to store these, as far as best practice goes. I'll first show the approach I took, and I'd be really excited to hear some expert perspective as a far as alternate approaches.
I created HTML templates in a folder called /Templates/.
I call a static method in my service layer, which takes in the following arguments:
TemplatePath ("~/Templates")
Email Subject
Within the service layer I have my static method SendUserEmail() which makes use of a Template class - which takes a path, loads it as a string, and has a AddToken() Method.
Within my static SendUserEmail(), I build the token list off of the method signature, and send the email.
This makes for a quite long method call in my actual usage, especially since I am calling from the web.config the "TemplatePath", and "Email Subject". I could create a utility that has a shorter method call than the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings, but my concern is more that I don't usually see method signatures this long and I feel like it's because I'm doing something wrong.
This technique works great for the emails I have now, which at the most are using the first 3 tokens. However in the future I will have more tokens to pass in, and I'm just wondering what approach to take.
Do I create methods specific to the email needing to be sent? ie. SendNewUserRegistration(), SendMarketingMaterial(), and each has a different signature for the parameters?
I am using ASP.NET Membership, which contains probably the extend of all the fields I'll ever need. There are three main objects, aspnet_User, aspnet_Mebership and aspnet_profile. If it was all contained in one object, I would have just passed that in. Is there performance concerns with passing in all 3, to get all the fields I need? That is versus just passing in aspnet_User.UserID, aspnet_User.Email, etc?
I could see passing in a dictionary with the token entries, but I'm just wondering if that is too much to ask the calling page?
Is there a way to stick these in a config file of it's own called Templates.config, which has tags like -
<EmailTemplate Name="New User Registration">
<Message Subject="Hi welcome...">
Hi {UserName}...
I guess the main reason I'm asking, is because I'm having a hard time determining where the responsibility should be as far as determining what template to use, and how to pass in parameters. Is it OK if the calling page has to build the dictionary of TokenName, TokenValue? Or should the method take each in as a defined parameter? This looks out of place in the web.config, because I have 2 entries for and , and it feels like it should look more nested.
Thank you. Any techniques or suggestions of an objective approach I can use to ask whether my approach is OK.
First of all I would like to suggest you to use NVelocity as a template engine. As for main problem I think you can create an abstract class MailMessage and derive each one for every needed message (with unique template). So you will use this like following:
MailMessage message = new UserRegistrationMessage(tokens);
//some code that sends this message
Going this way you force each concrete XXXMessage class to be responsible for storing a template and filling it with the given tokens. How to deal with tokens? The simpliest way is to create a dictionary before passing it to the message, so each concrete message class will know how to deal with passed dictionary and what tokens it should contain, but you also need to remember what tokens it should contain. Another way (I like it more) is to create a general abstract type TokenSet and a derived one for every needed unique set of tokens. For example you can create a UserMessageTokenSet : TokenSet and several properties in it:
etc. So using this way you will always know, what data you should set for each token set and
UserRegistrationMessage will know what to take from this tokenSet.
There are a lot of ways to go. If you will describe you task better I think I will try suggest you something more concrete. But general idea is listed above. Hope it helps =)

ResolvedParameter in Unity. Can somebody explain to when to use it?

I am sort of new to Unity all seems to be fine but I am kind of lost when to use
ResolvedParameter in Unity.
Googled and looked on MSDN but still cannot understand when to use it.
Do you have a simple example that could illustrate it's use.
Thanks a lot for your help
You may wish to configure a Type with constructor parameters of a resolved service and a string. In this case you would use ResolvedParameter.
Container.RegisterType<IRepository, Repository>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<IClassifier>(),
It's for method injection; see Entering Configuration Information on MSDN. Scroll down to "Dynamically Configuring Constructor, Property, and Method Injection" and note that the ResolvedParameter is actually a parameter to the InjectionMethod constructor.
I've never encountered a need to use it. Constructor injection will solve 95% of your issues, and property injection will solve the other 5%. (Caveat: I've only used Unity on a couple of projects, so I don't claim to be an expert.)
As I see it its to be used when you have a constructor where at least one parameter can not be obtained from the container while the rest can. In such a situation you declare how to resolve each ctor parameter when actually creating a new instance of that type.
Container.RegisterSingleton<IConnectionManager, ConnectionManager>(new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<INetworkClientFactory>(), Container.Resolve<IBackoffAlgorithm>(), 10));
In my example, the IConnectionManager instance obtains the first parameter from the container (via ResolvedParameter), the 2nd one via Container.Resolve<>, and the 3rd one is a hard-coded integer.
ResolvedParameter should behave equal to a direct Container.Resolve<> but looks a tad cleaner.
