How would you handle errors when using jQuery.ajax()? -

When using jQuery's ajax method to submit form data, what is the best way to handle errors?
This is an example of what a call might look like:
url: "userCreation.ashx",
data: { u:userName, p:password, e:email },
type: "POST",
beforeSend: function(){disableSubmitButton();},
complete: function(){enableSubmitButton();},
error: function(xhr, statusText, errorThrown){
// Work out what the error was and display the appropriate message
success: function(data){
The request might fail for a number of reasons, such as duplicate user name, duplicate email address etc, and the ashx is written to throw an exception when this happens.
My problem seems to be that by throwing an exception the ashx causes the statusText and errorThrown to be undefined.
I can get to the XMLHttpRequest.responseText which contains the HTML that makes up the standard .net error page.
I am finding the page title in the responseText and using the title to work out which error was thrown. Although I have a suspicion that this will fall apart when I enable custom error handling pages.
Should I be throwing the errors in the ashx, or should I be returning a status code as part of the data returned by the call to userCreation.ashx, then using this to decide what action to take?
How do you handle these situations?

For debugging, I usually just create an element (in the case below: <div id="error"></div>) on the page and write the XmlHttpRequest to it:
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$("#error").html(XMLHttpRequest.status + "\n<hr />" + XMLHttpRequest.responseText);
Then you can see the types of errors that are occurring and capture them correctly:
if (XMLHttpRequest.status === 404) // display some page not found error
if (XMLHttpRequest.status === 500) // display some server error
In your ashx, can you throw a new exception (e.g "Invalid User" etc.) and then just parse that out of the XMLHttpRequest.responseText? For me when I get an error the XMLHttpRequest.responseText isn't the standard Asp.Net error page, it's a JSON object containing the error like this:
"Message":"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.\r\n
Parameter name: index",
"StackTrace":" at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)\r\n
at etc...",
Edit: This could be because the function I'm calling is marked with these attributes:
<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod()> _

Should I be throwing the errors in the
ashx, or should I be returning a
status code as part of the data
returned by the call to
userCreation.ashx, then using this to
decide what action to take? How do you
handle these situations?
Personally, if possible, I would prefer to handle this on the server side and work up a message to the user there. This works very well in a scenario where you only want to display a message to the user telling them what happened (validation message, essentially).
However, if you want to perform an action based on what happened on the server, you may want to use a status code and write some javascript to perform various actions based on that status code.

Now I have a problem as to which answer to accept.
Further thought on the problem brings me to the conclusion that I was incorrectly throwing exceptions. Duplicate user names, email addresses etc are expected issues during a sign up process and are therefore not exceptions, but simply errors. In which case I probably shouldn't be throwing exceptions, but returning error codes.
Which leads me to think that irobinson's approach should be the one to take in this case, especially since the form is only a small part of the UI being displayed. I have now implemented this solution and I am returning xml containing a status and an optional message that is to be displayed. I can then use jQuery to parse it and take the appropriate action: -
success: function(data){
var created = $("result", data).attr("success");
if (created == "OK"){
} else {
var errorMessage = $("result", data).attr("message");
However travis' answer is very detailed and would be perfect during debugging or if I wanted to display an exception message to the user. I am definitely not receiving JSON back, so it is probably down to one of those attributes that travis has listed, as I don't have them in my code.
(I am going to accept irobinson's answer, but upvote travis' answer. It just feels strange to be accepting an answer that doesn't have the most votes.)


Google reCAPTCHA response success: false, no error codes

UPDATE: Google has recently updated their error message with an additional error code possibility: "timeout-or-duplicate".
This new error code seems to cover 99% of our previously mentioned mysterious
We are still left wondering why we get that many validation requests that are either timeouts or duplicates. Determinining this with certainty is likely to be impossible, but now I am just hoping that someone else has experienced something like it.
Disclaimer: I cross posted this to Google Groups, so apologies for spamming the ether for the ones of you who frequent both sites.
I am currently working on a page as part of a ASP.Net MVC application with a form that uses reCAPTCHA validation. The page currently has many daily users.
In my server side validation** of a reCAPTCHA response, for a while now, I have seen the case of the reCAPTCHA response having its success property set to false, but with an accompanying empty error code array.
Most of the requests pass validation, but some keep exhibiting this pattern.
So after doing some research online, I explored the two possible scenarios I could think of:
The validation has timed out and is no longer valid.
The user has already been validated using the response value, so they are rejected the second time.
After collecting data for a while, I have found that all cases of "Success: false, error codes: []" have either had the validation be rather old (ranging from 5 minutes to 10 days(!)), or it has been a case of a re-used response value, or sometimes a combination of the two.
Even after implementing client side prevention of double-clicking my submit-form button, a lot of double submits still seem to get through to the server side Google reCAPTCHA validation logic.
My data tells me that 1.6% (28) of all requests (1760) have failed with at least one of the above scenarios being true ("timeout" or "double submission").
Meanwhile, not a single request of the 1760 has failed where the error code array was not empty.
I just have a hard time imagining a practical use case where a ChallengeTimeStamp gets issued, and then after 10 days validation is attempted, server side.
My question is:
What could be the reason for a non-negligible percentage of all Google reCAPTCHA server side validation attempts to be either very old or a case of double submission?
**By "server side validation" I mean logic that looks like this:
public bool IsVerifiedUser(string captchaResponse, string endUserIp)
string apiUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Google_Captcha_API"];
string secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Google_Captcha_SecretKey"];
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "secret", secret },
{ "response", captchaResponse },
{ "remoteip", endUserIp },
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters);
var response = client.PostAsync(apiUrl, content).Result;
var responseContent = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
GoogleCaptchaResponse googleCaptchaResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleCaptchaResponse>(responseContent);
if (googleCaptchaResponse.Success)
_dal.LogGoogleRecaptchaResponse(endUserIp, captchaResponse);
return true;
//Actual code ommitted
//Try to determine the cause of failure
//Look at googleCaptchaResponse.ErrorCodes array (this has been empty in all of the 28 cases of "success: false")
//Measure time between googleCaptchaResponse.ChallengeTimeStamp (which is UTC) and DateTime.UtcNow
//Check reCAPTCHAresponse against local database of previously used reCAPTCHAresponses to detect cases of double submission
return false;
Thank you in advance to anyone who has a clue and can perhaps shed some light on the subject.
You will get timeout-or-duplicate problem if your captcha is validated twice.
Save logs in a file in append mode and check if you are validating a Captcha twice.
Here is an example
$verifyResponse = file_get_contents(''.$secret.'&response='.$_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])
file_put_contents( "logfile", $verifyResponse, FILE_APPEND );
Now read the content of logfile created above and check if captcha is verified twice
This is an interesting question, but it's going to be impossible to answer with any sort of certainly. I can give an educated guess about what's occurring.
As far as the old submissions go, that could simply be users leaving the page open in the browser and coming back later to finally submit. You can handle this scenario in a few different ways:
Set a meta refresh for the page, such that it will update itself after a defined period of time, and hopefully either get a new ReCAPTCHA validation code or at least prompt the user to verify the CAPTCHA again. However, this is less than ideal as it increases requests to your server and will blow out any work the user has done on the form. It's also very brute-force: it will simply refresh after a certain amount of time, regardless of whether the user is currently actively using the page or not.
Use a JavaScript timer to notify the user about the page timing out and then refresh. This is like #1, but with much more finesse. You can pop a warning dialog telling the user that they've left the page sitting too long and it will soon need to be refreshed, giving them time to finish up if they're actively using it. You can also check for user activity via events like onmousemove. If the user's not moving the mouse, it's very likely they aren't on the page.
Handle it server-side, by catching this scenario. I actually prefer this method the most as it's the most fluid, and honestly the easiest to achieve. When you get back success: false with no error codes, simply send the user back to the page, as if they had made a validation error in the form. Provide a message telling them that their CAPTCHA validation expired and they need to verify again. Then, all they have to do is verify and resubmit.
The double-submit issue is a perennial one that plagues all web developers. User behavior studies have shown that the vast majority occur because users have been trained to double-click icons, and as a result, think they need to double-click submit buttons as well. Some of it is impatience if something doesn't happen immediately on click. Regardless, the best thing you can do is implement JavaScript that disables the button on click, preventing a second click.

Error using Meteor.loginWithPassword

I am using "meteor.loginWithPassword" in my website for logging in but in the matter of fact I always get the error : "Match failed".
I do not find the reason why?
I have the user I am testing in my Database. I read somewhere that it is because one of the fields are empty, but this is not the reason.
I don`t know what should I check?{
'submit form': function(event){
var username = $('[name=username]').val();
var password = $('[name=password]').val();
Meteor.loginWithPassword(username, password, function(error){
How to understand the error
When you're getting a Match error that's ultimately from the 'meteor/check' library.
So what you want to solve is "what Match conditions does the Meteor.loginWithPassword method expect". This will tell you what argument values will be permitted at runtime.
To answer that question you can look here where the code that sets up that method is defined.
NOTE: code references from here on arbitrarily reference version 2.5.8 to keep line references. However you could search under the version your code is at in essentially the same place
More specifically you're interested in the check call here,#L173.
Bonus Round
It's worth noting that even if you were crawling the source code and found where Meteor.loginWithPassword is defined here it wouldn't be super obvious that the method call there gets picked up by the handler here
As it turns out the handlers match on the shape of arguments not the name 🙃.

$http returning error response NULL on first call after launch (ionic) everytime, but after subsequent http post its ok

Whenever I launch my app, and click on login on the first few tries, the login will attempt a POST http to the server. However $http always (everytime) returns NULL on first try. sometimes after several few tries still NULL if done fast. But subsequently, its all ok.
I dont get it, why is $http returning error response NULL initially ??
Here is my login controller doing the http post
Login Controller (LoginCtrl)
var req = {
method: 'POST',
url: baseURL,
data: postObject,
//timeout: 5000
err is NULL here:
}).error(function(err) {
I dont know if it is CORS but I'ved got this set in config.xml
<access origin="*" />
my config.xml
Any ideas ?
Im using ionic 1.7.14
on device iOS 9.3.1
I'ved put the problem code here. can logout first to goto login screen. enter in anything in username/password field, click login once failed, second or third try will be success.
some troubleshooting so far: i noticed the http post request is called twice. not sure why.
UPDATED the code using $ but still has the same effect
$, postObject).then(function successCallback(response)
response has NULL data --> Object {data: null, status: 0, config: Object, statusText: ""}
It is hard to diagnose having the above details only.
However the problem could be that your handler (login function) is triggered before digest cycle finished updating $ and $ and for the first tries it sends empty values for those to the server and works fine later.
You can run Safari web inspector to see what is sent to the server to prove this.
The fix may depend on how your view/template is coded. Can you please share it? Or, ideally, create a working sample at
Another option to fix could be to try to wrap your code related to http request into
$timeout(function() {
// your code goes here
or, consider using .$applyAsync() (see the docs for details)
This might help to fix the problem
You are probably getting this inconsistent behavior as you are using the 'success' promise method instead of 'then' (note that use of the success method has now been deprecated).
The key differences between these two methods are:
then() - full power of the promise API but slightly more verbose
success() - doesn't return a promise but offeres slightly more convienient syntax
as highlighted in this answer.
Hence in your scenario, instead of using 'success':
var req = {
method: 'POST',
url: baseURL + 'session/login',
data: postObject,
//timeout: 5000
$http(req).success(function(resp) {...
use 'then' along with angular's post shortcut method (you don't have to use this shortcut method, but I think it makes the code more succinct) e.g.:
$ + 'session/login', postObject).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
Using 'then' returns a promise resolved with a value returned from a callback, so it should give you a consistently valid result.
it was a timeout in app.js that caused it. was set to 1 second which gives it it arbitrary success rate.
config.timeout = 1000;

How to return error collection/object from AWS Lambda function and map to AWS API Gateway response code

I am attempting to return an object from a AWS Lambda function instead of a simple string.
// ...{
"email": "Email address is too short",
"firstname": "First name is too short"
// ...
I have already used the errorMessage for mapping error responses to status codes and that has been great:
// ...'That "username" has already been taken.');
// ...
Am I simply trying to do something that the AWS API Gateway does not afford?
I have also already found this article which helped: Is there a way to change the http status codes returned by Amazon API Gateway?.
Since time of writing, lambda has updated the invocation signature and now passes event, context, callback.
Instead of calling context.done(err, res) you should use callback(err, res). Note that what was true for context.done still applies to the callback pattern.
Should also add that with API Gateways proxy and integration implementation this entire thread is pretty much obsolete.
I recommend reading this article if you are integrating API Gateway with Lambda:
Original response below
First things first, let's clear a few things up.
context.done() vs.
context.done(error, result); is nothing but a wrapper around; and context.success(response);
The Lambda documentation clearly states that result is ignored if error is non null:
If the Lambda function was invoked using the RequestResponse (synchronous) invocation type, the method returns response body as follows:
If the error is null, set the response body to the string representation of result. This is similar to the context.succeed().
If the error is not null, set the response body to error.
If the function is called with a single argument of type error, the error value will be populated in the response body.
What this means is that it won't matter whether you use a combination of fail/success or done, the behaviour is exactly the same.
API Gateway and Response Code Mapping
I have tested every thinkable combination of response handling from Lambda in combination with Response code mapping in API Gateway.
The conclusion of these tests are that the "Lambda Error RegExp" is only executed against a Lambda error, i.e: you have to call context.done(error);or; for the RegExp to actually trigger.
Now, this presents a problem as, has already been noted, Lambda takes your error and sticks it in an object and calls toString() on whatever you supplied:
{ errorMessage: yourError.toString() }
If you supplied an error object you'll get this:
{ errorMessage: "[object Object]" }
Not very helpful at all.
The only workaround I have found thus far is to call;
and then in my client do:
var errorObject = JSON.parse(error.errorMessage);
It's not very elegant but it works.
As part of my error I have a property called "code". It could look something like this:
code: "BadRequest",
message: "Invalid argument: parameter name"
When I stringify this object I get:
"{\"code\":\"BadRequest\",\"message\":\"Invalid argument: parameter name\"}"
Lambda will stick this string in the errorMessage property of the response and I can now safely grep for .*"BadRequest".* in the API Gateway response mapping.
It's very much a hack that works around two somewhat strange quirks of Lambda and API Gateway:
Why does Lambda insist on wrapping the error instead of just giving
it back as is?
Why doesn't API Gateway allow us to grep in the
Lambda result, only the error?
I am on my way to open a support case with Amazon regarding these two rather odd behaviours.
You don't have to use, use success but send different statusCode and an errorMessage, here is an example of how i format my output:
try {
// Call the callable function with the defined array parameters
// All the function called here will be catched if they throw exceptions = callable_function.apply(this, params);
result.statusCode = 200;
result.operation = operation;
result.errorMessage = ""
} catch (e) { = [];
result.statusCode = 500;
result.errorMessage = e.toString();
result.method = method;
result.resource = resource;
// If everything went smooth, send back the result
// If context succeed is not called AWS Lambda will fire the function
// again because it is not successfully exited
Use the consumer logic to handle different errors case logic, don't forget that you pay for the time your function is running...
You should replace the use of your with context.done and use only for very serious Lambda function failures since it doesn't allow more than one output parameter. Integration Response is able to match mapping template by performing regex on the first parameter passed to context.done this also maps HTTP status code to the response. You can't pass this response status code directly from Lambda since it's the role of API Gateway Integration Response to abstract the HTTP protocol.
See the following:
context.done('Not Found:', <some object you can use in the model>);
and the Integration Response panel this setting:
You can replicate similar approach for any kind of error. You should also create and map the error model to your response.
For those who tried everything put on this question and couldn't make this work (like me), check the thedevkit comment on this post (saved my day):
Reproducing it entirely below:
I've had issues with this myself, and I believe that the newline
characters are the culprit.
foo.* will match occurrences of "foo" followed by any characters
EXCEPT newline. Typically this is solved by adding the '/s' flag, i.e.
"foo.*/s", but the Lambda error regex doesn't seem to respect this.
As an alternative you can use something like: foo(.|\n)*

Async testing with vows using the http.get library in Node.js

I'm having a doozie of a time trying to get a basic http test to work with vows.
I think I've followed the async example from vows and substitued the appropriate calls, but I must be missing something.
The test code looks like this:
var http = require('http'),
vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert');
"Get the home page": {
topic: function() {
http.get({'host': "", 'port': 5000, 'path': '/'}, this.callback);
'should respond with 200 OK': function(res) {
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200);
I get the following error when I try to run the test for this:
rrored', { type: 'promise', error: err.stack || err.message || JSON.stringify(
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
at Object.stringify (native)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/Users/<home_folder>/node_modules/vows/lib/vows.js:80:90)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:64:17)
at /Users/<home_folder>/node_modules/vows/lib/vows/context.js:31:52
at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/Users/<home_folder>/node_modules/vows/lib/vows/context.js:46:29)
at ClientRequest.g (events.js:143:14)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:64:17)
at HTTPParser.onIncoming (http.js:1349:9)
at HTTPParser.onHeadersComplete (http.js:108:31)
at Socket.ondata (http.js:1226:22)
I can get a simple http example to work on it's own. I can get the vows example to work on it's own but I can't combine them for whatever reason. I'd really appreciate some help here. I've been trying to get this to work for a while now (including much googling).
Apparently adding an error argument to the call back solves this problem, thanks to help from Alexis Sellier (creator of vows).
But I have no idea why. When writing out the http lib example on it's own no error argument is required. I can't find any documentation in vows to indicate why it's needed so I'm at a bit of a loss.
My new question is why is the error argument required when using the http lib in vows?
After checking vow's source code, I think I know why. Vows always ensure that when you call this.callback, the resulting receiver function's first argument is always an error object. Vows interpret the callbacks by these rules:
If the first argument of your originating callback is a boolean, use that to determine whether or not to append an error object to the receiving callback (e.g. path.exists(boolean) will emit callback(error, exists) instead)
If the first argument is an object, assume it's an error object and use that to determine whether to add the originating callback to the "error" or "success" list. The reason this list exists is to support promise based tests I guess?
While I can't confirm the above is correct, my experience is that vows' async style is made to support node-styled callbacks (e.g. err as the first arg), and 3rd party npm modules that don't conform to this standard will be hard to test.
Please don't take my answer as gospel, as this is my own experience. Another gotcha is when you have async operations inside the function that you want to test - unless you provide a callback, vows won't be able to handle it properly.
Personally, I think vows still make it hard to test async code. I wish it had some waitFor() or until() flow control functions though.
My suggestion? When dealing with async code, use Step. Don't let vows control your flow.
It is actually missing in the documentations which is still a bit short. But you can get a glimpse of it here in this page :
'when peeled *asynchronously*': {
topic: function (banana) {
'results in a `PeeledBanana`': function (err, result) {
assert.instanceOf (result, PeeledBanana);
As it was said by Morten Siebuhr and Ruben Tan, this is how vows works and that is why it works like that.
